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Agents overpowred to a gamebreaking degree


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Never in my post did I say that if a class is difficult to play it should be OP. What I mean is normally you will find more players that don´t play these classes that well and once in a while you find a couple who really can play it and you go "oh the class is OP".


So really , it´s nothing new in TOR , every class that has a player that can master it is OP in soem way when playing against players only above average.


I´ve seen the most ridiculous comments in the forums about Operatives one shotting constantly and its all bull****.


Are they annoying, yes they are but so are all rogue classes in every mmo. Just be happy you can´t be stunlocked as badly as in otehr games.


Ok, I'll write it again:


I play a sniper, almost full champion geared, 495 expertise and 15500 HP.

Operative geared like me will kill me from full HP DURING THE INITIAL KNOCKDOWN about 80% of the time. I've done a lot of duels, and the outcome is always the same.

If you don't want operative damage nerfed, then devs must do something about other classes survivability.

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Being difficult to play doesn't justify being overpowered when played well. That's not how it works.


That said, I have seen screenshots of sorcerers doing the same sort of combo of numbers re: heal vs. dps.


But that's the point, Operatives are not overpowered, they just require the enemy to pay atentions of what its doing.


Proper use of cc breaks, dots, knockbaks, snares and kiting would destroy operatives.


Smashing the head on the keyboard will end in the operative winning.

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Ok, I'll write it again:


I play a sniper, almost full champion geared, 495 expertise and 15500 HP.

Operative geared like me will kill me from full HP DURING THE INITIAL KNOCKDOWN about 80% of the time. I've done a lot of duels, and the outcome is always the same.

If you don't want operative damage nerfed, then devs must do something about other classes survivability.


And how much that operative would last if you catch him at range without his vanish on cd?


Yes, if an operative catches you from stealth and you are a sniper which is alone without your cc breaker up, you will die, and thats working as intended.


You shouldn't be alone with your cc breaker on cd, its your fault.


The whole point of stealth classes is to tear down glass cannons that wander alone. You are a glass cannon.

Edited by GengisKahn
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The whole point of stealth classes is to tear down glass cannons that wander alone. You are a glass cannon.


Quite accurate.


See, you guys saying the operative is OP don´t quite get rogue classes (not only from SWTOR). Rogues only have a window of opportunity to use their skills and during that short period of max 10 secs they must do the most amount of dmg possible to bring down someone otherwise they can be pinned and nuked. We have our on-demand in combat stealth but its not always up so you have to manage that. Apart from that we´re really just an average melee class with tin foil as armor (even if it is medium armor).


Now you´re a sniper so it means you dont have high armor to start with and you should know acid blade cuts 50% of your armor on backstab and hidden strike and I´m really doubting that he pins you down with just those 2 shots at 10% expertise so its your job to break away from him after the initial strike. Stun him , jump down , go near your group. If he catches you away with a big rifle in your hand , you´re dead, but then again what would you want the outcome to be?


But it doesn´t shock me that operatives are causing headaches to several players because people tend to not give a f*** about group play in pvp so it´s the ideal hunting ground for concealment operatives, simple enough.

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Stim buffs need to be balanced before the Acid Blade armor pen buff. There are too many players arguing for nerfs without understanding the potential source for the damage.


I saw a video today of a champion Sorc getting dropped before the KD was over. The important note to this example was that the Op's crit multiplier was ~87% and the first two crits were for 6k and 5.8k

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Stim buffs need to be balanced before the Acid Blade armor pen buff. There are too many players arguing for nerfs without understanding the potential source for the damage.


I saw a video today of a champion Sorc getting dropped before the KD was over. The important note to this example was that the Op's crit multiplier was ~87% and the first two crits were for 6k and 5.8k


IA's are the bright wizards of SWTOR nerf them into the ground before they cause people to leave the game.


There damage output was complained about in beta too and nothing was done.

Edited by agrippa
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Ok, I'll write it again:


I play a sniper, almost full champion geared, 495 expertise and 15500 HP.

Operative geared like me will kill me from full HP DURING THE INITIAL KNOCKDOWN about 80% of the time. I've done a lot of duels, and the outcome is always the same.

If you don't want operative damage nerfed, then devs must do something about other classes survivability.


Snipers aren't intended to be a strong 1 v 1 class. Its a class for exceptional FP PVE ranged damage, and group pvp where you aren't exposed in the open.

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Stim buffs need to be balanced before the Acid Blade armor pen buff. There are too many players arguing for nerfs without understanding the potential source for the damage.


I saw a video today of a champion Sorc getting dropped before the KD was over. The important note to this example was that the Op's crit multiplier was ~87% and the first two crits were for 6k and 5.8k


I was under the impression that adrenals broke stealth, but relics do not?


But aside from that, a geared Op has ~50% crit chance on HS and BS. So you get the above situation only if:


1) 25% of the time you get the double crit

2) The sorc has no bubble up (his fault)

3) Op pops relic

4) Op is using last-through-death stim, as everyone who is really competitve should be

5) Do we know if the Op in the video is using an Adrenal? Adrenal->stealth->HS isn't that tough to do with 15s adrenals.


The best geared Op in my guild (been farming L50 pvp gear for 2 weeks, so well geared) just broke 6k recently, and he had to use relic+stim+not-a-L50-target to do it.


Despite all that, it's wrong to be able to solo kill an ideal target (with full pvp gear) in < 3 seconds, even with a crit string


BUT...I have plenty of recent experience from being sub-50 of taking 6-10 seconds to kill ideal targets, and that makes the Ops life miserable. You end up being ping-ponged around by knockbacks, snare kited, stunned, etc. Plus, the extra couple of seconds give their healers *tons* of time to get a heal off (or for rolling HoTs to tick)...or for someone else to CC you.


It's a very fine line for the devs in charge of balance to walk. Too little damage, and our ability to be effective at all goes away. Too much and people get insta-gibbed. Consumables make that even tougher to balance

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I play an operative and I love how everyone comes here to say we are garbage outside of stealth. That is so bs. We have one ability from stealth and even though it is strong it is not make or break. We have another 4 second stun and a root outside of that, medium armor, and a shield. Our other abilities still hit like trucks with a huge critical chance and multiplier.
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Operatives are ridiculously overpowered. Everyone I play one is rolling one because you can destroy people in pvp at level 14 without any gear. I've seen operatives running around naked on my team with no gear breaking 200k damage in warzones.


Stop kidding yourselves.

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lol a well geared juggernaut will eat an operative raw and have room for dessert.


Operative is great low levels and wicked against people with bad gear.


On the other hand if you go up against a juggernaut with the same level gear then he may not kill you as fast but you're not going to give him any worries at all.


Why is it people are so damn whiney about burst dps. I'd rather face an operative any way, than a well geared juggernaut. On my low (20ish) I can easily kill operatives, whereas the juggernauts just laugh in my general direction. This is not a whine about juggernauts, because I love mine, but just stating the fact that people need to get to 50 and get gear before the complain.


The game balance changes A LOT and it should be balanced at 50, since that's where we will eventually all be sitting.


People whine just because they are killed or can't kill others without taking into account that there may be a HUGE relative difference in gear, skills, hitpoints etc. The bolstering isn't perfect, but it DOES allow us to play together. Perhaps it takes 2 level 20 to take down that level 50 juggernaut and perhaps we really need to use all our skills... but we can.


Stop whining.

Edited by Mr_Gallows
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Operatives are ridiculously overpowered. Everyone I play one is rolling one because you can destroy people in pvp at level 14 without any gear. I've seen operatives running around naked on my team with no gear breaking 200k damage in warzones.


Stop kidding yourselves.


I sure hope they dont use comments like this one to decide on nerfing a class.

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wicked against people with bad gear.


This. Try again when your armor rating and HP are par with his. A level 50 geared Op will own a level 13. Why? Because even with bolster the level 13 will not have par HP and damage reduction reflective of a level 50 and they won't have enough CC and DPS skill chains to kill the Op during their window of opportunity.


Long story short - rank up and re-evaluate or hang around other players so you can stun-lock him after his opener. Stop basing all your assumptions on game balance on your first 10 hours of playing the game.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Operatives are ridiculously overpowered. Everyone I play one is rolling one because you can destroy people in pvp at level 14 without any gear. I've seen operatives running around naked on my team with no gear breaking 200k damage in warzones.


Stop kidding yourselves.


As a level 15 operative, without great gear, I'm going to call major BS on this. At this point, speccing Concealment, I don't have my best abilities yet, and I'm mostly reliant on picking off idiots who go it alone, while never touching objectives myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
play an operative and I love how everyone comes here to say we are garbage outside of stealth


I wouldn´t say it´s garbage but you want to be looking for a window of opportunity to go stealth again.


You still do good dps and like you say you have stuns and flashbangs but so do other (most of them) melees with heavy armor.


Plus most people hate us anyway so if they see you unstealthed I´m betting they´re nuking you down fast if you don´t vanish quickly :p


Dpsing without having in mind bringing down someone as fast as you can and then vanishing is not an operative´s real purpose.

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IA's are the bright wizards of SWTOR nerf them into the ground before they cause people to leave the game.


There damage output was complained about in beta too and nothing was done.


Yeah we are breaking the game, w/e.


PvP isn't dueling, if you are caught alone with your pants down in Warzones you deserve to get mauled by a Operative. I play an OP, against lowbies sure I hit hard, but against someone my level, if I dont use oppertunity to my advantage and I get 2 vs 1 it usually ends with me vanishing.


This isn't WoW or Warhammer. Stick with a teammate in PvP and you wont have to worry about being murdered by Operatives. L2P.

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Actually I was waiting for 1.1 patch. It is hard to fight someone in full pvp gear. Now... after the patch and placing level 49 violet mods/enhancements into armor I feel like a god in WZ.


Of cause, after getting to 50 I'll be constantly owned by people in pvp gear until I'll get one myself.

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50s v 50s, we are hardly overpowered. I do think we can pump out high dmg, along with the Merc and Sniper, in low levels, compared to other levels.


But when you take a group of 50s v a group of 50s? Operative is hardly hardly overpowered. We have our mechanics that make us tough, but we are squishy and will get destroyed more often than you think.

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Yeah so this happened




Part of it is that he's lvl 50 and was geared but still this is way beyond anything even reasonable for a class to do. I remember when one of the main selling points of this game was that you couldn't be stunlocked and killed... lie.


Agents have, not only the most stuns in the game, but on the shortest CDs, i believe an agent can get debilitate to a 30 second CD... *** really? Then their opener knocks you down for 3 seconds where they make such a health deficit that there is literally no way to come back and you have to either run or die. Even if you CC break the knockdown, because of the broken resolve system they debilitate you and if you manage to get a lead on them to run away or go for a health powerup they just flashbang you...


This needs fixing ASAP it is ruining pvp for everyone.


Oh noes, a screenie with an agent on top. I guess the 2 other agents the BH beat weren't OP?


As a PT PT, when I see an operative open on someone I like to grapple/stun them, it robs them of most of their cc/burst opener, which is a huge part of their damage. Then I'll start kiting them around cause they can't close the gap.


The only time I get spanked by operatives, is when there are 2 of them, they outgear me, or I just get outplayed. Often I'll get a dot on them before they can even open on me, their stealth is nowhere near WoW rogue levels.

Edited by crunchybacon
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