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Community Blog Post Discussion: A Word on Bugs from James Ohlen


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Is there any time frame for the Ability Lag Bug thats being reported by a large number of players?


Will you be agressivly attempting to balance classes/specs in PvP?


YEAH! this is an emergence bug since on both characters ive made im stuck on main quest that you have to enter inclosed areas like buildings, caves, ect CAZ OF TERRIBLE LAG. This is VERY annoying, screw all the people who are complaining about pvp and warzones, I CANT EVEN PLAY THE GAME! Also screw ppl who say its your computer. this game was made so people even with crappy computers could play. so **** im tired of hearing i have a crappy computer when this computer meets all qualifications to play this stupid game.:mad:!

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I have often wanted to work as a person who innovates game designs and/or fixes bug related issues and/or adds innovative content/ideas and also helps maintain MMO event creation and exploitation. Can anyone who has good knowledge of these things tell me what college path I have to take for this? I have visited some colleges and reviewed what classes are available and there is 'umpteen' different routes to take if I want to work with IT/porgramming. My goal, if I choose to seek it, is to take what programs are already used within the game to make other games, basically. I think that environment is one huge part of what makes a game great, another part is ergomics and stability and the last part is fun/creativity/innovation(the real spark behind why we love it). I feel a lot of games have lost their spark meanwhile we're only getting better and better equipment.


Back to my question. What do I have to learn to be able to know how to fix bugs and change game content as well as write programs(minus the art part of it because i'm about as left brained as they come)




-Insert intrinsic quote or key motto phrase here-

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I just love how so many people think that this implementation has gone "smoothly". This is 2012 not 1992. How many billions of dollars have been spent and made on this game to date? I for one think it is absurd that there are things in this game that are just bad. The AH really? The fact that if you have your companion out on a mission and your are viewing the AH and you have your inventory open your companion returning interrupts you?


Everyone needs to remember that the wheel has already been invented. No need to waste time trying to reinvent it. With that said why do i have to leave the Ah to find out how much my item that I want to put on AH will vendor for?


Just several things that prevent a game from being the number 1 MMO imo. I will still play this game but at a much slower rate due to having to wait on Bio to fix/balance things. Blizzards customer service still sucks and that's why I would not go back to playing WOW.


Get it together BioWare! 2012!!!

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The mouse acceleration/responsiveness and ability delay issues ARE stopping me from playing. I've already cancelled my subscription and haven't been on in 2 days, and these 2 issues are the primary reason, with warzone performance being a close third.
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Are you by chance going to fix the bug that's affecting players who are playing with wide screens? I just recently bought the game and i'm not able to play because it requires i have my computer at a specific resolution, 1440x900. It's really irritating going through 9 hours of patching, to just get a display error in the end. It would be great if you could fix this before my 1 month free runs out.
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I agree with so many of the comments and have to piggyback on them and ask on my own behalf "Bioware...when are you going to quit skirting the issue and fix the lag issues in warzones"!!? I mean seriously there have been how many complaints on the issue by your subscribing players and you have yet to so much as give them a straightforward reply as far as I know let alone attempt a fix. This is absolutely NOT the treatment your subscribers deserve nor is it the level of professionalism or sense of urgency we expected involved in a BioWare product. If you guys don't deem it of value or imminent importance you may want to take a glance at your threads and start taking a count of how many players have declared that they are cancelling or cancelled their account in direct relation to the Warzone issue. Don't undervalue your subscribers and their voice or you risk going the way of S.O.E. I know the staff at Bioware may truly not care but I think I speak for most when I say I am very disappointed. I do not feel this game is worthy of a subscription yet and needs a bit more work before it is fair to ask for a subscription. We are not allowed to give you a partial subscription please don't give us an incomplete game.
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Sounds good but the problem is the majority of bugs ive come across were the same exact ones ive had in beta 4 months ago. I havent seen many new bugs just the same ones i saw in beta and reported


The most anoying one is the sith warrior skill ravage still gets caught up in a animation loop.


I love the game and im here for the long haul but i honestly feel like im still in a beta build. I hate to say it but im starting to wonder what the point of beta was? Either way im here for the long hual just bit depressing to see beta bugs in live but hey i apreciate your honesty and discussing the issue with us its pretty dam cool = )

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What I want to know is when will the Bug with the Kira companion finally be fixed for all of us who still currently can't talk to her even though we have up to 5k affection with her because we took the darkside flirt option after battling her "brother".


I submitted a ticket about the issue after the patch that supposedly fixed the bug, got an automated response about forwarding the report and the ticket was closed. Any word on the status of this fix?? I am holding off playing my lvl 31 Jedi Knight (who I intended to be my main) until this issue is resolved, all the while my guildies are fast out levelling me.

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I approve this message. On a side note, I have been playing since launch and I have yet to come across any noticable bugs or FPS issues save for a skill's sound being stuck in a loop but solved with a simple relog. You have a good game here BioWare and don't let the nay sayers bring you down. Like a great man once said "She ain't pretty but she's got it where it counts." I believe you guys will be able to solve these problems with some time and less nagging from the general public.
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Where can we actually post bugs?


One I think may be a bug is hovering over items when your companion is showing. IT still compares to equipment for your main character, I think it should compare to the companion so you can decide to use it or not. Right click equips the companion, so makes sense it should do this.

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i would if at all possible like a user interface option to have the camera follow your avatar cause when u force charge in pvp or when u do tight quarter pulls in pve ur camera is so jacked up that if someone pulls aggro u cant taunt off fast enough cause ur too busy trying to fix ur camera.. and with no auto attack u dont generate enough threat while fixing it and as for pvp force charge sets u up for some wicked camera angles....
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you can't GIVE people epilepsy. Someone is born with it, and if you have it, you shouldn't be playing video games.


Only idiopathic epilepsies are based on genetics, not all of them. Also high frequency strobe light can favor the occurance of seizures when having certain forms of epilepsy, but not every patient is affected by it.



Is my comment related to the topic? No. Why? Because it doesn't matter anyway. :(

Edited by GHeissi
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First and foremost I want to say that this game is amazing, launch has been relatively smooth, thank you for delivering such an awesome game.


But if "bugs that prevent players from playing" is among your very topmost priority, then why has the latency spike to error 9000 bug not been fixed yet? This is preventing thousands of players to be able to play intermittently to not being able to play at all, including myself. I am paying for a service which I cannot even use. I would not mind this if Bioware would actually give the community some assurance that it was being fixed, but it seems they are incapable of even that. The most there has been was a simple, short post about a week ago with no update at all. That was on the third thread about the issue, which is now over 100 pages long and growing. Thousands of people are paying to play this game, and unable to get any of what they are paying for because of your server communication problems.


Many people have unsubscribed already not simply because of the bug, but because Bioware insults us by not even giving us any idea of what's being done to fix it, or when it will be fixed. I really do love this game, but I will not give my money to a company who is not truly prioritizing the most important bugs or giving the community any updates on it whatsoever.


Sorry for the rant, but I speak for myself and the thousands of other players affected by this issue. If your goal is truly to "prioritize bugs that prevent players from playing the game", then at LEAST have the respect to give your paying customers SOME sort of information on the progress of fixing this bug that is making the game COMPLETELY unplayable.



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Can't you guys add a date on the blog? For example after the title "A word on bugs from James Ohlen" Add the line "January 4, 2012" that way people can see how old/new a blog post is?


That will be numero #1 on the priority list. Right away! Ahead of all the other issues the game is suffering from. Words of wisdom, common sense is a life saver.

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Dear James.


Are you also going to focus on game design omissions or just bugs?


Omissions like:


No dark side items for the Sith Marauder in the Dark Side Vendor. :eek:

AH search redesign. :mad:

Guildbanks. :confused:

Autostacking in inventory and bank ;)

Fixing the crafting schematics that don't upgrade.:mad:

Reduce/fix taxi flight paths :cool:

Disable permanently, force corruption on non force wielding players. This is a travesty simply put.

Reduce the insane price for the mount skill. WTH put a taxation to players because they make money while you're at it. The mount should be expensive and also make the player made mounts BoP.


Because fixing exploits (and no exploring is not considered an exploit) is all fine and well, but they are not the ones breaking my gaming experience. The above mentioned omissions on the other hand do.


Would like an answer on those issues thanks.

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ROFL, just some people. And for the record that Horrid FPS thread has been moved like 5 times now for exceeding post limits. It is by far the #1 community desired item at the moment.


yes thats because 99.9% of the posts in that thread is regarding how this game is gonna die and how bad it is, due to brats not having patience.

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