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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Giving better gear to grinders in an MMO is exactly like giving more letters to older people when playing Scrabble. The older people did not do anything to earn the extra letters, they just were "there" longer. Now they have an advantage which they can use to curb stomp anyone who has been "there" less time. Your only hope in this situation is for new people to come along and have less letters than you do.
  2. Does it take players complaining in the forums? Are they even reading these post? Or maybe it take players to quit and go back to other MMO(s) before they do anything. Who knows. As for me sub canceled. I just can't believe George Lucas allowed this abomination to be released. Its a incomplete project.


    Clearly you are not familiar with any other MMOs or you would recognize that Bioware's response to issues is one of the fastest in the history of the genre.


    Your complaints about length of time are completely meritless.


    As for George Lucas, he allowed Episode I to be released so abominations are kind of his thing.

  3. I think the core of the problem here is that we have allowed greedy executives to re-define what MMO PVP is into something they hope will keep us playing their game longer.


    They are trying to apply the PVE grinding formula to PVP as far as what will keep people coming back.


    Gear progression is nonsense. Give us some RVR objectives that impact the game world we play in. THAT will keep us coming back.


    Or if you really must cater to the "donkeys" who think that the carrot on the stick they got is a magical item that makes them valid as human beings then give us a bracket where Expertise does not work.


    Like I said before, any kind of statistical advantage makes PvP impossible to balance and makes it based on gear instead of skill. Gear is worn by the character, not the player meaning it isn't PvP, but Character versus Character.

  4. What you want is a fighting game or an FPS. I don't see why you don't just go play one. It's EXACTLY what you want. You can even get the online play. With FPS you can play with multiple people at the same time. You should try it out!


    So what you are saying is that it is ok for MMOs to charge for broken PvP because FPSs offer an alternative? That is a very strange argument. I guess doctors should be allowed to charge for oil changes since mechanics can do them correctly?


    Broken PvP is broken PvP regardless of the game it is latched on to.


    You cannot have a balanced RPG PvP experience because that is a logically impossible result to achieve.

  5. Any system that provides any method of obtaining a statistical advantage for one character over another character of the same class (not including consumables) is completely BROKEN.


    PvP is not and can never be based on an RPG because they are mutually exclusive concepts.


    RPGs are all about removing the player's impact on the outcome of the character's actions.


    PvP is all about removing the character's impact on the outcome in order to showcase the player's skill.

  6. Hardcore PvP is all about one thing: Prestige


    MMOs have made the mistake* of conditioning their players to believe that gear = prestige.


    * I say "mistake" from a player's perspective. The idea of creating a grind is a good idea from the developer's perspective, though gear is still a bad idea as it causes imbalance.

  7. Seriously guys, is this how its gonna be?

    8 sorcs in 1 team is just instawin with all the cc, utility and aoe.



    Hey, you complain about sorcerers being OP (pro tip: they aren't) and you get all the FOTM people to roll one to find out. Now you get to deal with stacked games that are always going to be unbalanced (face a stacked team with 8 anything and you will always lose unless your team has 8 of whatever class is a hard counter) thanks to your QQ giving you an actual reason to QQ. That is called a self-fulfilling prophecy.


    EDIT: I wasn't meaning you personally were QQing, but just that QQing in general tends to cause the problem they QQ about.

  8. OK..if so...what do u do in this game when u hit 50 and finished your classquest?....reroll?


    This is a PvE game. When you hit 50 you start raiding. Or you play CvC. Both of those are PvE options. There are no PvP options in a PvE game.

  9. I don't think that a penalty is necessary. As has been mentioned, they are already losing out on their commendations, they were probably dead weight anyway, and it rarely happens unless you are getting steamrolled, in which case a few more people leaving isn't going to make things any worse than they already are.
  10. People who like PvP do not play games like SWTOR or WOW because those kinds of games don't have PvP, they have CvC (Character versus Character).


    People who like PvP play games like GW where PvP is a completely separate game from the rest of the MMO and things from PvE have NO IMPACT on the PvP metagame. This is called "Balance".



    If you come to SWTOR looking for PvP you are misinformed.

  11. I strongly support the lack of macros for several reasons, the two big ones are:


    1. If they are allowed, then they will become REQUIRED by raiding and PvP guilds because not using them is a liability.


    2. They do not require skill to use and instead provide a very large advantage to those who do use them over those who do not.

  12. You obviously have never played a melee in Ilum.


    Saber Throw has a 30 second CD and you can't rely on your target being in range when you do decide to leap (people are zerging around like ants all the time).


    Resolve does jack**** when you have 4+ Sorcerers instant-stun gibbing you. Even after using your Stun breaker you're just stunned again right away.


    Now pull all that off with 5 FPS and you have a mess.



    The fail is on you, dear Sir.


    Ok, now you've moved your scenario from the realm of PvP into the realm of "flash mob trampling everything trying to get a kill". Illum is not PvP. It is PvE where instead of AI mobs you get to kill player mobs. You cannot expect a crap storm like Illum to be playable from a strategic standpoint, only a tactical one (we have more people, therefore we win).


    Also, LOL at you thinking that you should be able to survive 1 v 4+. Resolve does jack when you use it incorrectly (i.e. stun breaker before the resolve bar is full). Learn how to use Resolve and come back with 3+ teammates if you want to beat 4+ sorcerers.

  13. It should be noted that while the Voidstar bug granted an automatic win to the Republic, the Civil War bug can easily be countered by good teamwork by the Republic which makes it substantially less game-breaking.


    Not defending it, mind you. Bugs are bugs and should be fixed.


    I'm just rationalizing the order of addressing using the perspective of a game developer, and not a "they hate my faction" reactionary.

  14. Sorcerers make open PvP unplayable for melees.
















    Not a single attack was made that day.


    Leading off with your gap closer is a sign of a bad player.

    Also, your resolve bar should be full after the second stun making you immune.

    You also didn't mention using your stun breaker, so that was fail on your part.

  15. Fixed an issue that could prevent players from receiving mission rewards for completing Warzones.


    No BW. No you didn't. Don't offer fixes that don't actually work.


    "an" being the key word... suggesting that there are other issues affecting warzone wins.

  16. But it is

    - "Ohh that class is OP!"

    - "Damn i keep dying by that class, i might as well play it"


    > Everyone rolls the OP Class


    Happens on EVERY mmo.


    What actually happens is this:


    Someone who is awful dies really fast to a class.

    That awful player goes on the forums and says "X is OP, NERF!".

    Other people remember also dying to X and chime in "Yeah, I was also killed by X".

    More people call for nerfs because they now believe a class to be OP because they see a lot of people whining about it on the forums.

    As more people call for nerfs because their confirmation bias affects their memory as well as the fact that they now pay more attention to losses to X, more people will roll X because they actually believe it to be OP.

    As more people roll X more people with confirmation bias will be killed by X which leads to more people calling for nerfs, more people rerolling, and more confirmation bias.


    The class isn't OP. There are more of them now because people THINK it is OP thanks to the confirmation bias of the people calling for nerfs.


    Thankfully, Bioware has real data that isn't contaminated with anecdotal "evidence" and will deal out nerfs as necessary. If Sorcerers were OP then they would have been hit with the nerfs today since people have been complaining about them for just as long as the Operatives.

  17. The sorc is a pretty crazy class. It makes bad players good with all of the utility available to it. I would start with reducing the cc/sprint options available, and adjusting the shield (17-20 sec cd with up to 5k dmg is insane). The class is supposed to be squishy but there not.


    They are super squishy and are rooted after almost every GCD. If you can't close the gap with all those free roots then you forgot to keybind about 60% of your skills. Or maybe you just forgot to run towards him?

  18. My level 41 Sorc who is corruption specced does a total damage (all 3-4 ticks) of 1.3k with Force Lightning.


    I should also point out that most sorcerer skills are either channelled or casted which means that in order to heal or DPS they have to stand completely, perfectly still.


    You are all getting a free root every single GCD that you aren't taking advantage of when you fight a sorcerer.

  19. Strategy for winning:


    Send 2-3 players (preferably a Healer + Tank combo) RIGHT.

    Send everyone else LEFT.


    Cap LEFT.


    Now, one of two things happens here:

    1. You cap RIGHT

    2. You pull enemy team to RIGHT to prevent the cap


    If you successfully cap RIGHT, keep 3 people (preferably a healer + tank combo) at each (RIGHT and LEFT) and the rest chill out in the tunnel and respond to Incoming calls.


    If you pull the enemy team to RIGHT, leave 2-3 people at LEFT (preferably a healer + tank combo) and hit CENTER. Now one of two things happen:


    1. You cap CENTER

    2. You pull enemy team back to CENTER.


    If you cap CENTER, keep 3 people (preferably a healer + tank combo) at each (LEFT and CENTER) and the rest chill out in the other team's CENTER LANDING AREA to farm kills and respond to Incoming calls.


    If you pull the enemy team to CENTER, disengage them and run to RIGHT. The guys were were trying to take RIGHT should respawn at LEFT and hit CENTER. Now one of three things happen:


    1. You take RIGHT

    2. You take CENTER

    3. You fail to take either point because you suck at this game and can't wait for your teammates to group up before running in and dying.


    If you take RIGHT or CENTER, follow the RIGHT or CENTER steps above.

    If you fail to take either point, you can try again if it was a simple miscue or give up and get farmed if your group is bad.


    One tip that ALWAYS applies: NEVER, under ANY circumstances should you EVER take the CENTER speeder if a side speeder is available. If you take a side speeder you get to the ground MUCH faster and can easily hit/defend CENTER or take the tunnel and hit the other side. Let the other team waste their precious time taking the stupid CENTER speeders.

  20. Yes because all those PvPers rolled it for the 'story.' Because we all know how much PvPers love 'story.' Oh and having cool lightning.


    Your opinion is based on subjective criteria that is selected in order to reinforce the preconceived result you anticipated. It is therefore completely useless when attempting to form an informed opinion based on actual metrics and is furthermore disallowed when engaging in logical debate. You are welcome to keep it and share it, but don't expect any rational beings to acknowledge it.


    There are many diverse factors involved with regard to class population, including but not limited to:


    Playstyle Preference

    Story Preference

    "Coolness" Factor

    Power Level

    Perceived Power Level


    ALL of these factors directly affect class population which suggests that none of them have a strictly causual relationship.

  21. Class population is NOT correlative with class power...

    This simplistic concept continually eludes the logical processes of the impaired mind of those suffering from confirmation bias.

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