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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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DAoC hands down. And it isn't even close. The whole frontier idea with tree realms rather than two opened up so many more cool possibilities for conflict. Group combat required extremely complex and coordinated strategy involving eight different players with defined roles. Relic and keep defense was fun and engaging. Ranked pvp stats, awards and realm abilities based on cumulative experience rather than activity gave people something to work toward.


I have played EVERY mmo and nothing yet has measured up to pre-ToA Dark Age. I've been searching for years.

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I loved PVP in Eve Online because there was actual loss. It had a death penalty, you could actually hurt your enemy, cost them money. It forced people to play smart, improve themselves. It was also good for the player driven economy as new equipment/ships were then needed, materials were needed, blueprints were needed.


This game is a carebear's wet dream. There is NO death penalty what so ever. Nothing to force people to care about dying, no benefit to kill your enemy, no reason to kill anyone except just for the hell of it.


I have often killed myself rather than have to travel back somewhere just because its faster....any game that people will do this has way too soft a death penalty.


Klling urself was my fastest form of travel until i got a mount in this game. To the point that i didnt bother to even use my hearth since its more of a hassle.

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For a launch MMO?


Its pretty much the best and most balanced yes (world PvP needs serious work), and there are issues. (Most of my worries were washed away by Gabe's post today http://www.swtor.com/blog/new-year%E2%80%99s-pvp-update, for those of you who haven't read yet)


But every other MMO I've played has been far worse out of the box.


Best PvP ever played? No.


1. DAoC


SW:TOR has potential to be damn briliant though, WaR was the last game I was this excieted about PvP wise.....and SW:TOR has MUCH better balance than WaR (and before you say "lolsorc" I play a Sentinel - you know that really "underpowered" one - and I think I'm pretty OP too at times, I think Centering is clunky - as it was added like a month before release - and talent trees could be cleaned up but I don't think its glaringly broken) had....some of the best balance at launch I've ever played.


But no, DAoC hands down.

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World of Warcraft




You are joking right?

WoW doesn't have Collision detection. Without CD there is no teamplay needed, nor tactics.


WoW, SWTOR, etc they all suck when it comes to PVP.

Warhammer online, daoc(?) Never played Daoc but i guess they have CD aswell?


If not, there is only one game that offers true PVP/RvR...

Warhammer online...

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2/3: Guild Wars (not really an MMO), Warhammer (the combat system was mostly good for most of the game's lifespan, despite the city / fort system being ****ed for equally as long)



DAOC commentary:


1. DAOC had an effective overarching system because there were 3 realms. Reasonably good internal balancing.


2. DAOC had good gameplay options because there were no "rails". The developers didn't add over-engineered microgoals here and tokens there to make you do specific things.


Look at how ****** Ilum is -- players want "TOKENS" and **** to drop in Ilum to make it "worthwhile". Players do Warzones only because they give commendation tokens. Everyone and their brother wants *********** tokens as a reason to PvP, instead of simply killing players because it's fun.


In DAOC, you simply got points for doing the one thing common to all PvP: killing *********** players. None of this clicking on chests in Tatooine ********. No retarded medal farming "hey let's stand in the acid pit more". No clicking gimmicky objectives on Alderaan.


You kill players, you get points. Period.


3. DAOC PvP had a greater purpose -- relics that mattered. No game since has implemented an overarching reason for your entire faction to cooperate to WIN THE GAME. Although it has to be said: relics had a significant impact on PvE. And this is probably why we will never see a similar system for WoW/Rift/SWTOR or any PvE-centric game.


4. Gear. DAOC gear, for a very long segment of its life, was easy as **** to get to a competitive level. During vanilla, you did your epic quest, gg. During SI, you talked to a crafter and paid a few hundred gold. During ToA (**** TOA) you ****ed your ******e with a sharp object. After they nerfed TOA, it was a short grind.




Additional note on #2: This is pretty significant IMO, because this may never change for MMOs in the future. Specifically, Mythic was lazy as **** and simply bad at making their "content". They were too haphazard to go and "MAKE RAILS" like Trion, BioWare, Blizzard.


Modern developers sink a lot of development and QA time into creating things like 47 different tokens, finely-tuned token acquisition rates and gear acceleration and titles and rewards and map markers and objective capture times and ... get the picture? Developers nowadays over-engineer the games.


They call it "features" and "content". What it does is force players to min/max their "TOKENS PER HOUR".


Back in DAOC's day, the devs were lazy *****es working out of their garage. Not really, but at that level. PvP in DAOC was barebones and simple: kill players, collect RP. Kill door, kill lord, take keep. Keep helps you kill players, collect RP. Did I mention killing players and collecting RP?


The system was absurdly simple. This means that players are the ones who decided how they wanted to play -- did they want to StealthZerg™? 8-man roam? Zerg that milegate? Camp Darkness Falls? Any of the above, because they all involved ... get this: KILLING PLAYERS, COLLECTING RP.


Nowadays, developers try to tune rewards for zerging, roaming, camping, ganking. If you played Warhammer, you saw this -- keep trading, because players try to optimize RP/hour. Because devs tried to "incentivize" keep warfare. What do we do in Ilum? Trade caps. What do we do in Huttball? Farm medals. We don't PvP anymore, because the developers give us "TOKENS" and micro-objectives, and zone quests.


None of which involve killing players.


Developers are trying too hard at all the wrong things.


Mythic didn't try hard when they made DAOC. They let the players try hard after they lucked out with a solid PvP system.




This sums it up for me, Mythic were at their best when they were lazy. In fact they could have just made the map of Emain and the combat system and it would have been fine. Don't know why they had to **** it up trying to add stuff.


Probably wont see the like again because 3 teams is necessary for open world to balance it's self, which developers don't want to do because it means extra content (and because thats not what WOW does). Also long mez and strong AOE is needed to stop everything becoming too zergy, and players cry enough about cc in current mmos.

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There was nothing like a Troll Zerker in bear mode running at you in DAOC Frontiers... aah. still gives me goose pimples. Fun times.


You mean before the LA nerf, right? ;)



Neocron. Yep, I said it.


I wanted that game to be good!


DAOC still rules (just by the sheer number of posts and based on the fact that it truly was server-wide and it mattered.


man I remember parking my inf hib side in DF and waiting for it to change hands. ;)


I'd also add Anarchy Online as an honorable mention, though not at first; that game was so far ahead of its time...

Edited by Valtyr
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Yes, Ultima Online - I've played every MMORPG under the sun (DAoC, WoW, GW, EQ) no modern carebear MMO will ever come close to what UO's PvP was pre-AoS. Dying actually meant something in that game, getting into melee range actually meant something in that game, you did not visit one area and be finished with it forever in that game, etc. I just feel sorry for the kids now days that will never experience the golden age of UO, before all the BS was introduced.




What I don't understand is why a gaming company doesn't put out a modern UO in its early glory.



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You mean before the LA nerf, right? ;)


The first nerf or the second nerf when Shamans got endo? The first nerf was before the Dragon Zones went in. At the time Sanya swore to us that LA was now in line with Mythic's design intentions. Then when they nerfed it again after endo they disavowed saying that statement even when we directed them to the Herald post stating otherwise.

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