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Yay! 50 Bracket, Ranked WZ and more PvP News for January!


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Thats why we (republic players) get to play Voidstar/Civil War (Aldeeran WZ) more often. :p

Though I dont think that they could fix that ratio since most players want to be more bad (i.e slaughter every person you see) than you can when you play as a republic.

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Requiring player kills seem like a horrible idea because if the enemy doesn't come out, then you'd never be able to finish these objectives. On my server the Empire will trivially defeat any Republic opposition on Ilum if they wanted to play. The only reason we are even able to do our dailys is because we make sure nobody touches the Republics while they're capping their objectives. Unless we agree to kill each other in a trade, there's no way a Republic can successfully kill Empire that outnumber them 3 to 1 at any given time, so the solution is Republic would never come out. Or we'd forced to have someone roll Republic alts to come out to get killed on purpose to fill the daily quota.


Ilum as a concept just doesn't work. I think it should be done like Voidstar, every 30 minutes the attack/defender roll flip. That way the side winning can always do their objectives successfully, and it'd be somewhat hard for the losing side but you can probably implement something like Tenancity, not to mention Ilum is a very big place so I don't think most people would be willing to station 40 guys needed to cover the whole area in the off chance a couple Republic shows up.

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This is the fastest solution to a problem I have ever seen.


All you QQers can Eat a D, BW is killin it.


I'm glad all the baddies unsubbed already for a minor problem.


correction, bioware is talking about killing it (nice list indeed)


action remains to be seen

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This is awesome news. I was pretty impressed by the nearly half of all players participating in War Zones mention. It would appear that PvP isn't the minority sideshow that Carebear PvErs would have one think it is.


Great news that BW is on top of the situation. Even better news that the changes are coming quickly this month.


+Rep BW

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And people will still get mad they are not implementing these changes RIGHT NOW!

Hopefully this will get rid of all the QQ threads.


Dont be surprised when this doesnt come out until jan 30th. Im totally optimistic about bioware and this game. but at the same time im really getting tired of hearing "in the future". And priority. The current pvp scene is a cluster****. and its hindrance. And it seems that they preferred to suffer the whole rather than the few. Its getting to the point where, atleast on my fail server(for obvious reasons) that in war zones non 50s are becoming the minority. They should have placed the release date on pvp gear or something b/c the unbalanced between 50 pvp geared players and non 50 players is astounding. and while the people rank up to the highest of levels and practically being handed their prestige b/c they over-nerded their way to 50 in a week and then got their loot from bags is only making lower levels suffer.

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Dont be surprised when this doesnt come out until jan 30th. Im totally optimistic about bioware and this game. but at the same time im really getting tired of hearing "in the future". And priority. The current pvp scene is a cluster****. and its hindrance. And it seems that they preferred to suffer the whole rather than the few. Its getting to the point where, atleast on my fail server(for obvious reasons) that in war zones non 50s are becoming the minority. They should have placed the release date on pvp gear or something b/c the unbalanced between 50 pvp geared players and non 50 players is astounding. and while the people rank up to the highest of levels and practically being handed their prestige b/c they over-nerded their way to 50 in a week and then got their loot from bags is only making lower levels suffer.


For the most part i agree with you sir. a simple solution is just disable the expertise stat which is the root of the issue, 50s have it and nobody else does. Your turning my post into a defense of the current system, the true point of my post is(and its sad i have to spell it out) "YOU CANT MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY" and they could announce they were going to give everyone a million dollars and you will STILL have someone pissed about it.


now for the part i don't agree with, the "In the future" point your making, while i understand the feeling i think its a bit too early to use it as your goto argument. the game hasn't been out a month yet and this is the first time they have actually said they were doing something about it. there hasn't been a single major content patch yet, and your already tired of hearing "In the future". Talk to me in a couple more months and if nothing has changed ill agree with you 100%

Edited by Daraco
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Yay! OMG! They're doing things that were expected of them! Woo Hoo!


Everyone has been raging so much because the first three weeks of launch don't have systems in place that were developed by Blizzard after years of development. People are so incredibly stupid.


Guess what!? I bet there are more things they're going to release eventually too! OMMG WHTAT R THEY?!


Yes forgive us for thinking that since another game has alrdy figured out the basics that

games that come after should learn from their predecessors mistakes. After all people ef just so we can stand back and laugh at them instead of learning from it and doing better. How ignorant of us.

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Dont be surprised when this doesnt come out until jan 30th. Im totally optimistic about bioware and this game. but at the same time im really getting tired of hearing "in the future". And priority. The current pvp scene is a cluster****. and its hindrance. And it seems that they preferred to suffer the whole rather than the few. Its getting to the point where, atleast on my fail server(for obvious reasons) that in war zones non 50s are becoming the minority. They should have placed the release date on pvp gear or something b/c the unbalanced between 50 pvp geared players and non 50 players is astounding. and while the people rank up to the highest of levels and practically being handed their prestige b/c they over-nerded their way to 50 in a week and then got their loot from bags is only making lower levels suffer.


This is why you don't have a holiday release of an MMO along with a seven day head-start. People get the feeling you should be slaving away during Christmas and the week after launch instead of taking vacation like everyone else. It honestly is as much their fault as the fault of people who rail at them for not fixing every single thing in the game in the first month.

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Yes forgive us for thinking that since another game has alrdy figured out the basics that

games that come after should learn from their predecessors mistakes. After all people ef just so we can stand back and laugh at them instead of learning from it and doing better. How ignorant of us.


People like you don't seem to understand that if you had all the features of WoW at launch your dev cycle would be 9 or 10 years. It's not that they don't KNOW HOW to do these things, it's that there's not time or manpower to put it all in at launch.

Edited by OSUNightfall
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I am seriously considering leaving when the 50 bracket hits.


Ill be 50 within a week or 2, and while i dont agree with 10s being with 50s, i also dont agree with new 50s being with 50s in full champion gear. Republic guild on my server has run 50 premades non stop since they got enough people to do it and has steamrolled the empire. And because of that, they get geared, while we are screwed.


Fighting a 50 in champion gear as a fresh 50 will be like a level 25 fighting a fresh geared 50 with bolster.


I don't understand this logic. If your going against 50 premades anyway then how is it worse having all 50's on your side as apposed to mixed levels between 10 and 50?

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Yes forgive us for thinking that since another game has alrdy figured out the basics that

games that come after should learn from their predecessors mistakes. After all people ef just so we can stand back and laugh at them instead of learning from it and doing better. How ignorant of us.


Your ignorance of how the gaming industry works is clear.

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Gotta love all the complainers thinking games can be fixed with the push of a button. Lots of business decisions have to take place before things are changed and that is not including coding, If you are all so perfect and can fix the game over night. Please by all means apply and go work for Bioware and make the fixes.


So far I have been pleased with Bioware and really just hope EA doesnt push too much influence into the game as they have the tendency to ruin games lol.

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We also have other exciting features coming in the near future including Ranked Warzone Matches, PvP Stat Tracking, Open World PvP Loot Drops, more Warzone medals for different objectives, Guard Optimizations and Target Optimizations.


******** excited.

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All I read were excuses and coddling, so when you do implement these open world pvp based objectives Bioware are you going to be smart enough to implement things that keep players in the zone when their weekly or dailies are done? You know incentives to keep their *** hunkered down in a pvp zone so that the risk is well worth the reward and instigates pvp? Will see won't we. Soon TM.


I mean I have yet to see any iota that your development team knows how to instigate pvp properly. All this rich content and Bioware barely has any quests criss-crossing one another on both factions.


Star Wars indeed.

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People like you don't seem to understand that if you had all the features of WoW at launch your dev cycle would be 9 or 10 years. It's not that they don't KNOW HOW to do these things, it's that there's not time or manpower to put it all in at launch.


Six years of development? BS. -throws down flag- Foul.

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All I read were excuses and coddling, so when you do implement these open world pvp based objectives Bioware are you going to be smart enough to implement things that keep players in the zone when their weekly or dailies are done? You know incentives to keep their *** hunkered down in a pvp zone so that the risk is well worth the reward and instigates pvp? Will see won't we. Soon TM.


I mean I have yet to see any iota that your development team knows how to instigate pvp properly. All this rich content and Bioware barely has any quests criss-crossing one another on both factions.


Star Wars indeed.


Why? So the empire can further zerg-stomp the outnumbered republic on pvp servers?

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People like you don't seem to understand that if you had all the features of WoW at launch your dev cycle would be 9 or 10 years. It's not that they don't KNOW HOW to do these things, it's that there's not time or manpower to put it all in at launch.


People like have problems with counting. They had ample time from when they announced the game to launch to fix what most people are asking for. If that wasnt enough most of these things were stated as needing attention/fixing during beta. FYI the dev cycle would not be any where near that long. The reason the features were not added is simple. 1: They wanted their money sooner than later. 2: They took the wrong steps at trying to be different. 3: Ignoring what the beta testers stated need attention/fixing.

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