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Everything posted by NeonLights

  1. Leveling is fun and is easily the best part of this game. But once you've made 2-3 characters to level 50 it gets old really fast. Sure the class quests are really epic, but after the capitals they become few and far between. Everything else in this game is broken.
  2. Here's a suggestion to help out the Jedi Guardian. Take the Ironbreaker's Grudge mechanic from WAR and translate it over to the Guardian. For those who never played WAR, the Ironbreaker's mechanic was Grudge. You had an ability called Oathfriend which you put on an ally (which was more or less Guard). Whenever you or your Oathfriend took damage, you would build up Grudge points. As an IB built up Grudge, they would generate more threat and become a lot tougher. Grudge was also spent on powerful defensive and offensive abilities. The Juggernaut should be like WAR's Black Guard and get the Hatred mechanic. Unlike Grudge, Hatred built up whenever the Black Guard was attacking or being attacked. These two mechanics are very fitting for both the Jedi Guardian and Sith Juggernaut. Where as the Guardian is a protector and the Juggernaut is slowly building up to be a wrecking ball. How could this help the class? It would give the class a much stronger identity and add more skill involved with building up Grudge/Hatred instead of simply watching your cooldowns. There was a lot of decision making involved when choosing to save up your Grudge/Hatred or spend it. For tanking it really rewarded tanks for taking a lot of hits. Being out there and taking damage is what led you to doing more damage in return. For DPS you get a heavily armored melee class that slowly builds up to unleash hard hitting attacks when they get full Grudges/Hatred. The mechanic would help in both the survivability of the class as well as damage output. A Guardian/Juggernaut would have to choose one or the other, they can't do both at the same time. Abilities like Saber Ward, Warding Call, Guardian Slash, Overhead Slash, and Blade Storm would be great Grudge spenders. We'd have a class that is even more fun to play, would be more competitive and would add a lot more skill involved. The Grudge/Hatred mechanic could be enough to make Guardians and Juggernauts competitive with Troopers/BH and Sages/Sorcs.
  3. Considering how broken Ilum is, it's worth a shot.
  4. You're assuming they care about us.
  5. Remember how they couldn't tell us anything related to the release date because it would effect EA's stock prices? I think that's the biggest problem here. BioWare can't do anything because EA has invested so much into this one game that they have to check and double check everything to make sure anything they do or say will please investors. Doing anything to lower stock prices can really hurt them.
  6. Remember how in all the interviews and whatever BioWare was asked, "So the story is good, where's all the MMO aspects." Then BioWare was all like, "Don't worry bro, it's all there. All the normal stuff you'd expect." Lesson learned from TOR: If an upcoming MMO doesn't show you their endgame, that's a red flag for disaster.
  7. Expertise should be a PvE stat on PvE gear. More Expertise means you're more effective in Operations.
  8. They never tested it. At all. 18 months of external testing and they never got a lot of people to go and test out Ilum.
  9. PvP in this game is terrible. All this time and all they have is three warzones and the failure that is Ilum? They shouldn't have even bothered.
  10. Yeah the endgame gear looks terrible. PvP gear is even worse. Samurai armor for Jedi? ***.
  11. Things to do at level 50: Hard Modes. I already have Columni gear, what's the point of these now? Warzones. The same three warzones again and again. If I want instanced PvP I'd load up an FPS or a MOBA game. Ilum. 50 vs 10? Yeah no thanks. Operations. Fun but I can only do them once a week. Ask yourself, is $15 a month worth it to do EV/KP every week?
  12. I'm giving them a month. But if they keep up the silent treatment I'll probably cancel.
  13. I've got a better solution: Have George Lucas write the Empire storylines from now on.
  14. So basically the Empire is too good? I got the perfect solution: Get George Lucas to write the Empire story from now on!
  15. That's not true, you don't need gas to make Zerglings. I think you're supply blocked, spawn more Overlords. If you position your zealot correctly (don't let the zerg get a surround) it can easily kill 4 or more zerglings.
  16. NeonLights

    PVP starved

    You could always do Hard Modes!
  17. The difference is that Aion actually put some thought into their PvP. BioWare clearly doesn't care about it.
  18. Nothing is worse than being completely outnumbered. What kills a Battlefield server faster than anything? Unbalanced teams. What will empty TOR servers? Imps outnumbering Republic players 5:1. It's not just at endgame. When you're leveling as a Republic player you're constantly running into groups of Imps. When I was questing on Voss there would be 5 Republic players total and 27 Imps. Losing is one thing, but losing and having no control over it is another entirely.
  19. We need more High Temps with Feedback.
  20. Make the Republic into the Protoss. A single Zealot can kill 4 Zerglings. I don't see why a single Republic player shouldn't be able to kill 4 Imps in the Ilum zone.
  21. Imps = Zerg. Turn the Republic into Protoss please. 1 Zealot can kill 4 Zerglings. Make it happen.
  22. I think the OP should be a PvP Designer.
  23. Of course a dev who spent the last 6 years of his life working on this game is going to give himself a pat on the back. I don't blame him and James Olhen is a cool guy, he's been involved with a lot of good games in the past. I thought being humble was a BioWare thing though. I wish the devs would communicate more to us about the problems and give us some of their plans to address the issues. I'd sub if they did that. But since we're getting the silent treatment, it's pretty clear that they don't care about their customers.
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