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Everything posted by Meithar

  1. I agree!! I was highly disappointed to find that we could not match colors for our companions. Some companions it is less of an issue than others, but still they should add it in. Oh and give the option to hide head piece for companions as well. Kira looks extremely stupid in the Slave/Dancer outfit and wearing a Consular Moddable Headpiece. I cringe every time she pops up in one of my cinematics, and stopped using her in fights cause she looks like a clown.
  2. I wonder why this feature is not in every new MMO. I was exposed to this wonderful mechanic with Vanguard: Saga of Heroes and it really made the combat system more fun and engaging. You free up a lot of time in a fight when you can go from attacking your Mob to Heal / Buff a party member without having to fumble with clicking all over the UI to switch from enemy to friend and back. Add in Healer Hotbars, which Vanguard also had through Custom UI's and I would be totally happy with SWTOR's combat.
  3. This here is my main gripe with the game and one I planned to voice if I get selected to attend the guild leader summit .... the game needs in game GM's that can respond within 15 - 30 mins of a support ticket being placed (if it is something like boss not spawning, or loot bugging out, etc). There are too many instances going around of simple problems a GM could fix being shuffled to the automated droid response system four days after the fact with "We got your report and forwarding it to blah blah" then having the ticket closed unresolved. That drives subs away. You want to know a game that does this perfectly? Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. As much trouble as that game has gone through during its lifespan, it has by far the best CS and GM team in the MMO industry.
  4. Actually your Analogy would be better fitting if their announcement had been founders title for taking a lifetime membership sub for $199.
  5. Yeah the Lotro founder incentive was a lot better. I would be hyped for a lifetime membership option for SWTOR. I had to cancel my sub here cause my account was set to renew one day before I get paid this week and I dont have the money at the moment. I will be resubbing Friday morning though, so I should still get the title as hollow a reward as it is.
  6. We must have a differing understanding of what a hotfix is then, for I have seen several games us hotfixes regularly to make their games better. Just about all hotfixes I have seen have in fact fixed stuff and kept it fixed. Small non-critical fixes or a fix to a patch that was recently implemented being the most common. Just cause they push a hotfix patch does not mean it was untested and yes there are some things connected to so many others that the size of patch required would mean a full regular patch, but that is not what I was talking about. The Kira bug for example is seperate from every other thing in the patch notes, and fairly small is size. Once it was found to be working as intended on the Test Server it could be put in a hotfix patch and pushed live, especially considering how it was a problem all through Beta as well. Hotfixing such small things regularly shows the team is working on bugs and committed to bettering their game and looks highly professional.
  7. This is what I am talking about. They should be hotfixing the crap outta the game instead of trying to pile it all into a massive patch with new content. Stuff like the throwing 50's in a seperate bracket and making Kira talk again are prime canidates for "Oh this works now and has been a problem since beta, hotfix that in tomorrow." If more of that would happen then there would be less outcries when content patches get pushed back. We all want the new stuff to be bug free when released, but they shouldn't sit on things that have been fixed just because they want to push it out with something else.
  8. You think they only found out about the bug through the forums cause, like us they have no search feature and can't find crap on here? Looks like that search function is more needed than we thought.
  9. Argh! Now they delay the patch and still we have to wait for the Kira Fix. For the love of God just hotfix the thing already. You dont need to hold this one thing back just to keep tinkering with Ilum stuff .....
  10. I agree with the OP this is huge disappointment. I understand that there are some important Ilum features that need to be fixed, but at least push the Kira fix (which from all I have heard have finally been fixed on the test server) forward in a hotfix patch. It should be fairly simple to do this and there are just as many people afflicted with that bug as those that are interested in the Ilum changes. Let me continue playing my main character again Bioware, give me the Kira fix. I stopped leveling once I found out I was bugged with Kira at lvl 31 as I wanted to try and do her storyline in conjunction with my leveling.
  11. I agree the whole legacy system should be revised, at least as far as the surname goes. A system tieing all your toons together to unlock new sets of gear or races to play as, or whatever their future plans are is great. Connecting toons by family names though should be seperate and make more sense between differing species. I use the name as a surname on toons it makes sense that it might be possible for them to be related. The rest I use it as a title, or select to hide it if they are not only a different race but on the opposing faction and would not have known of the others except as an enemy. It's not perfect, but it is the best we are allowed unless they change and allow us to make multiple surnames based on faction.
  12. I understand the delayed maint. & patch for today wasn't going to be the 1.1 version that is on the Test server. What is the timeline that we can expect 1.1 to be pushed live? More importantly, though all of 1.1 is great can we get a hotfix patch while we wait that at least includes the fix for the Kira companion? This has been a long standing bug and if it is truly working correctly now on test, let us afflicted with a silent Kira be cured. I have left my main character parked at 31 while I've waited for a fix. Although I enjoy playing alts I want to get back to my knight and both his and Kira's great story.
  13. What I want to know is when will the Bug with the Kira companion finally be fixed for all of us who still currently can't talk to her even though we have up to 5k affection with her because we took the darkside flirt option after battling her "brother". I submitted a ticket about the issue after the patch that supposedly fixed the bug, got an automated response about forwarding the report and the ticket was closed. Any word on the status of this fix?? I am holding off playing my lvl 31 Jedi Knight (who I intended to be my main) until this issue is resolved, all the while my guildies are fast out levelling me.
  14. I too am still bugged with Kira after doing the darkside flirt with her. I was hoping the last patch would fix the issue but I guess they only fixed it from happening and all of us already bugged are just screwed. Come on Bioware, announce it as a known issue and that you are working on a fix. I dont want to play my knight any more till I can talk to Kira again! I at least got my knight up to 31 and unlocked my legacy. Sigh......
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