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10 Good
  1. If you wish to see a dead server, hit up Tassaa Bareesh (EU, Imperials) at around 9 pm (GMT+2) That should be EU primetime and you'll probably notice that for primetime it's a "tad" quiet... Talked with a guildie a few days ago and he had joined WZ queue at midnight, and ended up with no warzone even though he waited for 5½ hours I'd love to PVP, but... yeah. Rolling an alt on a server like Swiftsure shows you a totally different, great, game but I don't want to leave my guildmates
  2. I just have to butt in and say: Some people did actually do Molten Core in green "of the ____" -gear. The reason for that was, however, the fact that Blizzard did a horrible job on itemizing
  3. I'd definitely support the idea of cross-server warzones and adding expertise to the lv 40 PVP gear... Well, I don't even really log into the game anymore - If I feel like playing I just go on teamspeak and ask if any warzones have started only to get an "not in the last few hours" answer. Well, not really surprising considering that /who for lvl 50 people lists usually around 30 player.
  4. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19056524/aa_not_implemented.png ^ might that be the reason some say it's not working? (Yeah, it's a screenshot of the tooltip that's shown when you mouseover the selection...)
  5. I've gotten a whopping 2 warzones after 1.1 hit, and Ilum's silent. The server had a "standard" population when I rolled in it so I expected that it to be okay :| Also, if I have to choose between having a server PvP community and being actually able to PvP, I'd go for the latter for obvious reasons... I'd like either server transfers / mergers or actual cross-server PvP.
  6. Oh, you actually get warzones? After the patch I've been able to get into 2 warzones, both huttball... The wait times are really really long
  7. Bought the game a bit two weeks ago and while the delay doesn't really bother me in PvE, it's a serious pain in the *** in warzones. I could do without most of the other stuff people are demanding for the game, but it's so unresponsive it's not even funny That said, unsubbed and if it ever gets fixed, will resub again.
  8. 6.15 pm and a grand total of 24 people, of which 8 are at level 50, at Imperial fleet. The whole Imperial side has 34 level 50s online. Getting a group for something? Yeah, right... I have to agree that the warzone rivalries within my server are awesome. It's just too bad that the ability lag takes quite a chunk of pvp's fun away
  9. http://knotor.com/skills#AgMCCxzakaGqssrbM1Nac4***ZqrssvS ^ this is what I've been using for the time being (minus the retractable blade, since I'm only lvl 49...) Any comments/suggestions on how to improve? At least for now it seems to be working quite well, but I really don't have expertise on the subject EDIT: Just to elaborate, I mostly open with Incendiary Missile, and then Railshot whenever I can... While of course trying to Flame Burst / Rocket Punch for damage
  10. For some reason the thread -link links only to the forum section, not your thread. Here's the link to the thread: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1063854-Meters-in-Dungeons
  11. Oh I wish I was on a server marked as heavy... Welcome to the life on a standard server, Tassaa Bareesh (Imperial), where you never see sharding nor a triple-digit number of players. I went around a bit and these were the numbers at the moment (which I would like to think is primetime). Dromund Kaas: 75 Balmorra: 52 Imperial Fleet: 38 Nar Shaddaa: 27 Hutta: 25 Tatooine; 14 Alderaan: 14 Taris: 12 Voss: 10 Belsavis: 6 Ilum: 5 Corellia: 4 With this few people it's occasionally impossible to get FP groups, and the GTN seems to be mostly empty... I hope BW lets us transfer servers soon.
  12. I seriously hope you guys can actually see the . there, denoting a decimal point. I've also gotten those decimal-included alignment points but it doesn't break anything.
  13. I just bought the game this week, and rolled on Tassaa Bareesh EU (imperials). I'm now level 26 and being sick, I've been playing a _lot_. The thing is, I haven't been able to run flashpoints (Black Talon being an exception) or heroic missions because it's almost impossible to get a group for them. Also it seems like every area I'm at has only a handful of people - for example, in Tatooine there's 23 people with me... And it really feels low. Haven't you guys had problems getting flashpoint groups, or am I just late to the party?
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