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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Here is my vision for a multi-stage, long lasting Illum:


    The battle area consists of an Imperial and Republic base, 2 landing zones, 6 bunkers, 2 AA emplacements, and 1 DMZ (with two small AA emplacements). Here is a rough idea of the layout:


    Imperial Base








    Republic Base


    The Default Status consists of Imperial control over all nodes on the Imperial base side and Republic Control over all nodes on the the Republic base side with neutral control over the DMZ. Killing enemy players awards "Illum Commendations" to your faction (you earn a base rate for kills in the DMZ. The rate is modified for other areas, players receive more commendations for kills closer to their own base giving the players on defense a commendation advantage to assist them in holding the line). These commendations can be spent by any player at the LZ to acquire walkers or Aircraft. Walkers are player controlled and can be killed by enemy players if not defended by ground forces; they are limited to 3 per faction. Aircraft fly on a set course and will attack enemy controlled bunkers. Aircraft will be destroyed if they fly near an enemy controlled AA emplacement and are limited to 10 per faction.


    Stage 1 - The DMZ has 2 small AA emplacements which prevent aircraft from assaulting enemy bunkers. Enemy bunkers will one-shot all players who attempt to bypass them. Players can respawn at either their own forward bunker or at their own base. If either faction obtains control over both AA emplacements their aircraft will begin assaulting the forward enemy bunker. Alternately, walkers can be used to destroy the DMZ AA emplacements allowing aircraft from both factions to assault the forward bunkers. Once a forward bunker is destroyed the players can advance toward the second line bunkers.


    Stage 2 - Second Line bunkers will one-shot approaching walkers and are partially defended by the main AA emplacement. Attacking players must control both bunkers to kill the force field allowing them to advance; defending players can recapture either bunker which will reengage the force field cutting off the attackers from their reinforcements. Attackers can spend commendations to acquire up to 5 battle droids per enemy second line bunker (total of 10 droids per faction) who will march from the LZ to the captured bunkers to hold them against recapture. Defenders can kill the droids en route or kill them at the bunker (they will be tougher when at the bunker). If the defenders recapture a bunker while the droids were on their way, the droids will stop wherever they are and wait for the attackers to recapture to continue marching. Players can respawn at their own base, their own forward bunker (if it still stands). Respawning at their own base allows them to take speeders to any bunker they control (including hostile bunkers that the attackers have captured).


    Stage 3 - While the attackers control both enemy second line bunkers, they can attempt to destroy the defenders' AA gun with the use of walkers or bombs (bombs can be acquired from either the attackers own LZ or from the enemy LZ. They cannot capture the enemy LZ. Once the AA gun has been destroyed, attacker aircraft can begin bombing the shield generator. Once the shields fall, the attackers can assault the defenders' walls.


    Stage 4 - Walkers and bombs can be used to destroy the walls of the defenders' base. The defenders can use missile turrets to target walkers or ground forces to target bomb planters. Once the walls fall, the attackers must cross a courtyard filled with cryomines to reach the Communications Array at which point they are victorious. Upon victory, both sides receive Warzone Commendations, Valor, and Credits (obviously the winners receive more). The losing faction is returned to their factions’ main Illum base (not in the warfront area) and the winners gain access to a “cleanup” period that allows them to acquire salvage nodes that can be traded for a variety of PvP related items (including commendations, mods, consumables, etc.). This cleanup period lasts for 1 hour at which point the warfront is reset.


    To prevent farming when the enemy faction is not present, if no PvP activity is detected for a period of more than 15 minutes both sides receive a warning that they are approaching a “Cold War”. If another 10 minutes pass and no PvP is detected then the warfront will reset and no awards will be provided if the first stage is not complete. If the first stage is complete, both sides will “lose” but will receive a small amount of awards (comms and credits).


    I should point out that both sides are strongly encouraged to engage in both offense and defense during the fight. Failure to do so will ALWAYS result in a loss.

  2. You are fighting a mara/sentinal. There is nothing to do but run. They have a cd that makes them invulnerable for 6 seconds and they hit like a truck. You can try to not fill thier resolve bar and stun them when they use this CD. Not sure about the AoE


    I thought they were immune to stuns when the invulnerability was in effect? Or was that just exaggerated QQ?


    BW Stop deleting posts that are exposing problems in pvp. Those problems that are either Hacks or Exploits. Every time someone posts about them you take the post down as nonconstructive.


    You can't fix the problem if you don't know about it. By failing to acknowlege these problems that have been identified by multiple players over multiple servers, you seem to be taking a "put our head in the sand and it will go away" position.


    This is not the case, those people who like to pvp, and those who are hardcore pvp will continue to look to you for fixes to these problems. Should you continue to ignore these posts and not move to immedeatly investigate these problems fixing any you find, this will in the end cause the game to loose subs.


    The problems I am personally aware of are unusal speed, jumps accros the entire maps, bugging or freezing the hut ball so the other team cannot get it, insta arm of the doors in void star.


    This may not be an all inclusive list as other players may have experienced other bugs/hacks. No one is sure right now which they are, at least no one I know.


    So my word of the day is "STOP", stop making it look like you are trying to hide what is happening and lets get an inclusive list of what players are actually experiencing in pvp that is causing us the players problems, then you can work to fix those no matter if they are bugs or hacks.


    If you post about a hack or an exploit on the forums then you are telling people HOW to hack or exploit... I'm sure you can see how that is counterproductive?


    If you see a hack or an exploit you need to report it IN GAME.


    This is not the correct medium to report hacks and exploits and that is why the posts are removed.

  3. A healer should NOT be able to survive indefinitely against a DPSer. That's insane.


    ... said the DPSer.



    Again, if Healing and DPS are actually balanced then the formula would be as simple as x - y = 0 where x is DPS and y is HPS. In that situation, no matter how long the fight lasts no side would ever gain the advantage. The DPS would hurt the healer and the healer would heal himself reverting both sides back to square 1.


    That is balance, and that is what DPS players do not want.

  4. Nice logic, except you are forgetting the fact that healers can do damage as well as heal. Sure, it may not be much, but in the scenario you are trying to use, the "healer" would eventually win because not only could he heal himself, he can do enough damage to eventually kill the DPSer. No 1v1 fight should last indefinitely, except maybe a healer vs healer...lol


    My logic is flawless, you are the one who is using an incorrect assumption. Healers who are doing damage are not being locked down, they are freecasting. If a DPS is attacking a healer and the healer is perfectly balanced for the DPS + interrupts, the healer will have no free GCDs to use damaging abilities but will need to use every single GCD to either heal themselves or flee. That is perfect balance, which is what I was talking about. If the DPS is allowing the healer to both heal himself AND damage him, then either the healer is not balanced or the DPS is just really bad.


    My point still stands, perfect balance is achieved between DPS and Healing when a 1v1 situation results in a fight of infinite length (assuming equal skill and gear). In a 1v1 situation the following rule applies:

    If a DPS can outdamage healing then DPS is OP. If a Healer can outheal DPS then healing is OP.

  5. A DPS is supposed to kill. A healer is supposed to prevent killing. A 1v1 fight between a healer and a DPS (of equal skill and gear) should never end. The DPS should be completely countered by the Healing and the Healing should be completely countered by the DPS leading to a fight of infinite length.


    If you are a DPS, your job is not to kill a healer, it is to lock him down in a fight of infinite length until such time as he either flees the fight or reinforcements arrive for one of you.


    That would be the way to correctly balance DPS and healing, however, that design would not be popular with most DPS players as they all believe themselves to be the illegitimate children of John Rambo and Master Chief.

  6. I'd be ok with the removal of auto-facing on the following conditions:


    1. Characters can now body block enemy players (i.e. you cannot pass through an enemy character model).


    2. Stealth Detection is added to all players that allows you to detect a stealthed player who is in front of you.


    3. Abilities that are casted or channelled require proper facing to activate; losing proper facing during the cast or channel will not cancel the ability.

  7. Are you dropping your sub due to this new 1.2 fiasco to WZ?


    A lot of my guild has rage quit since the first day and I don't think they are coming back.


    I don't like the new rewards and I intend to drop my sub as well.


    Are you gonna drop your sub too?


    Let BioWare know with this thread.


    I play MMOs in order to play with my real life friends who have moved all over the US (and some are stationed in other countries). My subscription status is directly tied to theirs. They all quit WoW, so I quit WoW. I talked them all into signing up here on SWTOR and I will stay as long as they do.


    If the changes BW makes, for good or for bad, cause my friends to leave, I will follow.

  8. I dont see how i enforce my gameplay on you, i pay the same sub hence **** enforcing your gameplay on me.


    Every MMO does these kind of events at some point. Like I said, either appreciate the fact that it is happening to everyone and thus you are not being unfairly impacted or take a break until the event is over.

  9. You still get commendations and valor so you'll eventually get more gear. Not much anyone can do about the imp/rep ratio on the server though.


    It would actually be pretty easy to implement faction throttling, but that would be unpopular so no one does it.



    By "server throttling" I mean that the character creation page would prevent you from creating a Imperial if the Imperial population is x% more than the Republic or vice versa.

  10. How hard can it be to implement stuff that doesnt break core mechanics of your classes?


    Everyone who is infected by the new funny event plague automatically gets thrown out of stealth. Fun indeed.


    It's pretty hard to be sneaky while you are vomiting.


    It's a one time event, if you can't enjoy it for what it is you should try going outside for a few days.

  11. I have seen Sorcs and Mercs (or the Rep counterpart) that still outheal me at times, so off course I will take everything with a grain of salt. :-) I just wanted to show my sympathy to people that didn't really had to work pre 1.2, but now they do.


    I have worked my butt of learning to play with my Agent, and they need to bring on big nerves before I really think I can't do my job.


    As I said, turning 3 players into 5 players via healing, that's my job. If the receivers can't use that bonus well, that's not my fault. If I can't make that transformation, it's my fault... simple as that.


    I can still top the chart on healing done with my Sorcerer but the problem is that if you have less than 50% health, it doesn't matter how many Sorcerers are on your team they aren't going to get a heal off in time to save you thanks to the long cast times that we used to be able to shorten through Bending. If I can keep all my allies at 80% and higher we live forever (so long as no one focuses me or if I have a tank protector). If they start to drop below 80% then it is basically a turtle until I run out of force and my friends quickly die.

  12. You can't, but OP doesn't know that s/he is imperial player, so s/he hasn't to worry about that.


    If you can't get the minimum number of medals to get credit why stay? Just leave at that point.



    To be fair though, I have never actually been in a Warzone against the Republic where they had less than the full 8. Granted, the vast majority of the time I'm in Huttball (now Voidstar and Novare too) against other Imperials, but I have yet to witness the oft cited 3 v 8

  13. This again?


    Expertise gives healers a huge boost compared to DPS.


    Expertise may give healing a bigger percentage, however healing overall was nerfed and is subject to trauma while DPS was buffed leading to a net DPS gain over healing.


    Plus the Sorcerer healer dynamic has changed and healing output has plummeted as a result, and that's when freecasting. If you have a DPS on you you can't get a single heal off.

  14. To fix class in balance the people who got nerfed need to reroll a class that didnt. I play a sage ( Full BM & Rakata) and i am rerolling a sentinel. So if you are unhappy with your class and you havent unsub'd yet you got two choices. Reroll or SUCK IT UP. Btw if you all reroll they will nerf the sents and the vanguards etc because there are so many of them face rolling the people who didnt change, then you go back to your sage and watch all these people cry about how there class got nerfed.


    Or unsub. That is also an option.


    You have to remember that people pay a monthly subscription in order to have fun. If the playstyle they most enjoy is no longer viable then it is also no longer fun. Intelligent people will do a cost-benefit analysis and realize that they are paying the same amount of money for something that has become less fun. If they can rationalize the cost as still being reasonable then they will reroll or "suck it up". If they cannot rationalize the cost as still being reasonable they will just stop paying.

  15. WHAT! ^


    I stopped and about threw-up in my mouth, I can't believe someone with a brain can actually say that with a straight face.


    Let me guess you think a healer staying alive is not a threat when it comes to winning Warzones?


    I am laughing sooo hard right now.


    When a healer cannot keep a friendly DPS alive in a 2v1 scenario then the healer is not a threat. The enemy DPS will simply kill the friendly DPS and then kill the healer.


    These changes have made it difficult (but not impossible) to keep a friendly alive in a 2v1 scenario. These changes have, however, made it impossible to keep a friendly alive in a 2v2 scenario. This means that the side with 2 DPS will always beat the side with 1 DPS and 1 Healer, regardless of the kill order. That means Healers are no longer a threat.


    Sure, you are still going to get focused for a bit until people learn the new meta, but once they do you are quickly going to lose your spot on a premade.


    Have fun getting stomped in your solo queue.

  16. Going forward, Healers are actually a hinderance to your team.


    Pre 1.2 Healers contributed the following:

    1. They provided a primary target for the other team to focus which allowed your team to strategize around them.

    2. They provided healing to their teammates allowing them to survive encounters with enemy players.

    3. They provided a distraction by being able to "run away" and have several enemy players follow them allowing their team to complete objectives with less enemy interference.


    Post 1.2, the items above changed:

    1. Healers are no longer a primary target as they do not pose a threat to enemy DPS whatsoever. Further, healers now die faster so even if the other team does waste their time focusing the healer that focus will last all of 2 GCDs.

    2. The healing output has been reduced to the point where a healer can no longer support any of their DPS who are engaged. Their only job now is to top off players who survive the cluster-****.

    3. As they are no longer important, they will no longer be able to pull any enemy players away from the objective zone eliminating their ability to be a distraction.


    There are no tactical or strategic advantages to playing a healer in PvP going forward. Good teams may keep one around for some utility, but most teams will drop tanks and healers (that's right tanks, your usefulness is highly dependent upon having a healer) and run 4 man DPS squads. COD, here we come.

  17. Conclusion: If you are still in the same spec and mash the same buttons to try and do the same job as before, you will never succeed. The changes were intended to stop easy-mode healing...those that can and do put a bit more thought into it now, are still able to do well.


    Stopping easy mode healing would have been as simple as either a small increase in force cost or the moving of the cost-reducing talents to a higher point in the lightning tree.


    Forcing players of certain spec to completely change the way they have been playing since launch is bad. That's how you get people to stop playing. I learned to play a Sorcerer Healer and now I can't play one anymore. My only option now is to learn how to play a whole new class because even if I stick with my level 50 sorcerer and keep him a healer (I won't, there is no point to being a healer now) I still have to learn a completely new way to play him.


    Give it about 2 weeks and you will see a massive drop off in the number of healers in Warzones. When you combine being marked/focused with already low survivability and now reduced healing AND worse force efficiency the message is pretty clear. Sorcerers are not intended to heal.

  18. Rewards for pvp should be nonmaterial. However, since they had to implement pvp gear, even losers should be decently rewarded or the problem will compound on itself.


    If they insist on pvp rewards, it should be with gimmicky stuff. Titles, rankings, auras, cosmetic gear, etc.


    Furthermore, when ratings come out, they truly need to find a way to funnel the same ranks together moreso than just put people together and vary the increase/decrease in ranking due to who kills who. A person may not like being among the bottom 2% of the game in pvp, but if they are with the other 2% the games should be close and well, entertaining.


    Blizzard proved that it is more profitable to strip out all the actual PvP from PvP and instead run a PvE gear treadmill (essentially, Character versus Character).


    Now most MMO developers simply copy the profitable but non-competitive model of WoW. This game included.

  19. For you guys that don't play Sages and are thinking they didnt release this too early I offer you this little tidbit that few people seem to talk about....


    With endurance buff, endurance stim, augments, and WH gear I will be at about 19000 hitpoints. At this point when I use my "noble sacrifice/consumption" spell, to get mana when I'm out of it it, will cost me 2850 hitpoints and I will get 48 force back. Usually it's 40 back but I have an extra 100 force I talented.


    The Dark Heal/Benevolence spell, the new core heal since our big heal is easily interuptable, costs 50 force and heals for about 3000 when it CRITS. To cast my "noble sacrifice/consumption" I have to first cast my channeled heal which heals for 1800 uncritted over 3 seconds and a GCD for a cost of 40.


    So the way my 8 talented mana regen abilty will now work in full rotation is I spend 90 mana get 48 back.. I spend 2850 health and get 4800. Only thing is it's cost me close 6 seconds to do this.


    I could just not spend those 8 talent points somewhere else and when I'm out of mana sucide in the fire in Huttball and be better off. :D


    Not a bad idea. I haven't had a chance to test anything yet, but the patch notes do suggest that it may possibly be more efficient to respawn rather than regen.

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