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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Graphics test. SWTOR, RIFT and WoW


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By sheer fortune. That game was absolutely terrible once you hit about level 35, let alone the horrible RNG armour creation that made grown men cry.


At least you could make endgame armor/weapons in Aion. In SWTOR, nothing craftable scales past L48. So, when you make 50 you can't use anything but stims and medpacks from crafting. That's because vendor gear is much better and they all have locked mods preinstalled. You can't use them to augment your crafted set you really like (a HUGE point of irritation for me).


Sooo, instead of wearing my nice black outfit on my mercenary, I'm forced now to wear mustard and green forever until they patch in a wardrobe tab or some way to let me use my old crafted gear again.

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Good aesthetics belie graphical quality.


Aesthetics here mean simply the art design, the things that aren't related to tech (although tech like lighting can certainly be used aesthetically).


This is why some games from the early 90's can look genuinely pleasing today, and how come indie games can end up being really beautiful despite being designed to run on a toaster.


Things like bright colours or well-placed assets do much more for the overall impression of a zone than good graphics. Conversely, I dislike the look of Battlefield 3 - the graphics are amazing, but everything is blue-filtered in an aesthetically displeasing way.


So rather than argue about graphics, argue about the art design of the game. That's often much more relevant than poly counts.

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Game looks great on your computer there. My armor looks all blocky and smudged even on high settings. Is there something wrong with my computer or something?


Same here. I have everything on max and CCC settings on max except for tessellation and I'm not impressed. The details on my blasters and armor looks very bland. WOW has better detail on their gear

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-- Rift may have the better graphics for the most part. But SWTOR has the very best cities of the 3 games. WoW added DX11 but very few of it feature. It still looks like a very dated game.
correction, SWTOR has the best backdrops for cities, the cities themselves are meh. you cannot travel to the places that you see in the backdrop so it's basically just an illusion. the reason people are so enamored with them is because they are reminiscent of the movies and people are willing to further suspend their disbelief, but to me it makes me angry as all cities are just a series of corridors with a pretty 2D background, not to mention they share very similar floor plans.


-- Music is a hard one. But SWTOR wins since the music is triggered at key times not none stop. One of WoW's strong points was it music. But unlike SWTOR not as good at setting the mood. Rift music and sound are not well done at all.
whatever engine they use for music in SWTOR blows chunks, the music goes in an out at random times, stopping abruptly and it is very annoying. i don't get wrapped up in the music because of this.


-- Armor wow has no customization to looks. Also Blizzard has no plains to allow custom looks. Rift weakness it they repeat same look over and over but lots of color options. SWTOR armor progression is very nice but missing color customization. That said Bioware will be bring back this option. When it does the order would be SWTOR - Rift - WoW.
NO, NO, NO, NO the armor in SWTOR is VERY unimaginative i mean have you seen some of the max level armor sets? they look so bland and very WoW-ish and some of the textures are just saddening too. they need better artists because they should be doing ALOT better for a 2012 MMO!


-- Weapons SWTOR stays true to the lore we expect. WoW has good and bad with weapons. The are colorful and big but not well scaled from male to female. Only reason placed Rift last is weapons are overall boring. Yes they have some nice items but not that many.
so basically because the weapons in SWTOR stay true, you can give them a pass? regardless of their mediocre implementation? this is 2012 FFS, we ought to, NO we SHOULD get more than this especially for a P2P game. weapons in this game are throw away, you don't even remember the name of the weapons that you upgrade from, you just know that you are going from a less powerful lightsaber to to a more powerful one. now they did get lightsabers looks right, though i feel the formation of it should be more pronounced and a little slower so it looks more like it is actually emanating from the hilt rather than just a light in a tube turning on.


and as for as both graphics and aesthetics go, for me this game takes the cup:


GW2 last Closed Alpha build CC footage:


GW2 2nd last Closed Alpha build gameplay footage: http://youtu.be/247loHzCxBA?hd=1&t=45s


and yes as can be seen from going from the 2nd last to the last closed alpha buid the graphics have improved so things can ONLY get better.

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Innovation? The one thing that Rift really "innovated" was the ability for players to create entirely different specs using the soul system. All that did was to make the game boring faster, since it meant that players could explore all the different roles of the trinity on fewer characters. Big deal.


Rift had single person raids, completely changing your class, immersive combat, no ability delay, etc.


Open worlds



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it is a big deal. Mixing and matching so many classes together is something that no other game tried. People got annoyed at the very thing that made the game popular in the first place, which were rifts. People left because towns were being overrun by dynamic events, they could not afk in a spot for long or a rift would pop up over them etc.


MMO gamers just prefer the static world and playstyle of wow with a carrot on a stick mentality with gear grinds.


It is also one of the reasons why I am skeptical of GW2, innovation is very risky indeed


Star Wars Galaxy mixed and match classes long before Rift was even a thought in Trion's mind...


The Rift system is static, they spawn in the same locations, they play out the same, the mobs that raid villages run the same static paths to the same static villages and then dissapear after awhile.... all they really did was expand on Public Quests that Warhammer Online did...


There is nothing original or unique about Rift

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Star Wars Galaxy mixed and match classes long before Rift was even a thought in Trion's mind...


The Rift system is static, they spawn in the same locations, they play out the same, the mobs that raid villages run the same static paths to the same static villages and then dissapear after awhile.... all they really did was expand on Public Quests that Warhammer Online did...


There is nothing original or unique about Rift


Now your asking Bioware to do what Blizzard did and have completely dead worlds. Where are the sith invasions on Republic worlds? Where are the republic invasions on Empire worlds?


What is this thing people have for dead worlds and thinking they are cool? We got a 7 years of experience where this ends up at end game. Bioware do what Trion attempted to do and what ArenaNET is promising to do and GET PEOPLE OUT OF THESE CITIES.


AFK'n waiting for flashpoints at end game does not sound appealing to me.

Edited by Puremallace
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Personally I wish this game looked less detailed. When my character is frozen in place while the textures of the floor and the shadows on the ceiling and the bumps on the car down the street and the leaves on the trees are drawn in, I want to put my fist through the screen.
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Personally I wish this game looked less detailed. When my character is frozen in place while the textures of the floor and the shadows on the ceiling and the bumps on the car down the street and the leaves on the trees are drawn in, I want to put my fist through the screen.


That's a problem specific to your computer, not a problem caused by high-detail textures.

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