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Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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I want dual specs



I like to tank

I like to DPS


I accept that I can't change my AC - cause it is basically my "Class"


But I really would like to change my role to suit what is needed.


So..... please give us dual class or at least cap the respec to a reasonable number

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Yeah you can call it a crutch. A crutch that lets me avoid wasting my precious free time grinding cash for respecs. I like healing in groups. I hate healing solo or in PvP. Is that really such a crime? Note that I am not asking to be able to switch AC or anything.

then aswell free teleportation to all planets and quest hubs would aswell be considered good then.?

And do you actually want to do everything you can with youre character with basicly no cost whatsoever to talk about?


If you hate being a healer in pvp and soloing then just play as DPS simple as that if you like healing in pvp and pve and like it solo


play as a healer.

Edited by Varghjerta
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Actually.. Dual Spec is so wrong....

Feels like cheating to me.

Or more like spoiling people who cant choose and want everything easy.


Or more like nobody cares that 5% of the playerbase doesn't like dual spec.


The rest will enjoy it when it comes just like all the other playerbase of all the MMOs worth their salt.

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Nobody needs dual specs (I never said they were an absolute necessity), but it would make the game more fun for a lot of us. That's why it's a quality of life issue. The semantics really aren't important anyway. Forget I said quality of life if that exact term bothers you :)


Yeah you can call it a crutch. A crutch that lets me avoid wasting my precious free time grinding cash for respecs. I like healing in groups. I hate healing solo or in PvP. Is that really such a crime? Note that I am not asking to be able to switch AC or anything.




Games should try to avoid tedium because tedium is not fun.


Having to go through half a dozen loading screens to respec and get back is tedium.

Having to redo your Hot Bar layouts and keybinds is tedium.


People who for some reason don't want Dual spec should start threads asking Bioware to lose the respec Trainer instead of posting in these threads since while he exists there is no hard "choice". There's just tedium.

Edited by zootzoot
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then aswell free teleportation to all planets and quest hubs would aswell be considered good then.?

And do you actually want to do everything you can with youre character with basicly no cost whatsoever to talk about?


I never said that.


If you hate being a healer in pvp and soloing then just play as DPS simple as that if you like healing in pvp and pve and like it solo


play as a healer.


So you're telling me I have to choose between soloing and grouping and just accept that I will hate the other part? You're free to believe that of course. I disagree though.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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Games should try to avoid tedium because tedium is not fun.


Having to go through half a dozen loading screens to respec and get back is tedium.

Having to redo your Hot Bar layouts and keybinds is tedium.


People who for some reason don't want Dual spec should start threads asking Bioware to lose the respec Trainer instead of posting in these threads since while he exists there is no hard "choice". There's just tedium.


The Hardcore Code:\


Fun is a lie, there is only tedium

Through Tedium I gain....


Yeah, I can't think of anything after that, feel free to add to it.

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Nobody needs dual specs (I never said they were an absolute necessity), but it would make the game more fun for a lot of us. That's why it's a quality of life issue. The semantics really aren't important anyway. Forget I said quality of life if that exact term bothers you :)


Yeah you can call it a crutch. A crutch that lets me avoid wasting my precious free time grinding cash for respecs. I like healing in groups. I hate healing solo or in PvP. Is that really such a crime? Note that I am not asking to be able to switch AC or anything.


But you could ask to switch ac. With high restrictions it is not a game breaker; it's just the possibility to change the ac without having to up another toon to level 50, toon of the exact same class sharing a lot with our actual ac.


If you can change it each three month or for real money or one million credits it is a plus and conserves the importance of the advanced class.

Edited by Voodh
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I just hit 50 with my tank speced vanguard. It was cake. I am 43 on my Heal speced sage. It was a bit harder. If YOU choose to be DPS, then pay the penalty to keep respecing or roll another class to fill needed roles like I did. Easy problem ,easy solution.


It absolutely affects everyone if dual spec was implemented. YOu can keep repeating that it doesn't, but it doesn't change reality.

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I never said that.




So you're telling me I have to choose between soloing and grouping and just accept that I will hate the other part? You're free to believe that of course. I disagree though.


What i said is do what you enjoy the most instead of asking to be able to enjoy the whole spectre without complaining that it comes with a cost attached to it.


Like i said if you like DPS in soloing Pve and pvp

and you only like healing in Pve


then what you should play as is quite clear aint it?


Why ask for Dual specc then? when you can use the respecc feature if you want to heal sometime?

Edited by Varghjerta
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All of you wanting to cap the respec should just get over it


From the get go u had to make a choice on what your class was going to do you were giveing a skill tree to help make those choices and they gave you the oprion to go back and redo something u didnt like.


The first few times are free to no cost its not there for you to keep going back over and over again if you wasnt to respec you SHOULD HAVE TO PAY THE COST or just go play a diffrent game and stop whinning about it becasue I am sure we can give u all some cheese to go along with it.

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What i said is do what you enjoy the most instead of asking to be able to enjoy the whole spectre without any cost attached to it.


Again, I simply disagree with you. I shouldn't have to hate all solo content because I chose to be a healer for groups. Particularly group and solo play are so different that it makes sense to have dual specs.

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I just hit 50 with my tank speced vanguard. It was cake. I am 43 on my Heal speced sage. It was a bit harder. If YOU choose to be DPS, then pay the penalty to keep respecing or roll another class to fill needed roles like I did. Easy problem ,easy solution.


It absolutely affects everyone if dual spec was implemented. YOu can keep repeating that it doesn't, but it doesn't change reality.


How would it effect you if there was a feature that allowed me to store a second spec along with the appropriate keybinds and Hot Bar layouts? You would still be a Tank. Are you worried that there would be more Tanks available or something because all I'm seeing is someone saying "I don't want it so no one should have it".

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Again, I simply disagree with you. I shouldn't have to hate all solo content because I chose to be a healer for groups. Particularly group and solo play are so different that it makes sense to have dual specs.


But then again do you hate being dps in groups?


if no then you have like 3/3 as a DPS

while only

1/3 as a healer

so still why complain then that respeccs cost money?

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But then again do you hate being dps in groups?


if no then you have like 3/3 as a DPS

while only

1/3 as a healer

so still why complain then that respeccs cost money?


I didn't complain about respec costs. I just think dual specs are a good idea. Respec costs are there so you don't change your spec every 5 minutes. That's fine, and I have no problem with it. With dual specs you just have 2 specs. You still pay if you want to change them.


That way, you help a lot of the people who actually want to heal or tank but don't want to use healing or tanking specs for solo content. It means we'll have an easier time making groups for heroics and flashpoints.


And you STILL keep people from changing their mind about talents all the time.

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I just hit 50 with my tank speced vanguard. It was cake. I am 43 on my Heal speced sage. It was a bit harder. If YOU choose to be DPS, then pay the penalty to keep respecing or roll another class to fill needed roles like I did. Easy problem ,easy solution.


It absolutely affects everyone if dual spec was implemented. YOu can keep repeating that it doesn't, but it doesn't change reality.


You are right, it does affect everyone:


Everyone who wants it has the ability to more fully enjoy more aspects of the game without repeated returns to the trainer to lose credits, or having to role a new character to rehash the same story -even good story rehashed becomes a grind.....on the spacebar.


Those of you who hate the idea get to complain about how everyone else is enjoying it, which just sucks because if you do not like it, no one should, right?!

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Dual-spec is as confirmed as a Mac version at this point.


Anyway, I have no doubt they are going to cave and add it in for all of the gimme-gamers. But I want to try to mitigate the damage if they do.


Give players who stick with their spec longer over time bonuses to some form of progression - experience, legacy, social or valor. The players who switch their spec frequently don't lose a thing and gain the flexibility they always wanted. The players who want to stick with their chosen role can get some perks for playing the right way.


Lol...please there is no "right way".


Some of you are so over dramatic about the whole dual spec thing. Really is amusing.

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Games should try to avoid tedium because tedium is not fun.


Having to go through half a dozen loading screens to respec and get back is tedium.

Having to redo your Hot Bar layouts and keybinds is tedium.


People who for some reason don't want Dual spec should start threads asking Bioware to lose the respec Trainer instead of posting in these threads since while he exists there is no hard "choice". There's just tedium.


That 'tedium' exists to mitigate the impact from players switching too often, watering down the class/role choices altogether. I think it's fine as it is.


But, if they want to give dual spec, they should do so... and give perks to those who do not use it, such as a % gain in xp, valor, social, legacy or even companion affection. This bonus builds up over time to a certain cap. That way the choice is there for those who want it, and doesn't penalize them.


The tedium, as you call it, is removed and players get all the flexibility they want to change specs, and players who hone in on one over time get some perks. As I said before, it's a win-win.

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Actually.. Dual Spec is so wrong....

Feels like cheating to me.

Or more like spoiling people who cant choose and want everything easy.


If you want to tank... roll a tank.

If you want to healer ... roll a healer.


Whats wrong with creating 3 chars?...


And if you dont want to roll 3 chars... then you have to pay for the privilege of not having to level up 2-3 chars.


Sounds normal to me.


Being able to create 1 char that can fill 3 rolls on the fly is not only "to easy" ... its also just plain unrealistic (yes.. i said it.. unrealistic in a fantasy game!!)


But hey.. it'll probably be implemented cause there are more people wanting easy-play then there are people that want a challenge


It's a challenge for you to level characters? Life must be so difficult. Do you not have hands and have to play with your feet or something? What makes leveling difficult for you? Because for me it's so easy that it puts me to sleep.

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But, if they want to give dual spec, they should do so... and give perks to those who do not use it, such as a % gain in xp, valor, social, legacy or even companion affection. This bonus builds up over time to a certain cap. That way the choice is there for those who want it, and doesn't penalize them.


Yeah that's a ridiculous idea that will never happen in any mmo.


The tedium, as you call it, is removed and players get all the flexibility they want to change specs, and players who hone in on one over time get some perks. As I said before, it's a win-win.


We aren't just "calling" it tedium, it is. And yeah they aren't going to give you perks for knowing your class, it's not hard to do at all.

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I didn't complain about respec costs. I just think dual specs are a good idea. Respec costs are there so you don't change your spec every 5 minutes. That's fine, and I have no problem with it. With dual specs you just have 2 specs. You still pay if you want to change them.


That way, you help a lot of the people who actually want to heal or tank but don't want to use healing or tanking specs for solo content. It means we'll have an easier time making groups for heroics and flashpoints.


And you STILL keep people from changing their mind about talents all the time.


Actually the dual specc most people are asking for is a very low one time cost and then free to use as in WoW.


And when the game in PvE have already given great solibility to tank and healers why is more needed then ?


Why do people feel that they should have only positive sides on theire choice.

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