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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We Hate Huttball


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Hutt Ball is amazing! Its one of the better maps I've seen for pvp in an mmo. The only thing I think needs some tweaks in Hutt Ball is the air jump platforms. I think they need to be a little more predictable. I don't see how you guys get Hutt Ball 90% of the time. I get it maybe 1 out of 7 games I play. I'm republic, so maybe that has something to do with it.
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i dont understand how so many people complain about huttbal, huttball is more fun than any other pvp area in any game i have ever played! i have fun in huttball even when my team sucks. if u cant learn to like huttball, u need to seriously rethink your ideas of what pvp should be.
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I would gladly wait a long-*** queue if I never had to play huttball again.

Whoever had the brilliant idea of 3 different levels where every class has a push/pull mechanic (or 2) and the RNG airjets should be made to get stunned in the firepits IRL.

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So because you like huttball and ASSUME this change is inevitable without people voicing their concern you troll the thread? nice


this whole thread is a troll from the start a thread based on ASSUMPTION that everybody hates huttball hence the title and the opening statement of WE HATE HUTTBALL as to say we as in everybody

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On behalf of no one in particular, I would request that you developers find some way for us to screen the PvP warzones so that we can opt OUT of Huttball. Hate it. HAAAATTTEEE it. :mad: Take a page from Rift, let us pick what PvP warzones we want to play.




I say make it come up 3 times out of every 4.



Actually, I want to know when Bioware are going to start selling Huttball Merchandise.

I'll even let you print my sith zerg slogan on a t-shirt, for a fee.

Edited by origional
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this whole thread is a troll from the start a thread based on ASSUMPTION that everybody hates huttball hence the title and the opening statement of WE HATE HUTTBALL as to say we as in everybody


I don't think the thread "assumed" that everyone hated huttball. "WE HATE HUTTBALL" is more of a call to those who do, well, hate huttball! "We" is but a pluralistic word for "I" and doesn't always mean "everybody". Juss sayin'.

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I like Huttball, it's so fun Force Sprinting over the fire from the top catwalk and watching people jump into the fire after me.


That said, I like it when my team isn't a kill-farming bunch of gimps. I hate it when they are. I also hate it when 6/8 of my enemies are Sages/Commandos or Sorcs/BH's, knockbacks... everywhere...

Edited by ilovethepink
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The problem with huttball (at least in my opinion) is the fact that it's a pvp scenario where doing actual pvp is bad for the outcome.


Playing for objectives in huttball often enough means avoiding any contact with the enemy team what so ever.


If you have them ball your better off knocking people off and ccing because killing them means they will respawn in front of you ball carrier. Also one of the best choices is, again, to avoid the enemy as much as possible and try to move in front for a pass / grip.


If the enemy has the ball you need to kb the sorcs / people waiting for the pass off the catwalks and grip the ball carrier into fire. Or alternative, if they already setup their goal with grips and managed to get ahead, ignore them and let them score while you set up your own goal by taking the mid and spreading towards their goal.


The only shred of actual pvp you might get is when fighting to take the mid for the next ball but even then it's more of a cc and knockback frenzy then pvp.


That's why the entire concept seems bad to me. In a pvp setting if you are better than your oponent and manage to kill them you should be rewarded not punished. Because that's what pvp is about... player vs player not player vs acid / fire /random ball. The objectives should automatically derive from being better at pvp not from avoiding it.

Edited by Cyannez
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Huttball is cool, i hated it in the start but now i have gotten used to it and actually started liking it!

There is one thing you should know about huttball, you have achance of malking a better score because its a long instance! Therefore you might get more comendations and earn your gear faster!

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