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    Stuarts Draft, VA
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    Computers, Games, and, well, more games.
  • Occupation
    Computer Technician
  1. I would like this too. I dont like most of the head items, they look wierd. Plus, I have Vette out most of the time, and, who doesnt like lookin at a twilek? With her head item now, she looks like a stupid martian...
  2. After talking it over with my girlfriend. She has decided she wants to "try it out" before....*I* buy the game for her... Well, the only way to do that at the moment, is to let her play on my account, which means giving up my machine along with a character slot so she can play. I really couldn't care less about the character slot, but letting her sit on my machine goes against every fiber of my being, not only because she doesn't treat things well, but, because, well, its mine, and I want to play on it... So, in short, we need a free trial version, that way I and others, do not have to give up their accounts/machines so someone else can give it a try, and so guys like myself don't have to shell out 60 bucks only to find out they hate it and be out that 60 bucks. Although I am sure that a company would LOVE for people to mis-spend like that, but sorry isn't going to happen. 60 bucks for a game is a good chunk out of a paycheck these days.
  3. Well, that just means people were organized and worked together or, just, did it faster than you did. QQ moar.
  4. And what is this level 50 imp crap? Im going assume that you are upset because you aren't 50. Hmm, go level up. We aren't imps because we are 50 and geared. I played one single character since release to be 50 and geared, so, work did go into it. Sorry you are unwilling or unable to spend the time in order to achieve the same.
  5. Ooo wait, so when I go and camp just outside the republic outpost on Tattoine, im exploiting by killing the people coming out of it, because by design, the area is level 30. Am I correct in this? Thats what it seems is going on here. Design flaw is found and used. And when has it ever been "unfair" to camp an opposing factions base in WORLD PVP.... I have an idea. TO make it "fair" for everyone, why dont you just close off all of Ilum, save for ONE panth connecting the two bases, and crap a bunch of one-shot utrrets on each end, for each faction, that way there is no world PVP and everyone dies before they even get into the base. Or, make it like some of those rediculous level 50 WAY elite guards. So youd need a couple of ops groups just to heal through and take out one of them. Star Wars, the entire series, all of the stories, has always been riddled with war between the republic, and the empire. So the fact that there is a "fairness" issue concerning OPEN WORLD PVP, strikes as retarded... Its open world, ungoverned but occupied space, where people are able to war. There are no rules to war, you find, you kill you occupy and make use of the resources there. Fairness...is an empty promise, and any design to preserve it is rediculous and stupid considering the history of the storyline this game is based off of.
  6. Although, "taking action against accounts" because of a flaw in YOUR design isn't exactly fair either. I don't go to Ilum, mainly because I find it incredibly boring, and noone is there anyway. You cannot "take action" against someones account for doing something your game allows them to. Sorry, doesn't work that way. So I advise that you revise your statements and actions, or at least carefully think them through if you haven't done anything yet, before you go about continuing to piss off your player base, who is currently paying you those millions of dollars in subscriptions. Without a player-base, you have no game, with no game, you have less money, with less money you have less resource to improve currently existing games, or develop and market new games. This is common business sense.
  7. Allright, so here is what I am noticing through gameplay. When playing my melee heavy characters, I usually dont have a problem running through what are meant, or seem meant to be soloable quests. However when I switch to a ranged character type or something like say an assassin, even with my companion, it just seems to be seriously lacking. My health goes down very quickly, I don't get much for protection. Just seems that pure melee classes have a serious edge is all.
  8. This is why you dont ebb and flow your points XD
  9. Welll, you could get Diplomacy and keep sending people on missions that gather light side points =/
  10. You should be able to take a speeder part of the way there. Look closely at your map for the yellow lines. Nar Shaddaa is tricky
  11. Denver is nice, Winter sucks though, used to live in Durango....
  12. WZ Comms < Merc Comms < Gear Bags < Centurion Comms You missed an entire step to the PVP gear process. Im going to assume all the way to 50 you probably never knew there was pvp gear at levels 20 (ish) 40 and 50. =/ And thats because Ilum sucks, has crappy daily quests and is rather boring. Id rather camp outside an opposing factions base on tattoine or some other planet and crack people soon as they venture out. Get more fun out of that than Ilum. Ive been to Ilum for a whole of....19 minutes and left.
  13. Strange, then again, XP was one of failsofts better OS's
  14. Aye, a reasonable machine can run between 5 and 600. Although, XP doesnt have the compatability that 7 does, and the game may continuously crash to desktop. It was designed for the 7 platform.
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