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This Game Is Not Going To Fail


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Face it.


Galaxies went on for 6 more years after the NGE. And players left in droves. DROVES. After mass protests!


This is Star Wars. This will never go free to play, and this will never die so soon out of the gate.


Fantasize if you want haters. SWTOR is here to stay for a long while.

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Yes, SWG had a massive playerbase....oh wait it didn't.


They consolidated servers like a boss and the same few people played forever. That's a DEAD game. They will continue to make money off of it, but the general MMO community will be writing this one off if its not fixed within the next month anda half (I doubt they have a patch large enough).

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While I enjoy SWTOR....the SWG reference, not a good one. After NGE, SOE literally had to do everything it could to stay afloat...cut servers, staff, etc. From time to time I would pop my head in and it was abysmal. Few actual players and a lot of gold selling bots slamming macros. The game was a shell of itself...and Im honestly surprised they kept it going as long as they did.
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Face it.


Galaxies went on for 6 more years after the NGE. And players left in droves. DROVES. After mass protests!


This is Star Wars. This will never go free to play, and this will never die so soon out of the gate.


Fantasize if you want haters. SWTOR is here to stay for a long while.


Fail and be shut down are different things.


Now i think the game will do pretty well, as evidenced by the majority of opinions i've seen expressed in game (forum is not a representative sample at all.), however SWG was an utter turdtacular failure, even before NGE. the game never did well. If SWTOR ended up about as popular as SWG, it would be a failure.

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Face it.


Galaxies went on for 6 more years after the NGE. And players left in droves. DROVES. After mass protests!


This is Star Wars. This will never go free to play, and this will never die so soon out of the gate.


Fantasize if you want haters. SWTOR is here to stay for a long while.


I would have agreed with you before I witnessed the debacle that is known as Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. Now, I'm not sure if an MMO that has a large launch is actually safe from failure.

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Yes, SWG had a massive playerbase....oh wait it didn't.


They consolidated servers like a boss and the same few people played forever. That's a DEAD game. They will continue to make money off of it, but the general MMO community will be writing this one off if its not fixed within the next month anda half (I doubt they have a patch large enough).


The main problem is - when you bring a new MMO to the market you have to come much stronger than this offering. There are more polished options out there. Developers need to stop releasing BETA quality games and then patching them up after release.


Once the free month is up, the patience is gone and people move back to what works. Vital tools and features need to be made available at launch, not months later. A lot of "good" MMOs never made it because of non-optimal launches.


Face it - every MMO that's released is held to direct competition with WoW. You need to come feature complete in this day and age.

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Face it.


Galaxies went on for 6 more years after the NGE. And players left in droves. DROVES. After mass protests!


This is Star Wars. This will never go free to play, and this will never die so soon out of the gate.


Fantasize if you want haters. SWTOR is here to stay for a long while.


Haters gon hate. lol I agree with you completely. This game will not fail. Sooner or later all the WoW trolls will go back home. And the real community that's left will send this game in the right upward direction.


This game all though their is much room for improvement will succeed. And it will fix its missteps. I'm not worried about it.


I know as dedicated as I am. That there are plenty of people 10x more dedicated than myself. TOR is going to be an absolute success. No doubt in my mind.

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Yes, SWG had a massive playerbase....oh wait it didn't.


They consolidated servers like a boss and the same few people played forever. That's a DEAD game. They will continue to make money off of it, but the general MMO community will be writing this one off if its not fixed within the next month anda half (I doubt they have a patch large enough).


it's interesting that all my friends who play MMO's are sticking with this one and have subbed up.


Don't get mixed up with "you" and the "mmo community" these are two different things.

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Haters gon hate. lol I agree with you completely. This game will not fail. Sooner or later all the WoW trolls will go back home. And the real community that's left will send this game in the right upward direction.


This game all though their is much room for improvement will succeed. And it will fix its missteps. I'm not worried about it.


I know as dedicated as I am. That there are plenty of people 10x more dedicated than myself. TOR is going to be an absolute success. No doubt in my mind.


I don't think WoW trolls have a home, I thinkthey are all here because they hate WoW and know it sux and they want something different, but as they say about the non patriot, puthim on a plane to another country and within a week he will be a patriot again, but when he comes home he will start hating... yet again. Same goes for WoW trolls, they hate SWTOR, but they hate WoW more so they whine and ***** here instead of WoW general forums.


The whole thing is actualy very sad...

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When the NGE came out, I was positive SWG would be done within the year. I hated it, my guild hated it, my other friends hated it, and we all quit. Before our subscriptions ran out, we posted hella angry threads on the forums. Talking about the crappy features, bugs, overall underwhelming revamp of an already underwhelmingly revamped game. Everyone I knew quit. We trolled the hell out of the forums. The game was dead to us and that meant it was surely going to be dead to everyone else in the very near future.


It wasn't. The game didn't bounce back or anything, but it never went free to play. People that enjoyed it still got years to continue playing. The game obviously continued to make some money for a few years. I don't think this game will come close to that level of exodus. There are plenty of people that think so but that is to be expected. The forums are all they have.

Edited by Inhalcator
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I played WAR for 1.5 year's from launch. I watched the game consolidate servers and shrink and now WAR currently is on 1 server.


I was lucky and always chose the most popular server correctly. The game always felt full to me because I was usually on the full server.


Though there was a time on Dark Crag after Ruin and several other large guilds left where me and Destro met to duel because there was literally nothing else to do but sit in vent with your enemies and duel each other.


SWTOR will not fail. It is going to shrink drastically though within 2-3 month mark. It's simply not a finished game and most hardcore players will gear out by the 2 month mark and quit.


The biggest issue imo is the character responsiveness in SWTOR. Ability lag is a killer to your hardcore gamer market.


If all your game has is casual players who love leveling through cut scenes then you dont have much of a game. Hardcore players are the people who pay the bills in the long run. Casual players come and go but you need that base of long term players to keep guilds together and give casual players something to work towards.


How many guilds have you been in that had that one guy who was always on and after he quits the guild sort of falls apart? Thats the hardcore player leaving, him and probably 2 other players were the glue that held your guild together. Now they're gone. Guild dies, mmo shrinks.


I only say this because I've seen it happen in every game since WOW. It sucks to because we all want a new game to play that is truly quality. I think SWTOR could have been that if they had held the launch till the end of summer.


I guess some executives got paid and peaced out. Corp's don't care about the long term. Look at the banking industry. As long as your corp doesnt go under while you're in charge it's K. The idea is to get as much money as you can then quit and run another Corp.

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I played WAR for 1.5 year's from launch. I watched the game consolidate servers and shrink and now WAR currently is on 1 server.


I was lucky and always chose the most popular server correctly. The game always felt full to me because I was usually on the full server.


Though there was a time on Dark Crag after Ruin and several other large guilds left where me and Destro met to duel because there was literally nothing else to do but sit in vent with your enemies and duel each other.


SWTOR will not fail. It is going to shrink drastically though within 2-3 month mark. It's simply not a finished game and most hardcore players will gear out by the 2 month mark and quit.


The biggest issue imo is the character responsiveness in SWTOR. Ability lag is a killer to your hardcore gamer market.


If all your game has is casual players who love leveling through cut scenes then you dont have much of a game. Hardcore players are the people who pay the bills in the long run. Casual players come and go but you need that base of long term players to keep guilds together and give casual players something to work towards.


How many guilds have you been in that had that one guy who was always on and after he quits the guild sort of falls apart? Thats the hardcore player leaving, him and probably 2 other players were the glue that held your guild together. Now they're gone. Guild dies, mmo shrinks.


I only say this because I've seen it happen in every game since WOW. It sucks to because we all want a new game to play that is truly quality. I think SWTOR could have been that if they had held the launch till the end of summer.


I guess some executives got paid and peaced out. Corp's don't care about the long term. Look at the banking industry. As long as your corp doesnt go under while you're in charge it's K. The idea is to get as much money as you can then quit and run another Corp.


There was actually an interesting study showing that casual players pay the bills and hardcore players cost you money. I'll try dig up the link for you.

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There was actually an interesting study showing that casual players pay the bills and hardcore players cost you money. I'll try dig up the link for you.


That would be interesting to see since there has never been a successful casual MMO. Remember WOW did not launch casual. 99% of the people playing SWTOR would not be able to play Vanilla WOW.


Every MMO that has succeed started hard core or semi-hardcore!

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There was actually an interesting study showing that casual players pay the bills and hardcore players cost you money. I'll try dig up the link for you.


Sorry man but i have enough real life experience to know how this works.


If casuals log into a empty game they aren't ever going to sub. If guilds don't have long term players they're no longer guilds. Guilds are the glue of a mmo. Without guilds who are ran by long term hardcore players you have no mmo.


Casuals do pay the bills you're right..............but they need the longterm players to give them a foundation of community.


We've all been in guilds with empty vents. They tend to die soon afterwards.


Also, how can your study quantify anything besides questionaires? The metrics of a mmo can't show you human relationships and dependency's.

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That would be interesting to see since there has never been a successful casual MMO. Remember WOW did not launch casual. 99% of the people playing SWTOR would not be able to play Vanilla WOW.


Every MMO that has succeed started hard core or semi-hardcore!


I'm not sure what you mean by WoW did not launch casual. It actually doesn't mean anything considering you have no way of knowing.


I was in a guild of 60+ people when i started WoW and we were all casual.


What exactly are you trying to say? You realize there are casusal and hard core gamers in pretty much every MMO right? You do realize this right?


I'll just write you off as a WoW fanboi, blah SWTOR isn't like Wow> BLAH.

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I'd love for SWTOR to develop it's own great community, but unfortunately a lot of today's vocal mmo players are just nasty people. I'd hope if we get Server Forums we could get to know eachother better. The in game people I've met have been mostly cool though.


I don't see this game going down the tubes anytime soon, but the playerbase could make it a lot more bearable if they would just calm down a bit.

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I'd love for SWTOR to develop it's own great community, but unfortunately a lot of today's vocal mmo players are just nasty people. I'd hope if we get Server Forums we could get to know eachother better. The in game people I've met have been mostly cool though.


I don't see this game going down the tubes anytime soon, but the playerbase could make it a lot more bearable if they would just calm down a bit.


My sentiments exactly....Bingo.... swg with all its flaws and the nge kept me in game from day 1 to the very last day due to the community... Swtor will be better once the community pulls together

Edited by Ashivauto
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Face it.


Galaxies went on for 6 more years after the NGE. And players left in droves. DROVES. After mass protests!


This is Star Wars. This will never go free to play, and this will never die so soon out of the gate.


Fantasize if you want haters. SWTOR is here to stay for a long while.


What an ignorant and fanboystic drivel...

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I played WoW for five years - and just like WoW, these forums do not represent the majority of people playing the game. It mostly contains negative nancy's and trolls.


I'll continue to play. I just hit level 27 last night after starting last Tuesday - and I'm having a blast. A majority of the people I've met are genuinely cool and not douchenozzles like a massive amount of elitist WoWtards.



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