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Grab and speed abilities making Huttball CHEAP


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The intercede/charge/pull skills are at least situational and require good positioning on your team or bad positioning on the opposition.


As annoying as some of these caps have been from my playing experience, i've been able to attribute them to good play and so couldn't get too frustrated.


Having said that, the consular/inquisitor sprint with ball is not situational, it can always be used to gain an advantage especially when they can use it early to make sure they and other inqs/consulars are the only class that can intially take the ball.


I have never seen as good a ball carrier as a kine spec'd assassin with 2 breaks with 5 seconds of immunity to everything and sprint every 20s dropping snares. That's not factoring in their knockback and deflective cd. They are walking (or sprinting) temporary fortresses, temporary being all you need to cap a huttball.


Being able to sprint with the ball is quite frankly ludicrous, and i'm pretty sure most sound minded people that play inqs/consulars would attest to this, the remainder would disagree because of concern in upsetting their huttball win ratio and quest to BM gear.

Edited by Feydnanza
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The intercede/charge/pull skills are at least situational and require good positioning on your team or bad positioning on the opposition.


As annoying as some of these caps have been from my playing experience, i've been able to attribute them to good play and so couldn't get too frustrated.


Having said that, the consular/inquisitor sprint with ball is not situational, it can always be used to gain an advantage especially when they can use it early to make sure they and other inqs/consulars are the only class that can intially take the ball.


I have never seen as good a ball carrier as a kine spec'd assassin with 2 breaks with 5 seconds of immunity to everything and sprint every 20s dropping snares. That's not factoring in their knockback and deflective cd. They are walking (or sprinting) temporary fortresses, temporary being all you need to cap a huttball.


Wrong. Sprint is situational, just like everything else. It's the difference between blowing it early and being forced to wait in front of a fire trap while stationary or moving slowly with your team supporting you until you can Sprint across that trap to lessen the chance of being cc'd on it. Less QQ please.

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I know that Krayt Dragon has been getting trolled by a premade. They've been capping the ball within 10 seconds over and over. The fastest I saw them cap was 5 seconds. The Huttball grabber pops his immunity buff (-90% damage reduction) so he just soaks up the damage while stunned. Once he's immune to CC, he just tosses the ball to a stealther on a ledge and he passes to another. That uses force speed to cap. If there's trouble they also have force pull for their buddy.
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Huttball is one of the WZ that is full of strategy, its funny people want it reduced to just running the ball.


Honestly even those poorly geared and lower level can win huttball if they play well as a team.


This game is so much about team play and less about 1 on 1. You'll just die in some 1 on 1 matches more than others

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Makes me wonder how many players complain when it's their team using these strats.

Guess no one tbh because when you win it's all fair ofc, but when your on the loosing side it's op and broken :/

Edited by Bubalous
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as i've stated in other threads, if you're letting them sit on the ramps waiting for people to bring the ball to them to score then the issue isn't them, it's you.


If a football player lets an opponent sit in his half of the field unmarked and unchallenged, then you slap that player upside the head for not being spatially aware of his opponent.


Kick that player off the ramp.. now what? he's got nobody to pass to.


It's so ridiculously easy to mess up even experienced players with this, see someone waiting for a pass.. and knockback/forcepull/ mes them just as the balls coming in.. worse comes to worse they're stuck on the spot allowing your team to kill them, best option? you've binned one of their players in the pit for a few seconds and intercepted the pass yourself.



Yup, you gotta battle for field position, and work as a team, turn the ball over, and then move the ball around the field. Like in soccer, when the defense crowds one side, you switch the ball to the other side of the field. I think in the future of this we will see some pretty amazing matches between premades complete with positions.

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Makes me wonder how many players complain when it's their team using these strats.

Guess no one tbh because when you win it's all fair ofc, but when your on the loosing side it's op and broken :/


I hate it anytime someone cheapens a game. Interesting tactics are one thing, but the way they run that ball some of us don't even have time to target them


I got peeved last night when I saw a leading member of one of the more well-known PvP guilds on my server summoning the pre-order droid in Voidstar so tab-target would target it and not her. Reported that one as a bug/exploit so they would either prevent non-combat pets in active PvP or snag her for exploiting

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Huttball is one of the WZ that is full of strategy, its funny people want it reduced to just running the ball.


Honestly even those poorly geared and lower level can win huttball if they play well as a team.


This game is so much about team play and less about 1 on 1. You'll just die in some 1 on 1 matches more than others

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this whole thread is what a crappy football team would say. What do you do in football? You throw it or hand it off to the fast guy and runs as far as he can without getting hit. Granted there aren't pools of acid, and huge flame grates. But saying "get rid of speed spells and pulls and leaps and omg lionstigersbears" would make it a bunch of linebackers slowly moving down the field. Then I'm sure the next argument would be, OMG NERF HPs!
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I hate it anytime someone cheapens a game. Interesting tactics are one thing, but the way they run that ball some of us don't even have time to target them


I got peeved last night when I saw a leading member of one of the more well-known PvP guilds on my server summoning the pre-order droid in Voidstar so tab-target would target it and not her. Reported that one as a bug/exploit so they would either prevent non-combat pets in active PvP or snag her for exploiting


You are just full of complaints.


What I see here is tactics. Pure and simple. I'm sorry that you fail at scheming anything in your brain. I mean that idea you just said with droid. That's just plain smart. It hinders you, which is the whole point of PvP (to beat your opponent).


You seem like you don't play chess much do you?


"*** moving your knight first.... that's cheating."


Or Tic-Tac-Toe....


"***!!!! You cannot take the middle space you cheater!"


Please for the love of God, stop trying to enhance your arguement aside from "The other team uses tactics therefore they are clearly cheating."

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IMO, they should make it so that if you're carrying the ball, you can't use Force Speed, can't Force Leap, and can't be Force Pulled by allies


If you are letting players sit on your side of the field unguarded while you try and focus fire the ball carrier down you deserve to lose. Not to mention for every skill you can use to cover ground there is a skill that can just as easily knock you off.

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You are just full of complaints.


What I see here is tactics. Pure and simple. I'm sorry that you fail at scheming anything in your brain. I mean that idea you just said with droid. That's just plain smart. It hinders you, which is the whole point of PvP (to beat your opponent).


You seem like you don't play chess much do you?


I love Chess. I suck at it, but it's a great game


Stealthing, telling your teammates where you are so when they throw the ball you catch it, and speed-running it to the goal is not 'tactics'. If they were unstealthed and managed to stay alive, sure, that I can work with.


And the issue with the droid is a pure exploit. They are doing something they know will alter the system as designed to gain an advantage in the game. Even if everyone can buy a droid and do it, some of us have too much respect for our opponents to cheapen the game


If I lose a game, and lose it fairly, it's no big deal. If I lose a game because some jack$@& decides to do something that is plain wrong then yes, I get upset. Scoundrel/Operative 3-shots me? Oh well. Stealther speedruns the ball to a goal and no one has time to react to stop them? Yeah, that's not right

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That's a gem.


It's also true. Please don't QQ just because you're bad or your team is bad. The good sorcerers/sages know when to and not to blow sprint; just like good SWs/JKs know when to use leaps.

Edited by Telaan
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This is funny and new.


These aren't exploits you're talking about here, you're talking about effective play. Putting the ball on a squishy with a speed buff and healing them through damage while you mass slow the opposing force so he can run the ball? Nice play.


Keeping everyone occupied by healing tanks and harassing everyone while mostly just healing, slowing and CCing as your ball handler scores time and time again? Good tactic.


Stealthing behind the enemies' lines and running the ball under the bridges before it, then ninjapassing and insta-scoring? Quick win.


Letting the opposing team almost get to your base, killing the ball handler, then suiciding so it goes to mid, stealth player picks it up and runs for a score? Again, just a nice play.


Don't want to deal with pugs? There's a solution. It's called a damn premade and it requires you take as much time as it does to make a post decrying the design of instanced objective-based PvP in this game to set up.

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What is even more annoying is the fact of PvP lag that makes the carrier warp half the time when they use these abilities. Can't counter someone if they literally warp half way across the map because game play is so lagged.


Either code these abilities right or remove them when carrying the hutball.

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I'll admit I hate the speed burst in Huttball. I ***** and complain about it every time it's used well. But, think about it for a sec, I think we all have unique class abilities that make Huttball more strategic. Speed for Inquisitors, stealth for operatives, that pull ability that can be outright deadly for bounty hunters (especially when they stand at the edge of the poison pit and pull you across it - ugh). Not sure what tanks have, maybe a charge?


In any case, we've all got things that add to both the chaos and strategic factors of the game. I hate the speed burst with a passion but it's hard to say "get rid of it" when I've got my own unique advantages in the game as well.

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That's it, you show em by not earning rewards!


That'll teach those pesky winners.




Now thats funny. I actually love huttball. I really think some people in these video games take these pvp matches way too seriously. I have to laugh when I see people leaving after entering the huttball. Or better yet leaving minutes after entering and realizing that their team might be outmatched or losing. When you do that your only cheating yourself out of some XP, credits, Comms and Valor. Try to play these video games with a bit sense of humor. I do see that EA/Bioware needs to probably makes some changes in the pvp/warzones like breaking up player levels say levels 10-40 and then 40-50 or something I dunno and or maybe putting some expertise on the lower pvp gear for the lower levels. But all in all I love Huttball watching folks being punted around by the air vent, people getting frozen in the fire vents, the hilarious missed throws.. or the insane little dance the toons do win they do finish the cross line. It's all good fun to me, even win I am losing on my team.


Some times you win some times you lose but keep your Comms, badges and Valor in sight and think about that.

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The problem I have when I see this as a 35 scoundrel is I have no way to run interference on them. I have two options either use dirty kick and stun for four seconds or attack and hope I can whittle him down. If they get the ball its an insta win :( any suggestions would be appreciated.


Well there is your problem right there.

Edited by Vengeful_Deity
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... I sincerely doubt it. That says to me that we can all live without sprint ball scoring.


It's hard to defend our own midfield as well, my two big defense beefs are.


1- If we can't fire through the ramps then one shouldn't be able to throw the ball through the ramps. I've seen it too many times where the team throws the ball through the floor/ceiling. Yes, I've seen my team use the same tactic but it should be a bug and fixed.


2- There is positional awareness of where YOU are standing as well as where the enemy is or can leap too. For one: DO NOT stand on your own 1-yard line either. Too many can force leap to you and sprint in for an easy score. Another is not so much a bug as "ability spam" of classes that just leap frog over the mid-field avoiding the obstacles.


Huttball isn't my favorite WZ but I can see it being really fun with some tweaks.

Edited by Kunari
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Throw ball, grab and force speed. win in 5secs.


im going to quit every huttball match i see players abusing this strategy.


SCrew your huttball.


I bet you're fine with the pulling and leaping though ...right? lol

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