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Everything posted by NightfireFox

  1. Pros: I always love watching trolls trying to find other places to rant. Cons: I would lose one of my daily doses of internet comedy.
  2. Hey! I'm a career truck driver and I am offended, sir! Lol.
  3. The line for crybabies is that way, man. MMO's being finished. That's a ******* good one.
  4. So many of the haters and trolls and unsubbers are Dec 2011.
  5. Behold the almighty SPACEBAR.
  6. Exactly. The differences of the in-game attitudes and forum-user attitudes are so drastically different that I cannot really take these forums seriously at all anymore.
  7. Face it. Galaxies went on for 6 more years after the NGE. And players left in droves. DROVES. After mass protests! This is Star Wars. This will never go free to play, and this will never die so soon out of the gate. Fantasize if you want haters. SWTOR is here to stay for a long while.
  8. This. And no, this is not my first MMO. This is my second. I come from Eve Online.
  9. If that were true, these forums wouldn't be needed for anything.
  10. Bump. Holy crap, you guys have been busy? Wonder how many people agreed, and how many people just kept b****ing because Bioware isn't catering solely to them.
  11. Every single forum I've been in at a game's launch has had massive complaining. This is not news to me, and I am not alarmed in the SLIGHTEST in regards to the game's longevity. Partly due to my snail's pace through the game.
  12. That is my main concern. The complaints of the vocal majority are still the complaints of a playerbase minority, and this do not represent the feedback of the entire playerbase. I have seen a handful of games ruined because of developers unwisely listening to this very minority.
  13. Think what you want. Powerleveling in any RPG, MMO or otherwise, is mindboggling to me, because you skip so much content. For your information, because it is clearly your business, my characters are levels 21 and 17. My snails pace through this game (8 hours or so every weekend) ensures me a greater chance of less bugs and more content at the later levels. And I will never PVP in this game. Ever. Not my cup of soup.
  14. My activity in the game is irrelevant. I am simply informing this disgruntled portion of the community that they are a disgruntled MINORITY, and to keep that in mind when they voice their criticisms.
  15. Seriously, if EVERYONE in this forum unsubbed, it'd be just a small dent. Historically, very small portions of the community post on the game forums. So please do not assume you represent the majority of players in this game.
  16. Bioware will drop what they are doing to meet your single demand. Because there is nothing more important, clearly.
  17. I'm one of the ones who would not have subbed if it was pushed into 2012. If it's not ready, then they announced WAY too early. But that's you. I think it's ready. I'm loving what I'm playing.
  18. You seem to want to turn this game into vanilla WoW.
  19. Has this joke been made before? I just don't understand why he keeps complaining. If you don't like the game, either voice your concerns ONCE, and wait it out, or go back to that "other" MMO you so adore.
  20. Just wanted to know if a forum infraction affects your account at all when it comes to the GAME. Thanks. Because I'm cruising for my first right now. General discussion is just too unbelievably stupid.
  21. Most sensible post I've seen all day. Bioware is strangling the vocal minority.
  22. Don't you just love it how thread after thread is closed for not discussing SWTOR in General Discussion? Last I checked, there's no off-topic boards. Another point for the moderators of the forums here. And just to keep this topic from being closed: I am enjoying SWTOR, but I'm taking the weekend off from it so I don't level too fast and I can convince my consoles I haven't forgotten about them completely.
  23. Nope. No music whatsoever. This soundtrack CD I got with the Collector's Edition? Absolutely nothin' on it.
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