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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Huttball is a dynamic game. PUGs tend to play it very formulaically and thus have a low chance to win (even lower when facing a premade group that has voice chat).


    Classes that have movement enhancement abilities while carrying the ball don't actually have that big of an advantage when both teams are correctly using tactics. It is when the defending team fails to properly organize and counter the score attempt that these classes have an extreme advantage because when facing a disorganized PUG, these classes are harder to counter. Of course, it's really no different than Football in that regard; if your QB drops a screen to the star HB when the defense commits 11, that HB is going to leave the D in the dust.


    Pro-Tip: Never use CC on the ball carrier unless they are standing in the fire/acid or are about to score. I have a nearly 100% score rate on my sorcerer when my resolve bar is full before I get to the first fire pit.

  2. Warzone: Huttball

    Victory Condition: Having MORE score than the opponent at the end of the match, or scoring 6 times.


    Warzone: Alderaan Civil War

    Victory Condition: Reducing the enemy capital ship's health to 0 before your capital ship's health is reduced to 0.


    Warzone: Voidstar

    Victory Condition: Reach the Data chamber in less time than it took for the other team to reach the Data chamber.


    Every team that fails to achieve the victory condition should receive a loss. In the event that no team reaches the victory condition, no team has achieved victory and therefore no team deserves a win. Both teams lose because they FAILED.

  3. I guess the OP must be running one of those 31/31/31 specs I've been hearing everyone on the forums whining about.


    Bubble counts as healing, throw it up on everyone and your warzone healing numbers will be high.


    Utility is offset by low burst and low survivability.


    Utility is also separated by tree. You can't have every one with one spec.


    Damage is very low unless you are multi-dotting. Multi-dotting rarely helps your team and is mostly only used to pad stats for the scoresheet.


    Fact is, Sorcerers deal pathetic damage and die very fast. The utility is required in order to survive. As one of the only non "Run and Gun" classes, sorcerer's playstyle is unique which makes it popular. This popularity is seen by some (those suffering from Confirmation Bias) as evidence the class is over powered. Bioware has themselves said the class is the most balanced.


    Don't waste your time asking for nerfs that won't happen. Instead ask for buffs and balance in your own class.


    EDIT: I suppose I ought to also throw in the obligatory "L2P" as well.

  4. Great, thats actually the worst idea I have heard up to now. It has the disadvantages of both ideas and advantages.


    People would just join games and if it looks like losing they will go AFK. It would be worse than now.


    No AFK penalty but strong incentive to go AFK... wow.... what an idea.


    Right, because you don't get automatically booted when AFK :rolleyes:

    I suggest you troll a little harder, you failed this time.

  5. Change the daily to require 6 Warzone completions and award a bonus for wins.


    A completion would be defined as any match in which the player was present for at least 50% of the match and was present at the end of the match.


    This would resolve both the Wins not counting bug and would deincentivize Warzone dropping.



    I should also point out that the daily is not in the game for the "hardcore" PvPers. It is in the game in order to get casuals to queue up and reduce queue times.

  6. Once Warzones are linked for cross server queues, would you consider offering splitting the queues into solo and group queues so that people who queue solo can only play against other people who queue solo and people who queue in a group can only play against other people in a group?


    The reason I ask is that the two are really very different in terms of tactical advantage. The group who knows each other and is probably using voice chat will 100% of the time mop the floor with the unorganized solo players. Splitting them into different queue would allow organized players to compete on an even field and unorganized players to likewise compete on an even (if lower tiered) field.

  7. Observation: Any class is "OP" when paired with a teammate that provides the necessary complement to supplement the weaknesses inherent in the class.


    Furthermore, when said teammate and the "OP" class have the tactical advantage of both knowning each other and having real time voice communications, you may as well log off as your attempts to defeat them will be futile.


    Summary: Each class has its strengths and weaknesses. Learn to exploit them and to supplement your own with teamwork and you will succeed.

  8. This NEEDS to get nerfed! You can't attack them, they never die, when you have them pinned they charge for cover then activate shield, the rest of the team is loaded with shields if your team does not have a Scorc/Sage healer, bottom line: ITS NOT FAIR. Let the Scorcs and Sages have shields but at LEAST make it so we can hurt them.


    Observation: It appears that you are not paying attention to your environment to an adequate degree when attempting to engage a sorcerer or sage.


    Suggestion: Try using a combination of LoS to minimize damage taken, interrupt of spec-dependent casted or channeled primary attack, and most importantly, reserve your CC and burst potential until the shield is down. No sorcerer or sage can survive a full CC when unshielded.


    Rhetorical Query: Why do so many players think that they should be able to play their class so poorly and still be able to succeed in PvP?

  9. Make the daily require Warzone completions (completion being defined as any warzone in which the player has not left the warzone prior to the end and was in the warzone for at least 50% of the length).


    Up the number from 3 to 5-6 and you have your solution to both the wins not counting problem and the people dropping problem.

  10. I"m sure the other 2 guys trying to help me kill this healing sorceror are totally in agreement with you :rolleyes:


    The ablity to shield, self-heal, AND DPS is over the top, they can ALWAYS stay alive healing, and certainly long enough in most cases for their CD on bubble to reset.


    You say you can't talk about a class you haven't played...


    So my suggestion is to roll a guardian and spec defense/vigilince - then come back and elaborate on how sorcerors are not OP.


    I'm in full Champion gear and sorcereors can simply stay alive from my pathetic DPS and eventually wittle me down to zeor health.


    Explain to me the justice in a HEAVY armored tank in yoru face being able to do NOTHING.


    That's my perspective - and lets not even get into the fact that Imperials probably have 50% of their player base playing this class - so in a warzone you have 4-5 sorcerors to every one sage. Then people wonder why republic loses.


    Query: Are you attempting to CC the healing sorcerer?


    Follow up Query: Are you attempting to CC the healing sorcerer before or after the bubble has been broken?


    Observation: If you and your companions are not capable of killing a healing sorcerer in a 3v1 situation, perhaps you may want to try a game that requires less skill. May I suggest Tic-Tac-Toe?

  11. I agree with the OP. If people actually took the time to bind their interrupt there would be a lot more frustrated sorcerer/sage players, which would eventually translate into less sorcerer/sage players overall.


    The reason interrupt has a cooldown is because you are supposed to use it on the right ability depending on who you are fighting, not on the first cast/channel bar you see. Save that sucker for the right time and you will make defeating any class a walk in the park.

  12. I have no idea...but if this gives you a clue, the woman in question one time made a HUGE fuss about a few of her co-workers moving their desks around. She insisted that the new desk locations messed up her Fung Shui <sp?> and that they had to move them back.


    She's a busy-body.


    The important thing was the part that got me thinking about just what we must sound like when we chat game. Seriously, most of the words we use when talking about gaming have ZERO meaning outside of the gaming world, to the point where most people have never heard the terms, or anything like them.


    It is vitally important that you come into work early every day and rearrange her whole area. Then be sure to leave before anyone else gets in so that you can come back later.

  13. Are you counting the final results page? Be aware that every time someone joins a match and then leaves they are still counted on the results page.
  14. I think his pointing out that the characters and there gear matter too much compared to the people controlling them.

    Right now it's player+gear V player+gear not player v player


    Correct. In true PvP, your avatar reflects your skills. In PvE, your avatar simply obeys your commands and using his own skills attempts to succeed..


    Obviously, pure PvP is only available in real life, but the goal of online PvP should be to emulate pure PvP as much as possible. Therefore, having gear/stats that create a statistical advantage as opposed to a skill advantage is making the "competitive" metagame a PvE derivative, not a PvP one.

  15. "PvP" that has gear that offers statistical advantages is not Player versus Player, it is Character versus Character and is basically a Raid with no lockout.


    If you want to play actual PvP, you need to do it in a game like Guild Wars where the PvP and PvE are (correctly) separated into to completely separate subgames that have no crossover (other than your name and your class being the same).


    If you want to defend Character versus Character because you enjoy rolling over people who haven't played as long as you, that's fine, but don't insult real PvPer us by calling what you do "skill" or "PvP".

  16. That's right. That's the way to deal with a tank + whatever combo, but what if, a tank then puts guard on the focused tank ?


    Good PvP tanks always watch healthbars and have good situationnal awareness, swapping guard on an ally in danger is their primary focus. If you fight great tanks, that's basically what imbalances the fights the most because they can make an ally an unkillable machine.


    That's the topic. Is 75% - 90% too much ?


    In that case you simply need to call in an orbital strike to nuke the planet. It's the only way to be sure.


    Adding a 3rd tank into the argument is amatuer hour. If you want to talk 3v3 then we can talk 3v3, but you need to let people know that you are changing the debate on the fly to make your position look better.

  17. Tank + Sorcerer combo is a Strategic Advantage.


    You need to counter it with a Tactical Advantage (i.e. teamwork, as in, timing control and interrupts while bursting the tank down).


    That is how PvP is supposed to operate.


    Obviously, PUGs are going to lack that Tactical Advantage because they are not going to cooperate in most cases. That is why they lose.

  18. Sorc + tank combo pretty easy kill, gimme a break.


    Both have CC they can stun lock you 'till you're dead meat. Sure, if they both suck and don't LoS RDPS, they'll die, but a good sage / sorc + a good tank, cycling CC , taunts, pull, assisting targets, is simply too much. Also, BURST THE TANK LAWL.


    What if... Another tank uses guard on said focused tank. Just gimme a break about HOW EASY IT IS TO KILL A TANK + SORC combo.


    No, theorycrafting is in favor of the tank + sorc combo if you don't have a similar duo in your group. 2 DPS won't take down a good tank + sorc combo. They have all the tools to mez 1, taunt the other one and take him out in less than 10 secs. If said DPS is guarded, then it's closer, but then the only combination that can compete with Sorc + tank is similarly specced / geared Sage + tank.


    You have to burst the tank, the Sorcerer will be invincible as long as he is alive. Lock the Sorc, burn the tank. It's pretty simple. Also, bringing a 3rd tank into the equation to support a 2v2 argument? Total fail.


    If your two DPS are timing their interrupts and abilities correctly, they can kill a sorcerer/tank combo. It won't be fast, but it will be a success.

  19. I posted this in a thread talking about Sorc / sage bubble. Not even talking about their CC. What's making them the wrecking machines when with good teammates.


    The problem with the bubble is that with a tank guarding + taunting anyone attacking the sorc / sage, it lasts a lot longer, since these damage debuffs severely gimp your damage against the guarded target.


    Seriously, I PuG WZs, see a sage that has a clue, that's not healing whatsoever, only himself and me (vanguard tanky tank) as he saw I was baby sitting him, he spent the whole WZ DPSing and reapplying bubble, and as we were assisting down 1 target at a time, we almost didn't die at all, only me a couple of times as he wouldn't care that much about healing me.


    6400 absorbed damage. Add to that -55% damage reduction from guard, and -30% reduction from taunt, -20% accuracy debuff also have to be considered, and -4% damage debuff from ion pulse. That all adds up to an incredible -89% damage reduction if it's additive, and if it's multiplicative who knows how it adds up. Hard to tell since there's no combat log, but in WAR, they nerfed the mechanic once they figured it's giving squishy classes way too much mitigation. Guarded friends can't go higher than -50% mitigation unless a tank uses morale 4, in WAR (75% max mitigation, on a long buildup morale mechanic). I guess they didn't think about it for SWTOR. They'll fix it eventually.


    Morale of the story, tank doing his tanking job + sage / sorc is what is OP.


    That's ridiculous, -89% reduction means that if you actually want to break the 6400 bubble, you have to deal around 60k damage. That's insane.


    A sorcerer/tank combo is pretty easy to kill if you approach them with tactics.


    1. Burn the Tank's shield (time it so that his debuff is pretty deep still).

    2. CC the Sorcerer.

    3. Burst the tank.

    4. Reapply CC on the Sorcerer.

    5. Finish the tank.

    6. Sorcerer will run away.


    No sorry the message is out that the class is OP. Too much utility combined with good damage.


    Heres a video of a good Sorc. I would recommend putting it on mute but you can really see how many tools he has at his disposable combined with good damage and no downtime.


    At time he has 2/3 guys on him and survives with his bubble/rebubble/sprint/heal/cc.



    Oh, it's you again. How have you not been banned for trolling yet? For real, please answer this question, it is really bothering me.


    Anyway, a good sorcerer can avoid death for a long, long time. He cannot "win" though, only escape.


    It is not OP that he can run away from you, you just aren't good enough at the pretty basic forumla for killing a sorcerer:


    1. Break the initial bubble (do not use burst)

    2. Break the second bubble (again, do not use burst)

    3. CC Sorcerer and burst him

    4. Reapply CC when/if he escapes/it wears off (you probably won't have to)

    5. Finish him off during the second CC if needed.

    6. If you really suck at DPSing, you will now watch him force speed away from you. Use your gap closer now (you didn't use it earlier like a noob, did you?)

  20. I'm just happy that the message is finally getting out that Sorcerers/Sages are not OP which is why the posts have evolved into attacking very specific combinations of talents, combinations which may actually warrant QQ.


    EDIT: I say May, because I play a pure Corruption Sorcerer and haven't tried the combinations.

  21. If you were telling Bioware then how did the fanboys find out?


    Seems like you were not doing it right.


    If you want to tell Bioware you open a ticket. If you want to tell the forum users you post on the forums.


    Knowledge is power!

  22. There is no PvP in either WoW or TOR.


    You play those games and you get Character versus Character, your skill is largely irrelevant.


    If you want actual PvP, you have almost no MMO options, Guild Wars being one of the few.

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