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An example of how unpolished endgame is

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You guys realize the company you're fanboying probably doesn't hold itself to the low standards you're setting for them, right? In fact, ironically, the fact Bioware holds itself to a high standard and reiterates so much is what makes them a company you guys love so much.


These aren't just little bugs or "narky" issues. These are bugs that break the game. The third boss of Eternity Vault literally does not work 80 percent of the time, and the only way to fix it is to reset the instance.


Gees you make me LoL even louder..... I'm no fanboi and have no allegiance to SWTOR other than I bought it to try it. However what I do have is a less narrow minded point of view of this game than you obviously do.


If you bought the game to beat it in 2 weeks... well here's a giant "Hooola" to ya many congrats, but just so's you know... there is no real "winning the game" in such an MMO.. otherwise the doors will be bolted long beore next christmas... its a game thats had a huge budget put into it and thats gunna take time to recoup and reap rewards fro... therefore to do that it will only grow and get better.. if it doesn't then yeah go ahead call it a FAIL... but after 2 weeks... meeehhh get serious dude.


I agree there are issues as I said in my earlier post... everyone can see and feel that, but some are trivial whereas others are more gamebreaking... and i am confident that things will get looked at and fairly soon but to whine and demand 2 weeks after launch cos your "ENDGAME" looks screwed.... like I said grab a chill pill and go smell some daisies while they look into it and hopefully find a fix... if not then come bak on here in a few months time and then offer your resignation from the game.

Alternatively if you can't wait that long... there's a big wooden door with a new shiny brass handle on it... open it up,walk through it and dont let it hit ya on the way out :rolleyes:

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O snap, they forgot to change a name on a mob. It's the end of the world and the sky is falling.


As for your first gripe, have your tank zone in first, eat the first cleave, then turn him around for the second cleave. Your raid zones in right after the first cleave goes off and nobody gets hit.


As for your second gripe, keep a body's length distance behind him while the cleave is going off, not 1 foot. Problem averted again as you'll never get hit.



Edited by Polly_Pocket
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^ ^ ^ ^

See this player gets it ... players are already adapting to issues and working out tactical approaches .... evolution has commenced and there will no doubt be more in the future .. and then just when we all think hey this is all so easy .. they nerf it and we have to re-adapt once more. ;)


Just give it a fighting chance to get itself up and running and bedded in before drawing your light sabres and slicing your subs in half... that hatred will only serve the darkside ("insert your chosen MMO here").

If in 3 months the first or maybe even second patches haven't resolved some/most of these issues, then i am sure I too will be considering heading back over to my chosen MMO which is also full of age old bugs, exploits, poor CS and DooooMMMMM!! - - and NO! I am no WoW decendant or a Lord of the Banannas player.

Edited by Bloodstealer
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When I clicked on the link before reading any of your text OP, I saw the glaring issue right away, the unnamed bosses. That is appalling to be honest, but oversights do happen I guess. I'm hoping Bioware will fix all these endgames issues quickly.
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If these bugs in every aspect of endgame aren't fixed before the end of the month I don't see the top guilds renewing, and that bad publicty can trickle down to the masses.


The sheer arrogance.


Yes, lets cater to your needs so that you don't complain because it logically follows that most players (or the "masses") need you to be satisfied with your experience in order to be satisfied with theirs?


You're not special. Nobody cares about your problems. That's life. Deal with it.

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I think a strong argument could be made for the timing of the release.


While there'd still be some of this QQ going on; everyone would not have had 7-10 days of free time at pretty much any other time of year. NO, they had to release right before Christmas/New Years... surely Bioware knew folks would be grinding through some serious game-time and leveling toward the end.


My guild is not hard-core end-game; but we still have a ton into the 30's... some even have alts that high. It really won't take a huge amount of time to hit 50 at this rate and then we'll be facing the same thing.


Let's hope 1.1 takes a huge bite out of the bugs; and candidly- sooner the better.



My prediction- and I'm hope I'm wrong- is they'll leave most of the bugs and start tweaking classes and gameplay- which really won't solve much and only create for griefing.

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The sheer arrogance.


Yes, lets cater to your needs so that you don't complain because it logically follows that most players (or the "masses") need you to be satisfied with your experience in order to be satisfied with theirs?


You're not special. Nobody cares about your problems. That's life. Deal with it.


I don't think you quite understand how the gaming scene works do you? If a new Battlefield or Call of Duty is released and big teams / competitions despise it then they don't cover it or get involved in it, this gives the public a bad impression of the game and kills sales off.


Whether you like it or not, big name communities and guilds not to mention podcasters and streamers are the people Bioware needs to win over, not so much people like you or me. Sorry.

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I don't think you quite understand how the gaming scene works do you? If a new Battlefield or Call of Duty is released and big teams / competitions despise it then they don't cover it or get involved in it, this gives the public a bad impression of the game and kills sales off.


Whether you like it or not, big name communities and guilds not to mention podcasters and streamers are the people Bioware needs to win over, not so much people like you or me. Sorry.


Yeah. For the record, I'm one of those people Bioware has already won over. I would pay for a lifetime subscription if I could. I'm worried about the game's overall health.

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Game was officially released on Dec 20th of 2011, if your already whining about lack of endgame polish then that tells me three things.


A: Youre not intelligent enough to realize that youre in a very small percentage of the player population at the moment.The average level in game right now is probably somewhere between 26-29.Common sense should tell you that the devs will be getting more reports from that level range and will make that a priority over the 2-4 percent that have already reached level 50.


B: Youre selfish enough to disregard the above information and think that the devs should cater exclusively to you and your needs over everyone else.


C: its a combination of A: and B: neither of which should be considered a valid argument or complaint to begin with

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It's like you didn't even read my TL;DR. I clearly said I can deal with the bugs. I am worried about retention. These bugs are giving the game really bad word of mouth in media circles. That is not good for the game's health.
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It's like you didn't even read my TL;DR. I clearly said I can deal with the bugs. I am worried about retention. These bugs are giving the game really bad word of mouth in media circles. That is not good for the game's health.


How about WoWs flawless patches? Remember that bug recently where you could double loot the bosses in instances without lockout and get full tier gear in less then 5 hours...hey remember the part where they banned like 100 guilds....


Hey remember that part where Method commented this was WoW's worst patch? Look at the comment two up top if you think Rift is perfect also. No dev puts out perfect content.


The saying is true...Keep throwing it until something stick. Wonde rhow long until we see quality over quanityt debate WoW fans threw at Rift. 4.3 lol

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This is a person who's got a good point, well thought out (although a bit presumptive on a few things, like a misnamed mob meaning they never tested it EVER.) and admits that its still early days and is willing to give some leeway.


Give this man the internets, he has earned them.

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How about WoWs flawless patches? Remember that bug recently where you could double loot the bosses in instances without lockout and get full tier gear in less then 5 hours...hey remember the part where they banned like 100 guilds....


Hey remember that part where Method commented this was WoW's worst patch? Look at the comment two up top if you think Rift is perfect also. No dev puts out perfect content.


The saying is true...Keep throwing it until something stick. Wonde rhow long until we see quality over quanityt debate WoW fans threw at Rift. 4.3 lol


This is the big difference: That's one bug, and it doesn't literally break the game. These bugs are systematic. They're not the kind of thing guilds can just trudge through and mostly ignore. And they break the game. Not being able to get any loot from a boss defeats the purpose of raiding outside of world and server firsts, and it hurts the competitive aspect by making it so some guilds are randomly held back by not getting gear. A boss bugging out and becoming immune to damage is also game-breaking, and it commonly happens on the fourth boss of the Eternity Vault. A boss having a mechanic that does not work and requires resetting the instance to try again is game-breaking, and that happens on the third boss of Eternity Vault.


I could go on and on, but I think you got my point.


And, again, I am willing to trudge through all of this. I have played games in much worse state at launch. I will stay as long as the game is fun and I have people to play, and both of those factors are definitely true right now.


But I'm worried about that second factor. These kinds of bugs only bring the game down. They give it bad word of mouth, especially in media circles. That makes me worry about the game's health, because part of being a MMO means there's a massive crowd to play with.


And please don't misinterpret me. I'm not whining. I'm not saying I'm going to quit. I'm not drawing unfair comparisons to other MMOs. I'm not even saying the game is already doomed to fail. I am simply trying to give constructive feedback on what I think are some very serious issues.

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Half of Molten Core was buggy back in vanilla. It took months to patch it.


That sucks. I wouldn't have blamed people for being unhappy with that purchase either.


I'm not really sure what that has to do with my post though. Are you implying it's okay for a product to be broken and not working in some of its advertised respects just because other products were just as bad at one point?

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It's like you didn't even read my TL;DR. I clearly said I can deal with the bugs. I am worried about retention. These bugs are giving the game really bad word of mouth in media circles. That is not good for the game's health.


Completely agree. Look at the state of that other MMO that was released this year and thinks it is still alive.. Perfect example of that very situation.

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I admit im a BW fanboy, but when it comes to stuff like BOSS BEAST 1, thats pure laziness. And if what you say is true about endgame. Then im not looking forward to it. Well my main is almost 50 (1 1/2 lvls away) Guess ill lvl my Assassin or Sorcerer then.
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I must be super lucky or something because i havent encountered a single bug that on worlds and solo questing that hindered my gameplay. And im now at voss lvl 45. So i dont have any complaints about the leveling in this game, superb job bioware. And if what was written is true then hopefully it will get fixed within a month or two (the bugs that is). Other then that im enjoying the game so far and so is my guild and so are my friends. I just dont see why people call the game completely broken and unplayable and blah blah blah. It's is very playable and the stuff that isnt can be fixed.


I dont want to say it again as so many has but this game just released, all games launch uncompleted in the mmo market, that's why they have patches. Did you honestly think this game was going to be released bug free or what, with everything super polished and read to play with 15 operations and super balanced pvp. I just dont get it, you seem to expect miracles.

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yeah....this game is gonna go F2P in about 6 months.



There is no end game here, and it won't get changed ever. If they didn't fix it from beta till now, they'll never fix it.



They don't care about fixing issues with PvP. Bioware doesn't understand MMO's at all. Like period. They don't know the first things about MMO design. Hell, this game is screwed up even for a single player game. Oh well. Waiting on first real patch to see what they change.



your right all those forum posts they make about patches and maintenance is just for laughs and fun stop talking your ignorance might spread

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It could have launched with two, perfect four man flash points, no ops, and no hardmodes.


What would have people complained about then?


With the budget they had, I would have expected a tad more than that... :rolleyes:

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