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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Refresh my memory - which buffs are actually defensive? 5% endurance increase? If you wiped because your tank died and 5% endurance was the difference between win and loss - then you didn't deserve the win.


5% maximum, doesn't change the current, though there is also a resistance buff (Consular/Inquisitor) which takes place straight away.

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EVERYONE did WOTLK hardmodes. WOTLK was the epitome of "loot pinatas".


No, they didn't. While more people did hardmodes in WOTLK than raiding in previous expansions, it was still a fairly small portion of the population of WoW.



Just not the 1-4% of people that cleared BC content.

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No, they didn't. While more people did hardmodes in WOTLK than raiding in previous expansions, it was still a fairly small portion of the population of WoW.



Just not the 1-4% of people that cleared BC content.


You may not have been paying attention or were on a bad server then. My server ran 3-4 25 man GDKP's WEEKLY that cleared multiple heroics and netted us 8-10K per run. Thats just the PUG end of the world. Cashed out some decent real money selling WoW gold after that.

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I'm not typically a forum-poster, but I am a game-player.


I've played WoW for 6 years. And you know what, I don't even like it that much. I've also played AION, Warhammer, Rift, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings, and City of Villains.


You know why I keep going back to WoW? Because when I hit a button, my character does what I tell him to.


I'm unsubbing from this game until I see some evidence that this is getting fixed -and this is the only problem I have with this game aside from some polish/UI issues. Why bother giving classes quick reaction abilities (interrupts/stuns etc) if they can take 1s+ to happen anyway?


In any case, thank you everyone for pointing out this issue. I'll be amazed (and honestly extremely happy, because this is the ONLY thing I don't like about this game) if anything changes.





Also, for people saying that they have not experienced this, please accept that it is a real issue for people attempting to play competitively.

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No, they didn't. While more people did hardmodes in WOTLK than raiding in previous expansions, it was still a fairly small portion of the population of WoW.



Just not the 1-4% of people that cleared BC content.


Ok, what about, "everyone" did WOTLK hardmode raids?

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Refresh my memory - which buffs are actually defensive? 5% endurance increase? If you wiped because your tank died and 5% endurance was the difference between win and loss - then you didn't deserve the win.


Yes, wipes have happened for a lot less. I merely gave you a real-world and plausible example to your question. Stop trying to defend obvious flaws...

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I'm not typically a forum-poster, but I am a game-player.


I've played WoW for 6 years. And you know what, I don't even like it that much. I've also played AION, Warhammer, Rift, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings, and City of Villains.


You know why I keep going back to WoW? Because when I hit a button, my character does what I tell him to.


I'm unsubbing from this game until I see some evidence that this is getting fixed -and this is the only problem I have with this game aside from some polish/UI issues. Why bother giving classes quick reaction abilities (interrupts/stuns etc) if they can take 1s+ to happen anyway?


In any case, thank you everyone for pointing out this issue. I'll be amazed (and honestly extremely happy, because this is the ONLY thing I don't like about this game) if anything changes.





Also, for people saying that they have not experienced this, please accept that it is a real issue for people attempting to play competitively.


The problem is - if they fix this "issue" and it is to your liking - when you come back you'll complain that you're too far behind everyone.


People will always complain about something.

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The problem is - if they fix this "issue" and it is to your liking - when you come back you'll complain that you're too far behind everyone.


People will always complain about something.


I'm behind everyone now (level 32) because I didn't do early access and I'm not rushing through. I'm not complaining about level 50s with 300+ expertise stomping me, because I don't care.


What I'm saying, is that for some people (myself included) ability delay on its own is a reason to stop playing a game. Or, if you want to look at it another way, fluid combat and mechanics are a reason to return to one.



*edit: I'm still going to play through single player before I go. You can grin and bear it when it is against NPCs, but when it is in PvP and reaction time is more important, losing 1 second due to poorly executed mechanics is a gamebreaker.

Edited by FacetiousTomato
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Your in game ping is like Verizons phone signals. They're padded to show something better than what you're actually getting. :)



Ever notice how smooth the game runs with the UI off? Can't do anything but rick click and left click but yeah....hero engine is trash.

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I imagine that you created this thread with good intentions (the sensationalist title didn't lend to your cause)


It's now turned into a sort of "****** monologue" where everyone is trying to relate their HORRIFIC pvp experience as a life defining moment of self awareness.

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Your in game ping is like Verizons phone signals. They're padded to show something better than what you're actually getting. :)



Ever notice how smooth the game runs with the UI off? Can't do anything but rick click and left click but yeah....hero engine is trash.


Not displaying the actual ping is also very upsetting as well as targeting and camera. A little off topic but yea... hope we get more color variations on the slave bikini next patch. It's a real issue.

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Not displaying the actual ping is also very upsetting as well as targeting and camera. A little off topic but yea... hope we get more color variations on the slave bikini next patch. It's a real issue.


wahh wahh wahh and yet 100s of thousands of us aren't having the issues.. we are raiding and PVPing just fine.. this isn't wow.. the abilities have RP like animations... how is that a bad thing?



but I do agree we need more colors for the Slave Girl outfit..

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Honestly I really dont know what their intention is in this regard. I read a 5 days old Q&A with Stephen Reid:


Q: Ability Delay. Have you guys discussed this internally, and if so, is there an ETA for a fix on this issue?


Hey! It has been discussed internally, and we'll talk about it publicly soon. It's not a simple issue so we don't want to issue a quick, off-the-cuff response.


Then someone posted a CS mail how they perceive combat and how nothing is wrong with it ... bah.


An important thing to know about game company organization: CS only knows the canned responses that they're given. If they don't have a canned response for a particular issue, then the best they can say is "I'll pass it along", and the worst they can say can be as off the wall as the letter posted in this thread.


Even QA and Marketing know more about what's actually happening with the game design than CS, and they're usually the last to find out anything. CS isn't in any loop beyond what currently exists in the game, and what is in their list of scripts. Take all replies with a grain of salt.


Honestly...I wouldn't be surprised if the CS agent that gave that response wasn't disciplined for his/her lack of professionalism, if not fired for it.


Also, rating thread :}

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Another " if the entire world would listen to me or I know what devs don't" category.


I don't even read posts like this, I don't get past the title because the credibility and factual evidence is gone before I read a sentence. It never ceases to amaze me after 20 years that so many folks know better, or more fully, how a game will live or die.


Historical evidence points against just the title, regardless of what lies past it. Yes folks MMO's and gaming have been around long enough to have history, be examined as historical, and analyzed. Just saying something doesn't make it a fact.

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wahh wahh wahh and yet 100s of thousands of us aren't having the issues.. we are raiding and PVPing just fine.. this isn't wow.. the abilities have RP like animations... how is that a bad thing?



but I do agree we need more colors for the Slave Girl outfit..


These issues don't prevent you from pvping or raiding. Now your definition of "just fine" is probably skewed. BTW Just because you aren't noticing these problems doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Fraps a Warzone for us as proof.

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This is Bioware's fault to a large degree, Official's posting in threads have a significant psychological value.


Did you REALLY just play that card?


Can you really expect Bioware to cater to and anticipate your mental state and need for quick validation?


They will handle this and if you are lucky they will share details with you.


Relax guy.

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Whether you read the post or not, the game has a timing issue.


That isn't just from trolls, or hard core folks.


I'm L29, enjoying the game thoroughly, am not leaving or going anywhere, but...


...they do need to work on ability timing/the gcd/and animation.


Something is off and you can both feel it, and people have posted with proof of some ability delays.


Here's hoping Bioware addresses. Despite all the doom and gloom, everything is fixable, and other MMO's have adjusted timings before.

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Did you REALLY just play that card?


Can you really expect Bioware to cater to and anticipate your mental state and need for quick validation?


They will handle this and if you are lucky they will share details with you.


Relax guy.


Why should I consider myself lucky? How about Bioware realizes the gravity of this topic and considers itself lucky that so many people contributed so greatly to bring this to their attention?


Also, Bioware at no point said anything will be fixed. We have no idea what their stance is.

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Found this at Reddit.com Stephen Reid Senior Community Manager for SWTOR

I dont know how old it is but...



Q: Ability Delay. Have you guys discussed this internally, and if so, is there an ETA for a fix on this issue?

Hey! It has been discussed internally, and we'll talk about it publicly soon. It's not a simple issue so we don't want to issue a quick, off-the-cuff response.



Q: Ability Delay & Character Responsiveness / Empty Maps While Questing / UI / Camera / Graphics / guild window ...


I will say that there isn't much here I haven't heard discussed, or that the development team is unaware of, but I can't give you ETAs. Why? Because development is complex, things change over time, and giving out ETAs just leads to RAAAGE when we don't hit the original suggested date (as people tend to forget what the 'E' stands for in 'ETA'). Anyway - everything you say we're aware of, that much I'll say.

Edited by JDSH
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