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Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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Enjoy the game and reroll a new class/char for another task. It is basic concept of rationality to know that everything has its strong and weak aspects and nothing exept Chuck Norris can perform any kind of duty efficiently.


All US Special Forces are trained in both a PRIMARY and SECONDARY specialty. My Havoc Squad Commando IS Special Forces, so give me my Dual Spec! :D


Seriously, while I think more people would have more fun in the game with Dual Spec, I could even accept leveling multiple characters of the same AC/Spec if BioWare gave me more than 8 characters per server.


SWTOR isn't Skyrim - I can't make unlimited characters on my Server. When I group with others certain roles need to be filled. Certain aspects of the game (Warfronts) are really nothing more than "mini-games" completely separate from my character's story, and I should be able to participate in them how I choose without incurring a cost of Cr 200,000 a day to do it.

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Actually.. Dual Spec is so wrong....

Feels like cheating to me.

Or more like spoiling people who cant choose and want everything easy.


If you want to tank... roll a tank.

If you want to healer ... roll a healer.


Whats wrong with creating 3 chars?...


And if you dont want to roll 3 chars... then you have to pay for the privilege of not having to level up 2-3 chars.


Sounds normal to me.


Being able to create 1 char that can fill 3 rolls on the fly is not only "to easy" ... its also just plain unrealistic (yes.. i said it.. unrealistic in a fantasy game!!)


But hey.. it'll probably be implemented cause there are more people wanting easy-play then there are people that want a challenge


Congratulations! You're the one millionth poster on the internet to conflate tedium/timesinks with challenge/difficulty!

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It's good that things are expensive, it means you have to work to get the good stuff and be above everyone else. WoW was ruined by the fact that every idiot could get the top level gear sets relatively easy and I feel the same about paying for respecs and the like.


If you have to work hard to be able to respec that's good.

Edited by Kunitsukami
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Yeah...so this doesn't even make sense. But feel free to keep comparing apples to oranges.


The more I read those against it the more I realize either you people have never played mmos before or simply do not understand the concept of dual specialization.


It isn't like this is some profound or unique concept being asked for here folks. Can see plenty of examples of it in other mmos if you want to read up on it or see how it doesn't effect anything gameplay wise outside of allowing people to create two templates for them to use for two different styles of play.


Mostly used for PvP and PvE.


Well, I realize I was being absurd, but I was doing so to illustrate the following point.


Their are 3 man things people identify with their characters as:


Your class, your ac, and then your talent spec. Some of us feel that all 3 of these choices determines what a person commits to, and undermining it in any way creates a problem.


All of them need to matter, and being able to swap any of them at any time without facing some type of significant cost compromises the entire purpose of choosing any of them at all.


I know it doesn't really matter, cause dual spec is coming, but I personally weight all these out as heavily as the others, and if you can switch one, then why not switch them all?


It's trivialization no matter what.

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It's good that things are expensive, it means you have to work to get the good stuff and be above everyone else. WoW was ruined by the fact that every idiot could get the top level gear sets relatively easy and I feel the same about paying for respecs and the like.


If you have to work hard to be able to respec that's good.


You HONESTLY believe it's a good thing that it costs me Cr 200,000 a DAY just to do my Flashpoint and Warzone Heroic Daily Quests!?!?!?! :eek:


You think that's good game design?!?!


Do you also think it would be "good" if I came over and kneed you in the groin every day before my respecs so you too could experience "adversity" since it "builds character?!?" :mad:

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I hope they never add Dual Speccing. They probably will, just because WoW did it, but I honestly have no problem being stuck with my spec. It's more than possible to make a spec that is good for both PvP and PvE. Sure, you'll miss a talent point here and there, but not enough to make you non-viable for either or. In WoW, there were worlds of difference between a PvP and a PvE spec. In SWTOR, not so much. Waaaaah, you can't heal or DPS at the drop of a hat. Tough luck. Roll a new character and spec it the other way. Leveling in this game isn't that hard. Now you're just being lazy.
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You HONESTLY believe it's a good thing that it costs me Cr 200,000 a DAY just to do my Flashpoint and Warzone Heroic Daily Quests!?!?!?! :eek:


You think that's good game design?!?!


Do you also think it would be "good" if I came over and kneed you in the groin every day before my respecs so you too could experience "adversity" since it "builds character?!?" :mad:


Why do you need to respec to do that?


I have been running PvP, Flashpoints, and questing with the same spec and it seems to be working out fine....

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I hope they never add Dual Speccing. They probably will, just because WoW did it, but I honestly have no problem being stuck with my spec. It's more than possible to make a spec that is good for both PvP and PvE. Sure, you'll miss a talent point here and there, but not enough to make you non-viable for either or. In WoW, there were worlds of difference between a PvP and a PvE spec. In SWTOR, not so much. Waaaaah, you can't heal or DPS at the drop of a hat. Tough luck. Roll a new character and spec it the other way. Leveling in this game isn't that hard. Now you're just being lazy.


Seriously? You're going to say it is whining? Some could say the same about you whining about it being made available if you want to be that trivial.


"I know you are but what am I?"


I can't speak for other classes but there is a huge difference in what I can do pending on how I spec in the sage trees. So not real sure what you're talking about your spec not mattering much least far as my class goes. Unlike some people around here I won't comment on things I know nothing about:rolleyes:


Laziness? Really? Only on this forum would someone account wanting dual specs as being lazy. Really is priceless around here.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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Why do you need to respec to do that?


I have been running PvP, Flashpoints, and questing with the same spec and it seems to be working out fine....


Why do you care why he wants to respec? Stop telling people how to have fun please.


The ability to store a second spec and a second set of Keybinds won't change the game for you at all.

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I hope they never add Dual Speccing. They probably will, just because WoW did it, but I honestly have no problem being stuck with my spec. It's more than possible to make a spec that is good for both PvP and PvE. Sure, you'll miss Ta talent point here and there, but not enough to make you non-viable for either or. In WoW, there were worlds of difference between a PvP and a PvE spec. In SWTOR, not so much. Waaaaah, you can't heal or DPS at the drop of a hat. Tough luck. Roll a new character and spec it the other way. Leveling in this game isn't that hard. Now you're just being lazy.


I took the part where you basically admitted that you have no problem with dual-speccing and it would not affect you in any way if they did implement it and put it in bold, italics, and underlined :cool:


No idea why you're so concerned with other players "work ethic" in a video game.

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In any terms anyone is able to play all the aspects of the game because of the companion system. You can do instances in all the specs available wiyjout changing them.


If you feel that being dps is too much restricking the amount of instances you do then by all means roll a tank or healer. 8 character slots ius quite enough. There is 4 classes per faction and 3 roles so you can very well create char of every role you like.


If group is looking for healer and you wanna help you log out and change to healer char. It is that simple. If you want to pvp you play pvp character. This also allows all your characters be ready equipped on that sinngular role they are created for without need to carry numerous outfits for different roles with you.


And if you dont have so much time to play it only prolongs you ability to enjoy the game as you have things to do for longer period of times when needing more characters than just one for all.


In general what is the purpose of class role if you can chage it on will? Why not remove specs art all then and do a character model that suits all needs?

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Why do you care why he wants to respec? Stop telling people how to have fun please.


The ability to store a second spec and a second set of Keybinds won't change the game for you at all.


I guess for some people the amount of fun they derive from this game is intrinsically tied to knowing other people can't dual spec.


I know I wouldn't be enjoying my class storylines or huttball if I knew somewhere out there a player was playing a DPS spec while having a second Heal spec stored for when they wanted to do flashpoints. :rolleyes:

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In any terms anyone is able to play all the aspects of the game because of the companion system. You can do instances in all the specs available wiyjout changing them.


If you feel that being dps is too much restricking the amount of instances you do then by all means roll a tank or healer. 8 character slots ius quite enough. There is 4 classes per faction and 3 roles so you can very well create char of every role you like.


If group is looking for healer and you wanna help you log out and change to healer char. It is that simple. If you want to pvp you play pvp character. This also allows all your characters be ready equipped on that sinngular role they are created for without need to carry numerous outfits for different roles with you.


And if you dont have so much time to play it only prolongs you ability to enjoy the game as you have things to do for longer period of times when needing more characters than just one for all.


In general what is the purpose of class role if you can chage it on will? Why not remove specs art all then and do a character model that suits all needs?


Um hello? The purpose is this game was built around the healer/tank/DPS trinity!


How would that change if dual-spec was allowed? Look at RIFT and WoW, you can dual-spec in those games. Yet there's still class roles in them!


Is it that hard of a concept to grasp?


Dual-specing does nothing to the class role system. It just allows people some variety and can add more tanks/healers to the population pool.


Edit: As for the companion issue, I guess next time we're sitting around waiting for a healer for Hardmode Black Talon because respec costs are so high and I don't want to switch to healing I'll tell the group it's okay because my Mako can heal it. :rolleyes:

Edited by HoneyBoy
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Why do you need to respec to do that?


I have been running PvP, Flashpoints, and questing with the same spec and it seems to be working out fine....


You must not have read my earlier posts...


I love healing in PvE/Soloing. I HATE healing in Warzone-PvP. If I care anything about being effective for my team in Warzones, I need to respec out of my "pure healer" spec.


I guess I could be just as selfish as all the Single Spec zealots and just do Warzones in my healing spec, never heal because I hate it, and if anyone questions my performance just let them know that I'm being "true to my character concept" as a PvE only healer :rolleyes:

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In any terms anyone is able to play all the aspects of the game because of the companion system. You can do instances in all the specs available wiyjout changing them.


If you feel that being dps is too much restricking the amount of instances you do then by all means roll a tank or healer. 8 character slots ius quite enough. There is 4 classes per faction and 3 roles so you can very well create char of every role you like.


If group is looking for healer and you wanna help you log out and change to healer char. It is that simple. If you want to pvp you play pvp character. This also allows all your characters be ready equipped on that sinngular role they are created for without need to carry numerous outfits for different roles with you.


And if you dont have so much time to play it only prolongs you ability to enjoy the game as you have things to do for longer period of times when needing more characters than just one for all.


In general what is the purpose of class role if you can chage it on will? Why not remove specs art all then and do a character model that suits all needs?



HAHA, I love people like you telling everyone else how to play.


I play 1 toon period. I don't water down my play time or my server identity by playing alt's.


Alt's are for noobs in my personal opinion but that's my opinion and I have no problem with you rolling all the alts you like.


I don't roll alt's period. If the game requires multiple toons then I'll just quit a poorly made game.


There is nothing wrong with people respeccing. I have no problem with people playing the way they like.


don't claim to support freedom then act like a dictator.


I honestly have no idea why anyone cares what spec another player rolls except for a self centered idealism that they feel they must push on other people much like religious people.

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HAHA, I love people like you telling everyone else how to play.


I play 1 toon period. I don't water down my play time or my server identity by playing alt's.


Alt's are for noobs in my personal opinion but that's my opinion and I have no problem with you rolling all the alts you like.


I don't roll alt's period. If the game requires multiple toons then I'll just quit a poorly made game.


There is nothing wrong with people respeccing. I have no problem with people playing the way they like.

don't claim to support freedom then act like a dictator.


I honestly have no idea why anyone cares what spec another player rolls except for a self centered idealism that they feel they must push on other people much like religious people.




I've not yet seen any person post any sort of rational argument against dual-spec on how the issue would negatively impact them personally. Just a lot of hyperbole about how anal they are when it comes to dictating how they believe others should play the game.

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In any terms anyone is able to play all the aspects of the game because of the companion system. You can do instances in all the specs available wiyjout changing them.


If you feel that being dps is too much restricking the amount of instances you do then by all means roll a tank or healer. 8 character slots ius quite enough. There is 4 classes per faction and 3 roles so you can very well create char of every role you like.


If group is looking for healer and you wanna help you log out and change to healer char. It is that simple. If you want to pvp you play pvp character. This also allows all your characters be ready equipped on that sinngular role they are created for without need to carry numerous outfits for different roles with you.


And if you dont have so much time to play it only prolongs you ability to enjoy the game as you have things to do for longer period of times when needing more characters than just one for all.


In general what is the purpose of class role if you can chage it on will? Why not remove specs art all then and do a character model that suits all needs?


The you need to start a nice little thread asking Bioware to remove the repsec trainer on the Fleet. Since as long as he's around there are no hard choices about specs just tedium and annoyances about changing them.


I'll ask you as well....why would my ability to store a second spec as well as the Keybinds and Hot Bar setups for that spec impact your fun in any way?

Edited by zootzoot
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I'll ask you as well....why would my ability to store a second spec as well as the Keybinds and Hot Bar setups for that spec impact your fun in any way?


If you browse through this thread and it's many various iterations you'll see people asking this question a lot.


What you won't see however are any answers to it outside the realm of:


"All people should play the way I see fit".

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In general what is the purpose of class role if you can chage it on will? Why not remove specs art all then and do a character model that suits all needs?


Must have missed the memo where me being able to dual spec somehow allows me to go from being a healer to a tank. Feel free to tell me how this is going to be possible.


You do realize that plenty of other games have this feature and it has not effected people's class roles in the least right?


If this were to do anything it would make forming groups easier for people because there are some that would choose a separate build for PvE as well that could be used as support, tanking or healing in addition to their main preference which in most cases for those types of players is dps.


Furthermore, if this really would "destroy class roles" then why the **** would they allow for you to respec at all on an unlimited basis for credits?

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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I hope they do not put in dual spec. Since this game started without it adding it puts in alot of problems. The main problem is with loot rules, people saying OH thats for my offspec "needs item of huge value".


People already do that exact thing for companions bub, try harder next time.


If you browse through this thread and it's many various iterations you'll see people asking this question a lot.


What you won't see however are any answers to it outside the realm of:


"All people should play the way I see fit".




Edited by dargor-
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