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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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There was nothing like a Troll Zerker in bear mode running at you in DAOC Frontiers... aah. still gives me goose pimples. Fun times.


You are, of course, talking PRE-LA Nerf, right?


BTW, I hated that nerf, and I wasn't even a Middie (Ranger main).

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Best PvP I ever played is Arena PvP in WoW.

Haters gonna hate but deep inside most people who gave Arena a fair shake know it's true, even though there is a lot of denial on this topic, which is understandable since Arena actually rewarded skill like no other gamemode in any other game and the lesser gifted players couldn't brain-afk their way to gear and prestige(excluding warriors :)).


I never played Guild Wars though.


While I had some pretty sinister, evil fun in Eve, it is not really a fair comparison to classic MMO PvP so I won't say this was the best, it definitely gave me the greatest memories and some of the most fun - and rage - though.


I led a 25 man guild and led a 60 man alliance that disbanded the Goonsquads 3k man guild and 6k man alliance in Darkfall and made them quit the game in droves.


I'd say that is better than 2v2 3v3 or 5v5 NAMPLA (North American Man Pillar Love Association) gameplay.

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Ironically, you do not include EVE in your list, which is what I would consider the most successful implementation of a hardcore FFA PvP format of MMORPG to date.


I thought the same thing when reading his post.


Hell my brother is a carebear crafter type in almost every game we play, but in EVE he was a griefer... Granted, he was griefing people economically by pricing them out of markets, taking over their supply chains, and funding alts to come in and grief their miners/transports... but that is the beauty of EVE. EVERY aspect of the game is PVP, even the miners and spreadsheet geek traders are playing against other players.


About the only things more "hardcore PVP" than EVE are some of the old MUDS that are still around.

I love when people talk about UO and M59 like they started PvP online.


You want hardcore, have a character you have played for years die on a permadeath MUD because you went afk to bio real quick without recalling somewhere safe.



MMO PVP to me is best shown in the RvR style games, DAOC, Planetside.


The pure individual, skill based, ladder ranked, e-sport type PVP that people claim is shown by WOW arenas is not represented well by any MMO IMO, especially WOW. For those PVPer types you really need to be playing a FPS to showcase twitch or Starcraft to showcase Strat, Tact, and APM.


Someone who claims to honor that type of PVP, and then points to WOW as an example is subject to serious Korean scorn.

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DOAC by far best till this date


Remove all the WoW/hammer world pvp junk. Ilum has potential but you cant make full use of a system one or two people can take on their own.


Keep things simple but with a challenge and PVP will happen on its own

Edited by Lamentari
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1 Anarchy Online


Sure it was imbalanced, but i actually enjoyed pvp in that game


2 wow


I hate fantasy, i hate how wow looks, i never did pve unless i was forced etc. But pvp was actually fun in wow, combat is so fast phased and fluent


Other games that i played but which have bad/boring pvp: eve, runescape, rift, aoc, eq etc


Not sure whats wrong but i simply dont enjoy swtor pvp atm at all, but i wont judge yet as im still not 50 etc

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Ultima Online


Was like the Wild West nothing had been done before was like a new frontier.


Nothing will ever compare to tower raids. One idiot with a key doomed the whole tower.


Collecting weapons and armor from the fallen. Pissing people off so bad they would insta rez out of ghost form and die again.


stacking boxes and climbing into towers.


Losing a whole bag of regs


Thieves in town stealing your weapons then yelling Bank Bank Bank! Before being killed by the guards.


Sitting on ICQ hidden in a dungeon waiting on reds to show up. True hunting.


Would I want to do it again.. I doubt it but at the time it was so new and so exciting.

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A big part of the problem is WOW. It brought a whole new generation to MMOs that had little, to no, past experience with the genre. Then it trained them to have extremely low (or purely selfish) expectations. You can see that all over these forums, and even quite a few in this thread. For them, PvP has nothing to do with the game world outside of what they can personally get from it.



Take DAoC for example. So many of the wow kids would never accept such a system. It doesn't reward them with gear, and it takes too long to achieve any meaningful Realm Ranks. To them, there is no reward and that is the only reason they PvP. You seem there here (in this forum) complaining that there is no reason to do world PvP. You see them here treating warzone (lol) as the end all be all of PvP (because, you know...that's where the gear comes from).


WoW rewarded individual play time in PvP with individual rewards and completely decoupled PvP from any meaningful faction benefits. That what that generation has gotten used to, and that colors their opinion.

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probably DAOC, it had its shortcomings but when it was good it was amazing


Shadowbane at times was great but had too many downsides.


UO, only played briefly so can't comment


Everquest Zek Servers, WoW, Lineage2, Warhammer, might have had their moments here and there, but overall IMO the pvp was pretty Meh.

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Hadn't played DAoC, sounds like I really missed out.


I consider the Jedi/Hologrind to be the leading downfall of SWG PvP. World of Warcraft right after the Honor system was introduced and right before BG's came out was extremely active, constant open world unpredictable battles, some involving several raid groups (this on a server that had @ that time 5:1 Alliance to Horde ratio..giving us few Hordelings plenty to do at any time of the day).


I have to admit, that as horrible most of Star Trek Online was, being Klingon with constant pvp and the three dimensional space combat was very enjoyable for a while.


Worst ever, was the incomprehensibly foolish system Tabula Rasa had, so much potential, with none realized.

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A lot of mention about DAoC... but no one mentions how your actual time that you spent PVPing had non-gear rewards??? By that I mean the realm ranks. R1L1-R11. Man, THAT was a grind unheard of. I still remember the name on Merlin (Midgard side) of Echoic. That poor guild would look for 8v8's all the time, but as soon as the zerg followed them, they were screwed, lol.


Remember when you first got to break Mez with the RR talent??? Oh man, it was so nice to CC break that. Group mez??? How about increasing your stats through pvp? In essence, it rewarded those who PVP'ed more properly, but if you stuck to zergs, you could still have fun without having to do 8v8's.


Most well-done pvp system to date. So sad they will never make a DAoC 2. I followed stories of it for about 5 years after I quit playing to see if it would ever come back. Played a Skald, Runemaster, Spiritmaster, Warlock (I think?).


I miss the days.


And hello to all my fellow AC'ers. Yes I was a carebear and went Frostfell (As Mal Funk Shun, duh) at first, but eventually went to Darktide. The PVP in that game was so twitch combat... I'll NEVER forget one of my most epic battles on there. I went to unflag PVP and a friend of mine, Harry Houdini, came with. We were jumped by 6 people off the bat. This happened at 1pm EST. No deaths, a couple comp refills, and no chance to loot resulted in an epic 8 hour battle. Couldn't believe it when I looked at the clock and it was 9pm by the time they finally left. I know on DT there were much more epic battles, but it's all perspective, really :)

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So many people have said UO (including myself), I love it. The only reason I stopped playing that game is that it turned in to a skill grind and the graphics were never improved. That game has so many unique and fun features, you get to have a home or castle to hoard your belongings and show off your trophies to your friends, I do miss it. If only they put some money into it and upped the graphics, I don't hink I can play 2d anymore.
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That was the best thing about DAOC as it wasn't gear rewards imo. You got your gear from PvE so everyone gearwise was pretty even as it wasn't really that hard to get so it wasn't a huge timesink. Getting to RR5 was very easy but after that it took some time but there wasn't a huge gap in OPness between a RR5 with the higher levels.


Then all it was was log on and go PvP and find some fights. 8 v 8, zergs and not a whole lot of no-talent ganking (unless you were on the PvP server which failed big time as expected in a few years).


3 factions was awesome too so if one realm got overpopulated the other two usually ganged up on them. fun fun.


SWTOR needs open field PvP rewards to get gear as doing it to get additional skills like DAoC prolly wouldn't work.

Edited by ianhatcher
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You are, of course, talking PRE-LA Nerf, right?


BTW, I hated that nerf, and I wasn't even a Middie (Ranger main).


Yep. Pre-nerf..


and with shadow zerkers running around as well. I seriously was afraid to run alone in frontiers .

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A lot of mention about DAoC... but no one mentions how your actual time that you spent PVPing had non-gear rewards??? By that I mean the realm ranks. R1L1-R11. Man, THAT was a grind unheard of. I still remember the name on Merlin (Midgard side) of Echoic. That poor guild would look for 8v8's all the time, but as soon as the zerg followed them, they were screwed, lol


*cough* you mean echoic on "Iseult" server right? Highest RR (skald) in the game for a while? I played hib on that server and did a happy dance everytime I got her kill spam, it was not an easy group to take out, she rolled with Midgards elite usually. On a side note I really enjoyed how kill spam lit up your screen if you were anywhere near a battle :)


The thing is, pvp wasnt a grind though. In DAOC it was nigh impossible to max out your realm rank so it wasnt the objective anymore, it was to defend the realm and score kill spam. Then when a rank came around it was just icing on the cake. You really only needed RR5 to get your main abilities, though a fully maxed out RR12 was pretty strong.

Edited by salamanderx
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