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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. You could try using a premade of your own? I hear those are pretty faceroll what with the teamwork and all...


    But I suppose complaining on an internet forum will totally help you get wins too.

  2. Neither game has PvP. They have PvE against other players (Character versus Character) which is really not that enjoyable since it rewards grinding and gives an advantage to those who sink the most time, not those who use the most skill.
  3. Healer + Tank combo Left

    Zerg Right


    Once you have both outside turrets you should have healer + tank on the turrets and everyone else fighting at mid to keep the other team occupied.


    Guaranteed win since the healer + tank combo can call incoming and survive more than long enough for the mid squad to reinforce (if you have a good healer + tank combo they can hold off 4 enemies indefinitely due to the fast speeders).

  4. Tell that to the people that play arena professionally.


    The people that Blizzard has to pay to play since no 3rd party wants their name associated with such an unbalanced mess?


    Guild Wars has actual tournament play that is funded through actual industry players, not through the publisher.


    The difference is that GW relies on Skill and WoW relies on Gear and Comp.


    One is PvP, the other is CvC.

  5. Well if you look at how WOW does it w/ Arena Rating, the players with the best gear ARE the most skilled. This is more of an issue on how to obtain PVP gear, rather then the existence of PVP gear itself.


    WoW is not really skill based at all. Success in WoW is determined by these things, in order of importance:



    Team Composition (virtual tie with gear in some seasons)

    Enemy Mistakes


    The only reason people with the best gear are at the top of the arena ladder is because they can curb-stomp the teeth out of those who have less gear simply because of the gear disparity.

  6. So you believe that the solution to having PvE wrecking PvP is to add more PvE into PvP?


    Why not do the smart thing and remove all the PvE from the PvP and treat them like the separate entites that they are?


    It is impossible to have a balanced system if any form of progression exists.

    This is fine in PvE because getting better stats is the GOAL.

    This is the opposite of fine in PvP because it is supposed to be about player skill.

  7. I'll try to find the post but I'm pretty sure Bioware has already posted that insta-killing is OK as it is not an exploit but a creative use of in game mechanics.


    It should be pointed out that if you stay inside the spawn + goal area you will be automatically removed from the warzone after a set amount of time. That means that his window of opportunity is very small to perform that little feat. Next time, tell your ball carrier not to run within range of the puller.

  8. All it would have took was to not have same faction warzones. Population would have balanced real effing quick.


    There are no same faction battlegrounds in WoW and they have just as bad of a population imbalance and have had one for 6 years.


    Sure, the Horde complain all day long about their hour and a half queue times, but none of them ever switch to the Alliance.

  9. I have been playing computer games since 1988. I bet that was before you were born, bro.


    Two things about games:


    1. Games used to be released in a perfectly bug free state because there was no way to patch them. Once the internet became common the patch was invented and game developers got lazy. Once they realized that they could publish the game and then fix it everyone started doing it and now we have the "perpetual beta" system of today.


    2. If you have any experience with current MMOs you will know that Bioware has shown themselves to be very quick at both acknowledging and resolving (or attempting to resolve) bugs in this game.

  10. I feel ya man. I'm leveling a few alts to enjoy the only enjoyable aspect to the game and just doing that with friends till GW2 comes out.


    Look up on their PVP system. Skill based. No PVP stat, everyone max level in battle scenarios, all given the same gear depending on the class so same stats. And unlock all abilities.


    Balance. That is Balance.


    This is true. If you want to play MMOPvP you need to play GW as they are the only developer I know of that understands that it is impossible to have an RPG-based PvP game.


    So they do the smart thing and make two separate games where the only connection is your character's appearance is the same in PvP and PvE.

  11. I have not heard a peep from BW on the faction imbalance issue. They know they have screwed that one up majorly and there's nothing they can do to fix it, so they just ignore it.


    The only way to fix it would be to open up free server xfers so all the republic players can get on one server. But then that would suck since there would be no Imps.


    Or they could give incentives to roll republic, but that just seems lame to me.


    Or they could force xfer Imps from heavy Imp servers to balance it out, but then there would be endless QQ about that too.


    I see no way to fix it. They screwed up making empire so much more attractive than republic.


    Faction imbalance is not a problem with the game. It is a problem with the players.

    Bioware could attempt to perform social engineering to obtain "balance", but that could easily backfire and make the players even more upset than they are now.

  12. I will only sign on one condition, that all Arena teams be 4 person and require one of each base class.


    WoW Arenas had nothing to do with skill, but were based entirely upon the composition. Remove that as a means of gaining an advantage and you make it more PvP-oriented.

  13. Que mindless fan boys.


    I'm sorry, but did my little comment really make you so mad that you had to resort to name-calling like a child?


    Why does every person who threatens to cancel (I say threaten because they rarely ever actually do it) think that everyone else on the internet needs to know about it?


    Guess what? We really don't. Especially since your reasons for leaving are usually a result of your own impatience.


    Are there bugs? Yes.

    Are there problems? Absolutely.

    Is Bioware working on them? Yes.

    Is Bioware's response one of the fastest in the history of MMOs? Yes.


    So your issue is that even though Bioware is not only acknowledging the problems but is actively trying to resolve them you are still unhappy because it didn't happen when you wanted it to.


    You are entitled to leave, and we are entitled to ignore you as the impatient whiner that you are.

  14. Going down to the pit should be a punishment and yet the easiest, hardest to stop and a tactic that feels like a cheat is dropping down into the pit and throwing at a stealther on the goal line, who obviously has just come out of stealth.


    Football has the off side rule to stop this from happening and Huttball just needs to stop passing from the pit to the goal line.


    By "football" I'm assuming you don't mean American Football (which Huttball is similar to). In Soccer, a player on offense may not stand behind the defense and wait for a pass as this is called "offsides". In American Football, the whole point of the Wide Receiver is to get behind the defense and receive the pass.

  15. PvP is not about being equal its about a Power Advantage. In the current system low level toons with a 3rd of the skills with a 1/4 of the damage are gaining the same advantages as people who spent hours and hours building gear...


    This is completely wrong. What you have just described is PvE. Gear and level should be meaningless in balanced PvP because your character is supposed to be irrelevant (PvP stands for Player versus Player, not Character versus Character).


    I get it though, you are used to the WoW system of rewarding those who grind by making stats count far more than skill and you don't like the more skill-based CvC (it still isn't true PvP) of SWTOR.


    It will take some getting used to, but I think you will survive...



    For 4.5 seconds.

  16. It's nothing to consider. You are apologizing for BW because your method of play PvE is all fine and dandy. In fact, the concerns of churn (see my post above, the one you conveniently glossed over) have pulled the stock down. One game, from a company with huge IP license (gee, all major american sports) got it's stock lowered by one game. That's the PvP community making it's voice heard. There are far more PvPers than carebears want to believe, and I still don't understand the unfounded prejudice of people who hate because I'd rather play a non-scripted encounter.


    Trying to spin that is fruitless, and if you care to try, I'll refer you to the analyst that does it for a living. Email that guy, i'm sure he'll be amused.


    That dip in stock price that has already been wiped out with rapid gains...

  17. Dear Bioware,


    In the game now (as in most MMOs) there is no such thing as PvP. What we have is a CvC (Character versus Character) system which is 100% impossible to balance due to the fact that progression is involved.


    My suggestion is this: When a character is in a warzone, all stats are removed from the character/gear and a set of base stats is applied. These base stats will vary by class/spec as necessary to reach an "optimum" level. Secondary stats like Critical, Alarcity, etc. should then only be available through on use items like trinkets or stims.


    By doing this, you remove the Character from the arena and allow the Player's skill to determine the outcome making the game a true PvP match.


    This will also allow you to remove the bracketing which will help queue times.


    Obviously, this same principle can be applied to the world PvP planet(s), however it would be impractical to apply to other "world PvP".


    Now I understand that the reason that the progression or "gear grind" is so often used in MMOs is that it promotes subscription renewal and seasonal achievement and that some steps must be taken to keep those facets alive. Mounts, Titles, and Cosmetic Changes will all give the players something to work towards each PvP season and will achieve the same developer goal as the gear grind without unbalancing PvP or turning it into CvC.


    I know that my idea contradicts all common "wisdom" with regard to MMO CvC, but the idea of being able to have balanced PvP with an RPG character just doesn't make any logical sense at all. With an RPG, the result is supposed to be determined by the Character and to achieve that result we have stats. In PvP, the result is supposed to be determined by the player's skills and therefore the two concepts are OPPOSITES!

  18. Here is where you are wrong. there is a total of 966 fan reviews. Over 400 of those are negative. About 350 of those negative reviews are more then 2 weeks old. That is a small test sample from the players on this game who even care enough to go to an outside website and give feedback on a game. The reason websites such as these work is because mathematically they offer a more balanced and truthful outside view then a developer will give of their own game.


    So on a highly respected and well known media rating website over 40% of the reviews are below average or negative. It is just another test sample of the population as a whole. but I don't expect to convince you. You are just another "white knight" in "Rose tinted Glasses".


    I understand your thinly veiled ad hominem attack with your "white knight" comment. You play the game well with your personal attacks that are gussied up just enough to avoid being easily recognized as a flame. My point is irrelevant because I am a "fan boy". I'm not going to report you for it, but I do ask that you refrain from it going forward.


    Now then, as for Metacritic, I must have sorted wrong when I originally checked it but you are correct that of the 400 negative reviews 350 are older than this particular issue. The critic rating is still quite high and the total number of personal reviews is still quite low when you consider how many players there are.


    My point about the forums stands though, people only log on when they have a reason to, and that reason is usually because they are experiencing a problem which is why the general tone cannot be used as a determinator.


    My point is, this is a big deal to you because you perceive it to have affected you (even that can be debated). The fact that it is a big deal to you does not mean it is a big deal to the rest of the player base, of which I'm certain have not started "seriously" PvPing yet since the game is still new (consider how many complaints have been lodged about long queue times now that level 50s are in their own bracket. That suggests that the number of PvPers may not be very high at this point on many servers. Granted, this assumption is tainted by the forum rule above regarding negativity as well as possibly impacted by intentional restraint from PvP due to the patch, but still, it is something to consider).

  19. Most of what you have posted here are incorrect.


    1. The number of people upset about the current state of the game is a rather large portion of its total population. In the range of somewhere between 25 - 35%.


    2. The game already has a few hundred thousand accounts that have not resubbed just 1 day after the first free month.


    3. Bioware so far has proved that they do not have the ability to correctly address the issues and need to bring in a new design lead and department heads who will handle the game better.


    4. This game has actually gone into the negative subscription per week numbers. It is currently losing players faster then it is growing. Due in part to the massive number of players who physically cannot run the game on their machines even though greatly exceeding the minimum requirements, gross faction imbalances have caused huge rifts in subscription renewals on the republic side of the game. This will cause there to eb even less republic players and cause even larger rifts in the population imbalance. You see its a huge chain reaction.


    5. The actual PVP community of any given MMORPG is statistically around 40%. This is not as you stated" a small minority". And most of SW:TORs PVP community agree that this game is just about the worst PVP game ever released at launch, and due to their PVP addiction have already moved on, or are giving the game at least 1 more month of Sub time to see what happens.


    6. In just 4 days time the Metacritic score for SW:TOR has fallen from 9.0+ to around 5.. That is pretty much the fastest any MMORPG has ever fallen in score.


    Based on your response I see you are suffering from an incorrect assumption:


    Because the majority of posters on the forum are unhappy, the majority of the players are also unhappy. The VAST majority of people who go to the forums are going there to complain, therefore forum perception is never relevant as it is completely biased towards negativity and never represents the playerbase as a whole.


    I should also point out that the Metacritic score is also going to suffer from the exact same flawed analysis. There are only 523 negative reviews, of which the vast majority have been lodged over this one issue. That skews the score and makes it useless as it is being driven down by angry people who are not objectively reviewing the game but rather (again) hyperbolically presenting their anger through an unwarranted review.


    I'd be happy to review those subscription numbers for you to verify their authenticity. Please send me the link to the source.


    As for Bioware, their response (or perceived lack of one) has proven nothing yet. MMO developers always take a long time to respond to issues, even when they have been around for years. When you consider that Blizzard took 5 years to even acknowledge the pet health bug or the auto-target bug and STILL haven't fixed them, I think it speaks volumes of Bioware that they have actually communicated with us that they are aware of the problems.

  20. No, there will not be a significant reduction in subscriptions for the following reasons:


    1. The number of people who are actually upset by this is a small minority of the total population of players.


    2. Most of those people will not actually cancel their accounts, they are just saying they will as a form of hyperbolic protest.


    3. The issues that they are complaining about will get fixed to some extent in the near future.


    4. The game is new and as such it is still adding subscriptions at a brisk pace that will easily counter any cancellations.


    I know you guys are upset, and I feel for you. But you aren't as important as you like to think you are. Your issues will get resolved but your temper tantrums aren't helping.

  21. Myself (a SI Healer) and my 2 friends took on the entire Republic team at one of the turrets on Alderaan. We won.


    The reason was not because I was so OP that I could heal through anything, the reason was that I was not targeted a single time.


    When I can stand back and shield + heal completely uninterrupted, my 2 friends are going to be invincible.

  22. I think that Huttball should be removed from the regular WZ queue and placed in its own queue, and I say this as a guy who loves it.


    I think that people dedicated to playing the sport should have the option to play the game with other people who are dedicated and people who don't want to play it shouldn't be a burden on those who do.

  23. lol, yeah all those people that exploited to gain valor rank certainly achieved it fair and square.


    I think you will find in this situation time travel is more than possible, see what Bioware does is go back over the logs, the ones that were in past and remove all the exploiters gear and valor.


    fact of the matter is legitimate players are now forced to play against geared players who exploited to get their gear.


    therefore effectively punishing the legitimate players by making games hard and more time consuming in order to gear up


    So you are being punished when forced to play against people who have the same gear as you?


    You see, you don't actually have a logical argument as to why the valor should be rolled back, merely an emotional one. You don't think it is "fair".


    You are allowing the actions of abusers to influence your opinion of the game as well as damage the sense of accomplishment you received in the past when you legitimately achieved your valor. Your pursuit of pride via status is causing you emotional distress. Rather than face the fact that you are not actually being harmed you are going to throw a temper tantrum and scream that everyone should be of a lower rank than you.


    Should people who exploited the game be punished? Yes. Should you care so much that you are willing to cancel if they aren't? Of course not. That shows an unhealthy obsession with your digital ego.

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