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how to cancel pre-order


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I'm glad people are canceling over this. If people can't handle something as friggin' absurd as not getting in 7 days early when they were promised UP TO 5 days, then I don't want them in the game anyway. These are the people who whine so hard about PVP that it upsets PVE balance and vice versa... good riddance!
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How do I cancel my pre-order? This cluster**** of a head-start is not something that I simply will take and brush off as a "noble" attempt to maintain server stability during your launch.


On a post i just read completely infuriated me that most people will likely get just (1) day head start?!?! I might as well not have pre-ordered if that is the case. Not only was this information not provided from the get go, it was not released until TODAY. Total horse sh*t


I do not care what excuses make you folks feel better, but the fact is I pre-orderd to participate in the HEAD START. I don't care about your influx in purchases or any other excuses you throw out to the community.


You have the numbers of pre-orders and you should have planned better, simple as that.


Its not my job to figure out how, but when you gloat to have such a successful last beta weekend, boasting the millions of hours players put in and the million+ players you saw through your doors. . . there is no excuse for this staggered start.


Tell me how to cancel my pre-order through EA


look all the information on how EGA worked has been on the website since july. You get in to headstart in the order you entered your pre order code.


How much Early Game Access time do I get?


The order in which you will gain entry into Early Game Access is dependent on how early you burned your Pre-Order Code at our Code Redemption Center. The earlier you burned your Pre-Order Code, the earlier you will be granted entry into Early Game Access.


this has been in hte FAQ for EGA since July. L2 Read.

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This is not entirely acturate. A large amount of people preorder the game in the first 72 hours, possible over 100,000 people base on my estimation. True most player who got in today did preorder in the first three days.


Bioware will probably will be adding more and more people in the next few days, its always best to start slow to make sure that server load balance is not upset. Otherwise there could be bigger problems than a few player whining about not getting in on the first day of Early Access. As an experienced MMO player, I feel that Bioware is doing the right thing here. Its better to have the game up and running for some people than to have the game not running at all.


I don't that's partly what a open beta is for.


The game should have a open beta to open the game for people to see and to wiggle out any last server issues.


They offered early game access, to those kind enough to stump their cash upfront months in advance sight unseen.


So no personally I don't agree one shoe should fit all here, and I can see why some people would be miffed about pre-orders if everyone isn't on a level playing field in terms of what they get from it.

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Read like 7 post, then didn't bother reading any more, no reason too ...


ONLY reason I pre-ordered was to get 5 days Early Access, the discussion about if I read it wrong or if they CHOSE to use a wording MOST people would misunderstand is a debate I don't care to take or be part of.


Should've read what they had announced, so impatient...


You mean you didn't pre-order so you'd get a copy of the game. You just wanted to play EGA and then quit? Weird. I wouldn't pay 5 bucks for the possibility of 5 days of in game time, just to quit at launch. Maybe that's just me though. Hmmmm.

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I don't that's partly what a open beta is for.


The game should have a open beta to open the game for people to see and to wiggle out any last server issues.


They offered early game access, to those kind enough to stump their cash upfront months in advance sight unseen.


So no personally I don't agree one shoe should fit all here, and I can see why some people would be miffed about pre-orders if everyone isn't on a level playing field in terms of what they get from it.

How much Early Game Access time do I get?


The order in which you will gain entry into Early Game Access is dependent on how early you burned your Pre-Order Code at our Code Redemption Center. The earlier you burned your Pre-Order Code, the earlier you will be granted entry into Early Game Access.


the FAQ since july BW never said people would be starting all the same day. and its always been "MAY GET" "UP TO" 5 days. people l 2 read.

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honestly its not the fact that i can't start playing today that is bothering me its the anticipation and not knowing when i will get my email that is bothering me. I wish they would send me something in the email stating you will be able to start this day so i can stop trolling my email watching for every single email to pop up only for it to be nothing but junk orz ><




For god's sake, this^^^ I just want to know when, so i can square my time off with my boss.

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We appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns, but will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. We encourage you to make threads about specific game-related topics if you like and wish you the best. Please contact your retailer for any questions or concerns relating to your purchase.

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