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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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If Bioware's lack of substantive response to this thread is indicative of how they plan to treat issues and bugs like this in the future, then they have failed to retain me as a customer in future months.


They will be crushed.

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Ok a little perspective is required here I think. There are currently 143 replies to the thread; however, over 50% are from the same posters who are only posting to bump the thread. So on the other side of those handful of people you have the near 1.5 million people who seem to be enjoying the game and are too busy playing to troll these forums. What does this mean? It means the screaming few in this thread are not even a very small drop of a HUGE ocean of SWTOR players. (50-60 people against the 1.5 million.)


Honestly, this post screams "LEARN-TO-PLAY-SWTOR". To the 50 or so posters on this thread, I would say this isnt WoW. This game will punish you for button smashing, yet reward you for being patient and watching your toon during the fight. Once your Toon begins swinging...he needs to finish his swing. Imagine that. Pure silliness indeed.


Oh, my favorite posts on this thread are those by the "Professional Gamer" and those who take him seriously. This alone is worth the price of admission. lol oh my.


The Panda waiting room is over there folks. Just get in line >>>


Look who doesn't know how to play video games well.

Are you telling me, that when i spam hammer shot or ion pulse, and my character still stands there for almost 2 seconds doing nothing, then my GCD starts, animation starts, and almost 4 seconds after starting the ability STARTS to cause damage is because i don't know how to play?

Furthermore i would bet i have a better system than most of the people here. Or how about when in a BG/WZ i spam shield while its CD (thats cool down) is up and nothing happens? This is my fault?

Sorry man, i've played a lot of video games and um...this one is broken.

Sorry your feelings are hurt but next time don't invest so much emotionally into a video game that way you dont nerd rage when someone comments on it.

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Look who doesn't know how to play video games well.

Are you telling me, that when i spam hammer shot or ion pulse, and my character still stands there for almost 2 seconds doing nothing, then my GCD starts, animation starts, and almost 4 seconds after starting the ability STARTS to cause damage is because i don't know how to play?

Furthermore i would bet i have a better system than most of the people here. Or how about when in a BG/WZ i spam shield while its CD (thats cool down) is up and nothing happens? This is my fault?

Sorry man, i've played a lot of video games and um...this one is broken.

Sorry your feelings are hurt but next time don't invest so much emotionally into a video game that way you dont nerd rage when someone comments on it.


Nope, this isnt what I am saying at all partner. What I am saying is that because 50-60 people see the combat as flawed, doesnt mean that it is. I have not experinced any of the delay you mention. None. I play a Marauder, and Inquisitor, and a Smuggler. I haven't seen this problem is all I am saying. Now of course Im not a "Professional Gamer" from WoW (LOL OMG), but I think the fact Im not having the problem may be as useful of info as you saying you are having the problem.


Maybe some areas, or some systems are more affected than others? I have no idea. But if there is a problem, Im sure Bioware has the resources, experience, and know-how to remedy it for you, and not the "Professional Gamer" from a childs game like WoW.

Edited by Klarick
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Can bioware stop breaking this thread?


This is the 4th incarnation. not necessary.


Purposely trying to minimize this issue isn't going to change the obvious reality that this is a fundamental problem.

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Ok a little perspective is required here I think. There are currently 143 replies to the thread; however, over 50% are from the same posters who are only posting to bump the thread. So on the other side of those handful of people you have the near 1.5 million people who seem to be enjoying the game and are too busy playing to troll these forums. What does this mean? It means the screaming few in this thread are not even a very small drop of a HUGE ocean of SWTOR players. (50-60 people against the 1.5 million.)


Honestly, this post screams "LEARN-TO-PLAY-SWTOR". To the 50 or so posters on this thread, I would say this isnt WoW. This game will punish you for button smashing, yet reward you for being patient and watching your toon during the fight. Once your Toon begins swinging...he needs to finish his swing. Imagine that. Pure silliness indeed.


Oh, my favorite posts on this thread are those by the "Professional Gamer" and those who take him seriously. This alone is worth the price of admission. lol oh my.


The Panda waiting room is over there folks. Just get in line (behind the pro gamer please) >>>


I dare you to tell us that **** like in this video is just because this person needs to learn to play. No, no, it couldn't possibly be that his character is actually stuck swinging his gosh darned light saber around as if he's getting ready to lasso the mob. He should just learn to play, right?




Thanks for your 'perspective,' sparky.


It's fun when inbreds come into this thread screaming it's a 'L2P' issue. This alone is worth the price of my admission.


Also, it seems this BW employee disagrees with you.


All we can say for now is 'we are actively working on the topic of character responsiveness'."


Georg "Observer" Zoeller

Principal Lead Combat Designer


Edit: LOL the website auto edited that into 'gosh darned' Hahaha.

Edit2: And, for what it's worth, I hate WoW.

Edited by Owarida
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Nope, this isnt what I am saying at all partner. What I am saying is that because 50-60 people see the combat as flawed, doesnt mean that it is. I have not experinced any of the delay you mention. None. I play a Maruder, and Inquisitor, and a Smuggler. I haven't seen this problem is all I am saying. Now of course Im not a "Professional Gamer" from WoW (LOL OMG), but I think the fact Im not having the problem may be as useful of info as you saying you are having the problem.


Maybe some areas, or some systems are more affected than others? I have no idea. But if there is a problem, Im sure Bioware has the resources, experience, and know-how to do remedy it for you, and not the "Professional Gamer" from a childs game like WoW.


The ability delay makes Pvp VERY un-enjoyable.


Make it 61.


Other than the combat lag, its a great game.

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I haven't seen this problem is all I am saying.


Just because you haven't seen or noticed the problem doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Count yourself lucky, and stop telling the people this is happening to that they just need to learn to play.


It's a real issue, and it's a very big deal.

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Ok a little perspective is required here I think. There are currently 143 replies to the thread; however, over 50% are from the same posters who are only posting to bump the thread. So on the other side of those handful of people you have the near 1.5 million people who seem to be enjoying the game and are too busy playing to troll these forums. What does this mean? It means the screaming few in this thread are not even a very small drop of a HUGE ocean of SWTOR players. (50-60 people against the 1.5 million.)


Honestly, this post screams "LEARN-TO-PLAY-SWTOR". To the 50 or so posters on this thread, I would say this isnt WoW. This game will punish you for button smashing, yet reward you for being patient and watching your toon during the fight. Once your Toon begins swinging...he needs to finish his swing. Imagine that. Pure silliness indeed.


Oh, my favorite posts on this thread are those by the "Professional Gamer" and those who take him seriously. This alone is worth the price of admission. lol oh my.


The Panda waiting room is over there folks. Just get in line (behind the pro gamer please) >>>


While we are vocal, many people who have this issue simple dont post on forums. They'll quit just because the game "doesn't feel right".


I could deal with the game having animations if it didn't ruin many aspects. Right now there's almost no point to a skill being instant or off the GCD.

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Have you read any of these posts??? First off I never said anything about how CRAP the combat system is ....altho i think this I didnt not state it.


Do not put words in my mouth.


I have offended BIOWARE ??? No sir... they have Offended me!!!!!


i think he was just being sarcastic chill...

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Nope, this isnt what I am saying at all partner. What I am saying is that because 50-60 people see the combat as flawed, doesnt mean that it is. I have not experinced any of the delay you mention. None. I play a Marauder, and Inquisitor, and a Smuggler. I haven't seen this problem is all I am saying. Now of course Im not a "Professional Gamer" from WoW (LOL OMG), but I think the fact Im not having the problem may be as useful of info as you saying you are having the problem.


Maybe some areas, or some systems are more affected than others? I have no idea. But if there is a problem, Im sure Bioware has the resources, experience, and know-how to remedy it for you, and not the "Professional Gamer" from a childs game like WoW.


The fact the Bioware has acknowledged this issue and are actively looking at it makes your posts seem kind of silly don't you think? When it is fixed you will notice a difference, for the better. Till then, take our word for it.

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I dare you to tell us that **** like in this video is just because this person needs to learn to play. No, no, it couldn't possibly be that his character is actually stuck swinging his gosh darned light saber around as if he's getting ready to lasso the mob. He should just learn to play, right?




Thanks for your 'perspective,' sparky.


It's fun when inbreds come into this thread screaming it's a 'L2P' issue. This alone is worth the price of my admission.


Also, is seems this BW employee disagrees with you.




Edit: LOL the website auto edited that into 'gosh darned' Hahaha.


Inbred? Nice word. Sparky? I did a RL LOL. Funny stuff. Now let's get to your poorly written nerd-rage for a second.


Just because you can show a video of an error does not mean that the same error is happening to everyone. My Gawd WoW has so many bugs that it would take a library to catalogue them, but it doesnt mean that everyone playing WoW encounters the same problems. The same is here. Im saying I dont have the issue. I believe that you do. However, I also believe that many do need to learn to play, just from reading their comments -- it is obvious.


Im sorry you and the other few people are experiencing this problem. I am not.

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Ok a little perspective is required here I think. There are currently 143 replies to the thread; however, over 50% are from the same posters who are only posting to bump the thread. So on the other side of those handful of people you have the near 1.5 million people who seem to be enjoying the game and are too busy playing to troll these forums. What does this mean? It means the screaming few in this thread are not even a very small drop of a HUGE ocean of SWTOR players. (50-60 people against the 1.5 million.)


Honestly, this post screams "LEARN-TO-PLAY-SWTOR". To the 50 or so posters on this thread, I would say this isnt WoW. This game will punish you for button smashing, yet reward you for being patient and watching your toon during the fight. Once your Toon begins swinging...he needs to finish his swing. Imagine that. Pure silliness indeed.


Oh, my favorite posts on this thread are those by the "Professional Gamer" and those who take him seriously. This alone is worth the price of admission. lol oh my.


The Panda waiting room is over there folks. Just get in line (behind the pro gamer please) >>>


Your post screams ignorance.


Perhaps, if you learned that if an ability states 2 seconds to cast but takes 3 seconds for the animation to finish and any other abilities fired during that window don't work, then there's a substantial issue with the combat system.


  • The tooltips are mislabeled
  • The GUI animation for the GCD is inaccurate if an animation is still playing but the UI says you're safe to use an ability.

These are serious flaws because it means the game's documentation and UI feedback are inaccurate. That's poor design. Animation also get bugged and stuck--as evident by anyone who's been stuck in a perpetual knockdown between movement.


Perhaps, you should heed your advice and learn to play.



Edited by Darren_Kitlor
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Nope, this isnt what I am saying at all partner. What I am saying is that because 50-60 people see the combat as flawed, doesnt mean that it is. I have not experinced any of the delay you mention. None. I play a Marauder, and Inquisitor, and a Smuggler. I haven't seen this problem is all I am saying. Now of course Im not a "Professional Gamer" from WoW (LOL OMG), but I think the fact Im not having the problem may be as useful of info as you saying you are having the problem.


Maybe some areas, or some systems are more affected than others? I have no idea. But if there is a problem, Im sure Bioware has the resources, experience, and know-how to remedy it for you, and not the "Professional Gamer" from a childs game like WoW.



60 people? What world are you living in? This thread has to be "started again" by BW every week or so because the past 2 or 3 have had too many posts in it. People who have not played WoW (or another game), where the responsiveness is absolutely amazing, probably have no idea that SWTOR is not responsive at all because every game they have played is unresponsive. Just laughing at anyone who even mentions WoW in their post is pretty childish and shows how naive you really are. WoW may be a godawful game in your eyes, but it SET THE STANDARD in terms of the game itself, not the content or anything like that, but the game itself and how it works.

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It amazes me that people are saying they don't have an issue. It's a definite problem, though for me, I don't find it game breaking, just annoying.


The people in denial either cannot have a bad word said against this game, or are below average players that couldn't tell the difference even if given a fully responsive UI to play on.

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This is an extremely bad and annoying problem that WILL turn people off.. If the rest of the game hadn't been so much fun I would probably stop playing aswell. I really hope they put all their resourses on this issue to fix it asap. Other bugs and fixes can wait tbh.
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The fact the Bioware has acknowledged this issue and are actively looking at it makes your posts seem kind of silly don't you think? When it is fixed you will notice a difference, for the better. Till then, take our word for it.


They are looking into this issue as they should. They look into people having odd graphic anomlies as well, even though many people have no problems with it at all. Because Bioware is investigating an issue means they are doing their job. Nothing more than that.


Thank you Bioware for checking into Mr/Mrs Froth's issue. He knows you are professional gaming developers and will do your best to come up with a solution that makes his SWTOR game-time more enjoyable.


Signed: The Froth

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They are looking into this issue as they should. They look into people having odd graphic anomlies as well, even though many people have no problems with it at all. Because Bioware is investigating an issue means they are doing their job. Nothing more than that.


Thank you Bioware for checking into Mr/Mrs Froth's issue. He knows you are professional gaming developers and will do your best to come up with a solution that makes his SWTOR game-time more enjoyable.


Signed: The Froth


Tololo bump.

Ty mate you are bumping this thread and that is all that matters. Your agenda is still unclear .. hmmm :rolleyes:

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They are looking into this issue as they should. They look into people having odd graphic anomlies as well, even though many people have no problems with it at all. Because Bioware is investigating an issue means they are doing their job. Nothing more than that.


Thank you Bioware for checking into Mr/Mrs Froth's issue. He knows you are professional gaming developers and will do your best to come up with a solution that makes his SWTOR game-time more enjoyable.


Signed: The Froth


Yes thank you, could you please make me a sandwich too?

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WoW may be a godawful game in your eyes, but it SET THE STANDARD in terms of the game itself

No they really didnt. What they did is make a game that appeals to a wide range of ages (7-70). The game mechanics are simple enough so annyone can pick the game up and play and feel successful. There is nothing immersive about its story or the presentation and this appeals to the young who need quick gratification and not be bothered with such nonsense as character development and a Story.


WoW's ease of play does appeal to all ages, so I give them that. But setting a standard for gameplay? No.


<<< I saw the Professional WoW gamer head that way. He's over there standing by that...Panda?

Edited by Klarick
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Honestly, I think the problem is with the Hero Engine. This is the first major release to use the engine and it shows.


BW didnt make the engine therefore they cant fix it. Thats why they havent said anything. They have to work with the people that made the engine to find a fix and its the holidays so people are off.


Someone should go over to their forums and ask them about it lol



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Honestly, I think the problem is with the Hero Engine. This is the first major release to use the engine and it shows.


BW didnt make the engine therefore they cant fix it. Thats why they havent said anything. They have to work with the people that made the engine to find a fix and its the holidays so people are off.


Someone should go over to their forums and ask them about it lol




lol Yes, some of the top coders in the business can't figure out how to program the Hero engine. LOL yeah ok. PLease go stand by the Professional WoW gamer >>> Over there.

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Can you get it into your head that the people who are analyzing the bugs in this game and complaining about them on these forums are the people who, in the long run, will make the game better for people like you, who don't do the aforementioned things?


Show some appreciation please.


+1 for this thread, this issue needs to be resolved. I would love this game to succeed, but I'm afraid it might not.


Never once have I seen a "bug reporting elitist", your post was easily the funniest thing I've read the past month on a message board. That's including all the people that thought Lesnar would beat Overeem.

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