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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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All they will do is give us the same canned response from the other thread and call it a fix when its in fact not solving the issue. Until they allow us to render character textures at their normal size outside of cutscenes instead of cutting it in half, then the issue will be solved.
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Meh.. i told wow i was unsatisfied with their product with my wallet and i'll do the same here if they don't fix the fps and hi-rez issues.


Not treathening or anything, just saying i'm not really paying for a low-rez MMO with horrible fps issues.

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The thing is, if you play now you feel like you miss out. My first char is soon 50, I find it hard to lvl my next with that bug.


So much armor you might kick out, which could later look good.


If I give the cloths to my companions then they are also high rez. Thats all so weird.

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Originally Posted by Unruhe

My subscription fee will be going to the same place then. The current textures we're stuck with are inexcusable.

Amen to that!


I already unsubbed yesterday. Not for this reason but to finish my playing time and THEN decide if the game is worthy.


Having HD textures in the game, teasing us with it in cut scenes and NOT fixing the damn bug is insulting.


No HD textures? Sure, but then no monthly fee from me either.


BioWare. Please fix this. It is a bug and making medium the new high is NOT the way to go about this.

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They're not.


That's the point. SOME are. Many are not.


If you are careful, you can notice that some textures look very nice "in game", some only in "cut scenes", while others look garbage no matter weither it's ingame or in cut scenes.


That proves there are different quality within the textures (as some cut scenes textures can look horrible).


I got comparative screenshots if you need to, showing both great quality "in game" and "low res" while in a cutscene (surrounded by "hi rez" characters so it wasn't a glitch and is recurrent).


So clearly, that means they can't offer the "better textures" as that would mean nothing would be "on par". By reducing the quality of the hi rez ones, that makes the medium and low ones "acceptable" (of course it's not, but it avoids the huge difference). If suddenly we had a bunch of hi rez textures while still having horrible ones at the same time, you realize that would not be possible.


Till they don't rework all the "medium" ones, I'm not sure we'll see the hi rez textures. I think they made "medium only" textures to gain some development time :/ and only the first textures they worked got a "hi rez" version.


True, however I don't think the problem was caused by them not having high rez textures ready to go everything but rather it's the other way around - they DID have high rez textures for everything except at some point during the beta (probably due to complaints about the client size and performance issues) they got cut from the client, which is most likely what caused the huge drop in client size from ~31gb in early closed beta to ~19gb which it is now.


Actually they probably didn't drop the high rez textures but rather they compressed them to be smaller, which is what achieves the lesser detail on Medium and the even lower detail on Low.


I guess they thought they would hit 2 birds with one stone - stop people complaining their non-high end machines couldn't pull Highest graphics settings and stop people complaining about having to download 30gb on their crappy internet connections.


Unfortunately those of us who DO have the graphics power and internet needed are screwed over in the process. We're now stuck with compressed textures that look fairly good in some places but downright awful in others (also because I think they used very different levels of compression - it's not at ALL consistent throughout the game).


On TOP of all that we seem to have the forced texture compression on armor textures outside of cutscenes that reduces the quality you see ingame to much less than what it should be on the Medium/High setting - it gets forcibly compressed down to about the same degree as the Low settings do all the time.


Giving us the option to disable this forced texture compression on armors would be a start.

Edited by Amarinth
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So, this is what the game looks like all the time:




And this is when you click on your holo terminal, just for 0,5 secs:




So yeah, somehow high-res textures are already in-game, but no way to use them outside cutscenes.


Only clothing. No biggie

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BW meeting...


Dev.. hey boss the player base is in a uproar over high settings not working. Should we get on fixing that asap?


Boss.... Naw just take out the medium setting and label what was medium as high and any new players wont know the difference.. Man i am good i just saved Our company truck loads of time and money!


Devs hey boss the player base has noticed that when you zoom in close to your characters that the armor looks blurred.


Boss... Here is what you do code it so that when you try to zoom in close the game puts you in first person view! BOOM now players cant noticed the blurry armor textures!


Indeed the zoom ticks are a joke

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They're not.


That's the point. SOME are. Many are not.


If you are careful, you can notice that some textures look very nice "in game", some only in "cut scenes", while others look garbage no matter weither it's ingame or in cut scenes.


That proves there are different quality within the textures (as some cut scenes textures can look horrible).


I got comparative screenshots if you need to, showing both great quality "in game" and "low res" while in a cutscene (surrounded by "hi rez" characters so it wasn't a glitch and is recurrent).


So clearly, that means they can't offer the "better textures" as that would mean nothing would be "on par". By reducing the quality of the hi rez ones, that makes the medium and low ones "acceptable" (of course it's not, but it avoids the huge difference). If suddenly we had a bunch of hi rez textures while still having horrible ones at the same time, you realize that would not be possible.


Till they don't rework all the "medium" ones, I'm not sure we'll see the hi rez textures. I think they made "medium only" textures to gain some development time :/ and only the first textures they worked got a "hi rez" version.

I honestly don't care about that though; that's my point. I don't mind if some are still medium only. I can be patient about them fixing them and giving us every texture high-res. What is frustrating is that they are actively denying use of the ones they have done for the sake of a consistency that isn't present in the first place! It already looks inconsistent due to this issue, so why not embrace that, give us high-res where it can occur, and add in the rest later?


I just don't see this 'on-par' requirement that you mention. The game is simply not that consistent in the first place. I'd like it to be, it's important to me, but I can be patient for that. Why not enable it where you can and have the playerbase tell you where the work needs addressing as highest priority? (Since players who care enough might bug report those that are really low rez).


It's the 'ignore the players' attitude here that worries me, when it could be 'work with the players'.

Edited by Grammarye
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They would only need to just have an option that modifies the .dll to not compress textures in half when outside the game. It would probably take just little bit more time than adding baby names to the credits, a modding station to fleet, or being able to emote while riding a mount.


I mean, I bet it takes about as much time as editing out the medium option out of the UI. That really does show you their priorities.

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They would only need to just have an option that modifies the .dll to not compress textures in half when outside the game. It would probably take just little bit more time than adding baby names to the credits, a modding station to fleet, or being able to emote while riding a mount.


I mean, I bet it takes about as much time as editing out the medium option out of the UI. That really does show you their priorities.


You obviously didn't read all of the other stuff they are adding, but cool story..pick out those things.



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Maybe im here on visa? Or maybe im an exchange student? That just says my location, not my nationality or where I was born.


As for me you can be a pink pony striding across the sky, couldn't care less. If you don't mind current textures then **** and stop trolling.






The biggest problem I have with this hole situation is the lack of any kind of information about it from BW. Even a "Hey, we wont fix that, old medium is the new high from now on" would suffice.

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You obviously didn't read all of the other stuff they are adding, but cool story..pick out those things.




Why yes, thank you bioware for fixing these issues now why wont you add something that will take you a few collective man hours to fix and that has sprung countless threads while giving us things we never asked for?


Im glad they are fixing these issues, Im not glad that they aren't taking time to address this one. Is that so hard to understand mr internet white knight?

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True, however I don't think the problem was caused by them not having high rez textures ready to go everything but rather it's the other way around - they DID have high rez textures for everything except at some point during the beta (probably due to complaints about the client size and performance issues) they got cut from the client, which is most likely what caused the huge drop in client size from ~31gb in early closed beta to ~19gb which it is now.


Actually they probably didn't drop the high rez textures but rather they compressed them to be smaller, which is what achieves the lesser detail on Medium and the even lower detail on Low.


I guess they thought they would hit 2 birds with one stone - stop people complaining their non-high end machines couldn't pull Highest graphics settings and stop people complaining about having to download 30gb on their crappy internet connections.


Unfortunately those of us who DO have the graphics power and internet needed are screwed over in the process. We're now stuck with compressed textures that look fairly good in some places but downright awful in others (also because I think they used very different levels of compression - it's not at ALL consistent throughout the game).


On TOP of all that we seem to have the forced texture compression on armor textures outside of cutscenes that reduces the quality you see ingame to much less than what it should be on the Medium/High setting - it gets forcibly compressed down to about the same degree as the Low settings do all the time.


Giving us the option to disable this forced texture compression on armors would be a start.


Now that you mention it...


I had a look at leaked screenshots from early closed BETA, it looked AMAZING.


Also, you might be right for the different level of compression (I want to throw up when I look inside the Jedi's robes... .I can't believe they went with that), it's even worst when you can see on high rez textures they achieved a "reflief" aspect, while right now it looks like an ugly JPEG pasted onto the characters' torso, making the whole thing look horrible, not because of the low quality, but because of the clear "cloth are on the same level as the torso" effect.


Maybe they removed most of them (I repeat, even if you think cutscenes look good, they're actually split within high, medium, and low textures, know that whatever you see ingame is reduced by 50%, low is actually higher than you would think) because of the client size.


As for "people would complain they can't run it", well, textures are by far the most "computer friendly" ressource, in terms of actual power it requires.


But since many people with high end PCs can't even play the game properly because of that terrible hero engine, I'm guessing they're waiting before making things worst, hoping to fix the "horrid FPS" issue (that has nothing to do with PC not powerful enough).

Edited by Strayth
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Why yes, thank you bioware for fixing these issues now why wont you add something that will take you a few collective man hours to fix and that has sprung countless threads while giving us things we never asked for?


Im glad they are fixing these issues, Im not glad that they aren't taking time to address this one. Is that so hard to understand mr internet white knight?


You sound mad and you should probably relax a little bit, maybe step away from the forums a little bit. I prefer to be optimistic rather than pessimistic, you live longer that way..true story


Who says they aren't taking the time to address this one? How do you know what is in there timeline? Why must you have all the answers right now?

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You sound mad and you should probably relax a little bit, maybe step away from the forums a little bit. I prefer to be optimistic rather than pessimistic, you live longer that way..true story


Who says they aren't taking the time to address this one? How do you know what is in there timeline? Why must you have all the answers right now?


Because texture bug is one of the most important things to fix! Cos' it spoils the whole experience! But unfortunately not all players notice it...

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There are no higher res textures.


They lied to you


What they have d one is removed Medium texture settings, and now have "low" and "high" with high being the same as medium was before.


All that stuff about high textures not being in beta was a blatant lie

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The pure fact of when switching from low to medium the game forces a screen reload and then going from medium to high there is no reload should tell you that high res textures are nonfunctional. Edited by Swirly
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There are no higher res textures.


They lied to you


What they have d one is removed Medium texture settings, and now have "low" and "high" with high being the same as medium was before.


All that stuff about high textures not being in beta was a blatant lie


We know, that they behave like a b***es, but please stop trolling:mad:.....

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Who says they aren't taking the time to address this one?


The very fact that the ptr made the medium texture option disappear entirely without it being mentioned in the patch notes. Just like how features the game had disappeared from the game after the beta.


Im probably just spoiled from coming from an MMO where the development team was far more technically competent than bioware is showing us to be, at least when it comes to handling bugs and adding things to their game. One month after its launch and we already had a world event to introduce a brand new raid. An engine that could handle hundreds of people on screen at the same time without blowing up and textures that actually looked good instead of looking like they were painted on with an airbrush.

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Originally Posted by AmberGreen

If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection.


Workaround: Your graphics setting will display properly once modified and saved.


Workaround: Individual preferences will display properly once modified and saved.



^ I this supposed to work cuz it's not working for me.

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I'm not trolling


Here's their great fix for 1.1




-Remove Medium, pretend like meidum is high

-Spit in face of customers


You realize that its still PTR, PTR changes until release client is out, is this your first MMO?..just chill lmao


"spit in the face of customers" wow you really are a character lmao.

Edited by Retro-
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