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Why SWTOR will flourish


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so many dont care about leveling... after lvl 5 my spacebar got red and i relized i was killing the same things, picking up the same things, in the same numbers or maybe more.



And this....... "hey go kill some bears over tbere" " hey go kill some wolfs over there." "hey i need you to go kill some more bears,but this time they're a different color." ..........is different. oO

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With the design decisions Bioware made for this game it will be bleeding subs after the first month. :mad:


Kind of doubtful.


It'll flourish into a F2P game :-)

Very doubtful.


Sometimes but it doesn't happen often. Mostly they just replaced "My Lord!" with "Hunter!".


And then give you completely different responses for the conversation. Go flip through the conversation breakdowns on torhead or darthhater's database site. Even your responses to the exact same choices are often different. It's classic Bioware, only improved.

Edited by Jxspyder
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And this....... "hey go kill some bears over tbere" " hey go kill some wolfs over there." "hey i need you to go kill some more bears,but this time they're a different color." ..........is different. oO


I like how the bonus quests help alleviate this a bit.


You are going to have these quest NO MATTER WHAT....its jsut the way games like these work. Bu tthe bonus quests at least add some flavor every now and then.

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I think swtor has already stopped growing, and after that first month there will be a small decline, even.


If you think swtor will grow like WoW did, think again.


But as long as I can play this great game, I don't really care.

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It's fun from level 1:


around level 10 is when i started to get bored doing fetch quests and kill x amount of mob quests is not fun .The quest design is archaic and it astounds me that a MMO released in 2011 is still using crap like this




Its average at best typical MMO fare also having no brackets is a terrible idea




Boring boss fights , bland dungeons nothing remotely fresh or interesting about it


End-game in general:


what end game?

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here is my 2 cents. in wow i found myself leveling faster because heck i knew the quest zones i knew the quests and it got boring found myself leveling in instances which got really tiresome. when i came to this game it was like my eyes were opened. gone was the cartoonish look of the game it felt real, and from the moment i started playing i felt that you could connect with the story line of you character that you could have fun. the quests after rolling a few of the same class during beta got boring but hey i was trying out everything i could. i love the crew tasks which means that i go quest gain levels while my minions do my bidding for me, saves me time because i always hate working on a profession being forced to grind herb gathering etc now as i am questing i can pick things up while my minions pick things up for me. i love the story line and guess i am one of the few who is taking my time to level because not much for me to do at level 50 with a guild in the 20's. there is something about this game that flows and fits in to my idea of mmo's so i hope that it will continue and cant wait for the expansions
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level 1 wasn't really that fun it was interesting to take in the voice acting and such for the first 20 minutes but after that it was read, accept quest just like every MMO. the main story offers some fun and interesting quests but outside that having the NPC's talk to me just takes up more of my time that isnt needed
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You actually want to play alternate classes/characters:


Maybe this doesn't apply to everyone, but a long time ago in World of Warcraft I played a Warrior and that was the only class I liked and I didn't care at all about trying anything else...


In SW:TOR however, each class's story is unique and impactful & as soon as I was done leveling my Knight I decided to create and level a smuggler and a bounty hunter; as opposed to the same boring to tears grind I would have to endure in any other game.



What are you talking about? maybe 10% of the game is unique, class based story. The rest is the same grind for every character of that side. SWTOR is terrible in that regard. In some games there are multiple paths you can take so it's a new experience every time. Not so in SWTOR.

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I love swtor, but lets not kid ourselves here and say pvp is great right now because It still has a lot of growing up to do. And if we all give enough love and attention, make sure it doesn't hang out with the wrong crowd and experiment with shooting pcp into his balls, were going to have a great pvp.
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I think swtor has already stopped growing, and after that first month there will be a small decline, even.


If you think swtor will grow like WoW did, think again.


But as long as I can play this great game, I don't really care.


Based on what exactly? Your magical hyperbolic statements?


End-game in general:


what end game?


Eternity Vault, Karraga's Palace, Hard Mode Flashpoints, Ilum PVP, Warfront PVP, World PVP (yes, it's out there). Just because don't you want it to exist to suit your bias doesn't negate it's existance, I'm afraid.

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So far i enjoy my story of my trooper. I actually think about what to say before i respond and find it way more entertaining then clicking accept and going to kill or collect <insert something here>


Wouldn't it be nice if the text of the option you choose actually somehow in some universe bore some relation to what your character then says?

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I think OP's reasons are not for flouring :S Are reasons for not leaving at once. Indeed, stories are very good. And flashpoints. You said that you skip dungeons in Wow. Of course you do after having run it 100 times. The same will apply with SWTOR. After 10-20 times you will stop visiting the same flashpoints man.


Anyway, I am glad you enjoy it.

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I think OP's reasons are not for flouring :S Are reasons for not leaving at once. Indeed, stories are very good. And flashpoints. You said that you skip dungeons in Wow. Of course you do after having run it 100 times. The same will apply with SWTOR. After 10-20 times you will stop visiting the same flashpoints man.


Anyway, I am glad you enjoy it.


Of course they're not for flouring. You use flour to flour things, not a videogame. :p


Seriously though, your viewpoint is skewed.

Edited by Captain_Failure
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Based on what exactly? Your magical hyperbolic statements?


Yeah that, and the fact that each realm always shows a rough indication of how many people currently playing? And that they haven't added a single server (EU at least) since launch? Not that there's any need, EU PvE is quite roomy.


Like it or not, it has gone down a bit, after all the launch-hype is nearing its end.


It's not brain surgery.

Edited by DashFiss
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Can't you read? You've got 8 slots and you want to sample another class story. So go do it.


Remember, it's fun from level 1.


Great post OP. You hit the two best features of the game dead on.




LoL, 8 slots filling up with new classes that will do the same quests over and over and over and over and over again.

Class quest is just so small a part of the class that it ridiculous.

Even using it as an example why you should play a new class is stupid. How many quests are there in the class quests? There are so damne few compered to all the other quests you end up doing that when you play a new class you will just do the same quests over and over again. The class quests is just what, 5% of the quests you will do until you reach 50. And barely that.

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I'm sick of reading all the "game will die, I'm unsubbing" threads covering this forum so I decided to make a thread of the opposite opinion and I'll try to do it without creating a wall of text.


It's fun from level 1:


The game is ACTUALLY INTERESTING as soon as you create your character, whether or not you decide to give a hoot about the people on your starting planet you'll surely give a damn about your character's personal story. Whether or not you just had your ship stolen, you're trying to join the great hunt or there's a dark jedi trying to crush the jedi order it's a thousand times better than clicking Accept on instant-text quests and killing 10 wolves.


You actually want to play alternate classes/characters:


Maybe this doesn't apply to everyone, but a long time ago in World of Warcraft I played a Warrior and that was the only class I liked and I didn't care at all about trying anything else...


In SW:TOR however, each class's story is unique and impactful & as soon as I was done leveling my Knight I decided to create and level a smuggler and a bounty hunter; as opposed to the same boring to tears grind I would have to endure in any other game.


Also I believe there's 8 character slots on one server so people can have one of everything (go figure).



PvP is fun and enjoyable for a few reasons besides the design such as huttball (greatest battleground in any game IMO).


Getting into a match is FAST, why is it so fast?

- The bolster system, currently we're all in the same bracket so there's no LENGTHY wait times just to play a match to play with folk within the same 9 levels of you (soon there will be a 50 only).

- To queue for a match, you queue for everything. This gets rid of most players selecting the one most popular warzone and not playing the others and instead has people play everything quite fairly.




I haven't done any flashpoint beyond maelstrom prison or any operations so as far as I've experienced they're a charming distraction and finding a group is not difficult at all.


When you're leveling a character they're very brilliantly introduced on each planet you go to and there's a hint of urgency involved and the story aspect (regardless if you want loot or not), the chances are that you'll do every FP at least once to experience it.


Opposed to...

- Level a character 1-85 in WoW; you will skip most dungeons since they're entirely pointless and forgotten.




End-game in general:


Not enough operations? PvP still needs work?


If these are your complaints about the game, cry me a river. The game LAUNCHED two weeks ago, an MMO is a living breathing thing with many patches to come full of content and possible expansions.


I agree with most of this game is excellent. PVP needs more world pvp which is why I love pvp servers, and the game needs to add some ambiance to the worlds, and a little more player interaction. BUT it is an awesome game with HUGE potential. Imagine the space battle areas potential right now its not so great but imagine what they could do with just one expansion.

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It's fun from level 1:


I actually found the game dull, from level 1. I mean, might be interesting if you focus enough on story, but in terms of map design, gameplay mechanics, etc? I felt the early game makes a terrible first impression.


You actually want to play alternate classes/characters:


No, I don't. I can't see the appeal of going through the same content all over again, especially given the aforementioned dull insipid gameplay mechanics and boring lifeless world.

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