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People are lying about the game to make it look bad


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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!


Sorry but I won't return to WoW, ever. You couldn't be more wrong if you think poeple want to go back to WoW.


People are disappointed by this game because they desperately wanted it to be a good game.


And its just not.


It is horrid.

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There are issue and bugs with the game the constant own time and patches should make that readily apparent. Bugs and glitches by nature don't happen to everyone so your statement that because you never run into bugs does not mean they do not exist


For example just yesterday I got stuck in some scenery, my hearth was down so I tried the /unstuck command. it ported me past a map boundary and was stuck even worse than before. tried it again after the cooldown and it stuck me in the same spot..off the map. I had to wait until my hearth was back to get out of it which was a half hour of waiting since i just used it.



This is just one example.



I also know that people lie which is why I do not believe every story about getting banned o r whatever I see. those links where people were outed are hilarious.

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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!


Ok, I'm desperately trying to find the sarcasm in this post, but I just can't see it, but that can't be right, it isn't possible, no one can write something like that and be serious. I mean, don't get me wrong, I can totally expect the blind rabid fanboism, devoid of any logic and reason, but the way he goes about expressing it.... I swear my mind just imploded.


I really hope I'm just too stupid to read the sarcasm in this post, cause the alternative is sad.

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Raising valid concerns so the game becomes better? Yeah what a terrible thing to do.


Ability delay doesn't exist? Yeah, probably the game is already too fast for you anyway. I will kindly backpedal out of this thread to honor your traditions.


Guys!!! I play from OZ and our lag is always around 300ms to the US and around 400ms to EU servers. Let em tell you that I could scream hearing anyone with a ping of >100ms complaining about lag. All I can say is: Learn to play and adapt. You REALLY have NO reason to complain. Laughable. I bet that i even outplay 90% of those 'I have lag and cannot properly play' people.

We really have bigger fish to fry than that. The GFX engine needs fixing all over the shot. Input lag complains on online level.....ABSURD!!!!!!!!!!! LOL



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There are some issues- but yes, most of the forum posts aren't even correct- consider just how much complaining about massive class imbalances between the factions- when classes are mirrors.


It's shameful that they aren't even doing a very good job of lying, but, meh, what can you do? People fear for their precious WoW game, and will do anything they can to tear every other game down.

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I'm so glad the game doesn't have any major issues like the OP said. Nothing worse than when a game gets taken down all the time to apply emergency patches that might or might not actually fix anything. That's the worse and rather embarrassing for an MMO. Thank goodness BW instead gets to work on large content updates for us and cool new features. I can't wait to see what's coming!
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The OP's post is idiotic. You don't have an issue so it doesn't exist? Give me a bloody break. Some people's complaints are legit ones, stop being a blind fanboy and trying to pretend problems don't exist. Some of these bugs are hardly "little."


That said, ToR isn't bad....it's got issues and I think it needed more time in beta, but it could be worse. Customer service needs vast improvement though.

Edited by deneeve
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Sorry but I won't return to WoW, ever. You couldn't be more wrong if you think poeple want to go back to WoW.


People are disappointed by this game because they desperately wanted it to be a good game.


And its just not.


It is horrid.


Its not horrid, but its hard to say its good too. Its average and people want it to be batter thats why so many people complain on the forums. I honestly had more fun pvping in WAR and Rift than TOR.


It amazes me the lengths fanbois go to defend this games' shortcomings.


I dont hate this game and I feel I got my $60 worth, but without major work I cant really see playing this for more than a few months.


I'm also really tired of the BS 'go back to WoW' excuse. Many people here criticizing the game didnt even play WoW.

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Ok, I'm desperately trying to find the sarcasm in this post, but I just can't see it, but that can't be right, it isn't possible, no one can write something like that and be serious. I mean, don't get me wrong, I can totally expect the blind rabid fanboism, devoid of any logic and reason, but the way he goes about expressing it.... I swear my mind just imploded.


I really hope I'm just too stupid to read the sarcasm in this post, cause the alternative is sad.


Diagree with you 100% and with the OP I DO agree 100%. Anyone not liking the game or not trying to make it better should stop posting here and thus stop wasting everyone's time, thank you.

If anyone states the game is horrid should go pack bags and make a long holiday. The game is the best PC product in aaaaaages. And for a new MMO very smooth. GFX are nice to look at and no I do not need Crysis graphics to appreciate the love to detail that went into everything. If you are SW buff from childhood on (yes I am a touch older) you can REALLY appreciate all BW did. You guys are just blinded by technicalities. As long as it functions it's epic. For over 90% it works like a dream-the other 10% will patched happy, by BW and/or hardware manufacturer side. The lack of patience indicates a lot od Sith out there. LMAO



Edited by mArchangel
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Diagree with you 100% and with the OP I DO agree 100%. Anyone not liking the game or not trying to make it better should stop posting here and thus stop wasting everyone's time, thank you.

If anyone states the game is horrid should go pack bags and make a long holiday. The game is the best PC product in aaaaaages. And for a new MMO very smooth. GFX are nice to look at and no I do not need Crysis graphics to appreciate the love to detail that went into everything. If you are SW buff from childhood on (yes I am a touch older) you can REALLY appreciate all BW did. You guys are just blinded by technicalities. As long as it functions it's epic. For over 90% it works like a dream-the other 10% will patched happy, by BW and/or hardware manufacturer side. The lack of patience indicates a lot od Sith out there. LMAO




Now THAT was sarcasm. XD

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Just adding this to the thread to back up your claim. It's fun when people are caught in lies.




I didnt see the end of that thread until now, classic.


To the Op. I agree with you about this game I do. But I also agree with those who have real issues with FPS, PVP and Endgame. On that same trait, I also know it will only take time and there is a constructive way to ask for help instead of screaming at the top of their lungs for as long as they can. You know, the ones who make multiple threads about how the game sucks and all that for reasons that I am sure will be worked out sooner rather than later.


I have been in many games launches, and no I never played wow, it was too kiddy like for my tastes, ( My brother played so I did get to see a fair bit of his life go to the bin over it ) I will give Bioware this, aside from customer service, we can at least say they are trying to improve things.


Edit: For the last part.

Edited by Saetet
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It's all very well saying I need a better PC, I'm playing on a laptop with a 2.2 processor and an average graphics card, and I'm fine in most places, but in enclosed indoor areas I lag. I lagged more in a class quest on korriban than I do on the imeperial fleet, which to me doesn't make massive sense.


I need a laptop for convenience, and it meets the minimum specifications, so I feel like it should run the game on low setting in windowed mode without feeling excessively laggy in some areas? Like to the point where turning corners becomes difficult because the onscreen response is so delayed (not down to latency issues).

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Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either,



This should be the copy and paste response to this line:



If you don't think there's an issue with responsiveness and ability error, one of these three things absolutely has to be true:


- you've never played WoW and experienced a truly smooth engine

- you are not very good, and your threshold/tolerance for responsiveness is low

- you are not a very experienced gamer in general


This is not belittling. These are facts. Someone will measure exactly how unresponsive TOR is one of these days. It is quantifiable. It exists. Believe it.

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This should be the copy and paste response to this line:



If you don't think there's an issue with responsiveness and ability error, one of these three things absolutely has to be true:


- you've never played WoW and experienced a truly smooth engine

- you are not very good, and your threshold/tolerance for responsiveness is low

- you are not a very experienced gamer in general


This is not belittling. These are facts. Someone will measure exactly how unresponsive TOR is one of these days. It is quantifiable. It exists. Believe it.



Well............that and Bioware acknowledges that it exists.

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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!

Alright, there's no way this can be a serious post... At least the first two paragraphs can't be anything but trolling.


But I'll respond anyways. There was at least one good point there. The 'go back to WoW' argument really is getting very, very old. A majority of the people who complain the most seem to complain because the game is TOO SIMILAR TO WOW and they have grown tired of WoW... I really doubt any of them would want to go back to it. So stop calling them WoW fanboys or something similar. That's most likely just not true.

Edited by Haukionkala
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Diagree with you 100% and with the OP I DO agree 100%. Anyone not liking the game or not trying to make it better should stop posting here and thus stop wasting everyone's time, thank you.


you do realize that by people posting gripes (read: things they think could use some improvement.) And posting about bugs they ARE TRYING TO HELP MAKE THE GAME BETTER. Kinda hard to do that when a rabid section of the fan base is advocating for people to stop posting about problems, seems a bit counterproductive. Do/have some people lied/exaggerated about problems? You'd be an idiot to say no, i do not however believe it is anywhere near 100% of the people posting about gripes/bugs.



edit - is also baffles me how many people agree with the op, how exactly again is everyone lieing if the dev team has fixed or is in the process of fixing bugs that people have been reporting. Doesnt make any sense.

Edited by dgfbadkarma
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you do realize that by people posting gripes (read: things they think could use some improvement.) And posting about bugs they ARE TRYING TO HELP MAKE THE GAME BETTER. Kinda hard to do that when a rabid section of the fan base is advocating for people to stop posting about problems, seems a bit counterproductive. Do/have some people lied/exaggerated about problems? You'd be an idiot to say no, i do not however believe it is anywhere near 100% of the people posting about gripes/bugs.



edit - is also baffles me how many people agree with the op, how exactly again is everyone lieing if the dev team has fixed or is in the process of fixing bugs that people have been reporting. Doesnt make any sense.


Agree with you there. But I think you misunderstood me. This was in response to the post I quoted from someone else NOT a genral statement.

So yeah i think we are actually on the same page mate. :)

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