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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What!! NO ADD-ONS to be authorized!!!!


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This will be what kills the game for me. The UI is crap, i've given ample time to get used to it, healing the way it is just plain sucks.


Meh, went ahead and canceled over nothing more than the UI.. "You have 14 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code"


There are many who would cancel too if addons are allowed. You should not think that you are the middle of the universe.

Right now I think there are more people against addons than for so BW will know what to do.

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So I put in a ticket praising the game and noted about how the UI feels incomplete, I also asked about authorizing addons in the game.


I got a reply and it said that Bioware is not going to authorize them! This bothers me, addons GREATLY improve a game with proc alerts, boss warnings, customizable UI, simplified AH and so on.


Developers dont always have all the right answers or ideas, add-ons allow them (by popularity ie: Deadly Boss Mobs, threat meters, QuestHelper) to evaluate if anything they created could be done better or incorporated just as those addons where added to that other mmo.


I dont know if addons where ever an issue in that other game, I do know that I take on all the responsibility and risk of using and downloading one if they compromise my account. They are all free to!


What am I missing about the threat Bioware feels about addons?


I am very happy to read this... please Bioware, no add-ons ever!!! :)


While there are some useful add-ons that do not affect game play in any way (action bar mods, bag mods, mailbox mods, etc.), the vast majority of add-ons that exist in other games should not be in any MMO because they affect game play by making actions that should require thought, effort, and skill into mind-numbingly simplistic auto-botting.


When most (if not all) of the top guilds require one or two specific add-ons in order to be considered to join a raid (i.e. Deadly Boss Mods), that is empirical evidence that it is a game changing mod and thus should not be allowed!


Also, add-ons have dumbed-down the average player and made them lazy; how many healers are crying on these forums because they can't handle the pressure of healing without their HealBot mod?


Deadly Boss Mods, Threat Meters, HealBot, Gear Score, et al. are examples of game changing mods that should NEVER be allowed!


However, all that said, I would welcome a mod that improves the profoundly idiotic GTN UI. :mad:

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Apples =/= Oranges


Actually pretty spot on, sorry.


Anyhow they already said a couple things are coming, if they really wanna stay afloat, they need to get macroes in and fix the damned delay on abilities already though.

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Just sayin that if you wanna make it "more complex", you can do that; lvl without a companion (for example).


I mean, if im gonna play basketball im not gonna wear leather boots so its "more complex". I wanna feel comfortable so i can focus on the game. Same thing with addons and raiding.

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While there are some useful add-ons that do not affect game play in any way (action bar mods, bag mods, mailbox mods, etc.), the vast majority of add-ons that exist in other games should not be in any MMO because they affect game play by making actions that should require thought, effort, and skill into mind-numbingly simplistic auto-botting.


Let's take a look at the breakdown of number of mods by category on WoWInterface:


Action Bar Mods: 74

Auction & Vendor: 35

Bags / Bank / Inventory: 122

Buff / Debuff / Spell: 119

Casting Bars / Cooldowns: 34

Character Advancement: 163

Chat Mods: 192

Combat: 102

Data Mods: 51

Graphic UI Mods: 195

Group / Guild / Friends: 98

Info / Plug-in Bars:

Maps / Coords / Compasses: 127

Mail: 25

Mini Games / ROFL: 54

Mounts & Pets: 26

PVP / Arena / Battlegrounds: 126

Raid: 226

Roleplay / Music: 47

Trade Skill: 90

Tooltip: 84

UI Media: 242

Unit Mods: 92

Miscellaneous: 367



So...what percentage counts as a "vast majority" again? Don't deny the myriad useful quality-of-life tweaks the community could provide when what you're really complaining about is a very few, very specific types of mods which could all be left out of the mix simply by not allowing an addon API to read from the combat log.

Edited by Ronamo
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Not everyone gives a crap about your immersion. If you want to be immersed, fine, don't use addons, or parsers, or whatever else, but not all of us enjoy being smashed down to your level of mediocrity because the buff bar is literally too small to see, for instance, and the entire UI is equally atrocious.


Actually, I can see my buff bar just fine thank you. It is not our fault you play on a 7 inch netbook that you jimmy-rigged to run the game. Or...perhaps its time you looked into glasses or contacts. You know, it isn't good to sit 3 inches away from your screen, bad on the eyes I hear...


Moving on...


I could see the need for a few simple addons, but I don't actually find the UI that terrible. I can keep track of my DPS, or my threat, simply my instructing my party to stay at the mobs backs, if I see em turn around, time to taunt/AOE.


The UI itself, is actually somewhat decent. At least they give you a built in quest helper, as stated, as well as immobile, BUT available quickbars.

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Actually, I can see my buff bar just fine thank you. It is not our fault you play on a 7 inch netbook that you jimmy-rigged to run the game. Or...perhaps its time you looked into glasses or contacts. You know, it isn't good to sit 3 inches away from your screen, bad on the eyes I hear...


I'm playing at 1920x1080 on a 20" screen, and in the middle of PVP, buffs and debuffs run together without any separation whatsoever making it impossible to tell what effects are on my character, much less whether they're Force, Tech, Mental, whatever. Trying to tell what's on somebody else is even worse. Despite your ad hominem drivel in which for some bewildering reason you decided to make vast assumptions about another person's equipment and ocular health, the buff/debuff indicators are not at all accessible.

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Glad they won't allow these. Such addons force the developers to change the content to suit the addons, meaning it changes the content of the game for everyone. WoW entered that cycle where addons simplified the game, so developers had to throw more crap into every encounter to overcome the addons, leading to the steaming pile of junk WoW is today.


If anything, the boss mechanics have just improved over time...


For a steaming pile of junk, WoW still seems to be the best built mmo ever. And I think it will still be the best for quite a while...

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Addons like deadly boss mods are the reason why wow PVE was such a huge joke, it basically boiled down to follow what the big glowy text tells you to do.


Im fine with UI mods to allow people to tailor it to the way they feel comfortable (I.E - Replace the awful GTN interface), but mods that literally play the game for you should stay out.

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Decursive's functionality got banned too. I didn't comment on the timers because I don't care. Anyone could do that with a stopwatch anyway, which is actually included in Blizzard's stock UI.


I've *been* the person with the stopwatch, having the addon do it actually makes it easier for other players to miss the warnings (rather than me on vent going 5 seconds... 2 1 go!) and makes it so much easier for me, so no, *if* combats run on timers, I have no problem with setting the UI to show them.

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Seems to be the anti-addon crowd calling everybody the "noobs" "scrubs" "wowbabies" "bads" and so forth, not the other way around.


I dont know about that. I would think it would be easier to exclude people from flashpoints and raids if they didnt do good on the meters. Its a game, and its meant to be fun for everyone, and a recount meter really does have the flaws that is making people keep other people out, if they arent doing so good

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I dont know about that. I would think it would be easier to exclude people from flashpoints and raids if they didnt do good on the meters. Its a game, and its meant to be fun for everyone, and a recount meter really does have the flaws that is making people keep other people out, if they arent doing so good


Recount is just one mod, and one they could not allow specifically. I want UI modding, which has nothing to do with how i interact with other players. A lot of people I see that want mods, really just want UI mods.

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How about we get the UI fixed up first and then worry about addons ?


I come from a WoW UI where I used a lot of addons, but I've adapted to TOR's UI.


As a tank though, it still bothers my that I cannot see the Target of Target function in the game.


I wouldn't mind having a few addons like Bartender, which allows you to customize your action bars the way you like them, Omen so I can see how much threat I'm putting out and if necessary, tell the DPS to slow down a bit, or even plain simple macros.


But the UI must take priority. Customizable scale, more control over what can be moved and macros should be implemented in the game, a COMBAT LOG, and then I'll worry about lack of addons.


Edit : as for the point of people being kicked/left out of Hard Mode FPs / Operations because they did not do enough damage/healing/threat and taking away their fun, I'll ask you this :


How much fun is it for the rest of the group to drag and boost under-performing people ? If it's a matter of gear, getting new gear is a simple and straightforward process. If it's a matter of just not pulling your weight, then why should you pull and slow down other people as well ?

Edited by Alexbeav
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Only thing I'd like is small popups when cooldowns happens or when the bosses in hard more enrage.


I don't need any other fancy add-ons.

Bioware should make the add-ons and implement them into game so everyone can still be on the fair playing field.

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I dont know about that. I would think it would be easier to exclude people from flashpoints and raids if they didnt do good on the meters. Its a game, and its meant to be fun for everyone, and a recount meter really does have the flaws that is making people keep other people out, if they arent doing so good


i agree with you in principle, the problem is bioware making almost all the heroic bosses have rage timers. so now bioware has instituted the rule that if you dont do X Damage in Y time you will lose.


Since bioware has taken that route, it really helps to be able to go with our guild and see who needs to work on rotation/gear/spec.


i dont want mods to keep people out, i want mods because the game is using some (IMO) bad design.

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i agree with you in principle, the problem is bioware making almost all the heroic bosses have rage timers. so now bioware has instituted the rule that if you dont do X Damage in Y time you will lose.


Since bioware has taken that route, it really helps to be able to go with our guild and see who needs to work on rotation/gear/spec.


i dont want mods to keep people out, i want mods because the game is using some (IMO) bad design.


I think Biowares logic is pretty stupid


We set the rules ' do X DPS or the boss enrages and kills you' (some enrage timers are pretty tight as well).

How ever we give you no combat log or recount to see how much DPS people pull.

Side note: Parser/recount are more valuable for their other options in raid than just damage.


I could use the same argument for threat meters but this game doesn't challenge a tank for one bit, they keep aggro unless you go trigger happy/AOE happy on trash packs.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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I'm really not clear about how wanting interface customization is an indicator of gaming skill, or lack thereof. You -are- aware that boss mods, meters, and Gearscore are not the sum total of all possible addons, right?


Or do you believe that having quickslot bars that are covered by PVP objectives is actually "pro?" I'm sorry you feel threatened by people that want a square minimap, or an inventory that doesn't look like the bottom of your purse, what with everything just thrown in there all willy nilly.


I mean, I know the idea of modifier-paged quickslot bars is useless to you since your shift key doesn't work anyway, but that doesn't mean nobody else should have them.


I think most of us (there are always fanatics) that are against addons are NOT against built in UI customization.


Im all for being able to change the UI to what you want, but we dont need addons for that just that Bioware does their job and adds it to the game.

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Tbh, if they don't introduce addons, I probably won't stick around and I will go back to the other MMO- which I'm sure is not something Bioware want. I like playing healer, and I find it easier to heal/debuff/etc with a healing addon customised for mouseclick over name heals. I this playstyle a lot easier than using keybinds to heal, as it means I can save my keybinds for damage abilities/CDs which are situationally useful in PvP etc.


On a related note, I'd also like some macro support in the game- mainly because I'm running out of keybinds at level 25- I play a Sith Sorcerer and have bound 12345670-=rtfgzx and ctrl-R, ctrl-T. I have taken my lightsaber moves off of keybinds and anything else I can think of to make room.


I'd also like to be able to see my DPS whilst leveling- which I don't think should be too much to ask.


I don't care that much about DBM style addons, although I did use them in WOW, but only really for the PvP timers.


I would also like an auctionator style addon for convienience.


Yes, they do make the game easier to play, for me, especially to heal, and without them I don't know if I'd have the confidence to heal at max level- which is what I really want to do in the game (or possibly a healer/DPS hybrid for PVP). At the moment, my leveling game is not immersive- I spend most of my time staring at my action bars, debuffs and the health of party members.

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