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  1. I believe you have this point backwards. I bought SWG when they gave you the three games in one package. When I played SWG, when you went to a planet, and selected the map, the planet was a square piece of land that, when you got to the end, you just appeared back at the other side of the map. TOR has a MUCH larger play area. TOR at least makes me feel like I'm running through an entire planet, with how big it is. I thought that Lucas Arts gave SOE all the freedom they wanted. I remember reading an article that said Lucas Arts and George gave them free reign withtin some constricts, then those were removed because starwars fans wanted to roll Jedi. I did MUCH more enjoy SWG's Space Missions more than I enjoy TOR's. I was REALLY hoping for a new Tie Fighter, knowing how much BioWare's staff (Some of them anyway) are avid fans of flight. I assume they will make a Jump to Light Speed type expantion, and we can have the choice of making our ship look the way we want. But anyway, I think it's a good idea to give out free weekend passes. I enjoy Star Wars, I love Star Wars, got some tattoo's to show that love. I invited my wife to play the 7 day free trial, but because we live in South Korea (no love for us out here from ToR) it's rather difficult to get her a copy.
  2. Just wondering if there will ever be other races considered, and will those new races if they ever come around have a NEW world to start on?
  4. It's not pronounced Des-sue... It's just Des... and doesn't Desu mean it? As in, So desu ne? and, so desu ka? If you want to be super polite, isn't it generally -san at the end of ones name? I haven't given my legacy name yet, but when I do I will wear it proud. I haven't chosen one yet as I don't have a super awesome title, and that my character names are actual names that mean something in other languages, for example, one of my names means sword bearer. Not s easy when you have an awesome name already. Plus, sword bearer doesn't go well with a BH.
  5. Oh right.... I didn't know WoW had a phone app... but to pay for it while you're already subscribing is ridiculous, honestly should be an included service. Hear that BW, included service. Going back to what the post is originally about, "Features lacking in guild system," what if BW added a mobile app to allow you to communicate with people in game at a free of charge service? How would they protect the files on your phone, and contacts, and what if you lost your phone? I too thought that it would be a good idea from my first post, and thought of adding that comment, but then I thought, it wouldn't be done... but if WoW did it... I do like the idea, but what are the security and privacy issues? Also... I thought 51% of cell phone market was bought Android phones... aren't those smartphones? Or does the 51% mean out of smartphone purchases?
  6. *Bash head on table* x3 I just got where the "Everybody's dead Dave," came from. Red Dwarf. I'm that nerdy. Nad I didn't even have to click it. I think that a Guild with a website is rather neat, but also not entirely necessary. My guild has a website, but I only use it to commune with those who are not online. I like to have things organized, but I'm rather slack about it. I'd love to see something implemented from BW that adds updates from the website to the game. I believe that has been suggested before. I think the people who want to visit the site, will visit the site, and those who don't want to just will not. I don't think that a guild has to have a website to be on top, or server firsts. And how does one know if they have a server first item? I don't play much MMO's honestly. I jumped from SWG to WoW, to SWG again to see what was different... then some Perfect World, then back to WoW, then horde got shafted and too many idiots on WoW (Not everyone, and present company excluded I'm sure,) so I quit that, and played AOE Online and Eden Eternal for a extremely short bit while I waited for TOR. So, in short I'm not a nerd for MMO's, I play what I like, and I'm pretty slack. I believe the bottom line is, if players wants to visit the site, or want a site, then they do, if not, then that's fine. If that's how they choose to play, then so be it. No one is wrong, they just enjoy what they enjoy.
  7. Just wanted to say that I like your comment and I agree. Although, one thing I agree with is how would the person get any information if they can't log into the game? Say 10 people are waiting for one person who is late, and that person is on the bus home. Well, he can't log into the game and tell everyone. If he has a smart phone, and lets say he does for this example, then he could go to the site and post. And IF the guild leader or someone on the roster is paying attention to both the site and game then they should be able to see it. But still, I like your stance in this matter, not picking on someone and not calling them stupid.
  8. As is, I moved from Canada to Korea recently with my wife, and I really don't have much time to play, but when I do want to play I either play at night, or I have to wait in a que? I love BioWare, always have and always will, but since my wife is expecting, I don't see myself having very many hours to play, so why do I need to re-roll, as I see it, BW, you forced us to choose these servers, why couldn't you have locked it in for those players already on the servers, and make the launch players start on new servers? But presently, I guess it is ok, since I lost my security key info, silly not to write it down, I can't even log in anyway until customer support e-mails me back. So, in a sense I guess I'm lucky... lucky like a scruffy looking nerf herder!
  9. I'd rather argue that iPhone is crap since they stole from Samsung
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