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Everything posted by alink

  1. This does not reflect a population decrease necessarily. As the game loses "newness" some people will not play as often. Most of us can't play the same amount of time we did in the first couple of weeks after release when we set aside time for playing the game because it was a recent release and the new factor was still there. Same thing that happens in 90% of relationships when you live with your sig. other you take them for granted because they are always there the relationship is not new. So it could all just be a fact that people are not loggin in as much, meaning on average there are less people playing at a time but the subscriptions aren't necessarily dropping.
  2. I read on a gaming site (might have been joystick don't remmber for sure) that TOR's numbers where still on the rise, and planned subscription levels were going to be higher than predicted. Is there something new (within last couple days) that I don't know about?
  3. I like how you dismiss his post with no real explanation, statistics, facts to back it up. I like many people will never have time to raid, and many others like me can't afford to sit down at a game for 3 hours straight when we have other far more important matters to attend to in real life. We are the majority you (lvl 40 and up players already) are the minority. If you don't believe look at the populations on the servers you won't see more of you then us (39 and below.)
  4. How can the above questions prove you are part of the majority? If you have the time to be lvl 50 already you are by far the minority which is in line with his statement. Even with the headstart you people that are already 50 I kind of feel sad for.
  5. All of this ^ Not just battles on planets though ambiance, conversations, make it feel alive. Extending space battles making it more then it currently is should be one of the priorities. I mean space could be really awesome in this game and that would give an excellent value to guilds by doing space battles with guild ships and fighter ships, possibly even pvp? They could make a whole add-on to this game with space battles it has HUGE potential. (As a sidenote space could have its own xp and leveling system they could add ships etc. They could steal players from STO and eve online if they did this right.) Also on top of all this more world pvp, huttball and all that is great but world pvp is the pvp I came for.
  6. I agree with most of this game is excellent. PVP needs more world pvp which is why I love pvp servers, and the game needs to add some ambiance to the worlds, and a little more player interaction. BUT it is an awesome game with HUGE potential. Imagine the space battle areas potential right now its not so great but imagine what they could do with just one expansion.
  7. Why do people think we care why they are leaving? Instead of all these threads where people claim they are leaving the game (most of which you will see on the forums the next month complaining saying they are leaving) how about starting a non-rage quit thread on bugs you are asking Bioware to fix, things you wanted implemented. Instead of I didn't get what I want/my way I quit here is why, waa waa waa garabage.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inTbUf5Swfc If you actually watch it Sidious didn't even "win." Yoda dropped his lightsaber, and fought to a standstill on the lightning attack at the end blowing them both back except Yoda didn't have anywhere to go but a long fall. After that he realised he didn't have the time to defeat Sidious. At the begining of the fight Sidious tries to run away.
  9. You obviously have different ideas of spending time with daughter, wife, family. Because on top of these things even more so around Christmas if you have time to level to 50 you are either lying, or paid someone else to do it.
  10. Holy crap how do you have the time to reach 50 in this game already. Even with early access and being in the beta what do you people do play this game 16 hours a day?
  11. "Open world is not here instead we get this heavy instanced thing which is awful.The game does not feel like mmorpg.It feels like a single player with mmo elements and if it wasn't that enough we get charged with a subscription per month." ^This I agree with. However other than that game is awesome IMO.
  12. First let me say I LOVE this game. It is an excellent game and not unexpected as Bioware made it and I love Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Baldurs Gate, etc. I just wanted to make a request to Bioware (no I will not quit if I don't get it, still love the game) please add ambiance to this game and ways for more player interaction. By ambiance I mean the cities don't really feel alive, maybe make it so there is more side conversations, I can hear passing by or people working that I can really tell they are working. The cities kind of seem like the people in the background in sports games they are just there. My second wish is a way for more interaction maybe it gets deepers as I go up in levels (only 16 atm) but I don't see alot of other players and I have yet to see the opposing side, which is dissapointing because imo world pvp is the best pvp. If anyone else agrees I would love to hear it.
  13. Prefer this game over WOW and day of the week.
  14. Hmm trigger happy with the ignore button? I don't know what exactly happened but if I were to guess you were probably being a JA and someone ignored you. I mean really why else would you care if they put you on ignore? Personally if someone ignores me I am better off not playing/questing with that person.
  15. BONUS WAVE I waited too long to pre-order. (I knew I should have just done it right away to begin with...)
  16. ^ This Instanced pvp is BORING. I will play COD/Battlefield 3 if that is what I want.
  17. Actually I have played MMO's for years (since EQ original) and this is definately one of teh better "launches" so far. Bioware even opened it up two days ealier then planned because they wanted to "feed the masses." However alot of whiners like YOU only know how to complain so here is my hope you quit the game. On another note the game dosen't even launch tech. until the 20th so your post is doubly wrong.
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