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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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World of Warcraft

best Polished

best Fluid movement

best bug free

best choice of skills that are IN or OUT of the GCD

Best Fly text

Best Addon option friendly

Best Macro option friendly

Best Lag Free environment


I know it took 7 years to get there, but most of the "best awards" were already there on launch.

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best Polished

best Fluid movement

best bug free

best choice of skills that are IN or OUT of the GCD

Best Fly text

Best Addon option friendly

Best Macro option friendly

Best Lag Free environment


I know it took 7 years to get there, but most of the "best awards" were already there on launch.


I'd like to randomly point out that, on launch, the following were incorrect:


- Bug free

- Fly text

- Lag free

- Fluid movement


I still remember Gouge being unusable on a moving target in PvP because of the terribly de-sync'd client and server position checks (you are too far away if you Gouge from the front far away, and you are behind the target if you Gouge from in front too close; you are in front of the target if you Backstab too close to them, but you are too far from the target if you Backstab too far behind them). I remember 'aiming' my Warrior's attacks 4 yards in front of the target to hit them properly. Oh, and the disconnect from server from intercept. Good times.

Edited by EasymodeX
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Anyone who says anything other then DAoC for #1, did not get a chance to play DAoC, its that simple.




Actually, I played DAoC right after Asheron's Call. While I liked both, the overall PvP world that was Asheron's Call on the Darktide server was as harsh and brutal as a PvP world can get. You had/have to join certain Monarchies to be able to maximize experience gain in dungeons because they kept watch on them ALL DAY LONG. Or, you had to be strong enough to fight your way in and stay in. which meant guarding it after you've taken it. Also, there was a chance you could drop literally every one of your items, which meant you had to carry around items of higher value in order to keep your items from dropping, but there was still that off chance you would drop those awesome leggings.


I played DAoC on Mordred and it was great but to compete you had to join a megaguild for the most part to have the numbers to consistently defend your keeps. The thing I did like about DAoC was that in order to maximize leveling experience and experience gains you had to hold keeps because the best leveling spots were in the Frontiers. The downside to DAoC was that the grind to 50 was miserable and required tons of farming mobs. I hated that with a passion.


Then when Shrouded Isles came out it became a gear grind and ruined the game, which is when I left.

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Assuming they fix the GLARING errors in the CC, burst, resolve and other pvp mechanics (expertise, i'm looking at you as a compound advantage rather than a single one like the devs promised), I'd put this one in at No. 2; it still doesn't have the open-world depth and third realm ala DAoC sadly, that was unrivalled variety.

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1) Darkfall - Highest skill capped PvP game in any MMO to date.

2) Asherons Call - PvP in AC took a big steaming dump over every MMO before it and since it up until Darkfall. Real projectiles, RNG was minimized. Dodging/evading actually mattered, zero CC. Movement was king.

3) UO - The first real MMO, wide open PvP.



There are really two primary answers to this question and the answer you give explains more about what kind of PvPer you are than anything.


If you rate darkfall, shadowbane, Asherons Call and Ultima Online, you are a hardcore PvPer. You want to stand aside from everyone else with just your buddies and you want to see who is the best of the best.


If you rate DAOC you are a PvPer lite, you like PvP but you don't like consequences.


If you rate any other game you're either a) a johnny-come-lately who doesn't know any better or b) stupid.

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Hands down DAOC< and I can get more exact that that.


Andred, until it was merged with Mordred. The hate for the first two weeks or so was just a THING OF BEAUTY.


I would pay $50/ month to have old school Mordred back.



That is why when these douche bags fired Mark Jacobs.... there were doubts after that.

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'Dark Age of Camelot' was the one that dug me into a bit. It was playing Albion, the most powerful with the jerkiest class spreading, but hey, we had the punch others didn't! It was also fun to constantly crash the Hibernian main zone by bringing more than 400 people into the same zone, mostly Emain Macha. Unforgotten the battles for the "server's whore", called 'Dun Crauchon', everyone wanted to get into her more than once every day.


Then getting geared up: crafting actually mattered, you needed more or less all tradeskills to get ready. I still remember my SI setup with my mercenary: everything was capped and I put +28 empathy on my wain weapon, just because of it was the last free slot and I did not know what to do. Then there came Atlantis and it started again, but it wasn't 'stupid' farming, most people had their own combination of items and got happy with it. Some setups were the same and it got more and more unified the 'older' the game became, but you did hardly see the same setups over and over again. (In SW:ToR everyone will most likely have the same gear in the end with the same class ... more or less).



I didn't like the New Frontiers, got so used to the old and never got friendly with the new ones.



Then there was 'Tabula Rasa', though it had no real PvP, only Clan Wars and such, later the so called 'Edmund's Range' was added for a bit of more PvP (Red vs. Blue). It was the game where I enjoyed PvP most. As soon as you were engaged in a Clan War, you were nowhere safe, every place on the planets were open for fighting against the chosen enemy, no matter what levels you had or what you were doing: Red = dead! I loved it.



All the other games didn't have a remarkable PvP. I wish SW:ToR would take the best DAoC had to offer and make it great, but as it seems it's not gonna happen.

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If you rate darkfall, shadowbane, Asherons Call and Ultima Online, you are a hardcore PvPer. You want to stand aside from everyone else with just your buddies and you want to see who is the best of the best.


If you rate DAOC you are a PvPer lite, you like PvP but you don't like consequences.


AC, UO, and Darkfall have no overarching PvP system to speak of. It's a simple FFA PvP format.


Shadowbane had one, even though it had serious dysfunctions. Too bad so many aspects of SB were broken ...


I wouldn't really call DAOC "lite": it had less 'hardcore mechanics' like item loss, but item loss != PvP tbh. That's like saying EQ's corpse runs or NPC spawncamping were "good PvE", when it's more like /facepalming retardation.



Ironically, you do not include EVE in your list, which is what I would consider the most successful implementation of a hardcore FFA PvP format of MMORPG to date.

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I'd like to randomly point out that, on launch, the following were incorrect:


- Bug free

- Fly text

- Lag free

- Fluid movement


I still remember Gouge being unusable on a moving target in PvP because of the terribly de-sync'd client and server position checks (you are too far away if you Gouge from the front far away, and you are behind the target if you Gouge from in front too close; you are in front of the target if you Backstab too close to them, but you are too far from the target if you Backstab too far behind them). I remember 'aiming' my Warrior's attacks 4 yards in front of the target to hit them properly. Oh, and the disconnect from server from intercept. Good times.


I'd like to point out the post is called "Best MMO PvP you ever played?"

Not the best launch you ever played.

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Best PvP I ever played is Arena PvP in WoW.

Haters gonna hate but deep inside most people who gave Arena a fair shake know it's true, even though there is a lot of denial on this topic, which is understandable since Arena actually rewarded skill like no other gamemode in any other game and the lesser gifted players couldn't brain-afk their way to gear and prestige(excluding warriors :)).


I never played Guild Wars though.


While I had some pretty sinister, evil fun in Eve, it is not really a fair comparison to classic MMO PvP so I won't say this was the best, it definitely gave me the greatest memories and some of the most fun - and rage - though.

Edited by mufutiz
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AC, UO, and Darkfall have no overarching PvP system to speak of. It's a simple FFA PvP format.


Shadowbane had one, even though it had serious dysfunctions. Too bad so many aspects of SB were broken ...


I wouldn't really call DAOC "lite": it had less 'hardcore mechanics' like item loss, but item loss != PvP tbh. That's like saying EQ's corpse runs or NPC spawncamping were "good PvE", when it's more like /facepalming retardation.



Ironically, you do not include EVE in your list, which is what I would consider the most successful implementation of a hardcore FFA PvP format of MMORPG to date.


The phrasing of the topic to me means actual combat mechanics. Not the systems supporting the mechanics.


If you want to talk about PvP systems, yes absolutely EvE is number one. It is the best "world" to PvP in. However the combat is like watching paint dry. While it might have the best PvP system to date, it has easily the worst implementation of combat in any mainstream MMO I have ever played. Unfortunate because otherwise EvE offers everything.


DaoC had a decent PvP support system. Faction based PvP is lite. There is nothing wrong with that, people who like faction based PvP more want a different experience from the game than I do. I respect and understand that choice.


The support system in Shadowbane was no better or worse than Darkfalls. They both were player run communities with city construction and siege mechanics.


UO and Asherons Call had no official support system but they supported vibrant thriving PvP communities with territorial control, turf wars and all that jazz. UO less than AC but in AC the system while not there on the surface actually existed by a lucky accident. Guilds and alliances occupied cities. Massive wars of attrition were fought for control of these cities. Those wars top anything in DF or SB which provided arbitrary mechanics to determine a winner and loser.


I am a proponent of keeping everything in a PVP game as organic as possible. Shooting catapults at a tree to "win" a war is not an organic experience. Fighting an enemy for control of a city for a week until one side reluctantly withdraws because they for one reason or another cannot continue to fight as an organic encounter with a comprehensive winner and loser.


AC had that. DF had it in the chaos cities. UO had it. DAOC did not have it. SB had it on a limited basis.


EvE has it, but again EvE combat is so awful it makes any discussion about Eve irrelevant.


The problem with city sieging in games like SB and DF are that the siege mechanics make actual fighting counter productive to winning the engagement. Yes sometimes the winner is determined outright by a fight, but if the objective can be accomplished by avoiding a direct fight, you are making your end game PvE with PvP interference.


A proper PvP game shouldn't have an end game in a PvE sense. Taking a keep for a relic is PvE with PvP interference. End game should be wars fought between rivals over political disputes related to server resource control/management or epeen. The end game never ends then. That is what you see in Eve, but again, Eve is a dumptruck combat wise :(

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There was nothing like a Troll Zerker in bear mode running at you in DAOC Frontiers... aah. still gives me goose pimples. Fun times.


Until Hiretsukan and I became the first level 50 2h Savages(and popularized them) in the game and swung those enormous 5.6(I think) delay axes at the 1.5s haste cap and could 2 man 8 man squads.


Other than the double 2h axe Zerker bug early in final, nothing in DaoC was ever as OP'd as 2h Savages.

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