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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Quick questions for everyone who is experiencing the "no update" issue:


    Did your launcher actually download a patch when you started it up?


    Did you pick up the quest before or after the patch was downloaded?

  2. Sorry mate, i don't think that this will happen sometime in the near future. A Race is difficult to handle. (A fight won't be so difficult.)


    There is a simple reason, the server and their positioning routine. Check the following:

    - go stick on a friend an let him run a few meters

    - ask him at what range he can see you

    - compare this range with yours you see


    If you cross the finish line an see you are the winner and someone is right behind you, he may see himself as winner. Positioning, sad but true.

    (Ask some former LotrO players if they know the reason why Turbine drop the horse races)


    In Swoop Bike racing you post a time and it gets compared to the times of others. One bike on the track at a time.

  3. Consider WoW:

    Fact 1: The Hunter is the most played class in the game (around 16% of all characters).

    Fact 2: The Hunter has the highest representation in Battlegrounds as a result of Fact 1 (around 16%).

    Fact 3: The Hunter is also the least represented in high end PvP (around 2%) as it is bugged and underpowered.


    Just because you see a lot of one class it does not mean that the class is OP or UP. In fact, it has no bearing whatsoever.


    If you want to make a claim that a class is OP, you need to present RELEVANT data.

  4. So 90% of the games have 5+ Sorcs in them, when are you going to nerf the **** out of this class already?


    As soon as you provide scientific evidence that population in Warzones has a causative relationship with imbalance instead of a perceived correlative relationship based on anecdotes provided by players with confirmation bias.

  5. A rage quit is when you are so emotionally upset that you declare you will never play again. If you are really impaired, you will log onto the forums and berate the game and its developers because you didn't enjoy X. After you calm down you realize you were just being hyperbolic and return to the game.


    What you described follows a degree of logical progression and is therefore never performed by rage quitters as their emotions cloud their judgement. Instead, the people doing what you described are those who have taken a logical inventory of their time investment to enjoyment ratio and decided that they are going to look elsewhere.

  6. Why dont we just get rid of gear and make everyone play naked? thatd be fair right?


    its a bloody mmo you have to reward the people who put more time in or theres no point to playing. If you want to compete in a perfectly fair environment go play counter strike or something


    PvP is not MMO, it is restricted to 8v8.


    The only way to balance 8v8 is to remove stats and let player skill determine outcomes instead of gear.


    If you want PvP rewards, then you should get titles, mounts, cosmetic gear, etc. Nothing that will impact the PvP.

  7. I like these ideas even more, however they seem like they would make the game a good deal less accessible (particularly your last rule) also the different ACs of the varied classes are actually pretty dramatically different so limiting the "one of X only" to class rather than AC strikes me as somewhat arbitrary.


    Well, we are free to debate the merits of either method. As I said, I was trying to prevent "FOTM Roulette" and that seemed like the best way to do it.

  8. Expertise is not the root of the problem, it is merely a symptom.


    The real problem is that there is no PvP. What we have is CvC (Character versus Character) where stats determine the outcome. Some moron at some other MMO company some time in the past decided that the best way to make a PvP system was to take their current PvE system and let the characters fight each other. Then another moron decided that system didn't work very well so they felt the best way to fix their broken "PvE pretending to be PvP" system was to add more PvE to it (in the form of a "PvP stat"). Now everyone copies that method because it is easier than changing it, plus most gamers have been conditioned into believing that PvP Progression is a good thing.


    If you want a true PvP game in your MMO, you need to realize that there cannot be any aspect of PvE in the PvP. No character can be inherently better than any other character of the same class, and that while filling thier role, every class cannot be better than any other class. When the outcome is determined solely by player skill and all stats (and other PvE elements) are completely removed, only then will you have PvP.

  9. I'll state my position again:


    I will accept Arena on the following conditions:


    1. No gear can be obtained solely through arena that is in any statistical way superior to gear obtained through regular PvP (mounts, titles, etc. are fine as unique rewards).

    2. All arena teams must be 4 person teams (no pointless brackets which make balancing harder).

    3. All arena teams are required to use one of each base class (i.e. no team can have two of anything which will eliminate a lot of the "FOTM Roulette" of WoW's system).

  10. So you're saying if I have the ball, and there's a Powertech on the ledge I should...run back and forth like some kind of idiot until he gets bored of waiting for me to score?


    I'm saying you stun him, wait 10 seconds for the force field to close, pass to a friendly who is already across the line, or run to the corner to score.


    You have options, dying is the only dumb one.

  11. I mentioned this in another thread, but I'll say it here too.


    I will only support "arena" PvP as long as the following criteria are met:

    1. You cannot obtain gear that is statistically superior to gear obtained through warzones (Arena gear that looks different is fine).

    2. All teams are 4 person (no 2v2 or 3v3).

    3. All teams must have one of each base class (Warrior, Inquisitor, Agent, and Bounty Hunter for the Sith, for example).


    These rules will make Arena easier to balance so that we can achieve actual competitive play instead of the FOTM roulette that occurs in WoW.

  12. I got jumped by a few Republic players (not at once, several different incidents) while leveling on Alderaan.


    I couldn't help but notice that all of them made the same mistake of trying to kill my tanking companion while I (a Sith Sorcerer) simply stood back and turreted them.

  13. People have offered plenty of evidence that what you say is not true, whatever their intentions, we do know population balance would have been more evenly distributed if classes truly mirrored each other offering only cosmetic differences.


    No, that is incorrect. They could have designed the Republic classes to be superior to their Imperial counterparts and the Republic would STILL be underpopulated because the Dark Side is cool and the Light is boring.


    They try to jazz it up to get people to play, but the fact of the matter is that throwing lightning and force choke will beat everything the jedi can muster combined.


    Frankly, the only even remotely cool class on the Republic side is the Smuggler because you can at least pretend to be Han Solo.

  14. In the strictest definition of what is PvP (Player vs Player), WoW and SWTOR has PvP. You may not like it, but you can't change the definition of it just because of your dissatisfaction.


    You are incorrect. By the strict definition neither game has any PvP because at no point are players fighting other players. Take it a step further into the connotative realm and you are still incorrect as neither game has a competitive mode where the player's skill is the primary determinator of the outcome.


    I'm not changing any definitions... lazy developers are trying to call their poorly implemented Character versus Character PvP.

  15. I just wanted to throw in a little factoid for comparison since WoW was brought up:


    I participated in a world PvP event on my WoW server last year. It was 40 Alliance versus between 60-70 Horde and the moment we started using our abilities the server lag spiked to over 3 minutes before it finally crashed and we had to wait about 30 minutes before it came back online.


    MMO engines are really not designed to transmit the necessary data for large scale PvP as they are sending excessive amounts of player data that enriches the PvE experience but only serves to clog the pipes when PvP is active.


    I really wish that they would just stop offering MMO PvP since their engines can't handle it and none of them really know how to implement it in a balanced format anyway.

  16. The point of MMO PvP is to desensitize you to the mind-numbing effect of grinding until you actually believe that getting better gear not only makes you better at PvP, but also is the ultimate form of reward.


    If you want real PvP you have to strip all of the RPG aspects out of it and make it my skill bar versus your skill bar.

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