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  1. No they haven't exposed any details but they will allow it. (why won't they) There are already a lot of informations on character transfer in the FAQ because of the launch of the asian servers. There are a lot of french people who are waiting to go to the english pvp servers.
  2. I hope it will be a very good one. It is a lack in the game. One which works with flashpoint, raids and any kind of quests so we can use it for world boss. (now there are less people to say "no to lfg tool, it's killing the social aspect... ..) Because no lfg tool is killing the game.
  3. I don't refuse anything, i hope. I think it will be implemented.
  4. Yes Multispec first and then ac respec, with restrictions, not ac switching but respec, with restrictions.
  5. Yes i know all that, but i read the ac respec was planned and prepared before release and then was removed. I prefer having only 1 character and now i think levelling is really boring.
  6. I really think the advanced class respec with restrictions will be implemented after the dual spec (or multispec). But it seems i will have to wait a long time. Does anyone have any information on this topic ?
  7. Yes, that is why ac respec with restrictions like each three month or real money or 1 million credits or a combination isn't a game breaker. It is more choice for more fun. Like i 've written before.
  8. It's not oblige they allow to swap between ac. They could implement a possible change each three month or for real money or 1 million credits or a combination. With restrictions, ac change is not a game breaker, it's more choice. I'm level 50, i want to change my ac but i absolutely don't want to up another toon, especially not one from the same class and surely not with a possible ac respec in a near future. More choice, more fun.
  9. Il y a d'autres classes et classes avancées, beaucoup, vraiment, à montrer du doigt avant les inquisiteurs pour leur résistance et leur force dans certaines situations. Tu t'es trompé de cible et de façon de faire
  10. But you could ask to switch ac. With high restrictions it is not a game breaker; it's just the possibility to change the ac without having to up another toon to level 50, toon of the exact same class sharing a lot with our actual ac. If you can change it each three month or for real money or one million credits it is a plus and conserves the importance of the advanced class.
  11. Exactly, first you can change it 2 times to be sure to like the other ac of your class. And then you can change it with restrictions. I won't up another toon to 50, especially not from the same class and surely not with the possibility of an ac respec in a near future. Concerning the dual spec, it's coming. The game has been developed with the idea of dual spec and ac respec, we can see the print of that in the mechanics of the game. Now it's missing.
  12. And we hear more the few people with principles. At the beginning it seems there were dual spec and ac respec. Those features can exist with specifications or restrictions for the ac respec. It is better to have those features well implemented according to the game instead of not at all. It's like the lfg feature, actually the one which oblige people to "talk to each other" is totally useless and it is almost impossible to find a group for flashpoints. Now people are leaving the game because they can't find people to play or because they have a limited gameplay.
  13. Dual spec will be great. Ac respec would be great, with high restrictions, real money, 1M credits or time restrictions (several months). I won't roll another toon of the same class with the possibility of an ac respec in a near furure, and i'm not the only one. In fact i won't up another toon to lvl 50 anymore, one time is enough. Dual spec will arrive for sure, the system as it is now is not right.
  14. Voodh

    Je reroll sorcier

    Allez y rerollez sorcier. Vous aurez la bonne surprise des vous faire easy kill par toutes les classes en 1 vs 1 sauf l'érudit et une bonne remise en question de votre façon de poster. Mais vous ferez plein d'éclairs devant tout le monde en bg.
  15. Voodh

    Sorcier Abused

    Tout a été dit déjà. En tant qu'érudit bientôt 50, sans stuff pvp, en 1 vs 1, je ne peux tuer QUE les sorciers. Tous les autres m'easy kill. J'ai peut être un gros dps mais je suis si fragile que les autres me tombent avant. Même en prenant des joueurs par surprise avec tous mes cd up et mes buffs à fond, rien à faire. Testé et retesté. Il y a des classes qui sont très faibles, d'autres qui sont op et d'autres op dans presque toutes les situations. Mais ce ne sont certainement pas les sorciers/érudits les plus forts en 1 vs 1. De très loin. C'est sûr que c'est désagréable de ne pas pouvoir bouger électrocuté, c'est sûr que ça arrive souvent quand il y a 4 sorciers dans l'équipe d'en face. Mais c'est juste une impression car tous les sorts des sorciers font des éclairs et car il y a beaucoup de sorciers. Une très, très fausse impression.
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