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Server population is dropping...


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the first, im sorry, but i didnt find it here and my english is bad, so i hope u can say me it again if its in this topic...

I hate population on my server, its light or standart but there are no more than 15-25 ppl at republic fleet, its terrible! No opperations, no warzones, game for us on this server (Tott Doneeta) is coming boring no options what we can to do becouse u dont have buddy who goes with u... I really wish to take my char and put it on server with highter population, i created char on server with standard (heavy in top) population too and there were more than 100 ppl and republic fleet! How can it be possible, two servers with standard population and one has 20 ppl on RF and next has more than 100? So im asking you, can i take my char and put it to better server or are they any servers which will be merge?

Thx for answers ;)

btw: on Ilum is still about 0-5 players max and population on RF in night or morning hours isnt highter than 10 ppl...

Edited by Legy_cz
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Seems like your server is one of the few where there are more reps than imperials. Still the total population doesn't look like it's more than 1000 on both sides after a quick /who. I guess it's barely enough for the standard tag.


See, that's what I don't get. There are never more than, I'd say 6 pubs on ilum. It's very depressing.


edit: 4 imps on ilum, at the moment (8pm)

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ice breaker server here. it's light-standard pop server and on the republic fleet, you get around 30-40 people during the peak hour.


it's Impossible to find a pvp matches that don't end in 120 sec due to lack of players and even those take like 2 hours queue to get in


on the planet ilum, it's just sit at mid zone wait for chest respawn zone with maybe 4-5 people on the planet including some lv12 guy who's someone on for 24-7 there


There's NOTHING to do once you hit 50 and for those of you saying roll an alt, same problem: you can't find flash point groups and there's very little grouping. what kind of MMO is that?


I hope bioware addresses the server pop issue soon

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We have lost some on my server. We went from 2 long queue to 30mins to no queue any more.


WE seem to have lost some, but not a massive amount. Then agian i play on the biggest EU server so we already have a bigger inlux of new players then other servers would have.

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


Thanks for the heads up, better I quit now than when the server is empty :)

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First month over, some people quit. ALWAYS happens. Add to that holidays are over.


My server seems to be the same, still has queue's on weekends.



yeah theres always a good drop when the free month runs out. during the weekend pretty much all day my shards were full with well over 100 people dont know if that means anything but my server list had multiple servers at the "heavy mark" much better than some previous MMOs like Rift or DCUO which became ghost towns after the first month. TOR seems to have retained a decent population though this is all speculation since no one has any exact numbers its kinda pointless to argue about as your experience will differ depending on your server.

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Merge servers and/or allow server transfers. But in regards to the population, I've noticed a slight drop in population but not much. I mean when I log on, there's still plenty of people on the republic side in fleet and I've noticed that when I head back to planets I was on before that only had around 20 people on it, there are 80 people running around doing missions. This is on the weekends though and during the week, pops are lower.
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My server is empty... I play with 2 persons in Hoth (all missions...), 4 in Tatooine, 2 in Belsavis... now I'm playing alone in the world of Corellia. It's impossible to do any Heroic Quest (simply there isn't people to try it), and I'm in a PvP Server... and players of other side are almost inexistent. There isn't no war between republic and sith empire... because the whole universe is empty :(


Please, merge servers fast, make a calendar to do it, or really I'll remove my suscription... this is an MMO game, not designed for play solo.


Thank you.


P.S.: Excuse me my poor english.

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My server is empty... I play with 2 persons in Hoth (all missions...), 4 in Tatooine, 2 in Belsavis... now I'm playing alone in the world of Corellia. It's impossible to do any Heroic Quest (simply there isn't people to try it), and I'm in a PvP Server... and players of other side are almost inexistent. There isn't no war between republic and sith empire... because the whole universe is empty :(


Please, merge servers fast, make a calendar to do it, or really I'll remove my suscription... this is an MMO game, not designed for play solo.


Thank you.


P.S.: Excuse me my poor english.


As i wrote i agree with you man.

And i please, has somebody any official expression from BW team, where they are answering to this problem with low population (mergering servers or allowing transfer chars) ? I cant find it... :/ Or I´ll remove my subscription too, MMOrpg isnt a single play...

4 players in RF at 11:40 CET (central europe time) 4 players in MMOrpg, where i pay 12 dollars per month ?!?! http://2i.cz/1c920d27f4

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I cant complaint, today at around 6am i was almost instantely getting WZs, all 3 of them and im Empire side.


My opinion is that some ppl were pissed about 15min queues and demanded "OMG moar servers", you guys went and spread yourselves thin, now that populations are finally settling down to reality, you are stuck in a low pop server.


My server had 5h queues for more than week and 45mn to 1h queues for another couple of weeks, but now its settled between 15mins queues or no queues but still showing full, the result is that we now have an awesome server were there are always tons of ppl playing and you can always find something to do.


People need to learn to be patient, all mmos are like this at launch, the more successful ones at least.

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A few hours ago there was 196 Empire players on Scepter og Ragnos...This is a server there was queue for around launch. I never see it go above Standard even in peak hours.


Really a shame if Bioware ****s this up, because I love this game :(


Too bad that people that love the game also have to quit. I loved this game but had to quit because of the performance. I'll return along with others who also quit because of it when they fix it.

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My server, Senator Contispex EU, is really low on population. Sucks playing solo.


Server merging should happen really soon if they want people to enjoy this game longer.


And why haven't the mods commented anything in this thread? In my opinon this is an important matter.

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Yesterday all afternoon and evening in EU there were 2 Full servers, about 8-10 Very heavy, the rest was almost equally split between Heavy and Standard.

All this, considering they raised level cap so what once was Very heavy is now Heavy and so on... It actually looks like there is more people playing but hey, if you have to troll, nowadays you have really little left to cling to.

If you really are on a low pop server, roll another toon on a busy one.

People that quit over this or that open thread on the note of "I am very afraid for the future of TOR, I'd better quit now" are trolls of the 'concer troll' type

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My server, Senator Contispex EU, is really low on population. Sucks playing solo.


Server merging should happen really soon if they want people to enjoy this game longer.


And why haven't the mods commented anything in this thread? In my opinon this is an important matter.


Mods don't comment on threads unless is to close them or tell people to behave.

Devs comment in the Dev Tracker.

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Last night I was in a queue of 200 to log in.

Empire side fleet had 240 people

Republic side fleet had 130 people


Same as it has been since after the launch madness. Guess my server forgot to cancel their subs?


IMHO, there are new players buying the game AND some players from lower populated servers are rerolling on the Heavy ones. But I have seen in chat a lot of newbies

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Mods don't comment on threads unless is to close them or tell people to behave.

Devs comment in the Dev Tracker.


Devs comment in threads, at least the ones they don't try their hardest to ignore. Otherwise there'd be no Dev Tracker ( which tracks posts in threads ) to begin with.

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My guess is that they're going to wait for the server populations to stabilize then do some merging where warranted. It might actually even offer an opportunity to do some faction balancing on the servers to which people are migrated.
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