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Everything posted by Octaus

  1. 7.8k on a sorcerer as MM, using shatter + adrenal + relic
  2. Well, lethality can pull 1500 dps, so I don't think dots are a bad damage source.
  3. Has anyone with full rakata gear tried a full MM or MM/eng spec on the target dummy yet?
  4. Tested a full lethality spec on the ops dummy (2-8-31) Setup: Almost full rakata gear (columi chest and relics) Biochem stim All 4 buffs 4 minutes combat duration Result: 1510 DPS (torparse) http://www.torparse.com/a/2068 From 1:27:14 to 1:31:03
  5. I stood there 2 hours, and nothing appeared. Also I didn't get Operation: silverplate in Alderaan with my agent
  6. What happened to the Yozusk Platesmasher (needed for yozusk codex) in Dromund Kaas? I can't find him anymore. I've camped its spawn for at least 3 hours and nothing ever showed up.
  7. Ok, I'll write it again: I play a sniper, almost full champion geared, 495 expertise and 15500 HP. Operative geared like me will kill me from full HP DURING THE INITIAL KNOCKDOWN about 80% of the time. I've done a lot of duels, and the outcome is always the same. If you don't want operative damage nerfed, then devs must do something about other classes survivability.
  8. The funny thing is that on endgame gear a MM sniper, due to diminishing return from cunning critical chance, would benefit almost the same from aim.
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