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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. I never played WoW. So I have no idea what you are talking about.


    But I have played other games where CC was not the objective. In the games I have played other people in your party or on your side can also dispel any CC from you, and that was part of the teamwork that happened in PvP in those games. So chances were that you may be incapacitated for a bit but not all that long. We have different experiences.


    For me, Resolve is just a bad attempt to counter CC, and that is because CC is the dominant PvP skill in this game, which makes all your other skills a joke.


    You prefer it; I think it ruins pvp because it makes it ONLY about CC and getting out of it.


    Standing still and running a rotation is PvE. I suggest you do more raiding if you don't like having to learn how to counter other players.


    The issue isn't that Resolve is broken or that there is too much CC, the issue is that you prefer PvE and are frustrated that (what passes as) PvP in this game does not allow you to play the same way.

  2. You have done some sterling work here: Given your conclusions here is my problem with this system (from a melee dps point of view) the purple bar is meaningless since there is no diminishing returns so 1 tick after it was full you can be cced again provided the white bar is empty.


    So my main focus is on what level of protection from cc the white bar provides (this bar starts ticking down as soon as it arises regardless of whether you are cced still or not. Which means you get at most 12 seconds where you are not ccable if your breaker is on cd. When your gap closers are on a 15 second cds it feels like you never really get a chance to fight or use more than 4 consecutive abilities before getting hit by another form of cc.


    Personally I would be all for removing any form of AOE CC (people should have to focus and target all their cc and secondly snares/slows need to be on a separate diminishing returns counter.


    Essentially, if you know they are trying to lock you down you just need to eat the first CC. When they hit you with the second one THEN you use your breaker and become immune.

  3. I just love watching all the rage on the forums from the people who are terrible at PvP and needed a gear advantage to compete.


    Now that gear is being normalized through easy access, tactics, strategy, and skill will determine the winner.


    This is what PvP is supposed to be about. What you had before was just faster paced PvE.

  4. Actually, even though they have CCs in other MMOs there is a counter to them, and that is a cleanse skill that can be used easily and often... so the CC simply slows the opponent down and does not fully incapacitate them without reprisal.


    The Resolve system is infinitely superior to those DR systems as it requires skill to use while DR is just a numbers game.


    Once you learn how Resolve actually works you can make it work for you, both offensively and defensively.


    It really boils down to a L2P issue (I really hate that term, but in this case it is quite applicable).


    EDIT: Also, there is a Cleanse in this game as well. Ask your local Sage/Sorcerer if it is keybound (mine is on my mouse).

  5. Re: 2 -- Well, it is rarely just one person and usually multiple people. Hardly an argument for being full resolved, rendered helpless and killed without able to take an action on your own behalf. Remember the reference I made to Roofies? It's like that.

    RE: 3 -- you only say it is false because you haven't paid attention. I don't do videos, so I can't help you there. I have watched myself be strangled and my resolve bar go to almost zero before I was let out of the hold, and of course I barely am alive when that happens, so one huff and puff and im gone.




    1. Actually, that is NOT true. The only ones that break on damage are the class one that CCs the target for 60 seconds. All the others don't.

    2. I am really puzzled why you find making your opponent helpless and unable to fight back is so appealing to you. :) But perhaps full resolve would make u immune to damage, might be the thing.


    Step 1: Read about how Resolve actually works and forget about how you want it to work.

    Step 2: Learn to play within the parameters of what Resolve can do.


    Essentially, your problem is not with CC, your problem is with using your CC breaker too soon. Never use your Breaker if your resolve bar is not white. You will find Resolve to be a much more forgiving and even beneficial feature when you learn how to use it to your advantage.

  6. Killing people is part of the objective, though, every bit as much as defending the nodes is.


    Normally, from the WZs I've played, people don't generally "farm" the other team unless they have already basically won the WZ, in which case.. they already focused on the objectives first, and you probably didn't stand a chance objective-wise, or at killing them.


    I honestly like the change, it makes the defense strategy much more important, and makes deaths count a lot more. Instead of just throwing your body at people and dying and then coming right back to stop the cap again, more emphasis will have to be placed on survival (yours and your teammates) and communication.


    Killing people is not the objective of Warzones. It is a tool that can be used to complete the objectives.


    I have found that most of the "farming" occurs when one side is much better organized (Premade versus PUG) or when two equally organized groups have a large gear disparity. Once you are into the farming stage, you can easily complete the objectives as no hostiles will be able to leave the farm zone to stop you.


    Granted, Alderaan has the divider, but I don't think that will be enough to prevent farming unless the farmed team has vent (i.e. a premade). If a PUG starts to get farmed it is going to be lights out.

  7. In objective based warzones, the team that focuses on the objective should be victorious, regardless of strength disparity.


    I tend to agree that this change will make it so that the team that focuses on killing other players instead of objectives will have the advantage. However, until we actually get to see it in action it will be impossible to form a concrete determination of the status.

  8. So what if the game is simple, there's still mirrors and equivalent gear, at some point when everything is equal the advantage boils down to skill and rng


    It is never always equal since they come out with new tiers of gear at regular intervals. This gives a huge statistical advantage to those who simply have more time to commit to obtaining the new gear.


    It's a numbers game, not a skill matchup.

  9. Those are not macros, they are keyboard shortcuts redefined from the silly default ones. :)


    I never play a game with the default 123... scheme for main abilities, that's hugely inconvenient.



    shift+ qertfgzxcvbn

    ctrl+ qertfgzxcvbn


    There, that's 36 extremely reachable keyboard shortcuts, redefine those as your main three quickbar keys. I tend to redefine the 1234... and shift+ 1234... if there are more quickbars and use those for non-combat non-time-critical stuff like ports, crafting, longterm buffs, et cetera.


    In TOR, they have keybinds (though I would prefer the ability to bind specific abilities instead slot locations).


    In other games they do not have the same degree of binding options and thus you require macros to achieve the same result.

  10. The only macros I support in competitive play are Shift, Ctrl, and Alt modifiers that allow you to compact your abilities into more easily reachable keys.


    Any other kind of macro creates an environment where you must use macros in order to be competitive (essentially, playing without them would be like playing without any gear on. If it becomes available, then it also becomes mandatory).

  11. The words "Skill" and "WoW" do not belong in the same sentence. As TOR has modelled their PVP after the WoW model, it too does not belong in the same sentence with "Skill".


    These games are PvE with a poorly implemented PvE-PvP hybrid tacked on. Any system that allows statistical character progression in the form of abilities, power, gear, etc. is NOT PvP, it is PvE.


    Very little skill is involved in PvE as it is about the character, not the player (the whole point of an RPG). Not surprisingly, very little skill winds up being involved in what passes for PvP as well since it is essentially just PvE where other people control the mobs you are killing.


    If you want an MMO that focuses on PvP and skill, play GW. If you want to pit your avatar's statistical advantage against other people's avatars, play WoW or TOR, but please don't try to call it skill.

  12. This is an MMO RPG. All content is PvE, including Warzones.


    You aren't fighting other players, you are fighting their gear and class making them slightly less predictable mobs.


    If you want PvP, then you need to play a PvP game or petition Bioware to add actual PvP to the game (i.e. warzones where all stats from gear are normalized, kind of like the bolster system but better implemented).

  13. Everyone does know this now. Even the people I knew who were arguing the opposite thing a month ago all agree that the Sorc/Sage are OP. The evidence is too blatant in front of everyone's nose.


    Nothing like hearsay and hyperbolic absolutes to give your post the appearance of validity, right? :cool:

  14. Wait! Are you actually implying that pvp devs know what they're doing?! Roflmao! Talk about rationality.


    Because no rational person would trust Good'ol Gabe with tieing up his shoelaces.


    I'm not implying anything. I am stating the fact that the developers have the tools to analyze metrics.


    What they do with the results can be debated, but in the end, it is their game and no class is OP or UP if they say it isn't because they are the ones making the rules and giving the grades.

  15. Did you file a ticket?


    If not, you are just QQing and wasting valuable bandwidth that could be used for "nerf sorc" threads.


    If you did report via ticket, then you are still wasting bandwidth because we don't need to know about it.


    Summary: File a ticket. You get to use his name there.

  16. ^ Pretty much this.


    Most premades I see these days are 4+ Sorcs, or all Commandos + Sages. The over-representation in WZs should be a clue.


    Class population saturation occurs in one of these instances:


    1. The class is OP.


    2. The class is perceived to be OP.


    3. The class is fun/cool.



    If the class is actually OP, it will be nerfed. Since Sorcerer/Sage QQ has been going on since launch and the only changes so far to the class have been a small buff, the rational person will see that #1 is false..


    If there are a lot of people who simply refuse to L2P, and believe the best way to get better at PvP is to get every other class nerfed, the forums will be filled with QQ about how OP a class is. This will cause the FOTM crowd to immediately start rolling the "OP" class because they want to be facerollers. Once the faceroller hits max level and learns the reality, they will either reroll or they will keep playing the class they have become familiar with. Based on the huge volume of nerf requests, paired with the mostly hyperbolic "my warzone was all sorcerers!" threads, it is pretty easy to see that the forum gives the impression that sorcerers are OP, however, as referenced above Bioware has not nerfed the class because they have actual metrics by which they determine OP, UP, and Balanced specs.


    If the class has a cool story, is fun to play, or just looks like a BAM-FWIC it will attract a lot of players. The Sorcerer has all three.


    In summary, your argument that population proves power level is logically flawed and will be ignored by rational readers.

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