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I unsubscribed, and here's why.


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its this new age of fanboysm, gaming communities everywhere slowly converted until they were completely bias and unreasonable towards their beloved product, following eachother's lead to become part of the growing majority.


It's awlays been like this dude.

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I've read this entire thread. To simply dismiss my opinion is akin to the idiocy you are marching against. A complaint isn't something you get to qualify based on your own personal opinion. You seem to forget that beneath all whining and trolling is a gem of an issue to be addressed.


Your inability to understand this core concept is not my concern nor something that I can remedy.


If you want me to list problems in this game that are making me lean in the same direction as the OP I can do so, but I doubt it would amount to much given how staunchly you seem to fight against labeling this game's issues through every page in this thread.



Again, you are incorrect. I fought against no issue this game has. I've fought against the complete ignorance sported in the "This game WILL fail" attitude that is circulating in this thread.


Now, had you read through every page, you would have noticed my dispute with (not the OP) but a completely different player who is flaunting this attitude.


Lastly, simple disapproval of "I do not like this, fix" attitudes is not opinion based. "Post constructively." That means to AT LEAST provide one suggestion to said issues, without this then developers have nothing to work with.


My queue is over - I am in game, and I am saying good evening to all of you.



` Elyons

Edited by Elyons
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Again, you are incorrect. I fought against no issue this game has. I've fought against the complete ignorance sported in the "This game WILL fail" attitude that is circulating in this thread.


Now, had you read through every page, you would have noticed my dispute with (not the OP) but a completely different player who is flaunting this attitude.


Lastly, simple disapproval of "I do not like this, fix" attitudes is not opinion based. "Post constructively." That means to AT LEAST provide one suggestion to said issues, without this then developers have nothing to work with.




Oh, and calling me an Idiot will further your point no more then me calling you a troll. My queue is over - I am in game, and I am saying good evening to all of you.



` Elyons


"akin to the idiocy"


That is not labeling you an idiot. Enjoy your gaming session, if you want to discuss further just post.

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I don't see all the "gamebreaking" bugs people keep refering to. Do you mean visual bugs, sound bugs etc. then tell me an MMO that doesn't have them. Gamebreaking bugs would mean if you constantly fell through the world, you couldn't attack most targets, mobs didn't drop any loot, quests didn't get completed etc. Unless you're experiencing stuff like that, shut up and enjoy what you have.
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If you look objectively at everything that is wrong with this game it should be obvious to you that it is a year from being ready. It won't be given a year - hell it won't be given 3 months and you know what? It shouldn't be given 3 months.


How long do they need? What improvements were made in the 6 months since pre-orders?


PvP is an absolute disaster, the sides are as unbalanced as they can be...worlds are flat and uninteresting. What is going to save this game? There are way too many things that are just plain bad. Story? I'm on my 5th character and spacebarring through the same crap on coruscant. There is almost NO replayability factor.


It's awful, and there will be less than 300k subs in 3 months.


If I may, a few words about the underlined portion of your post. It's nothing major and is very opinionated.


When I got this game I wanted to roll Republic. I had my class picked out and everything (Smuggler/Sawbones), but when I got the game and hit up that character creation screen I did a rare "***" as I noticed how much better the Empire species looked as compared to offerings for the Republic. For instance, the cybernetics for the IA look far better than Rep Smug cybernetics.


The Devs should have known most people would have wanted to roll Empire, and they should have offered the Rep. more interesting Species with better looks in an attempt to offset that reality - Jawas and/or Wookies, for example. I usually play the so-called good guy factions, but Republic aesthetics in this game, imho, are extremely lackluster - tepid looks, to go along with tepid dialogue.


Many people believe that people play the Empire because they want to fulfill some fantasy of being a bad guy. Granted, but for every one of those types there is one who rolled Emp just because the species sucked less....




As a matter of fact, my biggest gripe with this game is its horrid character creation on both factions. The Emp is just the lesser of the two evils. WTB non square-jaw Human/Cyborg models please. Actually, I want to buy a species that isn't just a human in makeup, because that's how most of these species look. I like cyborgs, but c'mon guys, you know you could have done far better with that species on both sides of the aisle; cybernetic jaws and limbs, glowing eyes and whatnot would have been awesome. What do we get, a human model with sunglasses?


BW, this is no shallow disclaimer I love this game - I really do, but I have seen better character creation in f2p MMOs. Unlike any other game where I can create a character, this one has given me the hardest time with respect to creating a character that "clicks." Also why are body type 4 males fat, while type 4 females are phat? I know in this society bigger women are looked at with disgust, but that reality should not have manifested itself in this game. Yet another one of the million messages sent to bigger women that they are inferior, perhaps some big girl out there wanted to roll a toon in her likeness, but nope.... shot down on the character creation runway.


Either way, my wife plays Rep., but I just cant get down with that faction or its species. She is running around now, just dinged 30 and I am sitting off somewhere level 14 thinking about deleting my toon yet again just because the model is "meh."


But yeah... I believe the character models have a lot to do with the factions being imbalanced. It might not be the first or even the second cause, but it's up there.

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No it wasn't. WoW was FAR better at launch. Regardless SWTOR isn't up against WoW at launch it's up against WoW NOW. Where is it better? Story? :rolleyes:


Why are you here on this forum if you find the game to be so terrible? Does the sheer foolishness and insanity of what you are doing not register with you?


You dislike this game so much, but your are hanging out on its forum posting away about the game. What pray tell is going through whatever brain cells you have, that tells you that this is a sane and logical thing to do or that there is something to be gained from you doing this?


You want my OPINION? WoW is far more pointless and boring, even in it's current state, than this one was in beta. No, I am not so delusional, egotistical, or self-centered that I believe my opinion equals fact, just simply trying to point out that not everyone sees things as you do. And just as my opinion is meaningless to you, yours is just as meaningless to everyone else.


Pull yourself out of whatever self-deluded fantasy you have been sucked into that makes you think people care about your opinion, or that it has any merit outside of yourself. Seriously stop making yourself look so foolish and move on with your life and go play some game you actually enjoy.

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Why are you here on this forum if you find the game to be so terrible? Does the sheer foolishness and insanity of what you are doing not register with you?


You dislike this game so much, but your are hanging out on its forum posting away about the game. What pray tell is going through whatever brain cells you have, that tells you that this is a sane and logical thing to do or that there is something to be gained from you doing this?


Wait lol...do you even realise I can say the same thing to you, except why are you here on the forum if the game is so great?


You want my OPINION? WoW is far more pointless and boring, even in it's current state, than this one was in beta. No, I am not so delusional, egotistical, or self-centered that I believe my opinion equals fact, just simply trying to point out that not everyone sees things as you do. And just as my opinion is meaningless to you, yours is just as meaningless to everyone else.


So meaningless you just *had* to respond to it? :rolleyes:


Pull yourself out of whatever self-deluded fantasy you have been sucked into that makes you think people care about your opinion, or that it has any merit outside of yourself. Seriously stop making yourself look so foolish and move on with your life and go play some game you actually enjoy.


What's stopping you playing? The story, the lag, the pvp, the bugs or the faction imbalance? Maybe you've done your space battle dailies? Or do you just like the forums more? :confused:

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If I may, a few words about the underlined portion of your post. It's nothing major and is very opinionated.


When I got this game I wanted to roll Republic. I had my class picked out and everything (Smuggler/Sawbones), but when I got the game and hit up that character creation screen I did a rare "***" as I noticed how much better the Empire species looked as compared to offerings for the Republic. For instance, the cybernetics for the IA look far better than Rep Smug cybernetics.


The Devs should have known most people would have wanted to roll Empire, and they should have offered the Rep. more interesting Species with better looks in an attempt to offset that reality - Jawas and/or Wookies, for example. I usually play the so-called good guy factions, but Republic aesthetics in this game, imho, are extremely lackluster - tepid looks, to go along with tepid dialogue.


Many people believe that people play the Empire because they want to fulfill some fantasy of being a bad guy. Granted, but for every one of those types there is one who rolled Emp just because the species sucked less....




As a matter of fact, my biggest gripe with this game is its horrid character creation on both factions. The Emp is just the lesser of the two evils. WTB non square-jaw Human/Cyborg models please. Actually, I want to buy a species that isn't just a human in makeup, because that's how most of these species look. I like cyborgs, but c'mon guys, you know you could have done far better with that species on both sides of the aisle; cybernetic jaws and limbs, glowing eyes and whatnot would have been awesome. What do we get, a human model with sunglasses?


BW, this is no shallow disclaimer I love this game - I really do, but I have seen better character creation in f2p MMOs. Unlike any other game where I can create a character, this one has given me the hardest time with respect to creating a character that "clicks." Also why are body type 4 males fat, while type 4 females are phat? I know in this society bigger women are looked at with disgust, but that reality should not have manifested itself in this game. Yet another one of the million messages sent to bigger women that they are inferior, perhaps some big girl out there wanted to roll a toon in her likeness, but nope.... shot down on the character creation runway.


Either way, my wife plays Rep., but I just cant get down with that faction or its species. She is running around now, just dinged 30 and I am sitting off somewhere level 14 thinking about deleting my toon yet again just because the model is "meh."


But yeah... I believe the character models have a lot to do with the factions being imbalanced. It might not be the first or even the second cause, but it's up there.



Specifically toward character creation argument:


Forcing people to play races that are very humanoid is an unfortunate but necessary effect of having a heavy story-based game. Asking for a Jawa or Wookie to be a playable race is a FAR, FAR larger task than you're considering, easily taking up 10 times as much work to implement compared to the other races. 20 times even, if they get new VO work for unusual races.


Same reason you can only play a human in Mass Effect. It would have been absolutely ludicrous and a monumental expense to allow you to play another race in Mass Effect. The reward is simply not worth the cost.


In the future, I can see more races being available, but they'll all very likely be more of the human-ish races, like the Cathar and Togruta.

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its this new age of fanboysm, gaming communities everywhere slowly converted until they were completely bias and unreasonable towards their beloved product, following eachother's lead to become part of the growing majority.


it kinda reminds me how hiphop was slowly overcome by hipsters, and how good movies were banished by plotless 3d flicks.


The haters are just as bad. I know of one particular girl who has a lifetime sub to a game she claims she hates and has admitted on their forums that the only reason she sticks around is to "play" their forum.




The best part is she said that a couple of months after she was posting on another games forums that she had gotten a refund for her lifetime sub to the game she claimed she hates.





So the fanboys aren't the only crazy ones out there. :p

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I find it funny how people expect the wow standards and even more. Remember what wow was like back in 2005? This game is much more advanced than wow was at the release. Give it time, the game will improve. If you cant give it time, then unsub and go back to wow. Comparing a 2 weeks old game to a 7 years developed game is pathetic. Edited by Kesari
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I find it funny how people expect the wow standards and even more. Remember what wow was like back in 2005? This game is much more advanced than wow was at the release. Give it time, the game will improve. If you cant give it time, then ubsub and go back to wow. Comparing a 2 weeks old game to a 7 years developed game is pathetic.


You really don't get the point do you?


A huge part of the million+ subs will do exactly that - and it won't be given time.

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I don't see all the "gamebreaking" bugs people keep refering to. Do you mean visual bugs, sound bugs etc. then tell me an MMO that doesn't have them. Gamebreaking bugs would mean if you constantly fell through the world, you couldn't attack most targets, mobs didn't drop any loot, quests didn't get completed etc. Unless you're experiencing stuff like that, shut up and enjoy what you have.


Read the Support Forums... the list of things you suggested(save for falling through the world... I haven't seen a thread on that yet... brings back AoC nightmares btw :p)


People can't complete quests, can't talk to NPCs, can't "get out of conversations", can't socialize, can't go to certain zones...


All of the above, I would classify as "game breaking".

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I find it funny how people expect the wow standards and even more. Remember what wow was like back in 2005? This game is much more advanced than wow was at the release. Give it time, the game will improve. If you cant give it time, then unsub and go back to wow. Comparing a 2 weeks old game to a 7 years developed game is pathetic.


comparing a "new age" (hardly, but I use this term to make a point) MMO launch to a ground breaking "7 years ago" MMO launch is pathetic ;)

Edited by Arress
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You really don't get the point do you?


A huge part of the million+ subs will do exactly that - and it won't be given time.


And so on and so on until the end of time.


The people who consistently move to the next big thing will be doing it forever it seems.

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Specifically toward character creation argument:


Forcing people to play races that are very humanoid is an unfortunate but necessary effect of having a heavy story-based game. Asking for a Jawa or Wookie to be a playable race is a FAR, FAR larger task than you're considering, easily taking up 10 times as much work to implement compared to the other races. 20 times even, if they get new VO work for unusual races.


Same reason you can only play a human in Mass Effect. It would have been absolutely ludicrous and a monumental expense to allow you to play another race in Mass Effect. The reward is simply not worth the cost.


In the future, I can see more races being available, but they'll all very likely be more of the human-ish races, like the Cathar and Togruta.


I am not being sarcastic when I say that makes sense and thank you for your insight. You taught me something there. But even if humans were the only option in this game the creation is still very lackluster.


Beyond that, the non-human species that are available are very uninspiring. However, the models on the Empire, by many accounts, look far better than what is offered for the Rep. It seems that one of the many factors pulling many players toward the Empire is simply the look of the toons.

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