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  1. The point is that the game is very similar to WoW w/r/t the mechanics and engine. If you're going to have WoW like features in your game, you should implement them at least as well as Blizzard did. There is a standard now with WoW-like MMOs, of which SWTOR is one. You have to at least meet the standard or do better. Or innovate completely. So you want to have an auction house in your game? This is a WoW-like feature. Make it better than WoWs or at least as usable. Don't move us backward as far as innovation goes.
  2. In response to this poster: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=139818 The reason to compare these two games is that these games do not exist in separate bubbles. They are competing for market share among millions of people who will play one game or the other, but not both. Both games are very similar in approach... using Wow terms: Quests, keybinds, mounts, guilds, dungeons, chat, raids, specs, tank/healer,dps, item quality, minimap, and the list goes on. WoW has had many years of trial and error to get their game to the state that it is. Many SWTOR players have come over from WoW because they want something new content-wise. Coruscant instead of Stormwind. If Bioware is making the choice to have a WoW type game, they should have taken what WoW did to improve their game and used it. I don't regard these as bugs, but as design flaws that could have easily been implemented from the start. Its almost as if Bioware purposefully decided against these ideas. These changes include but aren't limited to: - Improved travel between areas. WoW has made huge improvements here over the years. SWTOR is good in some ways but bad in others. Many times, especially on a planet like Nar Shaddaa, I have to try to mount to see whether I can or not, because who knows whether or not you're in a mount area. Bioware could have done better by allowing mounting in more areas, especially shuttle bays. (Why is this allowed on the fleet but nowhere else?) Be consistent at least. - Mapping System. Very cumbersome, especially when using quick travel. Allow us to show everything on all maps. - Dual Spec. No brainer. Wow was vastly improved by adding this feature IMO. Rift got it right by allowing even more specs. - Combat system. (the ability delay thing) I understand this will take some time to fix, but apparently this problem has been brought up since way back in beta. To be a successful MMO, you need to cater somewhat to the pro gamers. These are the people that create awesome websites like shadowcraft and elitist jerks forums. Having these types of gamers playing your game inspires others to get into the endgame and be 1337 too. Blizzard works closely with the pro gamers and encourages them. Bioware should do the same. - Chat windows and customization. Huge problem - why not allow additional chat windows, colors, font sizes, etc? SWTOR takes a huge step backward in this department. I miss so much of what people say because of this. - Addons and macros. I realize this is a difficult feature to implement. We should have additional in game customization at least as a tradeoff. As it is, the options are very limited. - Auctions. WoW made vast improvements on their own system over time. The SWTOR system is many steps backward. Remember what I priced the item at last time! Easily create auction stacks! - Group PvP. Not being able to queue for specific warzones seems crazy to me. WoW has set a minimum standard for MMOs that choose to be like it. If you're going to have a WoW-like feature in your game, then you need to make it at least as good as the WoW version. Are you going to have an auction house? Then make it better than WoWs, not worse. Going to have skill trees and multiple available specs to choose from? Look at who did it right and emulate that, or innovate further. Don't take us 4 years back in time. I realize many people have posted these same concerns before, but until they are addressed, we should continue to protest. - Hench Mon, 34 Sniper, Mask of Nihilus
  3. I also would like to see more of a response from the developers on this issue. Having raided in WotLK heroics, I understand the need to have a tight combat system. I miss the way it felt to have my rogue's abilities set up and executed so precisely. It was truly a pleasure. In this game, I thought the problem was just a new class that I would have to get used to, and that was why I was having so much trouble in PvP especially. It was only until I read this thread that I put things together and realized that my mounting issues were part of the same overarching problem. I hope this get's resolved quickly. It may only deeply affect a small amount of the player base that wants to really excel with the combat system. However, that small group has a profound impact on the success and failure of the game. Watching amazing PvP and PvE videos created by professionals encourages casual gamers to try to raise their game. These are the people that created websites like shadowcraft and elitist jerks. Without this small minority, websites like this will be few and far between. These are the people who inspired me to start raiding. They should be heard! -Hench, lvl 30 Sniper
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