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What legacy name did you choose? Proudly post yours here!


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My Legacy Name is Lightstrider.


I'm pretty proud of the name, actually. It sounds "Star Wars-y".


I'm also very proud of my 8 character names, as I was fortunate enough to reserve these at pre-release before they got snatched up and didn't even have to add any cheap tricks like vowel accents to get them.


I was also lucky enough to have Prophecy of the Five as an original server so ive never been forced to change them


- Liam Lightstrider- JC

- Evie Lightstrider - Smuggler

- Imperius - SW

- Crucious - SI

- Morran Lightstrider- IA

- Tanken - Trooper

- Nikro - BH

- Darkstrider - Dark JK


How proud, you asked? Proud enough to list them even though they are on my signature block...



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Legacy: Korbin - Latin for Raven (and from one of my favoritd movies, with my favorite actor; though it isn't spelled like that - Dallas Corbin)


Had to change the name of my main with the transfer, so now my Juggernaut is Gargauth.

Daughters are the triplets Beshar(sorceress), Xai'lee(sage), and Bai'lee(wifes alt), and Fierna(sentinel)

A sniper named Xuse works for Gargauth, but unknowingly so.

A Bounty Hunter named Hartigan who works directly for Gargauth when the subject must be brought in alive (again, another movie with my favorite actor and the only light side toon I have).

Xuse had a falling out with a friend who was an agent, then turned smuggler by the name of Baravar.

Hartigan has an exwife by the name of Alexandretta who is a vanguard but has become cold and jaded by what she has seen from both factions.

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My Legacy name is Tyme.


Offers for some clever (and not-so-clever) names:


Kihll Tyme (47 Marauder)

Phox Tyme (21 Vanguard)

Dubble Tyme (18 Scoundrel)

Lawst Tyme (15 Sniper)

Finir Tyme (23 Sorcerer) [finir is French for "to end"]

O'rion Tyme (29 Mercenary)

Feerse Tyme (18 Sage)

Enaek Tyme (29 Guardian)


--Canderous Ordo server--

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My character name is Durzo, my legacy name is Blint.


Durzo Blint lvl 39 Trooper Jung Ma. :p


Kudo's if you understood where my name was from.



The Soulstalker Family...

Krawl <Juggernaut>

Krullous <Marauder>

Wraiven <Assassin>

Casket <Sorcerer>

Kullous <Bounty Hunter>

Darcon <Sniper>

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My Legacy name is Tyme.


Offers for some clever (and not-so-clever) names:


Kihll Tyme (47 Marauder)

Phox Tyme (21 Vanguard)

Dubble Tyme (18 Scoundrel)

Lawst Tyme (15 Sniper)

Finir Tyme (23 Sorcerer) [finir is French for "to end"]

O'rion Tyme (29 Mercenary)

Feerse Tyme (18 Sage)

Enaek Tyme (29 Guardian)


--Canderous Ordo server--



... you really need to have a character named Hammer. :rak_03:

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my current legacy name is Corrato,which is basically italian for "corrupt"


it used to be luxinferi,but i realized how horrible that sounded as a last name...so i bugged customer service several times,then free transfers came,i took the free transfer option.....


and then when i first logged into my new server,somehow my old legacy name was erased,i chose corrato in its place

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Bullet Corpsemaker Trooper

" The Outlaw " Kid Corpsemaker Smuggler

Raffi Corpsemaker Jedi Sage


Death Corpsemaker Powertech

Prophet Corpsemaker Mercenary

Voohdoo Corpsemaker Sorcerer

Darknine Corpsemaker Operative

Vicious Corpsemaker Marauder

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Tyme is pretty good. I saw a character with the legacy title Time on my server. The character was "Story Time." When my brother saw him, he commented that apparently Bioware has started putting story into PvP, now.


Mine is Heals. Sorry Heals, Damage Heals, Need Heals...


I was thinking that "Drunk" would also be a good legacy title. Then I'd make characters with names like "Probably" or "Mostly" or "Almost."

Edited by Sinemetu
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