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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Unofficial "I want Pazaak" Thread


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{To clarify: This thread is official by the fans, but unofficial by the developers.}





What is Pazaak?


Pazaak is a popular card game in which the goal was to reach 20 without going over, or at least come closer to it than the opponent. The player with the nearest sum to the number 20 won the round, and the player who won three rounds won the match. If in one round the scores of the two players were equal, the round was not counted at all.



Why do we want Pazaak within The Old Republic?



Because it's a fun card game that goes hand in hand with the game itself. It's a card game created for the Star Wars universe, that although similar to Black Jack, is a very unique and fun game.


Mini-games add another element of extra things to do in the game. If everything was "Kill this" and "Kill that", people would get bored rather quickly. However, adding in these off-set items that allow players to do something a bit different without logging out and logging into another game will have the effect of keeping the player in the game (no lose to the developer there) and the player the additive of not having to leave the game to change things up.



Where would such a feature be put in?



Why, Nar Shaddaa of course. It's a neutral Hutt planet and there's already many casinos being ran in it. The tables there can be converted into clickable items that initiate the Pazaak interface. This would also create an incentive for players to travel to Nar Shaddaa throughout their gameplay experience, and not just during certain levels.




What's the point of this thread?


For the player base to express their desire for this feature. It's a great feature and would do wonders for this game.

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I agree with this and swoop racing. Honestly, i feel they were insanely unfaithful to fans of the kotor series. Including the story with revan and the like. Just the dumbest way they could have done it. I severely doubt they had the same writers doing his story in swtor as kotor, because this writer is terrible.
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I just want to play Pazaak in my head.


That's all it is, is playing Pazaak in your head.


I love you man!


I don't think that character ever got the love her deserved or that game for that matter.


I'm still holding out hope that Kreia gets a holocron appearance.

Edited by Avrose
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these kinds of games shouldnt be to hard to add. i think they will eventually. they just have to fix all the problems first. but yeah i think people need distraction games to free them of the grind. thats kind of how i see the space combat right now. they need to make that like the old star wars space combat game or even like battlefront. yeah they have so much work to do on this game.
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Would be a great addition. Like someone else said I'd love to see swoop racing as well, maybe handled like space combat where it's cinematic and fast paced with avoidance playing a key role. Except you know, multi-player.


If they do add this I hope they put it in an area outside of the central hub of the fleet (where it's ultra lag city). Something like where you take the elevator down to the drop ships. I get the feeling they would put something like this on the fleet however given they want it to be the central hub of activity.

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Id much rather swoop racing, but both that and pazaak would be much needed and welcome additions to the game


Both of these have been mentioned by the devs over the last few years. No doubt they will be added at some point.

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I think they are not adding it because someone will say it's gambling (which it technically is) and they don't want to deal with that drama.


There's already casinos in the game itself. And, in all honesty, I think that Splicing is more of a gamble as you spend money on a mission for a companion and have a chance of either coming back with less money spent, more money spent, or no money at all.



This system just adds a game to it. And, it's not about the gamble and the money play, but the actual play. Really, if Bioware is worried that heavy play of it would cause an economic imbalance, they could make it a min play/max payout of less than 10 credits. With that, it stays a game, and not an inflation.

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