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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why do we need the Space Stations?


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Could we just refrain from name calling and cynicism here?

This is a discussion about game design.

Some like it some don't.

That is no reason to assume someone who doesn't like the spaceports wants to be lvl 50 in 2 hours. How in all the galaxy would you assume something like this? Are you really that childish?


Btw: I would have loved such landing pads. Even on Balmorra, where you have just an outpost as a base, there would have been space for a small landing area. And please don't talk to me about realism. Story wise we are the only hero in the whole galaxy. A quest is still there, even if 1000000 people did it before you. So why do not have a small, secluded and instanced valley or hangar or pad somewhere where your ship is?

Even a space station would be alright, if there would be anything to do on it.

Having videos played just when starting and landing (without the space-stop) would actually be the way it was in kotor. Would be much more immersive.

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But without all those nice space stations. how would they separate all the different classes into different hangars ....


What a bollocks concept. Why not just make one big hangar where everyone's ship is in and be done with it? You can't enter other peoples ships anyway.


As a matter of fact, you CAN enter other players starships. And let them fly you around too. Just tick allow access to same class quests in the settings.

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As a matter of fact, you CAN enter other players starships. And let them fly you around too. Just tick allow access to same class quests in the settings.


Yes, but you can't do this from the orbital station, only from Carrick. Tried it last night while helping a friend on a class quest, had to go back to the fleet. It's the one thing that would have made those orbital stations mildly tolerable.

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As a matter of fact, you CAN enter other players starships. And let them fly you around too. Just tick allow access to same class quests in the settings.


My concept would be one big structure with open hangars where every type of ship is in. You could just go to your ship or visit the other ship classes in their hangars.

Should there be some ship customization later in the games life you could just load everyones personal config on approach.


I am no programmer and I don't know anything about the possibilities of this. But it would be a lot more immersive in my opinion.

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My question is, why do I have to take off in order to board my ship? Maybe I want to talk with a companion, grab something from my cargo hold, or use my holoterminal. Space flight is ridiculously too short and everything else takes too long. Edited by brycspain
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I assume the reason there isn't a static ship sitting out in the open on a planet landing pad for everyone to see as they run by it and your character class having the ability to interact with the door because it's your ship (which is what I wanted before thinking about their reasons why it's not in the game) is because it may not always be your ship. Because the ships are hidden away from view in a instance is because they most likely have plans for later content where you get a better ship or upgrade your ship to look differently so a static ship on the planet wouldn't work. They would have to go back to older content planets and edit in more landing pads with all the new ships in case you as a level 80 player decide to fly your new cruiser to a old planet to help a lowbie because it would be a w t f moment to run to your old ship skin to leave that planet.


My request for the devs is in future planet content let us land our ship (with cut scene) in a canyon or whatever with a blind corner turn from the town to the ship with the green barrier. It is still hidden from view in a instance yet we can turn the corner and see the ship on the ground in the sun light. Along with this I would of course like my ship to remain landed/docked up until the time I select my next destination.....then play your cut scenes and jump to light speed.

Edited by Twolow
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I actually really like how much time it takes to go somewhere. I like not being able to beam directly onto my ship. I like that I get to physically see my ship before I go anywhere. I like that I have to make a conscious decision about whether I want to go quest or hang around the fleet trying to do FP's.


I'm sure I'm in the minority though.

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My concept would be one big structure with open hangars where every type of ship is in. You could just go to your ship or visit the other ship classes in their hangars.

Should there be some ship customization later in the games life you could just load everyones personal config on approach.


I am no programmer and I don't know anything about the possibilities of this. But it would be a lot more immersive in my opinion.


The whole instancing of hangers is so you can't see the other ships. Remember, in the game's storyline only YOUR character out of all the PCs is "real". There isn't some Smuggler running around doing things - there's just you. If they let you see the other ships all the time, it kind of breaks that bit of immersion.

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well how about some plane4ts dont have spaceports? you need to shuttle. If you dock in a space station, you need an airlock.


sorry, but if your just rush hush bunny hoppes maybe you should not have chosen a game from the top ROLEPLAYGAME (RPG) company on the planet.

Yes, the wonderful and majestic roleplaying opportunities encapsulated in 3 meter hallways.


I've played roleplaying games for close to 30 years now, and the ability to go from city A to city B without describing in great detail every dingy spot along the way has always been a feature.


Don't try to use roleplaying to justify a time sink.

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The whole instancing of hangers is so you can't see the other ships. Remember, in the game's storyline only YOUR character out of all the PCs is "real". There isn't some Smuggler running around doing things - there's just you. If they let you see the other ships all the time, it kind of breaks that bit of immersion.


No, the reason is it isn't set in stone that the ship you have now and the the look of that ship will always be the ship you use. They don't want to have a hanger bay large enough to show all the ships now and then add in all the ships added down the road. This is why 'your' ship is always hidden away because it can change with every expansion pack without them having to re edit old content to account for it.

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Yea they really need to cut the fat out of this game. The extra, meaningless areas like airlocks are very annoying.


Add in waiting 30 seconds between companion gifts too. How many extra months of sub do you really think you will get from me by making me sit 30 seconds between gifts for no reason?


I assume they are there for the immersion diehard RPers

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you cant just land on the planet, think about it, your ship would freeze up on hoth. I dont want to be out with a 99p halfords ice scrapper trying to get a little patch cleaned on my fury's front window for an hour so i can just take off. give me 1st class pod on shuttle anytime, let the lackies do the hard work.


You do realize its colder in space than on the surface of Hoth right?




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If this answer as to why we need all these extra hallways is "roleplay" than I want bathrooms in the game. I want an epic toothbrush and at least a few rare types of body wash for the shower. I want my toon to sometimes hit his funny bone and make dumb "ouch" noises for a few minutes. I want telemarketers to call me on my ship.


How far you going to take roleplay? I do see people on the space stations, they're running annoyed through it just like me. It's just another place people ignore each other.


You might wanna take the baby out of that bathwater before you throw it out the window.

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No this is not a troll post. But, why not have like a parking lot on planets where you get clearance to land and a parking assignment. You land at your designated spot. No need to even have it instanced. Make it so that there is a mark on your map as to where your ship is. Also, allow you to mount in the parking lot so that you can ride to and from your ship.


This option would allow one really cool thing: Ship Customization.


Imagine if you could have ship customizations like you have companion customizations. No one likes to have the same color car as everyone else. Some people like the spoilers on the trunk. Let us do the same thing with ships. Then you could go to the parking lot and see everyone else's ship on your way to yours. You could see all the DIFFERENT colors and customization that the other people decked their ship out in. Maybe allow us to name our ship and that name be printed on the hull of the ship.


Talk about role play. Since parking spots would be filled based on availibility, you would never be parked in the exact same spot. You would never take the exact same path to get to your ship.



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the only thing i'll agree with in this thread... is the annoying aspect of. everytime i enter my ship you get the take off cut scene.


of course i spacebar past that. but. ...lots of times i just go back to my ship to access my cargo hold. or whatever. i also used to have the habit of going to my ship to change out ship upgrades. before i realized you can just do that anywhere. ...although i still sometimes go to my ship for that. just for RP sake.



honestly. the fact that you zone into the air lock. and then have to take the elevator down to the main lvl of the fleet. or whatever. is probably a bandwidth/load issue.


fleet is shaping up to be the capital. where people congregate to trade/access GTN wait for PvP and spam for flashpoints etc.


have the load point for people entering/exiting that area... being separate from the area itself... probably saves a whole heap of cpu cycles somewhere.



and if they changed it. what little gain you'd get from saving a few seconds running/clicking on elevator buttons. you'd lose in lag from all the people coming and going.

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My hope is the space stations will be used to expand the current content later on. Such as another shuttle being added that takes people to near areas. Like new PvP or PvE zones. I could be a way for them to easily reuse the same planets in the continuation of the current games story lines.


Think about Ord Mantel. Lets say when the story kicks into the next story arch that the empire and republic go to open war again and the empire invades. The space station can be used to instance out the planet. If you use one shuttle you go to the starter zone Ord Mantel if you use the other you go to the later story arch Ord Mantel.


This is all a guess, perhaps they have them for some other reason, maybe just from a lore or IP perspective it just doesn't make sense to have a star port on a lot of the remote or highly controlled planets like Ilum, Voss, and Belsavis.


But we'll see if they do anything with them in time.

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My hope is the space stations will be used to expand the current content later on. Such as another shuttle being added that takes people to near areas. Like new PvP or PvE zones. I could be a way for them to easily reuse the same planets in the continuation of the current games story lines.


Think about Ord Mantel. Lets say when the story kicks into the next story arch that the empire and republic go to open war again and the empire invades. The space station can be used to instance out the planet. If you use one shuttle you go to the starter zone Ord Mantel if you use the other you go to the later story arch Ord Mantel.


This is all a guess, perhaps they have them for some other reason, maybe just from a lore or IP perspective it just doesn't make sense to have a star port on a lot of the remote or highly controlled planets like Ilum, Voss, and Belsavis.


But we'll see if they do anything with them in time.


You hit the nail in the head as to why certain things are as they are.


There is not going to be a new planet every time they add new content. New content will be added to old planets and to get to that new content you need a new shuttle to take you there.


This will actually save you a step because you don't take a shuttle down to the old content then run to the shuttle they added to fly you to the new content.

Edited by Twolow
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