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10 Good
  1. I realized that SWTOR's end game is not for everyone. It is for those with the best gear, premade groups and of course allot of time. Everyone else is cannon fodder. It was not something you could just log into every now and then and have some fun. In essence, it is not made for the more casual player. Bioware does not seem to register that this is a problem either, it looks like they expect for everyone to just keep playing and work it out sooner or later.
  2. Ya, I could at least run for my life I would feel better.
  3. The number is so high because it was well balanced when the game launched. The number is going to fall off as PvP becomes an elitist sport.
  4. Exactly, the most important issue Bioware has with PvP was not addressed. I hope they can see this and unpat themselves on the back. It would be nice if they noticed the most obvious issue PvP now faces. Bioware, look at what people are saying, you are missing the hints.
  5. Sounds to me like it is too little too late. PvP is great at low lvls. All that testing payed off. I don't know why it is so hard to grasp why! IT WAS BALANCED! SWTOR was made more for casual and less for the hard core and low level PvP was popular BECAUSE THEY COULD PLAY TOGETHER. Yet higher lvl PvP is broken and not going to be fixed by the sound of it. Bioware is making some of the same mistakes other games have made and will pay for it. Bioware WAKE UP! The problem did not start with Ilum! It started when the hard core advanced so far past the casual that they could not play together. You wanted a game for casual players and you made it a no win game for players that did not keep up with the better gear!!!! People don't like no win scenarios! It is not rocket science, the QQing is because the PvP was for the hardcore and winning for the casual player was no longer and option. Do you see my point? Ask yourselves if you solved this with your last update on PvP or even if it is on your roadmap. You want to test it? make casual players 1v1 hard core players on Ilum and see what happens! You do NOT need to do wild nerfing of classes. You need only figure a way to keep it balanced for everyone while letting the more hardcore still have their superior advantage. Try this, and my point will be proven fast. Make a warzone that replaces player stats with balanced stats like giving them all walkers or space ship fighters so that it is an even playing field and watch how popular it becomes. Cancel whatever else you are doing if it does not add up to a game everyone can play. Don't be stupid and make a game only a few can win at.
  6. Does this latest news really address player concerns?
  7. As the game gets older and players get better gear, I run into Operatives that hit my character and do more and more burst dmg. Recently they now do so much dmg that they can kill me in 3 moves. Now the fights go like this: I have 12k health to start and I get knocked on my butt and hit for 5800dmg. Second hit, 1200 dmg and third 5800 dmg. Killed before my character even gets up! This is over powered! does this not sound over powered to you? I think that is overpowered!
  8. ^ this. I don't mind CCs, I don't mind a 4 sec CC. I get CC locked until I die 4 or 5 times in an average warzome match. This happens so often I can't tell that resolve is ever doing anything. My class comes with a CC breaker on a 1 minute cooldown, it is a joke, If I get stunlocked, the CCes don't stop coming and I just wasted the lock breaker so that when I rez, I still can't use it. So now I don't use it unless I am not being attacked as that is the only time I will be benefited by it. The only time I have a problem with 4 sec CCs is when Operatives use it. I have been watching the dmg they do slowly stack up when they attack me as the PvP worsens, 3200 crit, 3800 crit, 4200 crit, 5200 crit and now 5800 in a single hit that allows then to kill me ( have 12k health) before the 4 sec cc breaks. And because they have more then one cc, the cc breaker does nothing. Another issue I have just started having is that now my CCes are no longer working on some players. Often on tanks. The CC activates but has no effect and I am often killed within 10 secs after that. The player has 0 resolve so it is not that. This seems to be Bioware's answer to melee classes being cced... works great.
  9. I was there for an hour and it was a joke. Players tended not to attack each other and when I fixed the turrets on my factions base, enemy players tended to be grateful because their quest called for there destruction. That is until they got bored and just came into our base and camped the respawn point. At one point I jumped on a player turret just outside the base and fired away at a player, He didn't even move, 1100 dmg X20 shots and he did not die, he just laughed at me. I have played some 6 hours so far in Ilum and never won. You might think the winner had some fun but how much fun can you have in a one sided sand box?
  10. I think that one of the biggest problems is not class imbalances, but just not even putting something there that can work. Take my first introduction to Ilum, I get there and the enemy walks into the my base and kills me and starts farming kills on the spawn point! The defensive cannons are firing away and not stopping of even slowing them down! Forget worries about class imbalances, this game is lacking in PvP on all kinds of levels! But it is not the low level PvP that is so poor, no, the low level PvP is great! (So long as lvl 50s stay out of the warzones) I have the time of my life!
  11. I am about to cancel and not just because of PvP, which I loved to death at the start of the game (obveuly lots of testing and it did payed off because it was good) but now that I am lvl 50 it is a stinking pile of @#$% it also shows that testing really was never done for higher level content. But that is not only why, I like PvE so I tried that and Flashpoints are not bad at all, but I see this endless string of Looking for Tank/healers and it is no go because then game again is not well thought out. Players are not specing as these and it is killing yet another part of the game. I even respeced to healer and all was well, then go back to DPS (my prefered playstyle) but the game is made to make respecing HURT, and hurt it does, I can not longer afford to respec and again the game is broken...
  12. PvP is really horrible in SWTOR. I am not talking about class imbalances either. I just played an hour of Ilum and there is no PvP. Enemies don't even attack me unless I attack them. I just faced off against some players and they were doing 5800 dmg and killing in less then 3 secs. I jumped on a cannon and hit every shot with 1100 dmg (about 20 shots) and it did not kill the target, he just stood there... laughing at me. Bioware has really failed here. The game's PvP is in the toilet.
  13. scottmana

    This is PVP?

    PvP was fun in this game despite things like the ability to stun and hold stunned until the target is dead. As time moved on, all that testing and beta only worked for players that were not lvled and geared up. Now that the game is out, players are pushing things testing did not iron out.
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