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Hero Engine: why?


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Idiotic statement, EA wasnt in the picture when the engine was chosen, something a develope would know.


If you're in any way familiar with the industry, you should know better. The engine was chosen circa 2006 when there had already been rumblings of EA purchasing BW since 2004, or at least looking into the possibilities. The fact is, BW knew they were going to have the bank roll due the publishing relationships they had, as well as the funding firm backing them fully (EP). This was indeed a lazy and incompetent move by BW.

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Save it. "Throw money at it while spending an additional two years making our game" is terrible advice. You're fired. I'm sorry Age of Conan didn't work out for you.


Never worked on AoC. Sorry that you don't understand even an iota of how game dev works. Don't worry little soldier, one day you'll climb out of your helpdesk cubicle and into an actual technology field and realize the folly of your ill-spent youth. It's also the wiser company and man who spends his time developing quality, and not quantity. Hello Valve.

Edited by Tokeee
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If you're in any way familiar with the industry, you should know better. The engine was chosen circa 2006 when there had already been rumblings of EA purchasing BW since 2004, or at least looking into the possibilities. The fact is, BW knew they were going to have the bank roll due the publishing relationships they had, as well as the funding firm backing them fully (EP). This was indeed a lazy and incompetent move by BW.




The decision to use the Hero Engine was a combination of laziness, lack of creativity, and cost cutting maneuvers at its finest.

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Yeah man, I made collages in kindergarten too and they are time consuming! Whew! Oh you meant college, sorry I got all excited about making a collage of failure from the bulk of posters in this thread and hanging it on my wall and... what were you talking about? Oh. Wait. Good lord this is difficult to read.


Yes, I'm well aware of the population fluctuation due to game release. However, after 1/3 and 1/14 there is still a declining trend in the number of subscribers logged on concurrently. It did not level off, although as they get lower and lower it does seem to be tapering closer to what will probably be their "6 month" player base, and then decline further after that. It's not growing, that much is certain.


well all that link shows active pop on servers not subcriptions. there a big diffrents. some poeple mgiht be paying but unable to paly due to 100's of factors. alot of poeple work, and unable to get one for periods of times. seems to me the gernal rythem shows from teh link is it down in the morning and goes up till around midnight and starts to drop after words. try to click and drag the whole graph it shows a down in pop after a point due to winter break ending.

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well all that link shows active pop on servers not subcriptions. there a big diffrents. some poeple mgiht be paying but unable to paly due to 100's of factors. alot of poeple work, and unable to get one for periods of times. seems to me the gernal rythem shows from teh link is it down in the morning and goes up till around midnight and starts to drop after words. try to click and drag the whole graph it shows a down in pop after a point due to winter break ending.


Occam's Razor.

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Oh man I hope the investors are reading this thread! What are the chances that this will make it into the Developer Tracker with an official statement anytime before the onset of:


'We have great news for our community, Star Wars: The Old Republic has gone free to play!'


Population would definitely increase and BW could do less work than they're doing now!


Stephen Reid? You there?


Juan Valdez, or what ever? Hello?


James Ohlen? Hallo?

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It was drive-by subjective ranting, however judging from your vehement defense and blind fanboyism of BW I'm going to have to lump you two into the same category.


Yuo really think Bioware didn't take the engine and customize it immensely to fit their game? 72 pages of completely ridiculous assumptions and conjecture from people who haven't got a single clue about what they're talking or even a tidbit of inside information on which to base their blather. This thread is such an epic fail it's not even funny. And no, it doesn't make me a "fanboi" to point out that you're talking entirely out of your ayniss. I completely acknowledge that there are issues, but being an adult and having the moderate amount of patience required to wait for the fixes that BW has clearly stated they are working hard to implement, I don't feel the burning need to run to the forums and empty my bladder in everyone else's face like you people.

Edited by Blotter
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Everyone is aware that the engine was licensed in its earliest days, and they haven't received newer code for it right? They licensed it because they liked the tools it had, not because it was a complete and fully featured engine. In fact most of it was unfinished, which means that BioWare did most of the work on the engine for the game.


You're all aware as well that the engine on which a game runs is more of a groundwork for rendering, animation systems, API calls, etc. than for actual game logic right? You're not just conflating all of the source code into one thing and calling it the Hero Engine? No? Good, glad we got that cleared away. Now we can have pertinent discussions.


source: http://www.heroengine.com/2011/11/heroengine-meets-starwars/

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Perpetual Ignorance is hilarious!


Really? You're calling it "ignorant" to find it completely immature, impatient, and puerile for pantwetting crybabies who don't have an inkling of what they're talking about, are just pulling garbage assumptions out of their buns and regurgitating the same tired blather they heard some other guy yammering on the forums as though it's gospel just because a tiny fraction of the community has decided to believe it no matter what contrary evidence is presented...you call it "ignorant" for me to recognize irrational, childish temper tantrums when they're being thrown? Good for you. You proved the post above yours correct.

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Really? You're calling it "ignorant" to find it completely immature, impatient, and puerile for pantwetting crybabies who don't have an inkling of what they're talking about, are just pulling garbage assumptions out of their buns and regurgitating the same tired blather they heard some other guy yammering on the forums as though it's gospel just because a tiny fraction of the community has decided to believe it no matter what contrary evidence is presented...you call it "ignorant" for me to recognize irrational, childish temper tantrums when they're being thrown? Good for you. You proved the post above yours correct.





I was AGREEING WITH YOU. Perpetual Ignorance is what this thread is, people don't know what they are talking about then others feed off it.


I can't believe you reported me.

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Really? You're calling it "ignorant" to find it completely immature, impatient, and puerile for pantwetting crybabies who don't have an inkling of what they're talking about, are just pulling garbage assumptions out of their buns and regurgitating the same tired blather they heard some other guy yammering on the forums as though it's gospel just because a tiny fraction of the community has decided to believe it no matter what contrary evidence is presented...you call it "ignorant" for me to recognize irrational, childish temper tantrums when they're being thrown? Good for you. You proved the post above yours correct.


You have got to settle down, jumping down everyones throats does you no justice.

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I was AGREEING WITH YOU. Perpetual Ignorance is what this thread is, people don't know what they are talking about then others feed off it.


I can't believe you reported me.


Actually, I didn't report you. I typed my post and came back and yours was gone. Could've been the moderator interpreting your post the same way I did. If you were agreeing, I take it back....altho you were extremely vague.

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Actually, I didn't report you. I typed my post and came back and yours was gone. Could've been the moderator interpreting your post the same way I did. If you were agreeing, I take it back....altho you were extremely vague.


There was nothing offensive about my post, someone had to flag me for it to be reported.


Perpetual Ignorance by definition is not an insult. How on earth it would be perceived as insulting is only on that person perceiving it.


Very frustrating, just goes to show how little people know here and are willing to go to outrageous lengths to save / destroy this game.

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There was nothing offensive about my post, someone had to flag me for it to be reported.


Perpetual Ignorance by definition is not an insult. How on earth it would be perceived as insulting is only on that person perceiving it.


Very frustrating, just goes to show how little people know here and are willing to go to outrageous lengths to save / destroy this game.


Not true. I interpreted it as yuo pretty much just calling me ignorant. Moderators have removed less offensive stuff I've posted than even that. Seriously, I flag nothing, ever, because I'm a pretty bombastic poster myself.

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Don't know if it's been said already, cause I didnt read this 73 page rant fest, but I just wanted to make sure something was cleared up.


The HeroEngine is not single-threaded.


This is false information spread by a HeroEngine dev quote that was taken out of context. That quote was talking about how the rendering and simulation processes both share a single thread, it was not saying the entire engine was in fact a single thread.

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Not true. I interpreted it as yuo pretty much just calling me ignorant. Moderators have removed less offensive stuff I've posted than even that. Seriously, I flag nothing, ever, because I'm a pretty bombastic poster myself.


You know what they say when you assume... :D

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That doesn't mean it's a memory leak. It could be a number of things causing that issue. Memory leaks are incredibly hard to spot without using developer debugging tools. If there is one they will get to it and fix it.


Appreciate it. Like I said I really know nothing was just reading and realized that what the previous gent had posted was happening to me so I assumed it was not an isolated incident. "Leaks" can fixed though eh? Nice to know. Learning here as I go.

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I've already realized the same from you. Projects are measured in manhours. You cannot purchase more time but if a project is projected to take 1000 manhours from a certain skillset, often employing one or two additional developers can reduce the customers time to receive a product while still taking the same number of manhours. You can't just throw more people at a situation constantly, that's for certain, however you can put an engine into development for a year or two and begin work on non-engine required tasks.


It's amazing what you can do when you learn how the process works isn't it? Any more advice from me and I'm going to have to start charging you my hourly consulting fee.


Projects are measured by so much more than manhours. However, what would I know. I have only been managing and developing solutions for 20+ years.


It is easy to monday morning quarterback the big game. It's much harder to be on the field trying to get the work done.


So, I ask you, what exactly have you done by illuminating us to your version of a multi-faceted process? If that is your project management advice and your concept of the project triple you won't need to worry about me needing your consulting advice.

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Everyone is aware that the engine was licensed in its earliest days, and they haven't received newer code for it right? They licensed it because they liked the tools it had, not because it was a complete and fully featured engine. In fact most of it was unfinished, which means that BioWare did most of the work on the engine for the game.


You're all aware as well that the engine on which a game runs is more of a groundwork for rendering, animation systems, API calls, etc. than for actual game logic right? You're not just conflating all of the source code into one thing and calling it the Hero Engine? No? Good, glad we got that cleared away. Now we can have pertinent discussions.


source: http://www.heroengine.com/2011/11/heroengine-meets-starwars/


Despite all the PR nonsense, the comments in particular are very insightful.


Appreciate the find.

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