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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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I totally agree with this thread.


Please merge some servers.


In my server ( Sith'Ari ) it's difficult to find people to do heroics with at later planets. And I'm a student so I can play pretty much whenever. Usually I play from 5-10pm (GMT -2) .


i made some new characters in that server too, and server is half dead. except for the same level 50th, you always see afk in the fleet zone.

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Is there any server as low in population as Tassaa Bareesh?


Im on that server and omg its like a ghost town. (Empire)


Not seen anyone between 30-50 .. imperial fleet like max 10 people in zone.


On high level zones (leveling) like 3 people each time ... its pathetic.


Not intending to reroll on a other server just yet, i hope Bioware will solve this problem.


I feel like alot of people will just leave instead of swiching servers .. wich can be a downfall.

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In an MMORPG, 250 players is indeed a ghost town.


It's more than some wow servers and blizzard still hasn't done any server merges. I very much doubt bioware will do merges until there's practically no people playing on them.

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It's more than some wow servers and blizzard still hasn't done any server merges. I very much doubt bioware will do merges until there's practically no people playing on them.


Exactly! What do you people expect? 1000+ people in the fleet? Yes, some servers are like that, and some aren't. Two things can explain why this is not.


- The game is 1 month old

- You got crap luck and ended up on a not server.


Server merging is band aid on a severed arm. It causes so much drama about guilds and names, what the new server should be named, and it's one step before F2P and 2 steps before dead game.


So either knuckle up and get in with a close guild, reroll, or quit.

Edited by Jigsaw-Complex
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Exactly! What do you people expect? 1000+ people in the fleet? Yes, some servers are like that, and some aren't. Two things can explain why this is not.


- The game is 1 month old

- You got crap luck and ended up on a not server.


Server merging is band aid on a severed arm. It causes so much drama about guilds and names, what the new server should be named, and it's one step before F2P and 2 steps before dead game.


So either knuckle up and get in with a close guild, reroll, or quit.


Lack of people and you telling them they should quit. LOL

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Exactly! What do you people expect? 1000+ people in the fleet?


How about 1000+ people on the server? That would be great. I'd say that at peak on Lord Ieldis, it's somewhere around 300-400 on Imp, and 150-200 on Republic side.

Edited by Mannic
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i think a lot of folks here are taking those out of the picture :


- flashpoints


- operations


- Warzones


- Ships


These do represent a big slice of the population cake.


Take 16 man operations for exemple.


We went to EV about 2 days ago. 78 players in this operation.


I am not saying that low population on some servers isn't an issue, but i do say that doing some math with planet+fleet population will not give your server real population.


As more and more players reach level 50, planets will start to empty while instanced area offering the end-game content will be crowded.


That's just a reality. Go on a high populated server in wow and visit ice crown. You would be lucky to see anyone there.


In three months of time, planets other than ilum will slowly become ghost towns as player start to enjoy the end-game.


That's natural in a MMo.

Edited by Alianar
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Yesterday , 03:54 PM


There is a pretty straight forward answer to this problem - the guild system. BioWare encouraged very early organisation of guilds and a good chunk of the people who like to play socially have joined a guild. Those that didn't join at launch did so shortly after with many rerolling once they had found a group to play with (a noticable number of applicants to my guild rerolled to join us, which was flattering). This means that while there is plenty of grouping going on, much of it is in guild - so far I have only grouped with people outside my guild a couple of times and that was for very quick quests (when you show up at the quest spot and someone else is already there scratching their head and hoping someone else turns up lol).


The other reason for low populations is the number of available planets and the awkwardness of travelling easily between them. Each planet covers only a few levels which causes more of a player spread and the planets are large. Players tend to stay one one planet until they complete it rather than moving between a lot of different ones.


If you plan to play this game for a while and you want people to play with then go find a guild. Look outside your own server - you may find the one that is right for you in another place. Yes, this means re rolling. I know many are adamant that they shouldn't have to but I think people are gonna budge before BioWare does and you could always try another class and hope they open up server transfers. You can either move and find people to play with (assuming there is no one you want to join on your server) or you can sit on your own until BioWare opens charactor transfers in the future. Or I guess you can cry about it but that won't really help.


I am hoping that we see some server merges to bring the population up a bit, but I think you need to be proactive in finding people rather than expecting BioWare to bring them to you.

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i dont know about people quiting for server pop but i do know some friends of mine that came to my PVE server quit after 4 days of trying to find groups for heroic's and flashpoints spamming in general for 2hr and getting nothing on the last day they told me they whispered everone on the fleet that at the time was 280 people and 275 told them they rather pvp told them their was no point doing flashpoints when the pvp gear looked better and was just as good or better then the pve gear. that kinda worrys me i might quit too if this just turns into a pvp game
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Lol yeah every new mmo gets labeled as the next best thing.....


Then 24 hours after it went live the first people that have something to whine about start flocking to the forums. Then 1 week later almost every post on the forums is people screaming and kicking they will stop playing.


And so on, this happened here on swtor and it will happen with GW2 or any other mmo that will be released in the future. Some people are never happy, i will say that swtor is far from perfect and is missing quite some features all mmo's seem to have nowadays but seeing as there are not many scifi mmo's on the market i can bring on quite alot of patience.


The funny part is alot of people are desperately hoping for a new mmo that will be better then wow, personally i never liked wow but these same people do seem to tend to compare to wow alot. Maybe try to turn down expectations a bit and see how a game develops.

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Every new MMO is welcomed as the Killer of every other existing MMO

MMOs dont kill each other, they only commit suicide.


An MMo can kill an other but never at launch.


WoW did kill some competitors, like EQ II. But it didn't happen in a month of time.


WoW as 7 years worth of content in it's bag. As a launching MMo you can hardly have as much stuff from the start (Dungeon finders, achievments, and so on...)


Not to mention that players on wow have invested a great deal of time in their gear. They won't give that up so easaly.


Wait untill TOR launches a few patches, and more importantly wait unill they release the first expen in a year. That's when WoW finished off EQ II finished off WoW, that's when ToR will most likely either fall being or become the next big thing.

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i dont know about people quiting for server pop but i do know some friends of mine that came to my PVE server quit after 4 days of trying to find groups for heroic's and flashpoints spamming in general for 2hr and getting nothing on the last day they told me they whispered everone on the fleet that at the time was 280 people and 275 told them they rather pvp told them their was no point doing flashpoints when the pvp gear looked better and was just as good or better then the pve gear. that kinda worrys me i might quit too if this just turns into a pvp game


Holy ****, theres 280 people on your fleet?

On my server there is a maximum of 50 at peak times :(

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An MMo can kill an other but never at launch.


WoW did kill some competitors, like EQ II. But it didn't happen in a month of time.


WoW as 7 years worth of content in it's bag. As a launching MMo you can hardly have as much stuff from the start (Dungeon finders, achievments, and so on...)


Not to mention that players on wow have invested a great deal of time in their gear. They won't give that up so easaly.


Wait untill TOR launches a few patches, and more importantly wait unill they release the first expen in a year. That's when WoW finished off EQ II finished off WoW, that's when ToR will most likely either fall being or become the next big thing.


EQ II isn't dead, it's just F2P with the option to sub.

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If you wish to see a dead server, hit up Tassaa Bareesh (EU, Imperials) at around 9 pm (GMT+2)

That should be EU primetime and you'll probably notice that for primetime it's a "tad" quiet...

Talked with a guildie a few days ago and he had joined WZ queue at midnight, and ended up with no warzone even though he waited for 5½ hours :D

I'd love to PVP, but... yeah.


Rolling an alt on a server like Swiftsure shows you a totally different, great, game but I don't want to leave my guildmates :(

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