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[Huge economy exploit surfaces] - what will be BIOWARE's next move?


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I'm also interested...


So, it's more important than people win his/her money legally... like with the sliding ability, isn't it?

I don't care about economic exploits. So what? Thousands of players have billions of credits, and?

I'm more concern about the overpowered jedi and sith on PvP. Has any cry exploit baby played on PvP matches? There's eight of every ten players with Force powers. And if you're not one of them... you can't do anything on the match. The team with more Force users win everytime. Thats a BIG problem. And the system that matchs 12 level players with 50 level players... oh yes, your stats are up but... the 50 level has ALL his/her attacks and if you're alone you haven't any posibility. So, that's a problem that unbalance the game.


So, what, people has a lot of money, and? What can they buy? Ships? Updates? Gear?

The PvP gear can only be bought with points obtained in matches.

The game doesn't work economically since the beginning, and not because of the exploits. It's because in six years they haven't thought about it. How can be posible that you compare jedi and bountyhunter rewards? Jedi don't need money, BH make theirs live with it. But the two wins the same amount of credits, that's not realistic.

And, no, i've never used any exploit on my life and don't plan on use them in the near future. :D


There's a lot of problems more important in the game.


And nobody has ever demostrated why the slice ability was bad for the economy or why the exploits in THIS game are affecting the economy so bad. More examples and less cries please.


WOW! You may be the most self centered clueless wonder I have EVER read on these forums, and believe me, that's saying alot. Please get a clue of what you are talking about before you open your mouth, it will make you come accross as less of an idiot.

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If you read the Reddit aerticle it says that the exploit made it possible to make up to 2million credits a minute. The game has been out how many minutes ? Do the math... I think we are talking billions of credits.


ok, if that where the case, it really should not be hard to find this money hiding somewhere . If have not noticed many high prices on the GTN, so the money has not dispersed yet

Edited by ZEROUMUS
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My hope is that something will happen to people who quite obviously exploited this.

I'd like to see something happen and an acknowledgement that BW did something. I'm not concerned too much about it ruining the economy etc just the precedent that people can knowingly exploit and get away with it.


I'm not going to wait around here and hold my breath that this all is going to happen today or even tomorrow though. Been around games where people have majorly exploited, the exploit was outed, fixed and nothing seemed to happen. People think they got away with it and the 'bam' punishment of some sort. If the do intend to do something and they haven't already been tracking this and got 'the list' before the fix it will take some time to sift through data to make sure they're got the right people.



So yeah I do hope something is going to happen. Not going to fixate on it for now and just go play.


If it helps just think of all the exploiters who are $%^^ their drawers right now, trying to cover their tracks maybe and wondering if and then what is going to happen to them. Too late now...data can catch you. Muhahaa.


And yes there will likely be some smart exploiters who will get away with it. Such is the way of the world.

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My hope is that something will happen to people who quite obviously exploited this.

I'd like to see something happen and an acknowledgement that BW did something. I'm not concerned too much about it ruining the economy etc just the precedent that people can knowingly exploit and get away with it.


I'm not going to wait around here and hold my breath that this all is going to happen today or even tomorrow though. Been around games where people have majorly exploited, the exploit was outed, fixed and nothing seemed to happen. People think they got away with it and the 'bam' punishment of some sort. If the do intend to do something and they haven't already been tracking this and got 'the list' before the fix it will take some time to sift through data to make sure they're got the right people.



So yeah I do hope something is going to happen. Not going to fixate on it for now and just go play.


If it helps just think of all the exploiters who are $%^^ their drawers right now, trying to cover their tracks maybe and wondering if and then what is going to happen to them. Too late now...data can catch you. Muhahaa.


And yes there will likely be some smart exploiters who will get away with it. Such is the way of the world.



I agree. But i think in this instance where, across all servers, there exists the possibility that "trillions" of credits have been artificually introduced into the game, Bioware needs to make an immediate response to reassure the community

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You ever heard the quote winners MAKE the rules and loser live by them?


I just wanted to throw that quote in there, but yes I agree farmers need to be dealt a back hand to the face.


Even better, you ever heard the quote "cheaters never prosper"?


The exploiters should be perma banned imo.

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And as per now nobody has explained yet HOW the exploits affects the game itself.

All i read is blame, cry, bad boys... but nobody, nobody has explained how the "economy" of the game is affected.

And the only one that answered was to insult me saying that if i didn't understand then i had no right to participate here BTW, moron.

How a few players with a lot of money can affect the economy of the game? Because they pay more to other players on the kiosk? Because they can buy expensive things?

Please explain to me.

And explain also why is not considered a exploit the flight missions where you can win more money and experience in an hour than making quests in the game itself in a day?

Developers didn't think about the economy on the game in the six years. And that's why it isnt working. Not because some exploit.

And there's been exploits in WoW all its existence and the econonomy of the game never was affected.

But, please, continue to cry wolf.


And thanks to the BH pal. I'll try to use your tips next time :)

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Dear community, I urge you all to contribute your thoughts to this topic as frequently as possible.


As many of you know by now, SWTOR's recent patch removed some serious financial exploit which have caused economies on all of the game's servers to be badly damaged. Players was able to, naturally, generate infinite amounts of credtis to meet all their possible and impossible needs.

More info can be found here:


In my humble opinion, many people (me included), upon realising inequity of this "little" problem, will be "in thought", to say the least.

When we talking about some kind of PVP exploiting, or even little PVE exploiting (like recent /getdown bug), this is tolerable, because "main stream" of players is unaffected. But when we talking about MMORPG server's economy, this poses a very huge threat to all its inhabitants, because it is bread and butter of the game. Those who think otherwise may want to ignore this post and do something else instead.


So, it rises 2 critical questions to Bioware:


1. Firstly, what measures will be taken against exploiters?


2. Secondly, but more importantly, how do you intend to combat those tricky types who used evasive maneuvres of washing off those illegal credits ( using throwaway accounts, GTN transactions, in-game mail etc)?


Let us not allow this dire situation to be resolved by temporary suspension, which really not help much.


What I personally like to see:

1. Temporary/Permabans to exploiters (really people, you should've known what you're doing in advance), theirs throwaway and main accounts.

2. Withdrawal of all illegal creds from circulation.


I have a better idea, if these so called exploiters who have this awesome ability to find these bugs, that are apparently overlooked by the programers/devs, maybe if Bioware and company politely asked these talented people to join their team then maybe they could help fix some of these bugs that are not being fixed!!!!

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I have a better idea, if these so called exploiters who have this awesome ability to find these bugs, that are apparently overlooked by the programers/devs, maybe if Bioware and company politely asked these talented people to join their team then maybe they could help fix some of these bugs that are not being fixed!!!!


Bottom line is I can only remember 2 MMO's that had credit duping bugs at release. This one and SWG. These type of bugs cannot be allowed to make it onto live servers. There is obviously a flaw with their testing if this bug was allowed to get through. I mean reading how the exploit was performed it was really simple to do. There's no way it should have gone undetected.

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Bottom line is I can only remember 2 MMO's that had credit duping bugs at release. This one and SWG. These type of bugs cannot be allowed to make it onto live servers. There is obviously a flaw with their testing if this bug was allowed to get through. I mean reading how the exploit was performed it was really simple to do. There's no way it should have gone undetected.


indeed, I agree

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The first patch broke the slicing skill.

The second patch broke exploits.

The third patch broke more exploits.


Eight hours every time, at least, to resolve... NOTHING of the game itself. I don't care about exploits. I care about trying to play and if i can't harvest anything and Bioware is more troubled about the exploits... we've a problem. How many players are affected by the exploits? And how many about the lots of bugs?

More work for the players please.


From your logic, then:


I don't care about you trying to play. My FPS is fine and PvP is fun for me, but the exploits piss me off , enrage me, and are likely to make an economy where everything rare is snapped up by these illegally rich criminals who will buy all rares and everything cheap and resell at ridiculous prices. There are over a million players, and when 950,000 of them can play the game fine, none of us care about the ones who can't.


You see how that logic feels turned around? Retarded, isn't it?

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So what's the big deal about people having all that money right now in the game? They get to buy a bunch of the VIP passes? Is there really such a run of high level crafted items on the GTN that people are unfairly buying them up?


What's the big deal? Really?

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You're being pretty naive there if you believe that quote to be true.


I've seen many quotes including this one end up being true one way or another. You're just being ignorant or (more likely) just need to get out of your moms basement more often see for yourself.

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Kinda funny really, anyone remember the Credits exploit in the early days in SWG ? :p


But still, they should really take action against these exploiters, remove their gain on this exploit.


Wasn't that some zoneline credit dupe on Tat back then. I don't remember the details but I know who the culprit was.

Edited by Nocturnalis
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And as per now nobody has explained yet HOW the exploits affects the game itself.

All i read is blame, cry, bad boys... but nobody, nobody has explained how the "economy" of the game is affected.

And the only one that answered was to insult me saying that if i didn't understand then i had no right to participate here BTW, moron.

How a few players with a lot of money can affect the economy of the game? Because they pay more to other players on the kiosk? Because they can buy expensive things?

Please explain to me.

And explain also why is not considered a exploit the flight missions where you can win more money and experience in an hour than making quests in the game itself in a day?

Developers didn't think about the economy on the game in the six years. And that's why it isnt working. Not because some exploit.

And there's been exploits in WoW all its existence and the econonomy of the game never was affected.

But, please, continue to cry wolf.


And thanks to the BH pal. I'll try to use your tips next time :)


OK there are a number of ways, limited only by intelligence, that someone with a lot of credits can change the economy.


An example ;


I have lots and lots of credits.

I buy every single auction put on the GTN for X material under a price I determine.

I put them all back on at that pre determined sell price.

I monitor the GTN and continue this.


I have now cornered the market in X


I now repeat for Y


With billions/trillions I can do this with any product I wish.



The rich guy gets richer and everyone else pays inflated prices.


This is just one simple example.

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Bioware has nothing to lose by perma banning the exploiters.

If the exploiting was really as "limited" as they're making it out to be, the banning wouldn't be that significant. Further, these people would likely just buy new accounts.

If thy don't permaban the exploiters, they are sending the message that they are a pushover + angering a large portion of players. They also damage their reputation as a company.



The only other solution is wiping the credits. Note that wiping ALL the credits harms those that didn't exploit and HELPS those that did. Even if you only wipe the credits from the exploiters, they probably already have speeder riding 2, expanded banks, epic gear that they purchased, expensive mounts etc and they'd retain all of these things. This causes an unfair advantage, particularly in the gear dept.


I say they ought to permaban all accounts on IPs that exploited. It kills the exploiting account and any alt accounts they had to hide the credits or launder money.


In the event of a shared IP, people that feel they were unfairly banned can petition to be reinstated and Bioware can investigate on a case by case basis.

Edited by Cootie
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