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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Resolve is broken, CC's are out of control.

    That sounds like an opinion...

    CC's have driven more players away from this game than Ilum did.

    That sounds like an unfounded opinion...

    Resolve is broken because it doesn't do what it's EXPECTED to do. I don't give a crap about how it's programmed, it's about how it's expected to work by the masses, and THAT is where Resolve fails.

    This is definitely an opinion, but a reasonable one.


    Your point then is that Resolve should be explained more clearly in order to correct the misconceptions that the masses may have regarding its functionality? That is a position I can agree with. That is also the goal of the Resolve Values thread on this same board.

    Resolve SHOULD have been a mechanic that limited CCs impact on PvP. Instead, it's as much of a frustration as the freaking CC's are.

    Resolve IS a mechanic that limits the impact of CCs on you. It is a tool, and it does require knowledge to use correctly.

  2. Always depends on the battle-composition...as a melee( especially marauder) Sorcerers are the most op class for you ( talkin´ bout bubble, catwalk knockdown, bubble), while I think marauders extremely hard to kill as a mercenary....but overall I think the sorcerer has the most tools, so I would say they are most op (and annoying...damn, every freakin idiot plays them)


    I'm sorry, but did you just say that Sorcerers are the most OP class from a Maurader's point of view?


    You are aware that OP stands for "Over Powered" not "Free Kill", right?


    The ability to use terrain to escape does not make a class over powered. Sorcerers are skirmishers. If you focus them they HAVE to run away or else they almost immediately die.

  3. What we need is Diminishing Returns not resolve resolve is a joke where diminishing return is not we need something the will make it so you cant spam me till i'm whitebar whit cc


    Are you aware that you actually submitted that? Like, for other people to see?


    DR is utter garbage. It is a lazy developer's way to remove skill from the CC meta-game and implement an automatic system that rewards CC spamming and actually prevents intelligent use of CC and CC Breakers.


    Resolve is vastly superior from both an offensive and defensive perspective. If you don't see that, then I suggest you leave this thread and find the "Resolve Values" thread (by the same thread creator) and learn about how Resolve actually works.


    Once you know how to use Resolve you will have absolutely no reason to ever want DR ever again (unless you are one of those "PvP" guys who prefers to have gear determine the outcome instead of skill, also known as a handicapped PvE player).

  4. This statement is true. However, There is no L2P when you use your cc break and 15 sec later you are right back to the same place with no CC break because it is on a 2 min cooldown, and the only time you see your resolve bar ticking away is while you are in the respawn area.


    Either reduce the CC break cooldown alot or give DR on them. I also do not understand why snare/roots do not add to the resolve bar makes no sense to me. If the slow or stop you the should add to your RB.


    I do believe that your CC break should have it's CD reset when you die, but DR is just a lazy design that requires no skill to use (hence why it is in WoW "PvP").


    I would be ok with roots adding 100 resolve per second, but snares would cause CC immunity too quickly as they get automatically applied with too many abilities.

  5. Resolve isnt broken... the whole Resolve mechanic is


    The Resolve mechanic is superior to any other anti-CC system I've ever experienced.


    Unlike most systems that are automatically applied without any user input, Resolve requires a degree of knowledge and skill to use effectively.


    This is one of those rare cases where, without video evidence to the contrary, the system works perfectly. If you aren't getting the results you want, L2P.

  6. I agree.


    It's frustrating to get stunned, rooted, snared, etc.. and blow your only ability to break said CC, only to be CCed instantly right afterwards. 3 second immunities would help tremendously!


    Rule #1: Do not use your break until your Resolve bar is white.

    There are no corollaries or exceptions to this rule. Period.

  7. DPS equals Damage Per Second. period.

    DPS does not equal Damage Per Second while fighting.


    If a match lasted 15 seconds, you would see that perhaps most DPS focused classes would probably do more damage in those 15 seconds than a tank class would. But the match lasts for 15 minutes. Therefore, if a tank does 500k damage and a DPS class does 100k, well, then the tank did more DPS FOR THE MATCH than the DPS class.


    By your reasoning, only the actual fighting counts, but that's not correct. Lets say the match lasted 15 seconds but during those 15 seconds the DPS class was stunned for 6 seconds. Lets say that the Tank was not stunned and did more damage than the DPS class. The tank ends the match doing more Damage Per Second than the DPS class did. Or should we not count the time that the DPS class was stunned???


    There are many factors, but I think the original poster was saying that Tank classes do more DPS than DPS classes do... and this is sometimes true in Warzones.


    In theory, a DPS class does more DPS, but again, in practice (warzones) it turns out that Tank classes can do more DPS. Or more accurately, the tanks do more damage per warzone, which in effect is saying damage over a period of time.... which is once again damage per second when you get down to it.


    Again, more DPS, does not necessarily mean that one class is better than another. I have seen plenty of Warzone screens showing the highest DPS on the loosing side.


    I suppose the question would be that if you had a group of tanks vs a group of DPS classes, who would win?


    So you are asserting that a Ferrari can only drive 14 MPH?

    That is factually incorrect.


    DPS is a measure of what a class can do while damaging. It is not Total Damage / Total Time it is a measure of Damage / Time Spent Damaging.

  8. you just define your own maths then, see who follows.

    Your car example is just the same. Your prius will have a higher mph on a really long track then the ferrari if it really runs out of fuel that quickly. Of course the ferrari has a much higher top speed and much higher accelleration. But which has the higher miles per hour depends entirely on the track length then. Actually in your example, the ferrari will lose any of the races, because it can't reach the finishing line, which is amusing.


    If you want to measure the efficiency of a class in a warzone, of course you have to factor in the time during which the one class does absolutely nothing! A dead damage dealer doesn't contribute anything to the fight. He better be damn effective whilst alive to make up for being dead so much. Usually, though, glas cannons aren't so efficient, hence most damage classes go for some survivability, too, to increase their uptime in battle.

    So yes. It is important to consider all of that and not just look at the burst capability.


    And don't you ever look down on people defending empty nodes. Nothing's worse than losing a node that is not defended, because the defender wants to get some kills too.


    I'm not sure if you are just uneducated or are trolling me at this point...


    I'm not "defining my own math", I'm giving a pretty clear example of a real world analogy in an attempt to help you understand why you are incorrect. You need to use the correct terminology in order to engage in intelligent debate. I have explained how to use the terminology correctly and you are insisting that I am wrong while everyone else is clearly agreeing with me. That means that even if I was wrong, everyone else is also wrong so you would need to start being wrong in order for everyone else to understand what you are trying to say.


    DPS is a measure of damage per second while doing damage. Average DPS is a useless stat derived from your method of taking the arbitrary length of the match and dividing the useless damage done value by it. This is a completely useless stat since it relies upon the completely useless damage done stat and the completely useless length of time value.

  9. Being interrupted 10 times in a row isnt really all that fun. Interrupts for healers are just as devastating as knockbacks for melees. You cant separate between softCCs in this way. This needs to be fixed. And while youre at it, include snares and roots. Not that I really care about those since I neither have them or are all that affected by them, but still.


    If you are being interrupted 10 times in a row then you have at least 10 players attacking you (kind of hard in 8v8, but I digress). Of course if you are lumping CCs into "interrupts" then you are looking at a more realistic number of at least 5 players attacking you.


    In either case, being able to free cast is not only not a reasonable expectation, nor does it have any point. You are about to die very quickly and getting a cast off won't help you in the least.


    I suggest you try having 4 friends to correct this 5v1 situation.

  10. Sadly the developers agree with you. No, Not being able to Play the game you are trying to Play is not what PvP is about.


    PvP is not about damage it is about controlling your opponent so you can complete the objective.


    CC stands for "Crowd Control" (or "Character Control" in some rare contexts). Control being the key word there.


    See where I'm going with this?

  11. Your right, I forgot everything in SWTOR was running perfectly with no bugs, and that different players experience this while some dont.


    Resolve is working correctly. If you have a video containing evidence to the contrary you should post it in the Resolve Challenge thread so that it can be evaluated and bug reports filed. If you do not have a video containing such evidence, please obtain one. If you don't want to or are unable to obtain one, please keep your misinformation to yourself.

  12. U mean shadowball.


    Hutball can as many ppl have pointed out be one of the most fun and competitive WZ out of the three.


    The prob however it suffers the most from class balance.


    Shadows/assasins and Powertechs/vangaurds are gods in the warzone.

    Sages and Sorcs are also very powerful also.


    Unfortunately in hutball "Specific" class balance often trumps skillful play.


    Obviously class balance is important for all org aniseed pvp but not on the level of hutball b/c the hazards favor classes that can exploit them with pulls and grabs.


    I heard a rumor that everyone can throw the huttball... which achieves the exact same result as jumping/pulling/running.


    Just a rumor though, I never actually look at my abilities on my bar because that's for noobs.

  13. But Warzones do not follow the rules of your example. A warzone lasts a set number of seconds. You have that time to damage people. The resulting damage total divided by the time the warzone took is your dps. Time spent dead or running is time spent dealing no damage.

    Also I don't get all the aoe bashing. Damage is damage. It needs to be healed up when it is dealt or people die. If you deal mediocre damage per target, but to multiple targets, it still creates a lot of pressure. If it is dealt to only one target, it usually is easier to heal or avoid/mitigate. AOE, contrary to popular belief, is not bad in warzones.

    There is a place for aoe damage and for single target damage and both is helpful and important. AOEs weaken multiple enemies making it easy for single target dps to alpha strike them down, the more targets weakend, the harder for a healer to react.

    AOE is a utility in pvp like any other utility.


    But, it needs to be said, damage stats are also way overrated in warzones. Not always is the one who deals the most damage the one who helps the team in the warzone effort the best.


    You do not reach DPS by taking the total number of seconds and dividing total damage into it, that is how you reach AVERAGE DPS which is a completely meaningless statistic (just like total damage done). Actual DPS is only measured during active combat. Dead time is not counted. Rez time is not counted. Running to the fight time is not counted. Defending an empty node time is not counted.


    From my car example, the Prius will go 15 hours on one tank of gas which we will call the "match length". The Ferrari will go 1.1 hour on one tank of gas. The Ferrari still goes 210 MPH but its average over the "match length" drops all the way to 14 MPH because it spends 13.9 hours of the drive by the side of the road on empty. Using your method, you would essentially argue that Ferraris can only go 14 MPH which is incorrect. They still go 210 MPH, they just have a lower average over the arbitrary measuring length being imposed (the match length).

  14. Yes and the rate varies due to you being DEAD! It is a 15 minute match. How much damage can you do during the match?


    If it is easier for you guys then simply take 15 times 60. that's the total seconds. Divide your damage by that and that is your DPS for the match.


    If you got dead and had to respawn TOO BAD!!! you suck for dieing and your DPS goes lower for it.


    Jesus Christ why are we not funding schools these days!


    Let me explain this for you:


    Tanks are like a Electric Prius

    DPS are like a Ferrari


    The Ferrari can go 210 MPH (this is the DPS)

    The Prius can go 50 MPH


    The Ferrari gets 15 MPG (this is its "hitpoints")

    The Prius gets 50 MPG

    They both have a 15 gallon gas tank


    The Ferrari can reach 225 miles in 1.1 hour but then dies due to low hitpoints

    The Prius can reach 225 miles in 4.5 hours but still has hitpoints left and keeps going.


    The Ferrari reaches the 225 miles 4 times faster than the Prius because the Ferrari has a higher DPS. The Prius takes 4 times as long as the Ferrari to hit 225 miles, but keeps chugging past 225 miles all the way to 750 since it didn't run out of gas.


    Ergo, the Ferrari can go faster and thus has a higher DPS (rate of damage) while the Prius can go longer and thus has a higher miles traveled (Damage Done).

  15. Ummm you can't do math. Do you know what a fraction is? Do you understand the phrase 'damage per second'? Do you grasp that minutes are made up of seconds? Do you grasp that WZ's have a fixed number of minutes?


    You fail at 1st grade math.


    The OP claims that pure DPS is cheated because hybrid DPS out damage them in WZ's. This is an obvious truth.


    Your failure to understand that doesn't change it. Dead damage classes don't do any damage. That is the crux of the argument. Pure DPS class unable to maintain pure DPS thourhgout a fixed timeframe vs hybrid tank/damage class that can stay alive and do MORe damage in the time frame. That is the complaint. Try to grasp it.


    DPS is only counted while actual damage is being meted out. Time spent in the rez zone and time spent out of combat is NOT included in calculating DPS.


    DPS is a measure of sustained damage during combat. It is a RATE, not a volume. Damage Done is a measure of total damage done. It is a measure of volume, not a rate.

  16. Ok, big whoop, so I havn't taken the time to fraps my resolve bar while I'm perma-stunned in a Voidstar. Forgive me, I'm too busy trying to pretend BW has pvp. The reality is that the end product in pvp is more time in the air going the wrong way, or slumped over with a headache, or on the ground looking like some mut in heat than it is beating someone over the head with a glowstick. When many of us say it needs fixing, it means simply make it viable,give it substance, make it have some meaning. Bottome line, if I am spending that much time in paralysis when it's already fixed, then what the hell were they thinking. I sincerely hope that it is currently broke so we have some stun relief to look forward to.



    The people who say it needs fixing all have one thing in common: they don't understand how it works.


    Once you actually learn how to use Resolve you will find that it is vastly superior to the CC systems in place in other games.

  17. I can't think of any situation, ever, where I'd blow my CC breaker trying to get back to my team because a stealth CCs me.


    "Hey guys, I used my CC breaker so I could get back here just in time to be CCed again!"


    If a team is trying to lock you out of the fight, a good team won't wait until you're there to keep you from it.


    Now we are discussing a group dynamic instead of a 1v1 situation, correct? In that case your group bears responsibility for you while you are CCd and your Break/not Break decision is based on your teamspeak conversation. In the particular situation you described, if you are important to the team dynamic (healer or tank) then they should be moving to you not the other way around. If you are not important to the team dynamic (dps) and they choose not to move to you, then you are not going to be a target for lockdown while in transit. If they do decide to blow a CC on you, you can break it, gain your 15 seconds of immunity and race back to your team. The fact that your breaker will be on CD is now irrelevant because in the group you are no longer a priority target and your team has a purge available.

  18. No, the scenario is absolutely possible. There's a CC from stealth that incapacitates for 11s or so - see the first post for results. While it's white, it drains at 100 per second. See the first post for results. By the time the CC is finished, you have ~400, maybe, maybe 600 resolve left. See the first post for results.


    Is it always plausible? No, but it's certainly possible.


    Maybe you aren't sure how the system works?


    I'm guessing as useful as posting "fact" without all the relevant details - see above if you aren't sure what that is.


    Again, if you save your breaker for when your resolve is white you gain CC immunity. If you get hit with tranq and immediately use your breaker you gain 15 seconds of immunity. Obviously there is no point in eating a tranq since it automatically grants immunity.

  19. I don't think bioware knows. I've seen too many weird things with resolve to be convinced it is working as intended. full whitle resolve and still getting stunned etc. Resolve was just a bad idea. Especially how most CC effects do not affect resolve. it is just a craps shot.


    Do you know how useful anecdotes are for research?

    I'll give you a hint: They aren't


    If you have a video of a CC being applied while the resolve bar is white then by all means, please post a link. We need evidence, not stories.

  20. Arm-chair psychiatrists, you gotta love them. There is something wrong with me because I find fault with what passes for PvP in this game? It means I like PvE better?


    Playing against another player is NOT PvE. It's the reason that I like PvP. AI is predictable and tedious at best. When you are playing against another player, if you try using your PvE rotation, you die very quickly. And why you would liken PvP without an overabundance of disabling CCs as a PvE rotation is a mystery to me.


    I would venture to say you have not really played a game where it is pitting player against player that isn't reliant upon how long you can keep your opponent disabled, hoping you can keep them helpless long enough to kill them.


    In a game where you have to win the other player by strategy and skill based on their ACTIVE participation AND teamwork (which this game's PvP pretty much prevents from happening) in doing the same to you. Yes, it is much harder. But you would rather stun lock someone and kill them so you don't have to learn how to do it. See how I did that?


    The definition of PvP is not exactly relevant to this thread so I'll just state that there is no PvP in this game, it is actually CvC as it is your character's statistics that primarily determines the outcome of any engagement.


    As for your preference, you have pretty clearly defined what you dislike about "PvP". You dislike the fact that it is dynamic and requires actions outside of clicking your attack button. Your ideal PvP scenario is similar to the Napoleonic style of lining everyone up and having them fire until they die. "Strategy" consists of nothing more than facing your opponent.


    CC adds actual tactics to the game. You don't like it because you have to think instead of lining up and getting kills.


    Ergo, you like PvE. You even kind of like "PvP" in this game since it is also just glorified PvE. You just dislike the few skill requirements that actually exist in Warzones.

  21. Or you eat the first one, depending on what it is, have 2-4s of freedom while your resolve bar drains since you're CCed the full duration, then you get CCed again and have to wait for the third CC before using your CC breaker.


    Stellar system.



    And I believe assassins/shadows, scoundrels/ops have a knockdown component that does eat up time. Is that incorrect and should I begin creating tickets every time I'm knocked down?


    Example: I get knocked down with a stun, fills my resolve, I use my CC breaker - I am not immediately responsive to movement or anything else, it takes ~1s for my character to stand back up. Call it lag if you want, but it's the only time I experience such "lag" - go figure.


    Your purple resolve does not drain while you are under the effects of CC, so your scenario is impossible. A more realistic example of what you intended to represent would be:


    You eat a stun for 800 resolve, your resolve when you are free is now still 800 but dropping at a rate of 25/second. In order for it to drop low enough for the second stun to not grant immunity you would need to wait for it to be less than 200 (i.e. you need to lose 625 resolve). 625 / 25 = 25 seconds. Your 2-4 seconds is actually 25 seconds.


    The irony of course is that if you aren't immediately CCd, your period of "effective immunity" is at least 25 seconds. If you are CCd immediately and break it, your period of "effective immunity" is shorter.


    In either case, you reach "effective immunity" faster with Resolve than with any other system out there, you just need to learn how to use it correctly.

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