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Everything posted by thefinalsolution

  1. just wait til you get doctor lokin, he makes the game 300x easier
  2. im not defending bioware at all, i actually agree that there should not be a way to bypass an authenticator, however, i am pointing out that the initial fault of this whole debacle is, in fact, the OP....just sayin' its not hard to keep your pc virus/logger free
  3. blaming bioware for your shoddy computer security skills isnt a very nice thing to do. i have been playing mmos since before they had graphics(who else lost years of their lives MUD-ing?), and have never used an authenticator since they have been availaible...number of times my account has been hacked: 0. quit clicking on banner adds please.
  4. Kaliyo, i LOVE on the social aspect of a companion because she is okay with me being a plain A**HOLE to people as long as i dont go on murderous rampages...fits the evil james bond-esque character pretty well....... however(yup, theres a however), she utterly sucks as a companion in game, shes a horrid ranged tank who tries to melee things to death. she's also more squishy than my last bowel movement and honestly makes the game way more frustrating than it should be. this is why as soon as i got the doc, i switched. the doc makes the game, for snipers at least(i dont play ops), about 345897349578893475x less frustrating as he usually, for the most part, does what you want him to do, heal and let you kite the crap out of things;) kaliyo = thumbs up for social aspect, thumbs WAY DOWNNNNNNNNN for actual playability, screw kaliyo
  5. there are also two "trenchcoat" jackets from Corellia comms. theres a black w/ white trim and a white w/ black trim..i use the latter myself until i can get the stupid columi set chest:)
  6. oh man, i hate that frikkin energy shield-wall to get out. in huttball its the worst, its like pulling up to that one traffic light in everyones town that takes like 6 years on its rotation as its turning red and you get that feeling of Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  7. yeah the fights bugged, and no i dont think it was fixed. you can do this one of two ways: run and and pull and/or pet pull him off the stairs, and go to the right as youre facing him around the comp terminals and run in and out of los every time he casts...takes a while but it works; OR, alternately, you can bring a friend with you and have them roflstomp him for you(thats what i did after like 30k in repairs:))
  8. it does suck what happened to your GF, i too wish that i could sell stuff back for commendations as i am currently waiting for a ticket response due to buying the wrong set gear on accident(stupid me). but i wanted to counter your "no other mmo started out with a completly locked UI except for the chat box" because i was playing wow at release and the only thing you could move on the UI was the chat log(before there were butt-tons of addons)
  9. so, let me get this straight....you want to see your toon not be so close to your screen, but instead of just changing the zoom distance, you want to make your UI smaller? do you have a 15" CRT monitor from 1991? you can fix the size of your toon vs size of your UI just by sliding that cool little camera distance bar to the right...just sayin
  10. you DO know that you can set the distance of the camera zoom right? they default it at SUPERCLOSEINYOURFACE, but you can go into the options and increase max camera distance, that might help you:)
  11. i prefer doc to kaliyo. with kaliyo, heres how most of those elite "boss" fights worked: send in kaliyo > kill the non-elite mobs > get elite to about 2/3rd health > kaliyo dies > get face stomped > res > send kaliyo who dies w/ elite at 50% health > barely beat elite > do some drugs to calm down. heres how MOST fights work with doc: kill everything now this is just my own experiences w/ assorted pulls of packs of normals, 2-3normals + 1strong, 1 elite, 2 normals + 1 elite, 2strong +normals. with kaliyo i was constantly using medpacks and screaming at my monitor because my "tank" pet was more squishy than fat kittens. the game got about 75% easier once i got the doc and i love him, i wish i could bromance him
  12. jadus unfortunately starts in the most bugged position possible, you have to be RIGHT UP ON HIM, seriously, like 2 inches away to aggro him. i literally spent about 50k credits in repairs trying to bring him down. the closest i got w/o help involved using kaliyo to pull him down the stairs. by that time shes almost dead. stand around all the computer terminals on the right(as youre facing his starting position) and dance in and out of them LOS-ing his casts, i took him to 10% this way each tiem but he ended up killing me anyways. i ended up just taking a friend with me. if you go this route, have your friend meet you at the imp station and have him enter your ship first otherwise it will port him out when you take off. this fight is a huge pain in the butt, but it SHOULD be doable even w/ the bad LOS problems. if you cant get him by los-ing his casts around all the computer terminals then just bring a friend:)
  13. they wouldnt let me choose Metdrapedes because it had the word ra-- in it, so i fell back on one of my favorite characters from the books and settled on The Karrde Legacy;)
  14. oh man thats wonderful! i remember other games having issues in the beginning with combat logs so i can see why the COULD have the need to disable it. hopefully it wont be that long. like i said, i really dont want to see damage meters take over this game and i can see that being less likely with enabled combat logs:)
  15. Does anyone have any idea if BW wants to implement this? And before the usual crowd jumps on in, i am NOT advocating for damage meters. i just want a pure and simple combat log to give me a better in-game perspective on how well im utilizing my dps or healing character. I tried to look through the forums but without the search function it was becoming tedious and boring so i took the lazy approach;) anyone else want to see a combat log or have any info on the subject?
  16. mc chris actually puts on pretty pro live shows, hes got a massively loyal almost cult following
  18. a parsec is a unit of distance, not a unit of time. just sayin.....han solo could do it using the gravitational pulls of multiple black holes....you cant do that in huttball
  19. heh him not even taking the time to reply to his own post also says quite a bit:)
  20. aww snap misread, i see now you said DPS guardian and i just dont know how to read:)
  21. nonononoo its not that at all..if you can turn it on or off, whatever, if its always on cool i dont care. i just want to point out that chat bubbles and ToT(which really is needed) should be way farther down on the list than other problems that the game suffers from.
  22. you dont NEED it...you want it. i personally have no issue with this, as i constantly check my chat log because there are no bubbles. i would like target of target, because thats a damn good idea, but why be cluttered with chat bubbles?
  23. wait are you a guardian-ing in one of the DPS specs? because if you are, youre doing it wrong. im a sith warrior/juggernaut in the defensive tree, and i never come close to dying, i have the companion from balmorra and he heals me enough to not have to worry about my lower dps being in the defense tree. if you are in a dps spec of guardian/warrior why would you expect to be invincible? you cant tank and dps at the same time and be efficient in both. you cant expect to have your cake and eat it too, thats just ridiculous. edit: i didnt mean that guardian dps specs are wrong, i meant that expecting to have super survivability as a guardian w/ a dps spec instead of defensive is outrageous.
  24. this also is 100% awesome...you should never expect to be both, unless youre playing a different game two expacs ago as a feral druid;) people who spec into a tanking class should be prepared to meat shield for others. if you go into guardian/warrior intending to DPS at least spec into the DPS trees...that way your damage will still be in line with the other dps specs as pointed out by a previous player.
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