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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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I almost started this exact same thread!


This is actually pretty scary to be honest. The word of mouth is powerful and EA/Biowares are in for a hard lesson it would appear!




What are you talking about? All the word of mouth I hear is positive, from anyone I know, to people in the game, to even the media, unless you're like me today and was foolish enough to look at the official forums.


As everyone pointed out, the Holidays are over and they've attuned the servers to accomodate the populations.

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What are you talking about? All the word of mouth I hear is positive, from anyone I know, to people in the game, to even the media, unless you're like me today and was foolish enough to look at the official forums.


As everyone pointed out, the Holidays are over and they've attuned the servers to accomodate the populations.


The only reason people posts stuff like that, is because they try to pass themselves for concerned players, while they are actually trying to persuade people NOT to buy or subscribe. Someone called them "concerned trolls" and I think the description fits perfectly

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Here is my two cent's worth...


I was in on early access. After each wave I had to move to avoid the dreaded Queu! (Pichard really shoulda taken him out before now...!) I moved three times and then decided to just stick it out after my third server. My current server, and the other two that I have characters on, is almost always between Standard and Very Heavy regardless of the time of day or day of the week.


I see hundreds of people republic side. I am running across Imperial Players on a regular basis as well. I have to compete constently with other people for quest objectives and material nodes. I think it's great! With some more time and word of mouth this will only improve!!


I am only seeing healthy signs of server growth. I know from my past experience, and talking to acquaintences in other games, that there are people out there that did not get in on launch because they wanted to see how it went and wanted to wait till the launch bugs were worked out.


I have played Ultima Online 8 years, WoW 6 years, Anarchy Online, Conan, LOTRO, Lineage, Lineage 2, and many other free to play, MMORPG type games. It is my hobby.


I am no technical expert. From my point of view as a consumer, this is the best, smoothest launch of an MMO I have ever seen!


I was in on the old DUKE NUKEM Multyplayer days and Unreal and DOOM. They were all buggy forever. We didn't care back then because we weren't spoiled by anything that was smoothed out yet.


I think that these people who are all "Glass Half Empty" about SWTOR are expecting this to just appear and open up all done, perfected, and polished from beginning to end, because they are spoiled by other titles that have had almost a decade to improve their product.


Keep going Bioware. I am haveing a blast and can't wait to see what you have coming next.

Edited by Warjhinn
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but the game just released

but the game is only 2 weeks old

but the holidays are over

but it's a weekday

but the game is not even 1yr old

wt..my game went f2p?



release week,

"oooohhh nooo.... server queues... sux this game f2p soon..."


after a month,

"ooohhhh nooo..... no server queues.... sux... this game f2p soon..."


if someone wants to bash something, they will find an excuse either way.

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


The sky is falling! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!


Higher server caps, and the holidays being over are leading to it looking like less people are playing.


On Shadowhand I've never had trouble finding a group, and while Illum is a bit sparsely populated everything from Alderaan and below are booming.


The majority of people playing are still in their 20-30's. They'll catch up in due time and the population will even out.

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The only reason people posts stuff like that, is because they try to pass themselves for concerned players, while they are actually trying to persuade people NOT to buy or subscribe. Someone called them "concerned trolls" and I think the description fits perfectly


or, maybe, they've played on low pop servers in other games and realised its a crappy experience, and are worried that they will end up on one in SWTOR.

Edited by Sireene
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You probably won't see server merges any time soon.


If you really check the track history for MMOs, server merging is usually the very last thing that is done right before a game either goes belly-up or free-to-play.


Merging servers is a nightmare. First you will have naming conflicts among the players where one player's name already exists on the server they are being merged with, so one of them is forced to rename. This problem would only be compounded by the Legacy system with it's unique surname. And this is only the tip of the iceberg for this type of merger.


TLDR: Don't hold your breath waiting for those server merges to happen. If you aren't happy on your current server, reroll, because it really is your only option at this time.

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I take it the OP has never launched another MMO before. It's very regular for population to drop a month or so after launch. More so in this case as the game launched right at the start of a holiday season.


I know for me...I am back at work now. If SWTOR payed my bills then I would gladly stay home and play all day. Unfortunately I dont live in that dream world as I'm sure a lot of other people dont either.

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The sky is falling! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!


Higher server caps, and the holidays being over are leading to it looking like less people are playing.


On Shadowhand I've never had trouble finding a group, and while Illum is a bit sparsely populated everything from Alderaan and below are booming.


The majority of people playing are still in their 20-30's. They'll catch up in due time and the population will even out.


The majority are in their 20s/30s because people quit after having done the same exact quest 30x per planet. You know the one where you go to a spot and kill groups of mobs consisting of 2 dinky mobs and 1 big one with random pats of silver and gold level mobs walking around.


Well, post 30 you do the same thing again... with the same companion because the heal companion is the only one worth using unless you're just a glutton for punishment.

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


Just a quick search of TORHEAD. Only searched places and found 154 zones listed. I am positive that there are more zones than that, but I really wanna make this my last post and go play.


20 x 154=3080 people at any given time using your lowest estimate on a way lowball estimate of zones. Now multiply that times the number of servers..... umm lets just go with about 150 servers in the US. That is 462,000 people, at any given time logged into the game. That is not counting the overseas servers.


Yup.... reeeall problem with population here.... For the other games out there that these people are not logged into!!!


Really...... REALLY!!!

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The majority are in their 20s/30s because people quit after having done the same exact quest 30x per planet. You know the one where you go to a spot and kill groups of mobs consisting of 2 dinky mobs and 1 big one with random pats of silver and gold level mobs walking around.


Well, post 30 you do the same thing again... with the same companion because the heal companion is the only one worth using unless you're just a glutton for punishment.


And you expected it to be different?

All MMO on Earth are like this, you should try searching on another planet...

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


They dont need to merge anything. Holidays are over, the games release hype is dwindling ... people are going back to normal, work/school ... spreading their time around a little more. Its possible the game is dying but most likely its just that people arent logging in as often, or as long. Cant go by server status.

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I logged into Belsavis on Sapce Slug at about 6:30 AM on Saturday and there were 2 people on. Yes, myself and one other person were the entire living, breathing population on this planet.


I've never seen a game with this much hype tank this quick. I almost feel sorry for the people at Bioware until I realize that they decided to create this game that disappointed so many people.

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Just a quick search of TORHEAD. Only searched places and found 154 zones listed. I am positive that there are more zones than that, but I really wanna make this my last post and go play.


20 x 154=3080 people at any given time using your lowest estimate on a way lowball estimate of zones. Now multiply that times the number of servers..... umm lets just go with about 150 servers in the US. That is 462,000 people, at any given time logged into the game. That is not counting the overseas servers.


Yup.... reeeall problem with population here.... For the other games out there that these people are not logged into!!!


Really...... REALLY!!!


Don't be so nasty, they really try hard to come up with new ways of trolling the game....

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I logged into Belsavis on Sapce Slug at about 6:30 AM on Saturday and there were 2 people on. Yes, myself and one other person were the entire living, breathing population on this planet.


I've never seen a game with this much hype tank this quick. I almost feel sorry for the people at Bioware until I realize that they decided to create this game that disappointed so many people.


hmmm was this post sarcastic? I mean considering the timeframe used. Just asking, coz it wasn't clear

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2.5 weeks ago you were all complaining about queues? Now that the servers are only Heavy or Very Heavy populated, you are complaining again? There will always be whiners. ****.


Why would there be a ton of people on the lower level worlds? People are getting to 50 and aren't needing to go to those places anymore...

Edited by Buckwildz
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I still have no problem getting into pvp matches or grouping for content that I want to do. I also am not fighting too hard for nodes/mobs that I need so really the population is right where I want it to be.


If the population is really going down significantly then there may be a problem, but I've seen no evidence to support that theory.

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Yesterday at about noon there were at least 30 US servers that where heavy load or better and whats funny was it was the same for the European servers.


My server(Swiftsure) was at standard which I will gladly take as there are many times I have a Q for this server.


Most mmos that come out dont even have 30 servers....this game is huge...deal with it.

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What I love about this...


For the first 2 weeks all you could find on the forums were posts complaining about the overly long queue times.


The developers said over and over and over! "Over time, they will start to even out as players get back in to their routines and holidays end." That didn't stop a single person from posting nonstop complaints.


Now that they have cleared up, it couldn't possibly be that they were correct! No way! They must be wrong and the game is failing.


I cannot WAIT for the 20th. The people who WANT to be here will be, and those who do NOT want to be here will have to pay $15 to pollute the forums.

Edited by djsmileey
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