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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. It was on CD, most of the time in WZ its on cooldown.


    I do wish they would make it refresh on death, because it does suck to have to die a few times before you can use it again. That being said, if it is on CD you are pretty much going into the fight gimped and should expect to eat a lot of CC if you aren't playing with a healer.

  2. ... said the Medicine Operative, you mean.


    Balance is not a healer staying alive forever while a DPSer wails on them. A healer that can stay alive forever will be able to slowly whittle away at a DPSer, killing them.


    All I would have to do is keep Corrosive Dart on a Sentinel and heal myself while he attacked me futilely until he was dead several minutes later from a DoT. How is that balance?


    In a balanced meta game, by using the GCD to apply corrosive dart you seal your fate. You skipped a heal and thus you fall behind and will die. Stop using actual gameplay to argue about balance, the game as it currently exists is NOT balanced.

  3. Stun - Complete loss of control that does not break on damage

    Mezz - Complete loss of control that does break on damage

    Knockback - Physical movement of your character to a new location initiated by a foe

    Snare - Reduced movement speed

    Root - 100% snare



    Stuns, Mezzes, and Knockbacks all contribute towards Resolve Immunity and are all prevented once Resolve immunity is reached.


    Snares and Roots are not affected by Resolve nor do they contribute to Resolve Immunity.

  4. "Most" may be a good assumption as to how many people do not completely understand how it works. I cannot argue against that point but I do not believe even if they did, they would enjoy it any more. There has been thread after thread about people expressing their dislike for the amount of stuns in SW PvP. Be it that you understand Resolve or not, this game's PvP revolves around stunning. The joke about Stun Wars is not far off.


    I can't see how anyone could enjoy dying in PvP combat while having almost no control over their character. BW needs to fix resolve so it is not a major deciding factor in PvP or come up with a different mechanic. The only classes I can see defending the excessive amounts of stuns in this game are stealth dps classes which is understandable. If anything, have them do what they did to mezz, make it fraction of the PvE version. A 2 second stun would not be that bad.


    I don't disagree with your point about dying too quickly. The stuns probably wouldn't be so bad if damage was nerfed overall allowing you to actually survive a double stun (granted, you should die if you are being focused by 3 or more enemies).


    I think the underlying problem isn't the amount of stuns, but the fact that it is hard to survive a stun thanks to out of control DPS burst.

  5. Choke (600) ... 1 sec free (-100) ... Choke (600) ... 1 sec free (-100) ... Choke (600) ... 1 sec free


    I wouldn't call that immunity. Also, is the decrement on resolve sec++ or ++sec? I think it's the latter as well, making the above situation even worse.


    Think outside the box and you'll see this one is made of cardboard.




    First choke = 600 resolve

    Wait one Second = 575 resolve (-25 per second)

    Second Choke = 1475 resolve (575 resolve + 600 resolve + 300 bonus resolve)

    Immunity after 2 chokes.


    You would have to wait 9 seconds between the first 2 chokes in order to "chain" a third, which isn't really a chain now is it?, you'd also need at least two Sith Warriors to pull off this chain.

  6. It shows quite clearly how you can be stunned three times in a row. Call that what you will.


    First Stun = Resolve at 800 (200 per sec over 4 sec)

    Second Stun = Resolve at 2000 (800 prior amount plus 800 new stun plus 400 bonus stun for exceeding 1000)


    Two stuns in a row will always take you to immunity preventing a third stun.

  7. And that very thread discusses the bugs and flaws in the algorithm. You can have "full" or "near full" resolve and still be CC'd. Did you read the entire thread? It's a good discussion.


    I believe it was determined that it is impossible to hit exactly 1000 as any amount that would have taken you to 1000 or more is multiplied by 1.5 in order to give you a longer period of CC immunity.


    Near Full is not Full and therefore not a bug...


    And had you read the entire thread, you would have seen that I was involved on nearly every page correcting misinformation.

  8. Granted I get some folks have a hard time admitting they failed to communicate their point, but you're telling me I'm wrong because you didn't tell me what you were actually talking about until 3 posts in. And then I'm strawmanning you? I tend to think your ego is getting the better of you here. My point, the entire time, is that the universal presumption that people who aren't happy with resolve are just ignorant of the mechanics is a fallacy. I've said nothing more or less than that. If you want to make the assertion that "some" people are probably unhappy about resolve because they don't understand how it works, sure, I'll give you that. But that was never my point. I'm also not certain what merit that particular conversation has.


    And my point is that I never stated that all persons who dislike it are ignorant. I stated my position as being that most people who dislike it are probably ignorant of how it works which leads to a disparity between expectations and reality (cognative dissonance). My follow up point was that if Bioware did a better job of educating players on how to use Resolve then it would probably have much stronger support as the system itself is a good one.


    At no point did I argue with your point. I did attempt to clarify your misunderstanding of my point which was a result of my quoting your entire post instead of simply the relevant phrase.

  9. So you want to change the argument now, eh?




    That was a direct response to me saying...




    If you want to include that particular addendum, you might have wanted to actually clarify that at the start. At which point your statement is redundant. Your argument then boils down to the following...


    A lot of people who are ignorant of how the mechanics of Resolve work are ignorant of how the mechanics of Resolve work and that's why they don't like it.


    Needless to say, that wasn't the comment you responded to in the first place. So essentially you're arguing with me about something I didn't say. That's yet another fallacy btw.


    Actually, you are engaging in a strawman right now, but I can see how you would have been confused. Rather than keeping your entire post in my quote I should have limited it to just the phrase I was actually referring to, that being the portion where you stated "a lot of people are not happy with Resolve". I was not challenging your argument, rather I was branching the discussion into a new but related subset regarding potential reasons for the unhappiness.

  10. Circular logic is fun.


    I don't think you know the definition of circular logic...


    Allow me to simplify my point for your benefit:

    People who don't understand the system are more likely to dislike the system as their expectations are different from reality.


    People who do understand the system are not included in my theory since they understand the system.


    If you understand the sytem then you are not included in my theory.


    You are not included in my theory.

  11. So, essentially you're saying people are wrong because you think they're ignorant. Fallacy much? It's an opinion bud. It's not right or wrong. Neither is your opinion right or wrong. I dislike specific aspects of Resolve for a myriad of reasons, all of which you're free to have a different opinion of than I do. It doesn't change the fact that an opinion is just an opinion.


    I think the bevy of factually incorrect posts confirms my hypothesis that ignorance of functionality leads directly to dissatisfaction of result. It is not a fallacy to state a supported theory. It is a fallacy to reject a theory without a counter argument.


    Your personal reasons for disliking Resolve are not related to my theory in the event you actually know how it works. Comprende?

  12. The only "skill" involved with resolve is not using your CC escape immediately. That's not really skill. That's making the best of a poorly implemented system.


    A "mathematically superior DR system?" Do you even know what "mathematically superior" means?


    The skill involved is related to knowing exactly when to use your CC Breaker in order to achieve your goal. The goal of course being directly related to what you need to accomplish, be it CC immunity, or some other tactical reason for early breaking.


    You are able to achieve significantly longer periods of CC immunity and to a much wider array of CC via the Resolve system than you are from any other system in place.


    Longer Time > Shorter Time

    More Types > Less Types


    It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that out.

  13. So you like Resolve as it stands. Good for you. Math doesn't change the fact that a lot of people are not happy with Resolve. Being that a particular position on Resolve is an opinion, yours does not invalidate theirs.


    The lack of happiness is a direct result of a lack of knowledge of how the system works.


    I firmly believe that if Bioware did a better job of explaining it, it would have no (or at least very few) detractors. It is, after all, a mathematically superior DR system that rewards skill and punishes mistakes, which is ultimately the goal of organized PvP.

  14. +1


    I constantly get chain stunned in PvP, and it has to be the most annoying aspect of PvP in this game.


    By "chain" you mean 2, right?


    The most amount of stuns/mezzes you can experience before gaining immunity is 2, and that is assuming you have an empty resolve bar.


    If you have actual evidence of suffering more than 2 stuns then I suggest you submit a bug report.


    Resolve is actually a superior method of dealing with CC than any other system available, it simply requires knowledge to use correctly.


    I'm going to see if I can find the previous Resolve thread that contained a lot of useful info so you can read up on it.


    Really? If you are at 99% resolve and get Stunned you take the Full stun. So you are telling me a stun = 50% Resolve bar? Have you PvPd yet? Do you know what Math is?


    And the Resolve Bug has been reported many times.


    The only known bug related to Resolve is that the bar at the enemy character's feet does not always update correctly. The bar around their face still works.


    I'm trying to find the thread with the mathematical values for all the CC. Give me a sec. Nevermind, Kaarsa (the author) posted them below.

  15. You cannot be stunned 3 times in a row.


    Resolve works perfectly in conjunction with your CC Breaker as long as you never use your CC Breaker unless your Resolve bar is white.


    If you believe that Resolve is not functioning properply, please submit a bug report.

  16. It is fair. There is nothing preventing you from getting the same gear i have except for time spent.


    Bioware is already catering to the casuals by having a 10-49 bracket.


    Exactly! That's why I get to start with 7 queens in chess, 14 letter tiles in Scrabble, and 1 million monopoly dollars!


    Wait... what do you mean I don't get to have those advantages? I've played those games longer than you!

  17. Here is my vision for a multi-stage, long lasting Illum:


    The battle area consists of an Imperial and Republic base, 2 landing zones, 6 bunkers, 2 AA emplacements, and 1 DMZ (with two small AA emplacements). Here is a rough idea of the layout:


    Imperial Base








    Republic Base


    The Default Status consists of Imperial control over all nodes on the Imperial base side and Republic Control over all nodes on the the Republic base side with neutral control over the DMZ. Killing enemy players awards "Illum Commendations" to your faction (you earn a base rate for kills in the DMZ. The rate is modified for other areas, players receive more commendations for kills closer to their own base giving the players on defense a commendation advantage to assist them in holding the line). These commendations can be spent by any player at the LZ to acquire walkers or Aircraft. Walkers are player controlled and can be killed by enemy players if not defended by ground forces; they are limited to 3 per faction. Aircraft fly on a set course and will attack enemy controlled bunkers. Aircraft will be destroyed if they fly near an enemy controlled AA emplacement and are limited to 10 per faction.


    Stage 1 - The DMZ has 2 small AA emplacements which prevent aircraft from assaulting enemy bunkers. Enemy bunkers will one-shot all players who attempt to bypass them. Players can respawn at either their own forward bunker or at their own base. If either faction obtains control over both AA emplacements their aircraft will begin assaulting the forward enemy bunker. Alternately, walkers can be used to destroy the DMZ AA emplacements allowing aircraft from both factions to assault the forward bunkers. Once a forward bunker is destroyed the players can advance toward the second line bunkers.


    Stage 2 - Second Line bunkers will one-shot approaching walkers and are partially defended by the main AA emplacement. Attacking players must control both bunkers to kill the force field allowing them to advance; defending players can recapture either bunker which will reengage the force field cutting off the attackers from their reinforcements. Attackers can spend commendations to acquire up to 5 battle droids per enemy second line bunker (total of 10 droids per faction) who will march from the LZ to the captured bunkers to hold them against recapture. Defenders can kill the droids en route or kill them at the bunker (they will be tougher when at the bunker). If the defenders recapture a bunker while the droids were on their way, the droids will stop wherever they are and wait for the attackers to recapture to continue marching. Players can respawn at their own base, their own forward bunker (if it still stands). Respawning at their own base allows them to take speeders to any bunker they control (including hostile bunkers that the attackers have captured).


    Stage 3 - While the attackers control both enemy second line bunkers, they can attempt to destroy the defenders' AA gun with the use of walkers or bombs (bombs can be acquired from either the attackers own LZ or from the enemy LZ. They cannot capture the enemy LZ. Once the AA gun has been destroyed, attacker aircraft can begin bombing the shield generator. Once the shields fall, the attackers can assault the defenders' walls.


    Stage 4 - Walkers and bombs can be used to destroy the walls of the defenders' base. The defenders can use missile turrets to target walkers or ground forces to target bomb planters. Once the walls fall, the attackers must cross a courtyard filled with cryomines to reach the Communications Array at which point they are victorious. Upon victory, both sides receive Warzone Commendations, Valor, and Credits (obviously the winners receive more). The losing faction is returned to their factions’ main Illum base (not in the warfront area) and the winners gain access to a “cleanup” period that allows them to acquire salvage nodes that can be traded for a variety of PvP related items (including commendations, mods, consumables, etc.). This cleanup period lasts for 1 hour at which point the warfront is reset.


    To prevent farming when the enemy faction is not present, if no PvP activity is detected for a period of more than 15 minutes both sides receive a warning that they are approaching a “Cold War”. If another 10 minutes pass and no PvP is detected then the warfront will reset and no awards will be provided if the first stage is not complete. If the first stage is complete, both sides will “lose” but will receive a small amount of awards (comms and credits).


    I should point out that both sides are strongly encouraged to engage in both offense and defense during the fight. Failure to do so will ALWAYS result in a loss.



  18. Few examples of this exist period. Very few games are skill vs skill. You want skill vs skill play chess. RTS games are more about Skill vs Skill than any other game type.. because RTS games are closest to Chess. They are also in the less popular categories because there isn't any progression to them. Yes Starcraft is a hugely popular game... for it being 1 game. But compare the numbers of people that play Starcraft vs other games and then you can see that it is still a small portion of the whole.


    I don't disagree with your assessment, I was merely point out that we don't actually have PvP in this game as actual PvP is not terribly popular. Most people like the gear crutch as it allows them to be rewarded for time spent instead of skill.

  19. There are three types of meta games in an MMO (not all types are always present, mind you):


    1. PvE - Player versus Environment. You get to fight AI mobs, slay dragons, and otherwise defeat the computer. You may or may not need to team up with friendly AI or other friendly players and there may or may not be gear progression.


    2. CvC - Character versus Character. The character under your control fights against characters under the control of other people. This system is characterized by gear tiers, FOTM Roulette, and Team Composition. Skill may be involved, but usually isn't. Examples of this are WoW and SWTOR.


    3. PvP - Player versus Player. Gear disparity is not allowed. Stats are either normalized or removed in order to eliminate gear as a factor. Normal limitations include a smaller ability bar (preventing you from having access to all your abilities), abilities having different modifiers from the PvE ability of the same name, and a heavy reliance on player skill (timing, tactics, strategy, etc.). Few examples exist in the RPG world (since RPGs tend to be very focused on gear these days). GW is one example.

  20. 1. Losers DO get rewards, just less than the winners.


    2. Losers will get more rewards once the PvP fixes are implemented.


    3. Quitters are terrible people. If you quit it is because you unable to perform, have a crappy job, aren't loved by your parents, and have a very low IQ.



    Those are three good reasons not to quit (and I'm only 50% kidding on the last one).

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