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  • Location
    Mid-South US
  • Interests
    Computer Security, Gaming, Biking, Reading, In-Line Skating
  • Occupation
    Information Security Engineer, CISSP
  1. Prophecy just booted me off out of nowhere
  2. Try selling a car without cupholders, stereo and windshield wipers and see how people react. OP is deluded and on the BW payroll.
  3. 580x2 here, SLI. AA is not an issue for me, what's your point now?
  4. OP is correct. And you can still force higher levels through the INI file. That being said, it's retarded. Also, no FXAA in sight. May the farce be with you indeed.
  5. Have you seen the Jedi armor options compared to Sith? There's one of the reasons. Also, the jedi quest lines make me want to puke they're so fluffy.
  6. FFS it actually takes longer to travel planet to planet once you have a ship than before you get it. So sick of running down corridors with no apparent purpose.
  7. WTB Scalable UI, at least This UI is missing so much. I agree with OP.
  8. LOL, "High" sets AA to 1x, which may as well be off. Have they never heard of FXAA? This is 2012 right? As my computer can handle a forced 8xAA, this is just sad. If your computer can't handle higher settings, or you don't care about people wanting the option to up the quality, then stop hating and make a new thread where you can praise BW for.... I don't even know what.
  9. As lame as the OP is, it's a growing sentiment. I feel like I was sold a fancy 2011 model car (really a 2004 model car they just never told anyone about), and they decided to leave out cupholders, an alternator, automatic wiper settings, wipers, A/C, etc. But it drives? Right guys, right?
  10. Add me to the list as someone AMAZED that an MMO could be released in the year 2011 without UI scaling. 2011 people. No excuse.
  11. Why don't you just say "has to be dual spec, and P2P and called WOW" Rift lets you have way more than dual spec. This is an expected feature. The best you can do is really saying something like "well if you don't like it go play something else derp" or "give it time, it's still new"
  12. Who said anything about scrapping that? Please explain why one excludes the other.
  13. Completely illusion of choice. Saying that your "should I kill him or let him live?" choices as you progress matter for anything other than light/dark points is seriously laughable. Play the same class twice, then come back and tell us how different the experience was.
  14. Dual Spec: a feature expected by any MMO player, and left out of SWTOR See also: <list too long for posting>
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